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/lit/ - Literature

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12294067 No.12294067 [Reply] [Original]

Stack/recent purchases thread. Judge other people’s choice of reading material for fun.

>> No.12294073
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>> No.12294080

i don’t recognise a single name/title. nice

>> No.12294081

Spooky/10, looks fun.

>> No.12294158
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>> No.12294187

Good, it's all shitty genre fiction. But that's not a good thing for >>12294073, it means mass media has melted his brain.

>> No.12294189


>> No.12294195

Extremely feminine thread

>> No.12294199

How many fucking times are you going to post this same stack?

>> No.12294223
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haunted is ok, i don't care if the /lit/ police rape me for saying it

>> No.12294281
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>> No.12294287
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Is that a vaping device?

>> No.12294297

it's a fountain pen, which is measurably more cringe

>> No.12294300
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>> No.12294583
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Huizinga, nice. Too bad historians these days don't combine their knowledge more with writing as he did. Been meaning to write some small semi-historic short story about him.

>> No.12294638
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>> No.12294701
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>> No.12294750
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Jahjah bless bros, all praise to the most high.

>> No.12294797
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I love my stack.

>> No.12294817
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>> No.12294857

Commie or something
How is Dreams of Amputation?
Slightly cringe but I understand where you're coming from
That's enough reading to last you a year, you are not allowed to purchase more books
Incredibly based
"I just discovered drugs"
Based American weird hippy aesthete person

>> No.12295024

based and greenpilled

>> No.12295080

how often do you niggers buy books
do you even read them

>> No.12295093


>> No.12295098


I bought my aunt Children of the Matrix for Christmas.

>> No.12295146

unusual but interesting

>> No.12295161
File: 1.34 MB, 2556x1440, Christmas Stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly if a book doesn't have a big snake or crocodile or something eating folk in it, is it even worth reading?

>> No.12295359

It's getting sad seeing (and contributing) the same reposts to every stack and shelf thread

>> No.12295361

This is literally the second time I have posted this.

>> No.12295373

Thus Were Their Faces-Silvina Ocampo
The Call of Cthulu and Other Weird Stories-HP Lovecraft
Maldoror and Other Poems-Comte Lautreamont
The Story of the Eye-Georges Batailles

Already read some of the stories in the Lovecraft book I just got it since there was a better selection of the Wordsworth one I have.

>> No.12295380

And my second time seeing it, too

>> No.12295535 [SPOILER] 
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>Not recognizing Clive Barker or Thomas Ligotti
Nigga I don't even read fiction and I know who they are, you guys need to pay attention to the world around you. You haven't even seen Hellraiser

>> No.12297209
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>> No.12297262
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This is what I got for christmas. I'm already most of the way through the Reincarnation Blues and partly started on Breakfast of Champions.

>> No.12297296



>> No.12297326
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>> No.12297331

that Earth record is dope. basically their output from Hex to present day has been consistently good

>> No.12297345

Just read what you enjoy. This is cringey beyond belief. There's a threshold and you passed it with this image. This is clearly just self wankery.

>> No.12297361

I understand if the guy is interested in learning but this picture just looks like he got a bunch of theory and philosophy recs from /lit/ without having any background knowledge, and is gonna try and teach himself.

>> No.12297371 [DELETED] 

Gentlemen, the worst opener in the world. By someone who makes millions writing.
>Renowned curator Jacques Saunière staggered through the vaulted archway of the museum's Grand Gallery. He lunged for the nearest painting he could see, a Caravaggio. Grabbing the gilded frame, the seventy-six-year-old man heaved the masterpiece toward himself until it tore from the wall and Saunière collapsed backward in a heap beneath the canvas.

There's about 20 things objectively wrong with this.

>> No.12297376

So you're a white nationalist/racist


>> No.12297378


>> No.12297404
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>> No.12297406

You studying terrorism or IR, anon? Pretty rare to see anyone reading Hoffman outside of an academic context.

>> No.12297412
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Finished top 2 last week, about to finish following 2 this week then moving down.

One chapter a day boyz.

>> No.12297427

Don't listen to the other guy. I like it.

>> No.12297437
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>> No.12297445
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H. Rider Haggard is phenomenal




a truly enlightened individual

>> No.12297448

cool on the Lou Reed biography. You ever listen to any of the VU live bootlegs? They're incredible. Also, Please Kill Me by Legs McNeil has a great section on Lou Reed being an asshole

Some of those look cool but really, Carnegie's self-help bullshit? Only oblivious losers read self-help books because they need someone to tell them what's wrong with them, or to tell them the obvious. Be self-aware my guy.

>> No.12297468

Thanks, ill give it a listen for sure.

Well... Peterson is viral, depression sucks, Tolls has really good introspection on eastern enlightenment & the ego, also when people have caused me to lack my regular when when needing a job, Carnagie's book will come in handy...

Definitely recommend Concious Capitalism for anyone who's interested in ideologies as well.

>> No.12297469

Prove me wrong

>> No.12297605
File: 80 KB, 720x960, 49189262_10210852182421009_695101175086710784_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we get it you smoke weed
monica you can't hide that pot smoker's book on the bottom
I've only read three of the books in this stack, and another one of your books is next in line. Can you guess which?
>hates organized religion
>has healing crystals
I'm jealous of this stack
>the troop
looks like something that will make me paranoid of shutting medicine cabinets
>early greek philosophy
>used used
what did he mean by this?
are you a woman?

here's mine. missing is lotr, white fang, and dune. had all these since I was a kid, except for plato, that's new.

>> No.12297645

>criticizing this much as a newfag
but looks like you got some goodies.

>> No.12297700

which ones do you like, anon?

>> No.12297720
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uh, you could skip on the giver, rats of nimh, and blood of elves (haven't even head of this one). But who knows, maybe I'm just as newfag as you.

>> No.12297749
File: 1.73 MB, 1042x894, Christmas Stack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not pictured: Corpus Hermeticum and The Occult Technology of Power.

I know you're not going to read all that Schopenahuer anon. Decent stack though

Nice. I've got that copy of the Enneads. 9/10 stack right here lads

meme stack. Newfag detected

Cringe and niggerpilled. are you a hotep?

Some good shit and some bad shit. Not sure what to make of this stack.

How is the Mammoth book of Celtic Myths and Legends. I've got in in the mail. Hoping its decent

>> No.12297784

Used stickers I don't want to bother removing, because I would need to buy a product in order to do so without removing parts of the spine.

>> No.12297794
File: 200 KB, 2000x1125, REBjohn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excited to read these

>> No.12297903

have you read part 1 of that Jung? thats part2

>> No.12297966

>how was the mammoth book of celtic myths
if you've read any of the witcher books, you'll like it. there's a lot of "guy did this. he slept for a day and was ready for battle." it's not bad at all, I'm not trying to make it sound bad, either. It's definitely a break if you read a lot of authors who trail on and on with no punctuation, or write in prose.
oh no no I was being sarcastic, referencing "early greek philosophy" and "double used" together
>anime avatar
uh oh...
I've already read these, and I enjoy them.
Rats of nimh was based of the mouse utopia, and the giver was another book about a utopia that the main character doesn't want. I enjoy those types of concepts.

>> No.12297973

Dump Jung, read Lacan.

>> No.12297977

nope, it was my understanding aion was just one volume from a set of many. seems a good summary of his ideas. haven't read it yet.

>> No.12297983
File: 31 KB, 614x614, apubigthink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why should i do that anon

>> No.12297998

dump Jung and Lacan, read Freud

>> No.12298004
File: 31 KB, 755x708, apubrillian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why should i do that anon

>> No.12298007

because Jung is a new age sophist faggot

>> No.12298008

fuck you

>> No.12298015

Freud leads to Lacan though.

>> No.12298017

archetypes and the collective unconscious is part 1 of that volume - its either volume 6 or 9- im readin it right now. Not sure you need to read part 1 but its been great in my opinion. but i want to learn about the archetypes

>> No.12298031
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Picked these up at a charity booksale last month.

>> No.12298034
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>> No.12298052

thanks for the recommendation anon. i've read man and his symbols, gnostic jung, various campbell, and some of jung's students. i think i've covered those subjects well already. looking forward to jung's own words on the shadow.

very nice choices anon

that muir looks interesting

>> No.12298173

>Smoking pussy sticks

>> No.12298177


>> No.12298179

no problem. Part 1 is where youll find her

>> No.12298210

only if you drink the Lacan koolaid

>> No.12298240

breakfast of champions is fun

>> No.12298254

ok. the good stuff kind of balances the shit


>> No.12298258

Nice haul. You have eclectic tastes anon.

>> No.12298373

/egocentric bias

>> No.12298377


>> No.12298395

not-based and asspilled

>> No.12298413

Thanks friends. Glad to see all /lit/izens aren't like this douche. >>12298254

>> No.12298434

Sideways pics only got one review.

[And it was pleasant to read.]

>> No.12298436

haha missed me bitch

>> No.12298442
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>> No.12298453

fucking B A S E D

>> No.12298460

...did... did you photoshop those loebs into your stack? why is the background mspainted away?

>> No.12298465


He's the Soulja Boy Game Console Salesman equivalent to /lit/

>> No.12298466

i don't know what you're talking about friend.

>> No.12298593

I study both, yeah. I got that one from a professor when I was still in school, I'm rereading it

>> No.12298600

what's that little white book on the left?

>> No.12298611

A journal

>> No.12298741

>stand on zanzibar
>the diamond age
>lucifer's hammer (kinda pleb but it's still good)
kinda based desu

>> No.12298857

Based John Donne poster

>> No.12298865

Absolutely disgusting opinion, anon

>> No.12298870

That opinion is downright satanic.

>> No.12298880

>Myth of the 20th Century
Nice, I'm going to get M20C eventually, where should I start with Heidegger though?

>> No.12298914

I've been told to start with the Essence of Truth and Building, Dwelling, Thinking then reading whatever else you like but leaving Being and Time for last. I tried to read Being and Time a couple of months ago but I was too much of a brainlet then.

>> No.12299049

>Become Cliterate

>> No.12299057

Kek. I didn't even notice that.

>> No.12299060

Wtf are you talking about anon? Some people genuinely enjoy nonfiction/learning as much as they can. Stop being an autist, develop a more robust theory of mind, and realize that this is a perfectly legitimste stack, and actually a pretty good one.

Personally I read textbooks, monographs, and anthologies for fun. Most academically inclined people do.

>> No.12299086

Alright, cool. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be ready to tackle Heidegger desu

>> No.12299172
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hoping to get through the fiction before the semester starts

>> No.12300233
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>> No.12300499


Weaveworld is great, fuck the police.

Also, on Dec. 31st I'll make a stack thread for what I've actually read this year, so I can be judged on my actual merits instead of what is basically Consumerist Virtue Signalling: Snob edition.