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/lit/ - Literature

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12273969 No.12273969 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically how are we going to conserve and protect the canon lads - if affirmative action can penetrate to medical school then surely 'subjective artistic taste' will be an easy target?

The universities are full of ressentiment-fueled parasites just waiting to avenge themselves upon the literary bedrock of western civilization - what is to be done?

>> No.12273971
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Plato was a black man and your daughter is going to fuck black men, deal with it.

>> No.12273996

This entire convo is dumb. The people who attack the canon arent seriously respected academics, they are dumbshit post grads with "edgy" opinions. They arent going to get into power, or if they do they will have to tone down their anger, your Shakespeare isnt going anywhere

>> No.12274005

Or in this case nonwhites who we should seek to relocate away from white nations so they are no longer subjected to white culture.

>> No.12274016


This crap is always American in origin. What is funny about it is that Black Americans are just that Americans. Which is the great irony of black consciousness they have to be conscious of their difference because they have no real identity.

>> No.12274017

America should be white though

>> No.12274019

America have unironically never been white. Especially not when considering the literary canon.

>> No.12274020


>> No.12274027

America was alwasy 85%+ of the population, and it should never have dropped below that. Imagine the incoming carnage as America steps down as the imperial power and China, Russia and India steps up to the plate.

Our only saviour right now is an EU army unironically

>> No.12274029

Blacks are not Americans, they're Africans.

America was white from the beginning. It's a made up post 1965 jewish narrative that claims otherwise.

>> No.12274035

>Our only saviour right now is an EU army unironically
What are you nuts? The kikes in Brussels would staff it with arabs and africans and use it against Europeans.

>> No.12274045
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No they would staff it with working class whites who need salary + benefits so they can have them slaughtered in some middle eastern backyard shithole and clear room for their diverse replacements

>> No.12274055
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these fucking brainlets

>> No.12274056

As an African I am offended at that idea. Black Americans aren't African by any measure, unless of course they are recent immigrants. There is a reason Black Immigrant Africans consider Black Americans to be lazy and good for nothing.

I mean take for example, Black Panther, what part of it was African? It wasnt set in Africa, but in a fictionalised imagined Africa, the evil they fought was American not African, in essence it took from Africans our right to be shitty to one another, and replaced it with abstraction. I mean they fail to mention the fact that both the main characters, being millennials, would have grown up around the time of the Rwandan Genocide, which mind you is meant to have taken place on Wakanda's border, instead focusing on stupid shit like Oakland. Like why the hell to they ignore the FUCKING GENOCIDE THAT THE WAKANDANS DID NOTHING ABOUT TO FOCUS ON A SLIGHTLY SHITTY CHILDHOOD???!?!??!!?!?!

>> No.12274070

As an African you shouldn't be here, first of all. But the days of a civic American identity is over. We're sorry jews brought you here and used you as their shock troops against whites. Please bear with us while we remove schlomo then we'll try to get you back to your home continent in a peaceful and orderly fashion.

>> No.12274075

Fuck me this is just bait isnt it

>> No.12274082


i am not against the multitude being properly represented in literature but it's very important to keep the standards up... there is no place for "quota" in this game: either you bring it or you don't. black writer just showing up with a character who is a black woman shoudln't cut it in itself... but waht is OP's pic talk about anyway, about value but in regard to being popular, relatable... is that all there is?

>> No.12274089
File: 79 KB, 840x544, 1521641833485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If America was meant to be white, it would be written into law. "White" is also a cultural term that has been continuously altered to include more groups over time (i.e. Irish and Italians), particularly after WWII. Wake the fuck up and realize that being white is arbitrary in regards to culture.

>> No.12274099

>the white race does not exist
שלום רב

>> No.12274101

>tfw they will soon make robots that will automatically change all descriptions of characters in literature
>all movie actors in history will be painted black
>all kiss scenes will be made gay
>the word 'man' will be replaced with 'nigga'
>everyone will call each other nigga
>even the women, everyone is a nigga
>a gay nigga
>sex changes will be mandatory so it will make no sense to be a man or a woman
>multi-gendered niggas everywhere
>in all of time and space, tranny niggas

>> No.12274107

>>being white is arbitrary in regards to culture
>the white race does not exist
not the same

>> No.12274113

>If America was meant to be white, it would be written into law.
It was, dumbfuck.

>> No.12274118

>"realize that being white is arbitrary in regards to culture."
>acknowledging the white race is a real thing

>> No.12274120


that big data revision project will be sponsored by the corporations owning those intellectual properties, not for "social justice" but to safely multiply their income streams for free.

>> No.12274121

>If America was meant to be white, it would be written into law
What is Liberia for 500 please? The founders of the US made it clear it was a nation meant for Europeans (and they specifically wanted northwestern europeans).

>"White" is also a cultural term that has been continuously altered to include more groups over time (i.e. Irish and Italians),
White means European. Even if it didn't in the past (and I think the claims that people like the Irish and Italians weren't considered white is pretty overblown) anyone who uses the term uses it very clearly to mean someone of European ethnicity or descent. You can't argue this.

>> No.12274122
File: 144 KB, 748x1122, sei_20101919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be American in origin, but the UK, for example, has plenty of it too.

Although you could say the UK still counts as America nowadays...

>> No.12274127
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>>being white is arbitrary in regards to culture
>the white race does not exist

>>"realize that being white is arbitrary in regards to culture."
>acknowledging the white race is a real thing

Pick one you pseuds

>> No.12274139

>claims that people like the Irish and Italians weren't considered white is pretty overblown

They're confirmed as jewish d&c fiction. There were laws prohibiting nonwhites from immigrating, so if American leaders didn't view them as white they never would have been allowed in.

>> No.12274140

We aren't. After '68 it is no longer possible to fix the trajectory of our society - we're going full Communist and there are no brakes on this train.

>> No.12274146

Black Americans are beatsticks wielded by white Progressives in their war on society. And no, they aren't all Jewish, Anglo Progressives were doing this stuff before we even had Jews in the US.

>> No.12274154
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>> No.12274156

Niggers don't even know how to write lol

>> No.12274168

You completely miss the point. White progressives are surrogates of jews and were when they were pious Christians as well.

>> No.12274185
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I'll give some credit to Liberia, clearly they wanted free blacks but not in the US. However, it would have been very easy for the drafters to write "American Citizenship is only available to those of European origin". Thomas Jefferson and George Washington as well as many other American legislators were conflicted over slavery.

>I think the claims that people like the Irish and Italians weren't considered white is pretty overblown

pic related depicts an Irish person as an ape. Just google "Irish need not apply". Ireland were barred from freedom for hundreds of years (why do you think there were numerous civil wars against the Britsh?). Irish people were literally the niggers of Europe.

>You can't argue this.

>> No.12274187

Jews = business partners of mercantile elites. They go to war on society together, Jews get kicked out when someone needs to be blamed for the side effects of these ventures, then invited back in 100 years later to restart the fun again. Repeat ad nauseam.

>> No.12274199

>boring, flat, not relatable
Sounds like /lit/ discussing Dickens or Austen or George Eliot.

>> No.12274204
File: 135 KB, 800x618, 66 Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically how are we going to conserve and protect the canon lads
Wtf. Are the Catholics trying to add to it again? There are only 66 books!

>> No.12274205

That's not how it works. Jews corrupt the elites of nations and brainwash the populace through universalist ideology to worship and do the bidding of jews. There is no partnership, there are a purely parasitic people and deserve every reaction they ever faced.

>> No.12274211

>Ireland were barred from freedom for hundreds of years (why do you think there were numerous civil wars against the Britsh?)
Neighboring countries fight and conquer each other all the time throughout history.

>Irish need not apply
>Historians have debated the issue of anti-Irish job discrimination in the United States. Some insist that the "No Irish need apply" signs were common, but others, such as Richard J. Jensen, argue that anti-Irish job discrimination was not a significant factor in the United States, and these signs and print advertisements were posted by the limited number of early 19th-century English immigrants to the United States who shared the prejudices of their homeland.[11

>> No.12274226

>Jews corrupt elites
The sovereign is responsible for letting them in and letting them engage in their typical behavior. Who has the army here?

>brainwash the populace through universalist ideology to worship and do the bidding of jews.
Universalism = 100% Anglo-American. Typical example, Anglo-American elite went into business with Jews to gain a foothold in the Middle East and promoted universalism for Cold War reasons, and to expand their own power through Civil Rights laws. You can read the documents of the Foundations in question and see for yourself.

>There is no partnership, there are a purely parasitic people and deserve every reaction they ever faced.
After 100+ expulsions, clearly someone hasn't gotten the memo. I'm sure we'll be having the same discussion after expulsion #200, 300, 400, and so on. You seem to be under the delusion that the ruling class, as in, the ones who keep inviting Jews and other ethnics in, care about the population whatsoever, they do not.

>> No.12274244

>The dog isn't black too
That irks my autism.

>> No.12274247

Your perspective is wrong, and universalist ideologies like Christianity, communism, and liberalism are jewish to the core. Nothing to do with Anglos. And whites have no problems dealing with our own corrupted elites, but the problem is still the jew.

>we'll be having the same discussion after expulsion #200, 300, 400, and so on.

No, we won't, due to access to information and better awareness of the furtive tribal nature of the jew that wasn't available or understood before. The jewish strategy will have diminishing returns from here on.

>> No.12274250

>And whites have no problems dealing with our own corrupted elites, but the problem is still the jew.
I'll see you at le 10% face.

>No, we won't, due to access to information and better awareness of the furtive tribal nature of the jew that wasn't available or understood before. The jewish strategy will have diminishing returns from here on.
See you at expulsion #200.

>> No.12274254

Americans are such a miserable race of mongrols. Their entire urban culture is based around their horrible insecurity about being a swarthy racially degenerated hord.

What I find especially funny is the “latinx” movement- a bunch of millennial browns who don’t speak Spanish, see the world entirely through American cultural memes, and try to inflict English gender neutral language in the majority of the world population a la their weird Protestant moralist attitude, trying to claim cultural capital by calling their grandma “abuela” and over pronouncing Mexican food names.

It’s interesting noting that Americans Indians, the one ethnic group with a tangible historical tradition and community lasting longer than 100 years, are the demographic least supportive of politics correctness.

It’s a shame because America does have some cool indigenous traditions- the whole western style for example, the outdoorsy culture, the Jazz generation, redneck culture, gun culture, etc. But for the most part these things are ignored or overeducated types try to stuff it into American racialized essentialism or simply dismiss it as the problematic product of low class uneducated morons.

>> No.12274275

You won't see me at any point because you and your defeatest perspective won't even be around. Either you have a positive pro-white position and are on the winning team or you're an edgy nihilist alone on your own. You're clearly the latter so you might as well be a nonwhite.

>> No.12274282

Topkek. You have already lost

>> No.12274296

Whites are the only winning race, the rest of you are parasites, but ones we have always easily given the boot when the will arrives. And that time is quickly approaching again.

>> No.12274306

>lives in poverty and squalor for thousands of years while Egyptians, Indians, Chinese and Persians create civilization

>> No.12274314
File: 171 KB, 1140x699, diputados.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just so you know next time and don't look like an idiot, the "x" for gender stuff has been a thing in latin america for like a decade. García Marquez wrote against it in 08 or 09, other authors defended it, it was a jolly ol time. Here's a pic of people in their 50's using it in one of the houses.

So, you know, remember that you don't know shit and shouldn't assume you did enough research to judge anyone.

>> No.12274319
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LOL, all of those civilizations were built by whites, even the Chinese. Persians and Indians still speak an Indo-European language. Stay off /lit/ you uneducated shitskin.

>> No.12274329
File: 127 KB, 499x280, d88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the height of the Roman republic, citizens held a nine day holiday, Parentalia, to commemorate their fallen ancestors. During this time, the aristocratic youths of Rome would wear death masks sculpted in the likeness of their most glorious ancestors and ride around the city in chariots. In this way, Roman people were assured of a life after death, one which was glorious and which was tangible, and the youth where taught to rejoice in the traditions and heritage of their family.

During the height of the American Empire, mongrels like yourself argue about skin colour and try to make claim to the history of every single patrician roman family because you're 34% Irish, 29% Dutch, and 11% Bantu, and 20% Italian.

>> No.12274342

I've lived in South America moron. Just because it exists doesn't mean it's nearly as prevalent as in America. Usually it's met with derision and ridicule, whereas speaking out against this kind of retardation of American campuses will make you a pariah. The connection between the English Language and susceptibility to this kind of stuff seems obvious in my mind, although I'd be interested in hearing your views on the matter

I would enjoy reading Garcia Marquez's writings on the subject though. A link to said writing would be much appreciated.

>> No.12274946

Just wait until trumps second term. That’s when the cleansing will commence.