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12247552 No.12247552 [Reply] [Original]

does anyone here do anything with their /lit/ talent (or otherwise)?

Me, I'm a copywriter in advertising

>> No.12247566

Are you a woman

>> No.12247581

I tried to get into that but had no examples or even a book of fake examples of my copy. Plus there is no jobs where I am that support this type of work. If you look at things like grammerly you'll realize there is not future for either /lit people or critical thinkers in general. I'm way more of a liability to a company because of my creativity. This is why I'm hear by the way. The first people to complain are always poets, and take that from them and then you just have Muslims.

>> No.12247584

books on becoming a muslim, and the truth of Mohammad's realism and honor, praise be on him.

>> No.12247586


false mindframe lad, creativity is what sets us seperate from automation - its the one thing still vitaly necessary in business services-- all you have to do is discipline your creativity

>> No.12247589

that's something to do with lit/ become a muslim and write poetry and hang with the bros and shoot guns and take over a small country. Boys got their shit tight. I'd be over in a heart beat if there was no sea between us.

>> No.12247591

I have no talents

>> No.12247598

I legit kek'd

>> No.12247599

>discipline your creativity
you mean filter it through front office to see if they can own that personae you've constructed for them. You're the type of person that instructs Elon Musk to eat an ass when it's marketable to do so. You're the person who tells people to be pragmatic when you really mean to tell them to be ok with not having enough merits to speak truth to power. You're the fucking fag that wont publish a homeless dude because he can't type, he cant spell, and so obviously he must have no merit and so be not worth stealing from to make us look better. fuck you.

>> No.12247601

i'm gonna start a little venture in copywriting soon, since i can't stand my current job. did you go into it with a marketing degree?

>> No.12247607

how’s that book coming along lad

>> No.12247610

Someone’s fragile.

>> No.12247614

i got in on a equity scholarship, got OK grades, lied on my resume a bit and did some extra curricular stuff then got this job and dropped out

advertising is the one area where degrees aren’t vital

>> No.12247617

>insult someone
>calls them out on getting insulted

hyena mentality

coward - answer the question

>> No.12247620


interesting. i'm coming from an accounting background, which i can no longer stand. any kind of creativity is fraud in that profession. i will give it a shot

>> No.12247624

good luck lad, it’s a genuinely tough job market but by no means impossible

>> No.12247631

you look good

>> No.12247633

and you’re a teenager

you’ll grow out of it

>> No.12247668

>Me, I'm a copywriter in advertising

so, you don't do anything with your talent? that's a shame.

>> No.12247819

You should watch Kubrick on advertising. It wouldn't be soul crushing if it didn't require skill.

>> No.12247835

I write conservative slop articles for $50 a pop a couple times a week. Not Breitbart tier, but I can say that the ratio of meaningful investigative articles to cheerleading Facebook shareable trash is like 1 to 5.

Feels...okay, man. At least I can say I'm actually paid to write.

>> No.12247839
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>/lit/ talent