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File: 227 KB, 640x427, sell plasma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12245836 No.12245836 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best book to read while selling plasma?

>> No.12245883

>The Road to Wigan Pier and Down and Out in >Paris and London by George Orwell
>Hard Times by Studs Terkel
>The Road and People of the Abyss by Jack London
>Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell
>You Can't Win by Jack Black
>Life in the Iron Mills by Rebecca Harding Davis
Also, do you really have to sell plasma anon? A friend's gf did that in college one year, it was brutal to see - always thought the experience could make a good story or novel.

>> No.12245886

Dracula, duh

>> No.12245907

Hunger by Hamsun

It's great without the context inspiring you picking it up.

>> No.12245909
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You aren't poor if you're selling plasma. This debilitates and weakens the body.
You're lucky if you get $20 from most places.
>l-let's weaken the body and risk vein collapse from idiots working at these facilities for $20!!!

>> No.12245925

tfw finally need money but now I live in the U.K. and can’t “donate” for compensation

I’m AB+ too, ain’t giving that shit away for free

>> No.12245984

Do you really risk vein collapse? This is my first time. The money is good, my place does $75 for the first two, $30 for the subsequent 5, and $100 for the eighth.

>> No.12246085

Das Kapital

>> No.12246103
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Yes. Any improper or frequent IV penetration risks vein collapse. They use 16 gauge needles (huge), not for your safety but only to increase RBC viability. Repeating this frequently only increases the damage done.
You only have one body and at the end of the day, you're only making an average of $50 per session. You're going to feel more fatigued and tired, risk infection, risk vein collapse and even convulsive syncope. Meanwhile, they're going to sell it for over $300/pint. It's high risk, low reward.

>> No.12246131

Was just looking into selling plasma today then saw this thread. Yikes, didn't realize it was so dangerous and for such little pay.

What's a decent alternative to make a little money on the side legally and without risking your health? Preferably without having to leave the house.

>> No.12246143
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>> No.12246149

Kidneys go for 30k I think.

>> No.12246150


>> No.12246155
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College essay writing. Resume writing. Remote tutoring.

>> No.12246163

>College essay writing. Resume writing.
This seems easy enough, are there sites where people post ads/classifieds for these services?

>> No.12246330
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Look around, be wary for scams.
If you can't find anything, post your own ads on Facebook college groups until you are banned; ideally use a VPN. Ideally local. Used a fake persona, if they don't want to give you money through PayPal, suggest cash. Once you're established, it'll be very easy to get money from this.

>> No.12246828

i kept going to my local plasma place and over time i learned more and more things and experienced more issues to the point i wanted to stop going

the biggest downside for me is now ive got two permanent little darker marks in my arms thatll make people think im a really accurate junkie or something, but the staff wasnt professional all they needed to do was be high school graduates and not have a felony, so there'd be accidents with people gushing blood or i'd have issues with the machines bubbling inside me or something like that unless i flexed the right way, overall i went for a few months and it was good, but i got sick of it, so try your hand if you'd like anon

>> No.12246855

Assumooing USAian ust do one day shifts ffs.

>> No.12246858

>the biggest downside for me is now ive got two permanent little darker marks in my arms thatll make people think im a really accurate junkie or something, but the staff wasnt professional all they needed to do was be high school graduates and not have a felony
Collapsed vein.

>> No.12246865

they're just very tiny bruises i don't know that they're collapsed, the staff was at least a little teensy bit professional about how they handled sticking people

>> No.12246934
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They're collapsed. The bruising is the angiogenesis of smaller veins to move blood around the obstruction.
Vein collapse from blood donation vastly goes unreported, and in the case of plasma, is always attributed to drug-use rather than the liability of the plasma center as people desperate enough to sell plasma use drugs at a much higher risk. Indeed, most people selling plasma probably would not seek out medical attention for these bruise-like markets anyways as they probably lack health care coverage, making the population more unlikely to seek care again leading to misrepresentation. As for non-compensated donations, I think many physicians are afraid to address the risks associated with it for fear of being marginalized as a bad person "WHAT ARE YOU AGAINST BLOOD DONATION, WTF??!?! YOU WANT A BLOOD SHORTAGE, THIS IS HOW YOU GET A BLOOD SHORTAGE".
Intelligent people should not risk venipuncture unless it's required for diagnostic bloodwork. I quite frankly do not care if a plasma shortage ensues. It's wrong to lie to people about the risks of blood donation which is entirely superfluous for their own sake.

>> No.12246974
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>poor people live off selling their blood in America

>> No.12246985

So what's the issue with a collapsed vein? Not OP, don't intend on selling plasma, just curious.

>> No.12246992
File: 84 KB, 660x933, Praise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you're better off donating sperm if you want money. More money, more fun and you have the satisfaction of knowing you've spread your seed through the world and that some lesbian couple are raising your brat.
Also pic related: a truly great book about life on the bottom rung of society.

>> No.12247000

it looks like that scene from the matrix when you walk into my local plasma place, just one big human farm basically, doesn't happen in places other than the u.s.?

>> No.12247021

In Australia you can donate blood and plasma, but the only compensation you'll be getting is a cup of coffee and a biscuit. You're also only allowed to donate blood once every three months.

>> No.12247027

it's the same for blood around here but plasma you can go twice a week every week, you watch the machine take the blood out, take the plasma out the blood, put the blood back in, and repeat for ~35 dollars depending on your weight at least for my local spot, feels like honest pay for sitting and doing nothing

>> No.12247041

Impaired circulation, cosmetically unsightly, undermines the viability of future injection sites, may give rise to clotting in very old age etc.

>> No.12247056

Why not sell it one's self?