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12220152 No.12220152 [Reply] [Original]

How do you wrap your head around the fact that you can only read about 400 books in a lifetime? Assuming that you read to draw the substance in and not for the sake of it.

>> No.12220160

Surely you meant 4,000

>> No.12220176

If you read one each month for 40 years, it comes 480.

>> No.12220181

how slowly are you reading to take a whole month? or are they really big?

>> No.12220200
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>one each month

>> No.12220205

>one book a month
I can hit about 100 a year when I focus on it

>> No.12220214

I really don't see how someone finishes a booking of minimum of 300-400 paged book within less than a month balancing work and uni classes.

>> No.12220227

by not being a fucking retard

>> No.12220239

i have bigger concerns when it comes to the finite nature of life

>> No.12220241

I don't know how you guys gobble down books like food. Don't you give space for contemplation on what you're reading or even take notes and stuff?

>> No.12220251

people w an appetite consume their enthusiasms quickly

>> No.12220260

you might actually be retarded

>> No.12220386

>this thread
>I've read about 80 books just this year alone
>while working fulltime and rarely if ever reading on weekends
OP wrap your head around the fact you're a literal retard idk family

>> No.12220601

That’s prett low, if you really put effort in, you should definitely be able to do 50+ a year without rushing, you just have to read every day. I read on average 20 pages per day this year and there was a whole month or two in the middle of the year where I barely read, so you can definitely do 40-50 which averages out to 60-70 books in a year.

>> No.12220629

Why is quantity so important?
Why is speed so important?
Haven't you thought that there is far worthier to spend a whole year savouring and close-reading one chapter of a difficult, complex, deep, wonderful and transcendental book, than reading a hundred small trivial books in one year?

>> No.12220635

I meant: it is far worthier*
What is the purpose of reading anyway?

>> No.12220714

I'm a babby tier reader, started this November, and I can read 6 books a month easy

>> No.12220730

I read 5-8 books monthly.. not even hard sometimes just binge 150 pages often just 20 but it adds up real fast. U just have to read le good books so u get sucked into

Scientific or philisophic books dont count

>> No.12220731

I don't need to work since I'm not poor nor I live in a country where I have to get in debt to study.

>> No.12220764

go on long walks while listening to audio-books, this will up your intake considerably

>> No.12220791

this. I barely read anything in June and July, and nothing this month yet. I’ve read 47 books though (just over 10k pages).

>> No.12220821

To be honest, some books do take more than a month to fully absorb. Anyone who disagrees is a pleb, I am certain of it.

>> No.12220831

Not all are created equal. Some might take a month, some might take a couple days.

>> No.12220860

I'm a certifiably retarded recovering video game addict who hadn't read a book in 10 years until I turned my life around this year.
I've read over 60 books (~200-300 pages) this year without really thinking about it. I don't binge-read or anything. And I'm a slow reader to boot. I still fuck around on the internet for hours every day.
My lifestyle is evidence that an average joe midwit internet/porn addict with a full-time job has no excuse for not reading minimum 50 books/year if reading is something he enjoys.

>> No.12220874

40 years? Is that the average lifespan in your country? Or did you not learn to read until you were 30?

>> No.12220894

What kinds of books?

>> No.12220918

Not even rushing through books I have already reached about 300 in like 6 years. I’m in my early 20s and if I’m going to die when I reach 400 I won’t even make it to 30

>> No.12220920

Historical nonfiction (mostly war memoirs), social anthropology and 20th century fiction (no genre shit though). I even read a linguistics textbook cover to cover; that took the longest.
I read 3 or 4 books at once (I have the attention span of a parakeet) so it works out to about four books/month

>> No.12220931

So how did you turn your life around exactly? Asking for a friend

>> No.12221447

>one each month
That is highly optimistic.
t. speed"""""""reader"""""""""" morons that have literally never comprehended anything

>> No.12221449

>implying your brain is capable of comprehending anything before your late 20s/early 30s
Yet another thing the Greeks were right about.

>> No.12221457

That sounds fine by me, since me OCD keeps me thinking that I'm gonna run out of material do read.

>> No.12221462

There is a proven correlation between reading speed and intelligence

>> No.12221481

You should read a book about addiction not written by someone trying to use the AA definition(all use = addiction, denial of addiction = proof of addiction, etc;) as a weapon to attack things they find immoral

>> No.12221486

simply epic post bros. you trolled and baited all those (you)s epic style. have an upvote and another (you), fellow based non-redditor.

>> No.12221489

i doubt there are 400 must read books out there so whatever

>> No.12222051

No, there isn't

>> No.12222410

Let's have 20 pages a day as a completely realistic, if anything low. target. 20 * 30 = 600
I find that if I read multiple books at a time I can read 10-20 pages of each book in one day. If I read three books at a time - say, a novel, a non fiction book and a collection of poems/essays/short stories, or a short novel, a long novel and a collection/non fiction book - it isn't unreasonable to read 45-60 pages a day, or at least 30. 30 * 30 = 900, 45 * 30 = 1350 and 60 * 30 = 1800. Assuming they're all spread equally (they won't be) that's 300, 450 or 600 pages a month of each of your book types. That will finish a lot of books.
You seem to be reading under 10 pages a day, and while I think it's unrealistic to read 50 pages a day if you have a job and other interests, you're retarded

>> No.12222416

Don’t let the Le hardcore and voracious readers fool you into thinking it’s a race but 400 is definitely too low of a number for any semi-serious reader, bruh. 1,000-2,000 is more reasonable in a life of the standard three-score-and-ten-years.

>> No.12222460


>> No.12222474 [DELETED] 


>> No.12222502

what do you mean by "fully absorb" ? as long as it's prose (as opposed to poetry), you're not supposed to read it twice

>> No.12222522

>6 books a month is speed reading
Dude I read slow as hell, I just spend hours on it every day. I thoroughly enjoy the books I read

>> No.12222603

I read 400 before I turned thirteen.

>> No.12222616

this whole way of thinking is pointless and premature. Does it really matter how many books you read? Do you only read to have read more than others? I don't care if I read 20 or 2,000 books in my life if it were good ones and if I had a good time reading them

>> No.12222639
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i feer man whu read one boo tousan tiem than man whoe ree a towsend ons
-broo lee

>> No.12222650

I take notes, highlight, and write a bit about most books I read and I still read around 4 a month desu. That's only reading an hour or so a day too, I spend more time doing other stuff right now.

>> No.12222691

One of the dumbest things ever written DESU

>> No.12222783

>only reading for 40 years

>> No.12222796

I can read 1600+ pages a day but I don't do that anymore. It'll burn you out. Bad books are a waste of time.

>> No.12222798
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I played DotA throughout my 20s
Don't judge me

>> No.12222802


>> No.12222826


>> No.12222867

what isn't a waste of time? typical thinking of neets in their early 20s. Just be happy to find joy in something, don't judge it by it's 'value'. Joy is the value.

>> No.12222878

>what isn't a waste of time?
You’ll grow up someday.

>> No.12222933

Are you pulling this out of your arse or is there some logic and research behind it

>> No.12222946

this is so confusing, I don't think I've ever once picked up a book that I enjoyed and not finished it before being able to fall asleep that night, unless I force myself to wait so I can save it for a long trip or something

>> No.12222954

>Woah mama I am projecting

>> No.12222975

This is a man who truly enjoys books. Congratulations

>> No.12223121

What's the longest book you've ever read? Do you have a job? Do you have other hobbies? Do you have responsibilities? Do you speed read?
Are you larping? (the answer is yes)

>> No.12223141

You can surely try to read more, but it has to be worth it for yourself. Theorically anyone can try to change their habits in order to read more and reach the muh 60 books a year, but you can also take the fruitful methods into consideration along with your own set of values, you moron. I'm studying this year and I've started to read about a dozen of books since 3 months, not all finished, spending sometimes a lot of time on it (because I like dense literature and above all to start to ask myself peculiar questions and even day-dreaming about it, that may be considered a waste of time but I can't help but like doing that, and I think that it has value).

>> No.12223156

name a single genius who read slowly

>> No.12223163

me desu

>> No.12223325

How many genii wrote about how quickly they read?

>> No.12223331


>> No.12223367

this desu
>page 1
"we... thanks ... clap"
>page 2
"deliberate ... cause ... young"
>one hour later

>> No.12223785


>> No.12224109

Is life really that short? depressing

>> No.12224143

I read while commuting
40 minutes each way
110~ pages a day
Barely read while at home, sometimes read to help ease myself into sleep, which I sleep with no problems

>> No.12224485

I wish I could do this. I listen to audiobooks while I drive but I'm too distracted with the homicidal Denver traffic to get much out of them.
I yearn for the urban ennui of riding a tube to work every morning with a comfy hardback.

>> No.12224697


>> No.12224942


>> No.12224956

25 pages a day is doable no matter who you are, if you want it enough

>> No.12224985

"Want" doesn't enter into it. We all "want" to be as well-read as Dr. Johnson, and we've all got enough time in the day to do it (just look at all the time we're wasting here). Reading needs to be cultivated like any other good habit., and it needs to be made to click with your daily routine.

>> No.12225100

>only read about 400 books in a lifetime
Wut? I prolly read close to 400 books, just in Jr. High and High School, alone. Not to mention the curriculum at Uni.

>> No.12225109

I read about a book every 2 weeks. I came to terms with the fact that I'll never read every book by deciding I would only read the good ones.

>> No.12225123

children's books don't count.

>> No.12225128

yes well as it happens i might read 4 books in a month and then only one more over the course of the rest of the year. some of us have lives to attend to you know

>> No.12225418

Reading a 300-400 page book at a pace of 40-50 pages a day would take at most 10 days.

You have a couple of hours a day to yourself don't you?

>> No.12225438
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Why did I laugh aloud at this

>> No.12225774

how can you fucking stand it

>> No.12226146

Because it's true

>> No.12226156

i literally read 100 books a year