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/lit/ - Literature

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12229942 No.12229942 [Reply] [Original]

How do you go about getting your partner interested in literature? He doesn't really read since he's slightly dyslexic and feels dumb when he can't fully understand a novel. I've tried to recommend short sci-fi novellas since he likes that genre (eg Slaughterhouse) to slowly get him into the more hefty stuff but he either doesn't read them or when he does feels stupid that he didn't understand a concept. It breaks my heart /lit/, I want to connect with him in this interest but I feel like his low self-esteem and lack of interest makes it an impossible task. Is this something I should just leave /lit/? I guess we all have different hobbies and literature isn't one for him. I just don't want him to be held back by feeling unintelligent.

>> No.12229946

Unless OP is homosex, this thread is primo fashy evidence that women don't care about "personality" or intelligence; they just want to date a Chad with a pretty face and a muscular chadsthetic body

>> No.12229994

He’s probably being too hard on himself in terms of comprehension—he doesn’t have to fully comprehend every single concept outlined in a novel to enjoy it or even gain from it. In fact, I’d say nobody comprehends a novel in its entirety.

Maybe have him read some minimalist stuff, like The Stranger? Or maybe have him read Hemingway or something.

>> No.12229998

Okay cool, I admit I fit this stereotype of "women want big dick and 12 pack Unga Bunga". But what is wrong with trying to share interests and get your partner passionate about something you enjoy? I'm only looking for help anon

>> No.12230004

Also, why does it make a difference if I was a homo guy? Wouldn't the same logic still apply?

>> No.12230005

Maybe you should read to him. I wish I had a dyslexic boyfriend, I'd show you how it's done.

>> No.12230007

it's one thing to have shared hobbies, or not, but its another if your partner isn't intellectually curious. i don't want to generalize, and YMMV, but i def couldn't long term be with someone who i didn't respect.

i'm taken sorry.

>> No.12230014

He actually confessed that he read Hemmingway for a high school class and kinda liked it. You jolted my memory anon, I'll definitely try that

>> No.12230024

I refuse to help you because women hate me for being uncharismatic and unattractive. I'm only here to relay the facts that nobody has the balls to tell you IRL.

no, because men are inherently less shallow and judgmental than women

>> No.12230031

I feel like if I did that he'd feel like a retard

>> No.12230043

I'm sorry women have made you feel so phenomenally shit that you think that way. I would say "you just haven't found the right woman" but I know that wouldn't hold much weight for you. I hope that one day you are able to find someone that makes you feel charismatic and loved.

>> No.12230062

I understand where you're coming from, it's not something I'm trying hard to push for, but that's why I'm posing the question whether I'm beating a dead horse or not? Because I guess, like you said, he's not intellectually curious

>> No.12230082

i imagine you guys are pretty young? are either of you taking classes?

>> No.12230097

>I hope that one day you are able to find someone that makes you feel charismatic and loved.
lmao no you don't. I don't look like Chad Hemsworth so I'm not allowed to have any sort of romantic or sexual desires; that would be opening the door for you and your peers to call me "entitled" and "having unrealistic standards"

>> No.12230103

He just graduated college and I'm in my last year. He studied IT/Electronics, I'm doing literature and a teaching degree

>> No.12230108

Can’t belive I’m the only STRAIGHT WHITE MALE (tm) here.

Tits or GTFO

>> No.12230120

If you don't take my wishes for you as sincere then unfortunately there is nothing to talk about. Anything I say you'll refute with "women are big meanies who don't love me and only want Ryan Gosling and chads". All I can say is that I was being sincere, and perhaps because you're not use to sincerity from women that you're unable to acknowledge it when it's right in front of you. I'm sorry anon

>> No.12230136

keep your autism in one thread please and thank you

>> No.12230151

Thanks for proving my point right yet again, by the way. You're wholly clueless and you lack any frame of reference when it comes to an individual who doesn't live a perfect struggle-less existence, so you lash out and demonize anyone who doesn't have it as easy as you (just like in real life).

I never said "big meanies". All I said is that it's an objective fact that women are the most shallow and judgmental gender; any physically unattractive man who expresses even an iota of desire for companionship is demonized and harangued as being "entitled". Simply because he doesn't look like your 6'2" Chad Illiteracycock boyfriend.

>> No.12230162

I hope that you find love and happiness in a woman that makes you feel not only attractive but wanted

>> No.12230170

He’s right

>> No.12230172

>I hope that you find love and happiness in a woman that makes you feel not only attractive but wanted
Factually impossible for an unattractive unlikeable blue collar loser like me but I'll humor you and thank you for your wishes.

>> No.12230177


Well maybe if you complained a bit less people might want to go near you.

>> No.12230184

Look for a man with good taste, not a gorilla. This is why I hate some women. They want something and then go for the diametrically-opposed shit. Like children.

>> No.12230187

Women literally look at me with disgust and disdain without me even opening my mouth. This goes back to the whole "women aren't actually as compassionate and empathetic as everyone pretends they are" observation.

>> No.12230193

>not a gorilla

He's dyslexic anon, that's a little mean.

>> No.12230196

I loathe your kind.

>> No.12230200

>he's slightly dyslexic and feels dumb when he can't fully understand a novel.
What does a speech impediment have to do with reading comprehension?

>> No.12230201

Imagine what it's like to live life like that. You get born and everyone coddles you until you're an old lady; never having to suffer and never having to lift anything heavier than a book. Women genuinely do not know how good they have it, and it's absolutely disdainful.

>> No.12230202

I want to get my gf into literature. Maybe we should swap.

>> No.12230221

>Woman finds semi-retarded Chad with a brain the size of a peanut
>She desperately tries to fix him at all costs
>Woman finds me
>She breaks up/cheats after a few months for reasons she can't even point out

>> No.12230225

well thats not nothing.

again ymmv: maybe he doesn't need to be reading in what you're reading, or have very insightful comments on crit/lit theory or w/e, but it would be very good if he was interested, or at least feigned interest, in your shit. like, that's a requisite no matter what either of you are passionate about or pursuing. he needs to be asking about your books, you need to be asking about his day, and workflow, and network complications etc. if he isn't doing this, you need to sit him down and tell him that you want a partner that can be supportive and who you can engage with, who is curious about you.

and if you want to share something with him, but books are too much, why not try films or something? they requires less of an investment of his time, are less intimidating, and afterward you guys can both discuss the film as a text. there's no reason film criticism shouldn't be as intellectually stimulating as lit, and maybe that can scratch your itch.

>> No.12230230

Isn't that evidence that some women go for the personality and not the man? I'm not trying to "change him", but I'm not going to leave him because he's not into fucking books

>> No.12230237

Personality is part of the man. Enjoy your shallow little life, woman.

>> No.12230239

You are currently the most helpful person in this thread, and I wholeheartedly appreciate you answering the question instead of debating petty shit. Thank you anon

>> No.12230244

nothing more attractive than a dude who continually throws pity parties for himself.
dipshits on here are constantly memeing daddy peterson, but you should actually read him asap.

>> No.12230249
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>nothing more attractive than a dude who continually throws pity parties for himself.
Funny how you conveniently overlooked the parts where I mentioned that (You) women instantly treat me with disgust and disdain even before I say word one.

all I have to do is look at a woman and they look at me the same way this little hispanic kid looked at Chloe Grace Moretz

>> No.12230253

Rec him easier books like The Very Hungry Caterpillar and then Dr Seuss, and then Charlotte's Web, and then maybe after lots of effort he can begin to grasp The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Good luck!

>> No.12230254

But then you ignore the exceptions where women show you kindness anon

>> No.12230257

Lemu "My First ABCs" picture book would be a good starting point

>> No.12230265

It seems like you're more attached to his dick than his personality desu, he sounds like a retard
I hope your love lasts, good luck

>> No.12230270

He has so many other qualities anon, but I'm not foolish enough to publish my entire life on 4chan. I barely scratched the surface of his interests and mine and already there's seemed to be a lot of backlash for what I believed to be a simple questions. Thanks for your wishes anon

>> No.12230273

>dating somebody who you are intellectually incompatible with but you are stupid as fuck socially and basically are a sociopath when it comes to emotional expression so you get easily won over by kindness and affection

I have this issue with my boyfriend now. I don't want to break it off with him because he's been so good to me, but i go to dartmouth and he lives at home at 20 and doesn't even have a job. What do i do? I admit that he first drew my attention because of his beauty, but i stayed because he was so emotionally avaiable and so very kind to me. He's my first boyfriend too. Am I supposed to be trying to "improve" him, or should i be "dating my level"? Am i morally wrong for leading somebody on in this way? I really do love him, and he's extremely important to me.

literally the most perfect femboy body i have ever seen combined with feminine facial features, a loving and motherly demeanour, a soft voice, i could go on and on about him

>> No.12230290

You should be dating men, not pathetic excuses. You deserve what you get.

>> No.12230295

sure thing dude. i'm sure i was on something like his side of it when i was younger.

just work your hardest, and try to be strong for him, and if it works thats the best and if not, you'll both grow and find other people who fit better. best of luck.

>> No.12230297

>he lives at home at 20 and doesn't even have a job
Nothing wrong with that when you're a student. He's a student, right?

>> No.12230299

OP here, I believe that part of being in a relationship is growing and changing together for the better. Example, my boyfriend (much like your by the sound of it) is quite loving and compassionate, while I tend to get hot-headed and irate. But dating him has taught me to be more level-headed and rational in arguments and to not let my emotions interfere with my judgement.

There is nothing wrong with trying to introduce him to more intellectual concepts and hobbies (despite what some posters in this thread say), but if he doesn't cotton onto what you're introducing then either take a different stance or drop it

A relationship grows and changes through learning new things not only about each other but about yourself. I wish you the best of luck anon

>> No.12230307

Also is this even a /lit/ thread anymore?

>> No.12230311

No. He originally told me he dropped but now has told me he never went. I just want to be loved anon but i don't see myself staying with him. He's so precious to me, but as beauty fades i'll be stuck with somebody that i can't even discuss basic philosophy with. Not to mention that i'm not even out of the closet. I feel at times like it would be best if this never happened, but then i feel guilt i cant explain. I've never felt any of this shit before.

>> No.12230312

i'm a straight dude.

i'm not doing this right now. you're lonely, you're making excuses for yourself. there's nothing wrong but your attitude. everything good takes time and effort, and those things take a good attitude.
go work out, go volunteer, get off the internet, clean your room.

>> No.12230314

But you miss my problem. At a base level, we are intellectually incompatible. I dont care if he doesn't enjoy shit i do or not so long as i can communicate with him about higher and abstract concepts with some degree of reciprocation. It isn't there with him. We aren't of equal intellect. And that's okay, some people are smarter than others, but i do think it is a big hole and cloud of uncertainty in the future of our relationship. I can't magically make him get this stuff.

>> No.12230319

Someone mentioned The Very Hungry Caterpillar, so yes.

>> No.12230320

What are his interests and hobbies ?

>> No.12230321

You cannot inspire a love of something forcefully, enjoy your hobbies and let your partner enjoy his.

As for >>12230273, if you love him stay with him; try exchanging letters instead of texts and skyping once a week instead of daily phone calls--it may inspire a love of writing in him and plus it's romantic, but few people would be into it.

As for the healthiness of wanting to improve your partner, everyone on earth wants to improve their partners. It's part of the relationship game. However, find that you love them for themselves and not the sum of their parts (i.e. being into literature, appearance, etc), since that always leads to disappointment once looks fade, money is lost, and so on.

>> No.12230328

I don't know why I found this comment so fucking funny

>> No.12230333

This was the sort of answer I wanted, I was afraid that I was pushing something onto him that he wouldn't enjoy, I just wanted a second opinion

>> No.12230342

Reading your for a moment I thought an intelligent woman existed, but it seems like you're a man. I will never find a woman who'd like to discuss lit with me. Being born straight seems like a curse sometimes. I cant believe I said this lol

>> No.12230347

Playing Minecraft and jacking it to old Playboy mags.

>> No.12230351

Glad to help. If you're the OP, I'd really like to stress my last paragraph in that post because based on the reply >>12229998 here, you seem to be admitting that you're with him only for physical gratification, which is not tenable in the long term. He ought to provide for you more than purely sensual pleasure and vice versa otherwise you'll grow tired of each other very quickly. To make this /lit/ related I used the definition of sensual love in Kierkegaard's essay on the Musical Erotic in Either/Or

>> No.12230352
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>Plays Minecraft
>At least it's not Fortnite, still have faith in him anon

>> No.12230353

Are you kidding? Shove books down his fucking throat, baby. The thicker the better.

>> No.12230355

It's why i quit. Take the gay pill

>> No.12230360

I was being sarcastic anon, I know how easy that is to say for a comment which has received backlash but, based on the poster that post was replying to trying to refute that I was anything else is an impossible task.

I'll definitely take what you've written into account, at the end of the day I want for nothing else than him to be happy, thanks again

>> No.12230365

I don't think he's the kinda guy to enjoy thick things in his throat

>> No.12230373

>I want for nothing else than him to be happy
Thats so gay even for a woman. You should strive for something better, not for some temporary state of mind.

>> No.12230385

Is that so? If that's the case I'd like to hear suggestions anon

>> No.12230394

You should be striving to be the female equivalent of an übermensch and then find yourself a worthy partner. Worthy of your intellect, body and soul. Not just one of them.

>> No.12230405

Do you actually believe that perfect, idyllic partners truly exist?

>> No.12230423

Yes. I found mine. She lacks in some departments but overall we're 99% soulmates, bodymates and intellectmates. And she even met me at my "worst". In one of my moments of weakness. If there is a God, I'd like to thank Him/Her for sending her to my life

>> No.12230456

start with the greeks

>> No.12230473

"Oh surely I can start with the Indians?"

>> No.12230475

No, only women feed his victim complex.

>> No.12230482

How long y’all been together ? That’s the real question

Hope it lasts

>> No.12230495

Yeah, I noticed

>> No.12230507

Almost 5 years now. It helps that we both have the same profession.

>> No.12230513


>> No.12230515

I don't really care much about a women's personality, intelligence is more important, but mostly I just care if shes attractive. At the end of the day all human interaction leaves one (or at least myself) feeling empty, disappointed, or guilty, and deep human connection is just a meme. Even discussing intellectual subjects is dull and boring (actually it's more dull than ordinary conversation because it's always more shallow and superficial than the actual intellectual engagement one has when arduously working through a dense text or thinking and writing about a topic on your own). Ultimately appearances (and I don't mean appearances of or relating to social status, but a more naïve aesthetic sense) matter more than ideology, principles, or values.

>> No.12230584

>a tangible thing matters more than imaginary things
Color me surprised.

>> No.12231002

I hope that all of the worst thing that you can imagine happen to you all together.

Fucking whore.

>> No.12231032

>unattractive unlikeable blue collar loser
Just use incel and save precious ink and candles lad

>> No.12231035

This is so gay

>> No.12231044

Based stacey

>> No.12231054
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Leave this board right now filthy roasties. You know you can just go on tinder and get double pumped by chad and tyrone so your sadness will float away. There is no need for you to infest this board.

>> No.12231055

A wild female appears, pretending to understand anything better than her boyfriend. This has got to be a troll thread.

>> No.12231063
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Carnal and unascended.

>> No.12231088


>> No.12231141


>> No.12231171

If someone doesnt read by their own choice as an adult they never will be motivated to read. You are dating a subhuman.

>> No.12231180

It's actually become a not so subtle gay thread about dumb but pretty twinks.
Seems like he lied to you as well. Maybe out of shame which means he wants to impress you and knows you are intelligent. But looks do fade. If philosophy and books are so important to you it may be rough to have any relationship with him. Although my dad is a third world manual laborer but my mom is a book loving wannabe english major. She had no one to talk to books about until I was old enough to talk. But if you are gay there's no way children will ever be there for you to at least talk to.

>> No.12231193
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>Males on 4chan /lit/
>"Oh I am ultimate pseud who has surpassed all known laws of thought and ascended to the intellectual gates of literature heaven! Maybe if I post/comment on yet another lit gf thread I can complain not only about being single but also about wanting an intellectual gf"
>Also 4chan /lit/

>> No.12231196

Last thread link accidental

>> No.12231297
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>hurr durr you're a bunch of virgins lol!!!

>> No.12231329
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>hurr durr women are unintelligent sluts lol

>> No.12231387

>zany comic picture
You’re like a caricature of the female sex.

>> No.12231395

This is /lit/, not r9k. Can't believe the incel infestation.

>> No.12231810

Not so far from the truth.

>> No.12231819

Literally never happened.

You're wrong.
>primo fashy evidence: Jeremy Meeks

>> No.12231830

Whom'st are you quoting? Nobody ITT said that.

>> No.12231838

Not them, but have you tried changing? Going to the gym, getting your shit together? It's dumb to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results.

>> No.12232224

>women are fat and ugly
Yas kween slay you deserve it and some decently attractive guy will be dumb enough to fuck you

>men are fat and ugly
Ugh kys incel you aren't even trying unless you have a 14 pack

Every time

>> No.12232798

You can start by looking into his hobbies and get connected with him.

>> No.12232979

>How do you go about getting your partner interested in literature?
To be honet, I don't know. My gf is weird, she can spend months or years without reading a book and then in less than a week she reads thousand of pages. I think the key is giving her a book to hook her up. She read The Inheritance Cycle in a matter of days, and ICO in one night.

>> No.12233387

Bruh, my comment (>>12230515) doesn't even belong with the rest of those. In fact, my view is the polar opposite of most of the peoples ITT. My claim is that "personality", "ideals", "values", etc. are largely insignificant in comparison to appearance. In fact, I would prefer if both men and women actually did choose there partners primarily based on appearance (and then perhaps intelligence and wealth). Most incels apparently think this is the way the world works, but in reality, memes like "personality", "values", and "aesthetic tastes" play a major role in determing who we fuck and/or date. Not even saying I would be one to benefit if women did actually start to choose partners based primarily on appearance, intelligence, and wealth - it's just that I'm tired of hearing about largely vacuous or insignificant psychological and sociological traits like "personality" or "politcal views". People (whether male or female) sholdn't be afraid to say that they chose their partner based on looks (or, similarly, that their primary criteria in looking for a partner is looks).

>> No.12233855

Sorry anon, I misinterpreted

>> No.12233865

And come to think of it, if someone had to pick from a lineup of ten men (or women, depending) that they'd never met and date one with no basis, you're not going to chose the ugly one because they might have a "good personality"

>> No.12233867

I'm generalising the extreme of the entire /lit/ board

>> No.12235177

based and whorepilled

>> No.12235185


>> No.12235193

>How do you go about getting your partner interested in literature? He doesn't really read since he's slightly dyslexic and feels dumb when he can't fully understand a novel.
On the off chance this isn't bait:

Fuck. You. One does not "go about getting your partner interested in literature." Other people are allowed to like or not like whatever they want. If his not being interested in lit is a deal breaker for you, then clam the fuck up and tell him so.

>> No.12235258
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this is cool and all OP, just don't come running to me and my six figure STEM salary when you are no longer a virgin

no hymen, no diamond

>> No.12235276

>I guess we all have different hobbies and literature isn't one for him.

Do you even read anon?

>> No.12235277

Yes. Did you? OP's partner is not interested. OP wants to force the issue.

>> No.12235293

OP also said something about "should I let it go /lit/?" if OP was drowningly persistent then they wouldn't be asking that question

>> No.12235300

If OP weren't already persistent to the point of insulting and patronizing we would not be in this thread.

>> No.12235310

You've lost me. What part of OPs post/actions is patronising?

>> No.12235848
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Jesus fuck the incel on this board is amazing. You guys really need to get it through your thick fucking heads that the one thing women like isn't your self-proclaimed 170 IQ, it's confidence. Stop feeling so god damn sorry for yourselves and man the fuck up.

OP, you can't make him like literature. Sorry, but dyslexics are fairly notorious for hating reading (and for good reason) but it doesn't mean he can't enjoy other similar intellectual experiences. Have you considered movies? Games? And I don't mean Call of Duty or some AAA testosterone shit, but the more short cerebral type games you could play together. You said sci-fi, have you heard of 'Tacoma'?


Your relationship is fucked. Any relationship built on something as shallow as appearance is doomed to failure, and your delaying the inevitable by staying with him so long as he's beautiful is only going to screw you both in the long run.

>> No.12235866

OP here, we actually bond on gaming quite a bit (though I'm a console fag and he constantly makes fun of me for it lol) and we both have a love for the dramatic and theatrical arts. (I actually met him working tech backstage for a show).

Literature for me is something I love and really want to share with those around me. It's a matter of "Hey BF, I think this thing is cool and I want to share it with you". He shows interest when I discuss anything I've read, but has no interest in reading himself. The shit that's gone on in this thread, the suggestions, and the hate, have led me to the conclusion that not all hobbies are to be equally liked by everyone; my initial question was whether I was introducing him to literature right.

>> No.12235871

Post Script: - no I haven't heard of it, I assume you preach for it

>> No.12235953


Eh, not preach. But it's interesting. Walking sims in general tend to make for good partner gaming because they're rather chill.

>> No.12236028

Who are you quoting


>> No.12236049
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/lit/ and misusing there/their/they're

Cringe AND a dumb ass. What a keeper.

>> No.12236056

If hes illiterate then he's probably a great candidate for OP's next bf

>> No.12236105
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As OP's boyfriend might point out being a tech guy, (dyslexia != illiteracy) my man. Off the top of my head, Michael Faraday was dyslexic and I'm sure I don't need to tell a God-tier intellectual like yourself about his achievements.

>> No.12236108
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Yeah and Einstein had dyscalculia as a kid. I'm sure you and OP's boyfriend are right on the horizon of coming up with great new inventions and discoveries in the world of setting up server racks and printer networks.

>> No.12236121
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No he didn't. All the bullshit about Einstein being an underachiever who was bad at math and reading and wiping his own ass as a kid is nonsense made up to make random population sets feel better about themselves.
He was a great student and showed promise very early.

Also, she said she met him working 'backstage at a show', so probably not setting up printer networks. But I definitely feel bad for whoever does have to deal with that shit.