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/lit/ - Literature

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12192244 No.12192244 [Reply] [Original]

Do you agree? What should be added/deleted?

>> No.12192286

>What should be added/deleted?
Add a noose to you neck desu.

>> No.12192289

Add McLuhan remove the retard unibomber

>> No.12192306

Fuck yeah, my man Jacques representin'

>> No.12192309

Remove Kaczynski, add Mumford

>> No.12192314

Please don't read Spectacle without Debord's later commentary.

>> No.12192338

Philip Roth, The Human Stain

>> No.12192344
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Updated version

>> No.12192349
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>> No.12192353
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Which book in particular?

>> No.12192369
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>remove the retard unibomber
Which book?

>> No.12192374


>> No.12192380
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remove unabomber, add Abdullah Ocallan

>> No.12192386
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>all those people telling to remove uni**omber
but why?

>> No.12192400

he's an edgelord, for one

check out gregory bateson and the whole earth catalog if you are into that whole MKULTRA deep ecology intersection

>> No.12192423

Technics and Civilisation

>> No.12192449
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Should I add this book as well?

>> No.12192453
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Also this book

>> No.12192465
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Heck Yeah!

>> No.12192505

this is cringey

>> No.12192565

hmmm. can you design a better one please. i'll pay you via paypal.

>> No.12192573
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i mean jesus if you're going to include ted...

>> No.12192574

Needs some Baudrillard

>> No.12192587

if you can show me one paragraph of his that is more lucid or cogent than a paragraph by Ted on a similar topic I might agree with you. Until then...

>> No.12192638

buddy are you kidding me. section 147 of this https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/adorno/1951/mm/ch03.htm
Adorno is fundamentally dialectical, it's about trying to reconcile fragments with the whole. There's no possibility of a grand system, or of a summarising paragraph, because he's trying to approach what determines and therefore escapes representation in the mind. But, because of that, it gets closer to a genuine sense of connecting to an "outside" of modernity than does a Kaczynski-style militia cell mapping of the brave individual vs the evil world.

>> No.12192687

Get rid of "the ultimate red pill", get rid of the yellow glow, and get rid of the spiral background. Simple and serious works better for a serious book.

>> No.12192755
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I believe it's high time for /lit/ to take the Iron Pill.

>> No.12192781

>he's an edgelord, for one

why does reddit think this is an acceptable critique of anything?

>> No.12192789
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>> No.12192806
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>uncle ted made the list
where is jordan peterson

>> No.12192823
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>Jordan Peterson

he'll be forgotten by the end of 2019

>> No.12192849

Ok, here is a list of books to add so far:
1)Simulacra and Simulation
2)The foundation of exploration (Sean Goonan)
3)Revolt against the modern world
4)endgame (part 1 and 2)
6)Technics and Civilisation

Serious question : should I add some Chomsky as well? (Manufacturing Consent in particular)

>> No.12192853

I felt like his hype has definitely died down, but he was just on Rogan's podcast the other day and 2.6 million views.
His fans are already entrenched likely not going anyway.

>> No.12192859

shmordan shmetershmon

>> No.12192861

Thanks a lot. I'll take that seriously into consideration.

>> No.12192862

it was a joke. ted doesn't belong there. OP is a fag who needs to read more books.

>> No.12193062
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Don't make a chart if you haven't actually read the books that are going on there. The fact that you are about to add fucking Goonan is testament as to why it's a bad idea. Take /lit/'s name off the chart if you're such an ignoramus that you can't discern between quality literature and /pol/ memes.

>> No.12193081

That's not the best book to start with Evola, nor is it his best work

>> No.12193395


>> No.12193416

what are those cringy ass niggers calling ted an edgelord and then posting another edgelords like wtf

>> No.12193433

I know right. Fucking niggers can't deal with the fact that Ted was right about everything, and the truth hurts. I mean after reading ted's manifesto I was depressed as fuck, but I looked at the world from his point of view and realized how fucking right he was. I swallowed the pill, even tho it hurt as hell. I coped with it in a mature way, rather than butthurting and trying to attack uncle ted.

>> No.12193822
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Why do people feel the need to compile "reading lists?" What do you get if you read 100% of every book in a single list, and nothing else? Do you get a cookie? Do you become an enlightened sage?

Why are there "essentials?" What happens if you don't read an "essential?" Do you become a pseud and fall into poverty and hardship? What happens if you read a book not considered "essential" but it impacts your life and worldview far more profoundly than any of the "essentials" you read?

Why are people dishonest with their motivations?

>> No.12193877

If I can't organize my life and interests into lists then I'll sit around feeling shitty about my lack of accomplishments. My lists of failures grows larger and larger until the only conclusion I can come to is that it is not I who is wrong, but the lists! Yes the lists, those scrolls that mock me and my lack of drive. All my former friends discuss the things they have done and the remaining items on their lists while I toil away doing nothing of the sort. How dare they find common ground on the things they feel are relevant to their lives. How dare they find similarities in their experiences as a means of assisting one another in discussion and banter. I refuse to be a part of them, for they seek to fulfill life in a way that is ordered and defined and socially gratifying, not freeform and chaotic as myself.

You are a pseud for questioning the need for lists when the reason is that you don't know any of them, never read them, and some how that makes you feel superior. I have not read them either, but I can stand behind people wanting to form a community centered around pillars of shared thought. That is how friends are made. That is how societies form. Free thought is fine, but a disinterest or an inability to interact with a group (even if to just critique the beliefs rather than the foundation as a whole) is worthless.

>> No.12193919

he did it the madman! he got someone to consider reading his book! oh wait OP is book spammer isn't he...

>> No.12193944

>wanting to form a community
And that's my issue with them. What you call "forming a community" I call "creating another clique for people to act like condescending assholes in and act as gatekeepers towards others."

From what I can tell, if you wanted to talk about Society of the Spectacle, you would literally just make a thread about it and discuss it with other anons who've also read it / are interested in it. Adding it to some part of a "list" means that any anon who's read one or two of the books in the list but not all of them makes them feel like they HAVE to read the rest, just so they can "get the right ideas" and "fit in with the /lit/erati." My point is that I really don't believe anyone who's read all six of the books in that list is somehow embodying the "modern /lit/fag", they've just read a bunch of books with a very vague unifying theme but are otherwise disinterested in exploring the depths of their malaise further.

>> No.12194003

I mean, yeah its ridiculous to assume that one thread and one collection of books speaks for an entire board of people. But if this is the way they want to identify their group there is no issue with that. At the end of the day, discussing one book with a group of people is still a group based around a list of one item, its just not a very extensive list. Forming a community is what gives credence to being an asshole and a gatekeeper to others who are not part of the community. It is unavoidable that this occurs. However, I am stating that there is nothing wrong with coming together as a group even if the reasons they form are stupid. The desire to create a community is central to societies, friendships, safety, and homes. It is also a breeding ground for groupthink, exclusion, and gatekeeping as you mentioned. We belong to many "lists" that we either acknowledge or do not. Even fulfilling one item on the list means you belong to it. Whether they are stupid or not, inclusive or exclusive, does not matter and is, as you said, subject to a level of enforcement by the group at large. All that matters is that we can form them still.

Originally I was just being an asshole and contrarian for the sake of my own entertainment. This list is inherently stupid. But they are welcome to make it if they want to form a community within.. another.. already literary focused.. community..

Anyway, if you don't like that they are a community and think their reasoning for forming one is stupid, ridicule their beliefs and their reasons for coming together, don't question the mechanics of forming a group based around a list.

>> No.12194030
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The international jew by Ford gives a far more wide ranging and complete diagnoses of mass society's defects than any of those books and it was written decades before them

>> No.12194088

The character you're attempting to portray is too stupid to understand the things you blatantly exaggerate and strawman to get your point across are completely and unfaulteringly avoiding the underlying and so fundamental discrepancy you so cleverly created him to completely dance around even though it is the absolute core of his maxim a priori.

>> No.12194090

High effort thread OP. /lit/ needs more like you.

>> No.12194095

>Ted was right about everything, and the truth hurts

What did I mean by this

>> No.12194118

I consider myself experienced in Daniel Quinn and I would say no

>> No.12194138

Why? That linux guy Luke Smith highly recommended it, and I consider him to be well read

>> No.12194191

Yes to all of these questions.

>> No.12194214

>What happens if you read a book not considered "essential" but it impacts your life and worldview far more profoundly than any of the "essentials" you read?
These essentials lists are mostly just good entry points into a given field. I'm unsure why you're so hostile anon, they're useful tools to use as you see fit. If you've outgrown the chart, then you leave it there for other people. Nobody actually reads these charts religiously.

>> No.12194307

Ted is retarded, remove him. Add Rousseau and Thoreau.

>> No.12194311

Understanding media.

>> No.12194312

>Ted is retarded
lol. <eyes rolling>

>> No.12194314

Condition of man

>> No.12194319
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>> No.12194833

I imagine myself in Hakkari, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop t*rk dogs from advancing. We mow down t*rk dogs but they keep coming. I shoot t*rk dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering t*rks, since t*rks are way more physically inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn’t fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. t*rks were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see BOXE RES (Tavuse Melek) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in kurdistan, my homeland. My RES brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..

The KURD man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity. Let’s start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of anatolia, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The KURD man’s demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man (t*rk dogs)

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The KURD penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the KURD man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent anatolian seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the KURD man impregnates.

In total, the KURD man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint. All this is the reason why the KURD man is the epitome of masculinity.

>> No.12195079
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>wanting to removing ted
absolutely vile

>> No.12195266

He is. Calling the manifesto amateurish is an understatement, it really could have been written by a generic edgy highschooler.

Don't misunderstand me however, I am a techno-skeptic without doubt, that's not what i oppose. I oppose Ted, and it's not even as much because of the murders as it is just him being an autistic man-child.

>> No.12195327
File: 1.85 MB, 1280x720, or perhaps he&#039;s wondering why you&#039;d throw a book out an airplane before crashing it.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact of the matter is if you read any modern books you don't belong here.

>> No.12195393

based pro-KURD shitposter

>> No.12195411

if you're advocating an industrial state without Jews just read Mein Kampf

>> No.12195462

holy shit how have I not heard that Henry fucking Ford wrote about the JQ?

>> No.12195466


>Mark Fisher's Capitalist Realism
>McLuhan's Understanding Media
>Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation
>Houellebecq's The Elementary Particles
>Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent
> Carl Jung's Man and his Symbols
>D&G A thousand Plateaus

Your'e welcome

>> No.12195477


>> No.12195761

difference and repetition

>> No.12195826

and you will be salty until 2055 chapo tard

>> No.12195982

Neck yourself, goonan.

>> No.12196059
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>> No.12196082

none of these are modern, if anything this is pomo or postindustrial

>> No.12196148

you're an idiot

>> No.12196350

elaborate cuck, because if we are talking modern where is kneechee or K A N T

>> No.12196367

this is referring to the condition of modernism, the original chart is mislabled and you're being obtuse

>> No.12196419
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I'd also recommend books on suicide, NEETs (hikikomori), individualism, etc, things you see more common in modern societies. Africans villages are very social, some to the point of not recognizing themselves in a mirror, but they don't have running water among other things in modern society.

>> No.12196441

Do I need to start with the Greeks in order to read Ellul?

>> No.12196496

has anyone who criticizes ted in this thread even read anti-tech? it's miles beyond the manifesto

>> No.12196518

>modern essentials
>Postmodern criticisms of Modernism
Wtf are you doing?

>> No.12196556
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>> No.12196620

Replace Debord's Society of the Spectacle with Comments on the Society of the Spectacle.

>> No.12196627

absolutely get rid of Marcuse

Ted's Manifesto is not good reading or adds anything new to luddism. Anti-Tech Revolution sounds like a better read but I haven't looked at it yet.

>> No.12196940

These lists should have a key that shows when the author is a lunatic social engineer themselves. Marcuse, Sargant, and Bernays for example

>> No.12197007

OP here. You guys will never agree on anything, won't you?

>> No.12197019

nice try ted

>> No.12197023

>won't never agree

>> No.12197036

>absolutely get rid of Marcuse
Elaborate please. AFAIK Ted himself citated Marcuse in his manifesto.

>> No.12197041

Alright, I am updating the list rn. OP

>> No.12197170
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Alright, updated version.

>> No.12197239


>> No.12198078

>Ted is retarded
>Add Rousseau
well lads

>> No.12199031
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>> No.12199614

That all looks awful.

>> No.12199630

Go look up the word Modernism on wikipedia

>> No.12199736

Because Ted is a brainlet. Of course he'd cite a Frankfurt school Rockefeller plant.

>> No.12199742

honestly, not bad, despite some contentious titles

>> No.12199912

>international joo
Despite it, acceptable

>> No.12199923

>Marxist dialectics
The question was for something useful, not some nonsense about Hegel

>> No.12200317

Your marketing is god awful, btw your publisher told me there will be a new book this year. Where is it?

>> No.12200338

OP why did you even include Ted Kaczynski? He's great and all but for some jerk off who only reads and never does anything else in life his stuff isn't that valuable besides if you are anticiv.

>> No.12200659
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>On parle francais. [French: one speaks in French, French is spoken] How closely sex and language are intermingled becomes apparent when reading pornography in another language. No dictionary is needed to read Sade in the original [i.e. French]. Even the most refined expressions for that which is indecent, whose awareness is imparted by no school, no parents’ house, and no literary experience, are understood intuitively, just as in childhood, when the most euphemistic expressions and observations regarding sexual matters shoot together into the correct representation. It is as if the imprisoned passions explode, upon being called by these names, blind words like the wall of one’s own repression, striking violently and irresistibly into the innermost cell of meaning, which it itself resembles.
I'm not even going to claim this didn't mean something to Adorno and his set when he wrote it; but for anyone born in the '90s or later to claim that this means something profound to them - I find that claim difficult to believe
if someone wants to attempt an explanation for what the meaning and/or significance of the above paragraph was - whether by itself, or how it fit into the entirety of Minima Moralia, or within Adorno's overall perspective - then I will gladly engage with you. but if you cannot justify what this single, humble brick of text from this 153 part book actually means, then I'm suspicious about the intended meaning of the overall work.

>> No.12200734

Maybe I will catch some flak for this but I would suggest Evola.

No that is YA garbage.

>> No.12200742

>the best book to start with Evola
What is?

>> No.12200768

His well-voiced and absolute pessimism about man's ability to direct his affairs on a mass scale alone justifies his presence here. I don't necessarily agree with him but reading it was like being punched in the gut.

>> No.12200776

Shouldnt it be 'anti-modernism;?

>> No.12200796

What do you mean by that

>> No.12200818

fuck off logo

>> No.12200824

Most books are anti or post modern. If the chart said on modernity then sure but it also isnt the best literature for that. Joyce and Eliot are modern. Not the unabomber.

>> No.12200825

I'd start with Cinnebar because it gives context to his other work, then probably mysteries of the grail for a soft intro before the big 3.

>> No.12200838

are you fucking serious senpai?

>> No.12200943

Get away you moron

>> No.12202538
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Your shit chart only needs one book.

>> No.12203353

Why are you Tractatus posting at this time of year?

>> No.12203479
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better version

>> No.12204196
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Is McLuhan a hack? I need the input of anonymous strangers to form opinions for me.

>> No.12205554

Nah, his views on media are extremely prescient, definitely still worth reading.

>> No.12206634

Yes I'm talking to you, the serial bumper.
Just let the thread die.

>> No.12206747

Where can I find the book "New Nobility from Blood and Soil"?