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File: 3.50 MB, 1400x2100, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12166974 No.12166974 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, this fucking slaps.

>> No.12166979

Okay this is fucking gay

>> No.12167018

It REALLY cracks the whip.

>> No.12167028

Dicks going into butts

>> No.12167046

It’s for gays.

>> No.12167081

idk man like is some kind of weird snarkception the way they make fun of all the awful nytimes op-ed writers but at the same time they are awful op-ed wriers themselves that should be parodied, its like they completely exemplify soi culture with no irony, like now someone needs to make a snarty podcast that makes fun of snarky podcasts... i think they're getting to the nytimes scum tho because i swear michelle goldberg used the terms "transactional" and "husk" in the same column, it's working, you're hitting them, keep going, go go go...just don't fucking overdose on soi and nintendo ok

>> No.12167090

Burgers were a mistake

>> No.12167097


>> No.12167195

Is the title ironic? I fail to see how anyone can come to the conclusion that logic should be avoided, but y'know, Poe's Law.

>> No.12167211

yeah i dont get the subtitles its like ben shapiro has em shook and theyre like "ok ok this shit isn't logical or reasonable dont ask us to debate on twitter plz" seems kinda beta t b h

>> No.12167220


post ur hogs

>> No.12167221

fuck ben shapiro but u know a true ideological gee like lenin or trump would be like come at me bitch lets get it on my shit is airtight

>> No.12167245

if you are familiar with their arguments, basically the point is that they think the words "rational" and "logical" etc. are just buzzwords used to essentially naturalize neoliberal capitalism in a way that dehumanizes people into productive units for the neoliberal ruling class. So they're not attacking rationality as a concept, they're attacking the specific neoliberal usage. So yes its ironic.

>> No.12167246

these guys are the epitome of fucking soi pussies. I'd guess collectively they could lift 300 pounds. burn this trash

>> No.12167263

and marx didnt do that?

>> No.12167390

Tu quoque. Try harder next time, sweety

>> No.12167455

They're litetally being propped-up by establishment figures like Patton Oswalt. They've past Captial's event horizon and haven't even realised it.

>> No.12167584

That's only tu quoque if he's suggesting that Marx, as an individual, dehumanized people. If Marx, as a thinker—or Marx's thought in-itself—, then he's merely pointing out an inconsistency which is not a fallacy.

>> No.12167589

If Marx qua thinker or Marxism itself . . . dehumanized people.

>> No.12167595

dude every leftist movement is propped up by some rich asshole since the days engels propped up marx and the german government propped up lenin and it just keeps going

>> No.12167611
File: 34 KB, 461x439, left wing parasite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It slaps men's nuts against men's butts for promoting such ideological drivel to impressionable youths

>> No.12167689

You’re on par with MDE posters. I hope you know that.

>> No.12167696

MDE posters are basically why I’m here

>> No.12167755

That's because you're a nerd, nerd.

>> No.12167776

Yep; High/Low vs. The Middle, a perennial pattern. Summarizes the history of man's struggle for power well.

>> No.12167777

Okay, this is fucking epic.

>> No.12167803

Chapo trap house fans are gay

>> No.12167826

Chapo Fag House is Jew nepotism at its worst

>> No.12168040

Faggo Onions House

>> No.12168278 [DELETED] 


>> No.12168282
File: 192 KB, 621x938, Subhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the people calling you 'chuds'
what the fuck is a chud anyway?

>> No.12168389

the npc chapo defender has arrived

>> No.12168391


>> No.12168404

the issue with chapo is it is being subsumed by the liberal-left idpol, that it began as a pisstake of.

just a bunch of retarded students looking for an aesthetic, nothing new

>> No.12168422

It's amazing how they can't see that idpol is a replacement for class. The left should hate this stuff and yet it fully embraces it despite it's only achievement being convincing people it's mandatory.

>> No.12168433

The West's embracement of idpol is a wonderful gift to the far right. Not only does it alienate the actual working class from the modern left, but all the idpol language and philosophy can easily be applied to anything the far right wants.

>> No.12168454

i meant the Left's embracement of idpol, damnit

>> No.12168466

>using idpol unironically
>class obsession

>> No.12168468

What can a man do so that his kid doesn't end up like this?
I think physical education should help (although this guy looks slightly deformed, it might be a medical condition), but I'm not sure about the rest.

I think, at some level, leftism is just resentful sub-par people grouping together and demanding free stuff.
They should be taught humility/compassion and learn to appreciate greatness even if they're not the ones who succeed.

>> No.12168472

>idpol is a replacement for class
>The West's embracement of idpol

Imagine being this fucking retarded. How short sighted, conceited, and historically illiterate do you have to be to think "identity politics" is a creation, a creation of the West nonetheless.

All politics are identity politics

>> No.12168476

Indeed, the far rights idpol is so much better as well. Promises power right out of the gate, where as the left promises you "solidarity" which you don't even get since everyone is too busy chopping up their personhood to stick a currency on it to bargain for airtime.

>> No.12168479

Teach your kid physical education. You'd be surprised at how effective it can be. Some studies even suggest that your political views change as your body becomes fitter, but i dont know how much of that is true.

>> No.12168480

>Chapo trap house
>no actual cute traps with feminine penises

This fucking gay

>> No.12168484

That term is so vague that literally any movement for power can be illustrated as such

>> No.12168490

>Some studies even suggest that your political views change as your body becomes fitter, but i dont know how much of that is true.
Who still keep spreading this myth? The original study showed that working class leftists are fitter while upper class right wingers are fitter. Hell even previous studies before that showed that in general left wingers are more fitter than right wingers. Yet through diffusion and osmosis this nuance is dead to fit and push right wingers' narratives

>> No.12168494

He is deformed. Look at the angle of his feet.

>> No.12168496

Pretty sure he's got some sort of legit problem with his legs, he walks with a pretty pronounced limp. No idea if it's a congenital thing or a bad injury though.

>> No.12168499

I personally blame the Red Scares for purging any classism in the discourse

>> No.12168509
File: 21 KB, 709x204, libs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it kind of forgettable desu. It's mostly just reiterating the same shit that they talk about in the podcast but without the spontaneity of conversation. Epigram game was top tier tho

>> No.12168544
File: 85 KB, 564x407, 1520868884279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12168555

>literally /tv/ memes

>> No.12168557

Show me where they banepost.

>> No.12168563


>> No.12168581

>All politics are identity politics
class is not an identity you fuck

not everything is about you trying out being a gay

people have to eat you retard imbecile

>> No.12168598 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 680x695, 5f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>class is not an identity you fuck

>> No.12169473

wow I'm blown away by the overwhelming logic and brainpower behind your verbose and succinct arguments.

Are all /pol/posters capable of such deep thought or are you three the intellectual leaders of your movement?

>> No.12169487

I can’t imagine being so dumb I don’t realize wealth isn’t an immutable aspect of life

This is your brain on intersectionality and Beyoncé Super Bowl performances

>> No.12169610

It's drugs... It means drugs

>> No.12169695

Identity doesn't have to be immutable. Religion is mutable, as is being a tranny.

>> No.12169703
File: 876 KB, 1200x650, CTH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are all /pol/posters capable of such deep thought or are you three the intellectual leaders of your movement?
Speaking of three intellectual leaders, would you listen to any advice given by pic related, or would you dismiss them as untermenschen?

>> No.12170067
File: 45 KB, 600x600, groyper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Meme signalling your commie ingroup on a bulgarian basketweaving forum

>> No.12170167
File: 484 KB, 1415x1791, Kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you listen to any advice given by one of western civilizations greatest thinkers, or would you dismiss him as a 4ft goblin untermenschen?

>> No.12170181
File: 155 KB, 1242x370, vvdvdfv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do businesses tolerate people who want the dissolution of the system that allows for their existence and the leaders of the business put up against walls and shot, but act as the implacable enemies of those who say mean words about browns

It almost leads one to believe in the presence of a conspiracy of certain co-ethnics

>> No.12170186
File: 55 KB, 431x450, dum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dey stoopid becus dey ugleee

feels > reels

>> No.12170203

>feels > reels
Dont worry, he's not just ugly, but also stupid., just look at >>12168282

>> No.12170212

That was pretty deep

>> No.12170221


>> No.12170224

>Why do businesses tolerate people who want the dissolution of the system that allows for their existence and the leaders of the business put up against walls and shot

It's almost as if the bit of profit they gain from them and marketing to their fanbase outdoes the very very low precentage of that content having any true impact on their company?

Are you really that delusional to think that petty moral stigmas will outway the need for a company to make as much money as possible?

>> No.12170225

Every time I see gringos like this one I often wonder if they realize the third worlders they so idolize are extremely more 'problematic' than the peers they constantly complain about.

>> No.12170230

How do people justify being socialist when there is no conceivable solution to the knowledge problem? Socialism is objectively less efficient than the market economy.

>> No.12170270
File: 97 KB, 500x623, 1542303293884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain market socialism then

>> No.12170273

superior Ashkenazi genetics stupid goy

>> No.12170276

Do you mean fascism?

>> No.12170283

Ah yes, the famous Jewish surname "Christman"

>> No.12170291


>> No.12170304

I don't know what you want from me.

>> No.12170305

You smell of reddit. The very way you type, it's all reddit-like. It's disgusting.

>> No.12170310

Do you think pol types don't similarly ree at their neoliberal indoctronated family?

>learn to appreciate greatness even if they're not the ones who succeed

Right, when someone has to sell their fucking fields medal to pay for hospital costs they're a failure, but when someone far less intelligent happens to just get lucky in business, which is the good majority of their time they're sucessful.

>> No.12170311

So you're saying Patreon have made the judgement that Chapo's messages and espousal of revolutionary communism are too limp dicked to effect the zeitgeist and bring about their downfall?

>Are you really that delusional to think that petty moral stigmas will outway the need for a company to make as much money as possible?
Yeah, have you been living under a rock? From corporations to small businesses literally everyone is obsessed with so called petty moral stigmata

>> No.12170333

Theres a market for everything ironically even for people who fundementally hate the entire system. Like isnt it ironic how many commies there is on shit like twitter? There is no way to avoid capital.

>> No.12170338

Based reddit-hunter

>> No.12170419

This book is bad&so is their juvenile take on foreign policy.

>> No.12170421

Success is relative and situational, with a good amount of luck involved, you shouldn't take it so personally.
You can improve the system somewhat, but at the end of the day, some people are going to be smarter or better looking or whatever that will give them the edge and put them on top to be hated by people who don't even understand much of what's going on and just want free stuff.

>> No.12170586

My impression of them is basically that they are the following:
Marx lite + Chomsky lite + twitter snark + /pol/-style political mockery

They, and the 'dirtbag left' in general come off to me as some kind of leftist reaction to /pol/'s rightwing adoption of using irony to attack any sincere alternative positions to make their opponents look foolish while simultaneously not having to hold the burden of defending their own positions or proposing any type of sensible reform for society. Anyone who is sincere is an open target for mockery; they, however, cannot be mocked because they are not sincere, they are "ironic". The jester cannot be responded to without the target appearing ineffectual. Strong tactic, essentially saying "you mad bro". The responder can either say "yes, I'm mad" and appear a fool, or say "No I'm not" and appear defensive and weak.

It allows them to toss of any semblance of epistemic humility and avoid active dialogue or engagement of any kind with opponents since the views of those who disagree with them cannot possibly have any merit.

Again tho IDK. I haven't seriously engaged with the book or podcast. Maybe I'm just some sort of retard. This is what I glean from brief visits to their reddit and twitter pages so I can read the absolute garbage their fanbase spews.

>> No.12170641

God CTH has to be the cringiest gayest shit online right now, does anyone even listen to those literal cuckolds?

>> No.12170669

Market socialists are usually anti-big-gov. Guys like Gesell, some neo-Georgists, Proudhon, etc, are usually about "buy local".

>> No.12170688

>Marx lite + Chomsky lite + twitter snark + /pol/-style political mockery
You forgot + reddit-tier soi-infused opinions, made apparent when discussing race/racism. (Makes sense, seeing how you're a redditor yourself and perhaps don't see the reddit, just how a fish doesn't see water.)

>> No.12170704

jew botnets

>> No.12170757

I can't have a conversation with you if you don't define your terms. I don't know what you mean by market socialist. It doesn't make any sense to me because socialism is the centralized distribution of scarce resources. When you add market to it and it becomes a contradiction because by market people usually mean a price coordinated distribution of resources.

I can't read your mind.

>> No.12170772

Socialism = workers in control of means of production

>> No.12170789

Oh fuck off, you retarded cunt. You can call the government or whoever is distributing resources "the workers" but it doesn't change the definition.

>> No.12170849

The difference between socialist and capitalist economies has to do with the ownership of the means of production. There isn't any reason that you couldn't have market socialism or even command capitalism.

>> No.12170893

>They, and the 'dirtbag left' in general come off to me as some kind of leftist reaction to /pol/'s rightwing adoption of using irony to attack any sincere alternative positions to make their opponents look foolish while simultaneously not having to hold the burden of defending their own positions or proposing any type of sensible reform for society. Anyone who is sincere is an open target for mockery; they, however, cannot be mocked because they are not sincere, they are "ironic". The jester cannot be responded to without the target appearing ineffectual. Strong tactic, essentially saying "you mad bro". The responder can either say "yes, I'm mad" and appear a fool, or say "No I'm not" and appear defensive and weak.

This stops working whenever any edgy joke forces you need to make apologies to your audience or whoever whines about it. /pol/ will never have this problem, because no one there claims they're morally elevated.

>> No.12170897

You're not disagreeing with my definition of socialism but you're too stupid to see it. Now you want to talk about command capitalism after telling me you weren't talking about fascism. You're not a good thinker.

>> No.12170983
File: 520 KB, 640x640, 1543688018358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is English your first launguage? I have no idea how you could misinterpret me to such a bad degree. The centralization or decentralization of an economic system does not determine whether it is capitalist or socialist. Market socialism is so far away from fascism on the political spectrum that I cannot understand how you could mix the two up

>> No.12171007
File: 4 KB, 200x240, 54770cbee8abc_bertrand_de_jouvenel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yep; High/Low vs. The Middle, a perennial pattern. Summarizes the history of man's struggle for power well.
pic related

>> No.12171009

Worst post in this thread. If all politics is identity politics, then it simply ceases to be an useful term and we should just use the word politics. Fucking retard

>> No.12171021

They don't really think of them, period. They are just props in an overarching Progressive morality play to be pointed to in order to attack the morality of your opponents.

>> No.12171024

Hey are you chewingofthecud?

>> No.12171027

No idea who you're talking about lad.

>> No.12171036

I am curious to see which Democratic donors provided the startup funding and promotion for Chapo.

>> No.12171048

>Right, when someone has to sell their fucking fields medal to pay for hospital costs they're a failure, but when someone far less intelligent happens to just get lucky in business, which is the good majority of their time they're sucessful.
That guy was 96 years old dude.

>> No.12171049

On the subject of economics you are legitimately retarded. You're actually worse than somebody who never attempted to study economics because at least they aren't so confidently confused.

>> No.12171052

The way he's posed looks like a giant toddler.

>> No.12171066

There's a toddler in the background who is dressed just like him. Someone on /pol/ said that it was the universe mocking him.

>> No.12171070

Pray tell then, Socrates, the difference between market socialism and fascism

>> No.12171081

Yes, that is a definitive component I forgot to add. This feeling of moralistic superiority is both a blessing and curse. It makes them beholden to the perception of their message among their desired in-group, thus necessitating apologies and an appropriate level of virtue-signaling to communicate with their desired in-group that "fear not, we are one of you".

However, it also allows them to adopt some reprehensible positions that would be plainly morally wrong, but believe they are virtuous in their beliefs because they posses a moral highground.

This is how they can unironically call for the assassination of Republican congress members or endless mock targets both big and small yet believe they hold a moral highground since their believed ends (a socialist/labor utopia) justify the means. There's also a degree of belief that since their enemy engages in similar underhanded tactics, that it is thus morally justified to respond in-kind.

>> No.12171109

You’re fed a steady diet of thin, flavorless gruel by your leaders, your parents, fake friends who love drama, the fascist mods on Erowid and r/celebritytoes, the lying sheeple news media, and, most especially, all previous works of political satire and comedy.

p funny

>> No.12171121

Try to think for one minute. In a socialist government, how would goods get from the warehouse to the consumer? Some sort of authority or bureau will have to direct where those resources go. That is the centralized distribution of scarce resources. When you tell me that socialism is instead "the workers owning the means of production" you're not actually saying anything useful or disagreeing with my definition of socialism. You're just repeating slogans in an effort to mimic intelligent thought.

You still haven't defined market socialism so I have no idea what the fuck you mean by that, but if you're wanting to know what a command economy is then look no further than fascism Italy or Nazi Germany. Generally speaking, it's the government granting monopoly rights to private companies and directed by fiat how much is produced and where.

>> No.12171137

A employee owned factory contracts an employee owned retailer to sell their goods. They compete against other employee owned businesses. Market socialism.

>> No.12171138

This pattern (psycho intellectual elite shrieking at its population for perceived immorality) has a long history in the US. I can't think of another country in which the theoretical ruling class hates its own people so much. Maybe it's because we've always been a Republic run by Brahmin-types.

>> No.12171170

What are you telling me this for? Make an argument you daft cunt.

>> No.12171273

They need a good reason to kill or imprison them. Who wants to make a martyrs out of three retards

>> No.12171368

>Why do businesses tolerate people who want the dissolution of the system that allows for their existence and the leaders of the business put up against walls and shot, but act as the implacable enemies of those who say mean words about browns

Because the whole "put businessmen up against the wall" isn't really meant to happen. Most of these activists are indirectly on the payroll of businessmen via philanthropic foundations (Ford, Rockefeller, Open Society, Tides, Carnegie, etc.) and are mobilized for the purposes of expanding the power of their patrons, who, on the business side, are often financiers. See Herbert Marcuse being supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, Civil Rights being bankrolled by the Ford Foundation, May 1968 in France as the product of Anglo-American intel agencies promoting anti-Russian leftists, for a few examples. When you create a slew of protected classes (PoC, gays, trans persons), you then need a legal infrastructure to enforce those laws, which expands Progressive power, and turns those groups into moral bludgeons that can be used against your opponents. Businesses have to play along with wokeness, but it's not the end of the world for them in most cases. "Business" is hardly a uniform group in the US anyway, different business groups have different interests and fund different factions.

>> No.12171432

>Owning the libtards epic style
Replace libtards with chuds and you get Chapo trap house in a nutshell.

>> No.12171460

No it can't. You could most likely find particular cases that support your claim, but not a robust pattern. Do away with your philosophy of difference.

>> No.12171505

Its less mockery than it is an effort to establish the opposition as not worthy of consideration.

>> No.12171640

The commodification of dissent is perhaps the single greatest weapon of capitalism. It neuters and diludes any possibility of genuine revolutionary thought, and the best part is, they do it to themselves.
In fact I think memes and the rise of widespread irony is another sign of this.

>> No.12171660

you just summarized most of my thoughts on memes and "irony politics"

>> No.12171765

>Rapist Frat House
But why?

>> No.12172141

based and red

>> No.12172158
File: 233 KB, 970x545, CHUD-Main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CHUD is from a 1984 schlock horror movie featuring "Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers"

>> No.12172160

>dude every leftist movement is propped up by some rich asshole since the days engels propped up marx
That's totally the same as the fact that modern leftists frighten corporate interests more than trump

>> No.12172161

and where exactly is the insult?

>> No.12172187

I get a panic attack every time I see pics of this fag because the possibility of ending up like him scares the shit out of me

how do you fail so hard that your appearance communicates pure worthlessness

>> No.12172212

>implying actual leftists are even prominent enough for corporations to even care about

>> No.12172215

It entered pop culture as a put down years after this Simpsons episode referenced the movie

It's now used to describe stupid, ugly people at the bottom of society.

>> No.12172272

The ones that are invariably turn into Zizek
And zash eesh vhy vhee should [bourgeois platitude]

>> No.12172418
File: 136 KB, 600x466, DlxLCga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've read 'Kill All Normies.'

>> No.12172421

are you really that daft? its obviously the whole point of the picture you moron

>> No.12172477
File: 9 KB, 251x247, pikachu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>champagne brocialism

>> No.12172755

What bothers me most is just how poring and didactic they are. Even the liberal comedians they bash seem to have better comedic sensibilities than them, and their rather dull edge doesn't really make up for it.

>> No.12173579

But who the hell would feel insulted by that? Insults like basedboy, cuck, NPC etc. at least can hurt, but who the hell would feel insulted by being called a chud?

>> No.12173609
File: 606 KB, 1445x2048, DjdtMo_UUAEQ953.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this prose kino?

>> No.12173620


Not the OP you replied to but a better way to think about it is that under socialism acquisition of capital is no longer the goal or highest virtue of members of society.

All the exploitation of workers, the natural given ("environment"), etc comes from the ceaseless attempt to seek more capital through the seeking of further surplus-value from the workers. People tend to focus more on the surplus-value end of it but logically getting more capital allows you to get more workers and extract more surplus value from each worker.

Under socialism you could, in principle, have any way of organizing supply chains, hiring people, etc *provided* that does not (re)produce the worship of capital and the maximal extraction of surplus-value.

There is nothing wrong with some form of market or responsiveness to demand, but there is everything wrong with a concept of freedom which promotes growing extraction of surplus value at the cost of the workers (and indeed everyone and everything that doesn't own capital). I.e. the current arrangements the "west" has.

>> No.12173627

step 1 donate to my patreon even though im a genuine 1%er who wont have to work a day in my life

>> No.12173655

I guess you're joking but 1%er != middle class

>> No.12173660


one of the chapo guys is a literal trust fund baby.

>> No.12173688

why are all of you so insecure and crying over a podcast?

>> No.12173689

you do realize that's the reason the podcast is there, right? if they were as leftie as they proclaim, they would shed the excess money by throwing it in a trashcan or something

>> No.12173692

source on that?
even if that's true, that's still not what a 1%er is

>> No.12173696

what does that even mean?
do you think they want to abolish currency or something?

>> No.12173699

why do people like you have this idiotic idea that anybody with left wing politics has to burn all of their money beyond the point of paying for the bare minimum of utilities and most wooden and lifeless standard of living possible otherwise theyre hypocritical and intellectually malicious and dishonest?

how do you fuck up political ideology this bad

>> No.12173704

right-wing american propaganda from the past 50 years has eroded their brains
it is actually baffling how little Americans know about their own country's history and the history of ideologies outside the Republican party

>> No.12173730

because it signals they care very little about real change, they like shouting into the void, empty critiques that wont reach anyone, whilst earning ~15-20k a month each
but yeah keep spouting viva la revolution or something

>> No.12173736

It's trash.

>> No.12173738

the change they want isn't for people to be poor or not use money, so I don't see how their lifestyle is in conflict with their views

>> No.12173752

their podcast is the embodiment of left wing politics and the labor movement:
they work when they want on their own schedule, they arent owned by a company, they own their own capital, and they take the full benefit of their entertainment product that they create.

theres nothing hypocritical about it.

>> No.12173769

and i'm very happy you can be satisfied by such an embodiment, as peruvian workers are still slaving away for the equipment they use, the clothes they wear, the 'entertainment' they create
all whilst them still not wishing real change, as they are comfortable where they are now, making a low-effort podcast where critiquing is synonymous to spouting your opinion in a very hospitable echo chamber

>> No.12173788

you definitely don't have the intimate knowledge to know whether they use responsibly-sourced products
and even if you did, that doesn't make their criticisms invalid (appeal to hypocrisy/tu quoque)
it's not like them getting their ideological wishes would change their lifestyle for the worse anyway

>> No.12173789

So you have to build your own circuit boards, computers, microphones, wiring, internet, soundcloud platform, webpage, grow your own food, stitch your own clothes, create your own dye, build your own house, create your own plumbing, be your own doctor, etc. otherwise you're a hypocrite if you are left wing?

You're retarded.

Its okay to say you dont like something. Nobody cares. Its not going to change anything or be some profound statement to society to say you dont like listening to the Chapo Trap House Podcast. You dont have to pretend that there is some catastrophic hypocritical evil agenda that theyre abusing to live off of sweet sweet neetbux while secretly voting for Paul Ryan 40 times every election. Theyre comedians that make politically themed entertainment. Theyre not politicians or bureaucrats in charge of policy. You can just not like them. You dont have to listen to them. You dont have to do anything you dont want to.

Nobody gives a shit about you being iconoclastic over popular entertainment to give yourself the illusion of having a personality.

>> No.12173795

>Its not going to change anything or be some profound statement to society
>Theyre comedians that make politically themed entertainment

very good description of what Chapo and their useless praxis is indeed, keep shilling, keep dishing out your $

>> No.12173798

what are you even mad at?

>> No.12173819

If you don't think easy money is a good thing you're jaded

>> No.12173827

chapo is a comedy podcast and anyone who actually takes them seriously is a limp dick demsucc at best, most likely a lib though.

the boys are funny, but the fact that dipshits give them over a million dollars a fucking year to work probably 8 hours a week is the dumbest shit i've ever heard

>> No.12173846

>give them over a million dollars a fucking year to work probably 8 hours a week is the dumbest shit i've ever heard

>> No.12173878

a bunch of dudes from privileged families making money for sitting on their ass reading tweets to appeal to a bunch of libs co-opting an identity of woke smol bean revolutionaries is just dumb idk what else you want

>> No.12173887

trusss cuhz, you'll never convert these zealous grey wolves

>> No.12173918

they're just so... disappointing

>> No.12173984

ay curamba

>> No.12174075

The way you used Engels as a representation of the High means any movement with a class traitor could fit that model

>> No.12174088

Kek why do these nerds make people here so mad theyre some succdems with a podcast who cares, they obviously arent going to change much its just for latte hipsters to laugh and feel like they have the right ideas and opinions. Theres plenty of right wing alternatives

>> No.12174145

its ripping off mde's style (which has crypto-beat roots in Burroughs etc.) but removing all potentially offensive things from it. That it is leavened with abstruse cliches is either to make the reader feel bad for not getting them or make them feel good for existing in the weird twitter/brooklyn leftist Chapo milieu.

Also the character type they link with Amis and Wodehouse clearly suggests to me that they have in fact read neither of them: "craggy but loveable" is something associated more with popular representatives of that period (i.e. Downton Abbey) than actual literary works revolving around that class.

>> No.12174228

Good post.

No need. There is a big enough audience of "failsons" with money. I didn't come up with the term, that is what they call themselves.

>> No.12174254

It read like an HST book without the bite

>> No.12174640

>You can improve the system somewhat, but at the end of the day, some people are going to be smarter or better looking or whatever that will give them the edge and put them on top to be hated by people who don't even understand much of what's going on and just want free stuff.
>obey your superiors and don't question the unearned birthrights of the rich
Literal bootlicker

>> No.12174655
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Hahahaha, now THIS is revolutionary prose! Come on guys we are gonna start the #revolution right now, just buy the fucking book and donate yur salary to our patreon. Don't forget to subscribe and smash that like button! Promise guys, it's not just another leftie subculture.

>> No.12174663

s e e t h i n g

>> No.12174670
File: 2.98 MB, 290x300, 2828.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standing astride africa like cecil rhodes dick swingin
>yelling at niggers to stop misbehaving
>weird twitter leftist faggot wearing scarf indoors says "excuse me chief"
>bend an ear to him because i'm always willing to tolerate dissent
>"instead of being right wing to solve the world's problems why don't you try being left wing instead like me? we're just as cool as you and we aren't afraid of anything, we're edgy and the hottest new thing. marxism not nazism ok, we have the tools to defeat capital"
>incredulous but interested
>ask for more information about what it means to take a leftist tack in the apocalyptic war with neoliberal thought controllers
>"first of all, you have to stop saying nigger, and please stop being transphobic!! ;____; my tummy hurts don't call me a faggot that's homophobic"

>> No.12174677

i hope you get some of that patreon money. imagine actually shilling some faggot leftie yanks for free!

>> No.12174681

Don't worry DSA president Nick Mullen will take care of the smol beans

>> No.12174686

s e e t h i n g

>> No.12174711

What's your favorite cum town bit? I still think pedophile Ray Romano is the funniest thing they've done

>> No.12174723

"Where'd you get that boypussy, clown college"
The way Nick says it makes it way funnier to me than it probably is

>> No.12174725


read the triggered chapo comments

>> No.12174753

There's only like three tbqhfamalam

>> No.12174783

>I get a panic attack
As of right now, you're indistinguishable from him, Anon

>> No.12174786

pedophile dating app called "kinder"

>> No.12174820


>> No.12174843

Chapo fan base:
60% mentally ill social liberals with "they/them" in their twitter bios
20% burnt out ironybros who can't communicate except through 5 layers of irony
10% cum town fans who miss the old chapo days but listen out of habit
5% DSA types looking for clips to post on twitter out of context
5% mde fans who realize that implementing race realism as policy would probably cause another civil war

>> No.12175154

Engels was not a class traitor for what he did however. Typical leftist unable to engage with the right without strawmaning our positions.

>> No.12175167


>> No.12175266

>Engels was not a class traitor for what he did however
Right-wing talking points: now with 100% less proof

>> No.12175295
File: 186 KB, 820x840, stav2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adam's son, Molestrios, the gay Jackass stuff.

>> No.12175356

i dont see ur hog anywhere in that post anon

>> No.12175369

The hellacaust

>> No.12175374

Who here actually believes that Stav fucks

>> No.12175471

lmao this goes to show autistic chapo fans have no sense of humour, b-b-ut chapo is ""entertainment""

>> No.12175485

Why is it that any possible political opinion leads you to accidentally join the ranks of a bunch of bumbling retards who use that opinion as their identity and make you feel like an idiot just for agreeing with them?
I try to discuss leftism expecting Eugene V. Debs and am instead met with weak pudgy faggots that think Marvel superheroes are the high point of western culture and that working class people disliking trannies is a worse injustice than actual capitalist exploitation.

>> No.12175560

Eric Striker did a podcast to mock them called "Chapo Brooklyn Brownstone"--an excellent concept, but he didn't deliver on the satire the title promised.

>> No.12175571

because if you actually do something that threatens the koch brothers or george soros profits you are gonna get hit hard with a whole world of shit from lawsuits to character assassination, but if you march around demanding unisex bathrooms you get to virtue signal without any blowback

>> No.12175586

Why aren't you agents of degeneration preaching about luxury gay space communism anymore? Realise it had no relevance to the working class, who have a healthy instinctive disgust for your likes?

>> No.12175593

tradcaths are a pretty merry bunch in my experience

>> No.12175597

Bad Samaritan

>> No.12175600

I imagine there are plenty of women who are 'down' to sleep with him

>> No.12175618

I have absolutely no idea where you guys claim to meet large amounts of these meme people
I genuinely didn't think they existed in a large enough group anywhere outside the internet for you to have experience of them as a "bunch," the handful of guys that unironically post here about abstinence and the desert fathers are the only ones I know of and other than that it's just an enormous amount of discussion circulating about this group that barely exists as if they're influential
It's like the snarky twitter fags that try to take down "guys that like Infinite Jest." The only other people on earth that I've ever heard mention Infinite Jest are the fucking Harvard english major that recommended it to me and the ex-girlfriend that asked me to borrow it. Where is this legion of guys that carry it around and pretend to have read it?

>> No.12175645

Everytime I see a pic of him I just dont get it. Maybe confidence really is key.

>> No.12175679

What do you guys think ia going to be the fate of coastal cities in america? Will the leftism become to much? Will it work? Will they decline? Will they stay the beacons of liberalism?

>> No.12175699

dude there is so much fucking money in nyc metro its not going to end in our lifetimes, there are too many diverse industries, too much old money, too much new money, too much overseas money, people are really very very rich there... the bay area on the other hand could definitely kill the goose that lays the golden eggs since most of the money is based off internet adware/spyware and all the actual silicon production moved to asia, apple is really the only company that gets all of its revenue from creating products instead of datamining and literal banner ads

>> No.12175708

dude u just triggered me so fuckin hard u should go in for the kill and post hog

>> No.12175743

Colonel Bustard

>> No.12175744

I fear going to university in a first world country because I may just assault the first gringo that comes to me like this

>> No.12175761

>Identity doesn't have to be immutable
Now THIS is the power of liquid modernity

>> No.12175765

Modern leftists' opinions on bringing down corporations would matter if every single one wasn't posted from an iphone to twitter while they're in starbucks

>> No.12175768

>100k a month chatting with your pal about subverting capitalism, now on Spotify
Americans are funny

>> No.12175773

Hi I'm gay HIV negative actor Michael Bugless.

>> No.12175779

CTH are just populist brocialists. Absolutely disgusting.

t. Anarchist

>> No.12175781

The Chris Benoit Story

>> No.12175793
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>> No.12175797

>Anarchist calling anyone a brocialist
lmao remember when anarchists had grit? Now you can't even insult a tranny without them reeeeing their eyes out.

>> No.12175800

are you still here? christ dude, are you their little pet slave or something?

>> No.12175804

No i just saw this thread being bumped on the frontpage.

>> No.12175821

>but if you march around demanding unisex bathrooms you get to virtue signal without any blowback
Why the fuck did this all change so fast? And why are unions themselves okay with subverting their own interests to fight for stupid bullshit that doesn't benefit them in the slightest and distracts from real working class grievances? I get that the top leadership is corrupt but why the fuck did rank and file adopt this insanity too?

>> No.12175828

umm sweaty the 'real working class' are reactionary whites. Very problematic!

>> No.12175829

Please do so. I beg you.

t. white guy attending university in first world country surrounded by onions-munching faggots

>> No.12175833

Are the working class involved in this at all?

>> No.12175866


Why would you insult transexuals? Pretty shitty thing to do.

>> No.12175871

Why would i pretend they're normal women? Pretty stupid to do desu

>> No.12175888

CTH fans become really transparent when they drop their detached internet cool guy personas to passionately defend fags and trannies

>> No.12175889

They probably think it will attract more to their cause, like how many became friendly towards immigrants and even illegal immigrants. Its for the PR youll get a nice headline doesnt mean people will actually give a shit to join though.

>> No.12175903

Why not? Barely anyone actually fucking likes chicks with dicks such a superficial person and problem thats blown out of proportion everywhere.

>> No.12175917

If a union starts to welcome illegal immigrants that's a sign that they no longer give a shit about their nation's working class and thus no longer have a reason to exist and no reason to give them money.

>> No.12175923

Are trannies corporate capitalism's greatest red herring?

>> No.12175929

And the illegals dont even fucking join because they can skip the rules and be scabs that all squat together in some apartment. Shits fucked.

>> No.12176112


Their existence doesn't affect you at all. You don't have to pretend anything. Going out of your way to insult them is quite shitty.

>> No.12176138

>you dont have to pretend anything
i do when they insist i use the 'correct' pronounce, and im sure as hell not going to call a dude with a 5 o clock shadow a 'her'.

Also they are disgusting on a fundamental level, similar to the morbidly obese, which means their very existence is offensive.

>> No.12176162

>i do when they insist i use the 'correct' pronounce, and im sure as hell not going to call a dude with a 5 o clock shadow a 'her'.

And that affects you how exactly? Why does it matter to you what they ask to be referred to as? Is it honestly a challenge for you to replace a word to make another human being feel okay?

>> No.12176163

Child rapists don't affect you therefore live and let live brah.

>> No.12176193

>is it honestly a challenge to entertain someone's delusions?
yes, yes it is.

>> No.12176204


Child rapists affect peace, though. They actively harm others. A transexual simply existing doesn't.



>> No.12176220

people should stop being so harsh on you since you're clearly autistic. I mean that in a literal, unironic sense.

>> No.12176227

Certainly a name that 19th century Jewish "converts" to Christianity would choose for themselves. I guarantee that thing has Jewish genetics.

>> No.12176236

Any denial of truth or the good is harmful for people. A guy that wants to cut his own healthy arm off isn't physically hurting anyone but we stop him anyways because physical harm doesn't matter. If you think it does you would have to also be against dentistry since they physically harm people to fulfill a good work. Telling people that men can be women is harmful because it's not true.

>> No.12176256
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>if you dont consider pic related to be girls then you're 'autistic'

>> No.12176264

Incels dont affect anyone either, but they sure make the left angry as fuck.

>> No.12176272

Because just calling them whatever meme pronoun they want still doesnt make them feel okay. There are things fundementally wrong with these people.

>> No.12176273

tell that to e-bitches who owe taxes

>> No.12176283

>muh mass shooter incels

>> No.12176299

Those are just individual incels. The incel 'lifestyle' doesn't harm anyone other than themselves.

>> No.12176343

It's called getting your foot in the door. They ask for something that seems like the slightest bit of leeway that instead fundamentally changes the way we think and act. Changing the way someone speaks is a direct infringement on freedom of speech and it's juvenile to assume someone should change the way they speak because you have a mental illness listed in the DSM-V.

>> No.12176352

So do you hate them because they're irony poisoned or because they actually care about something despite being broadly disillusioned?

>> No.12176399

so basically mde but for leftist redditors

fuck off, retard

>> No.12176444

>fuck off, retard
Not him, but solid argument.

>> No.12176454


You're absolutely right. One moment they're asking you to politely call them by what they wish to be called and hurts no one but suddenly once they get that they're asking you to chop their dicks off for them with a cleaver. When will the madness stop? It's KILLING ME ARGH TONY

>> No.12176460

who said anything about an argument?

>> No.12176463

I think the next step would actually be transgender bathrooms.

>> No.12176466

Not him but have you ever considered that social shaming is actually an extremely sophisticated rhetorical and biologically evolved system that literally developed alongside humans that’s deeply interlocked with out well being?

So really, calling someone a retard is actually pretty rock solid. I don’t even know why this guy is calling you a retard but stop being such a panty waste faggot and just call him a retard back,

>> No.12176471

lmao, they often act as if you just accused them of murder if you 'misgender' them.

And i've already seen people claim that you're transphobic if you're unwilling to date a tranny and stick it in that disgusting wound they have down there. So no thanks, i'm not going to accomodate them whatsoever.

>> No.12176479

>waaah why doesn't everyone else conform to my plagued worldview
>arrest these bad men for not blindly accepting mental illness

>> No.12176484

Trannies need to be executed

>> No.12176493

Motherfucker I guarantee you've got something listed in the DSM-V. It's a massively inclusive and ever-changing text, because the science of neurology and the study of psychology are deeply incomplete. Being gay used to be in the DSM, now it's not. We've learned and updated our heuristics for mental illness. Feminine hysteria used to be a psychological condition as well, and if you were alive when the diagnosis was falling out of vogue then I'm sure you would have protested that as well. The problem here isn't trans people, or the DSM, it's your uncritical, stubborn insistence that the progress of human knowledge and understanding should stop exactly where you're comfortable with it. You're a coward, yet you act as though it's brave to stand up to a marginalized hyper-minority who are basically invisible to you if you live offline.

Even if there was a massive Overton Window shift as a result of you elected to use someone's preferred pronouns (there wouldn't be), you still have no external reason to think that would be a negative societal event. But you're some very-online retard, so it'll happen with or without you because you basically don't exist.

>> No.12176512

tranny angry

>> No.12176517

Being slightly avoidant is in the DSM-V, but it's not nearly as bad as "cut off my genitals and pump me full of hormone blockers".

>The problem here isn't trans people, or the DSM, it's your uncritical, stubborn insistence that the progress of human knowledge and understanding should stop exactly where you're comfortable with it

This is fucking bullshit. Trannies are extremely sensitive whenever someone wants to inquire whether being a tranny is actually a mentally disorder, and they pounce on anyone with 'transitionary regret' with the same ferocity as salafists when they find an apostate.

>> No.12176526

I see them all the time but that’s because I’ve been in an uni Catholic society for a couple of years. Unironically supporting abstinence, religious and saintly life is pretty normal among a lot of young Catholics (especially women).
The douay rheims is best/latin mass only/Pope Francis is terrible/everything’s been bad since the Council of Trent/I still watch anime tho tradcath is very rare to find tho.

>> No.12176527

>Not him but have you ever considered that social shaming is actually an extremely sophisticated rhetorical and biologically evolved system that literally developed alongside humans that’s deeply interlocked with out well being?
Nah I'm six and I've literally never been outside or read anything. Also I have downs syndrome and I'm posting from my mom's phone with big-text mode on.

The dude he was engaging with was clearly trying for an argument, and was trying to lay out some points of contention. Ignoring that and calling him a retard isn't shaming, it's being an arrogant piece of shit. Might work among like-minded peers because you don't have to state a counterargument, but as far as real life goes it's only gonna hurt you.

>> No.12176549

>uhh who cares bro
>it doesn't hurt you just forget about it
lmao shut the fuck up already, you mentally ill freak

>> No.12176553

>Trannies are extremely sensitive whenever someone wants to inquire whether being a tranny is actually a mentally disorder, and they pounce on anyone with 'transitionary regret' with the same ferocity as salafists when they find an apostate.
Unfair generalization. Again, you're too fucking online. You've got confirmation bias because you're weak as shit and you can't actually think. You're basically a sponge for all the alt-right faggots to jizz their half-baked ideas into. When's the last time you've talked to a trans person? Everyone I've ever spoken with has been a happy person who knows what they want a hell of a lot more than most people I meet. That's not the case for everyone, but then what is?

>> No.12176559

is that supposed to be a bad thing

>> No.12176560

I guess I assumed since we’re talking about tranny trash bags you most likely didn’t understand language but aye my bad playa

>> No.12176561

When did I say any of that?

>> No.12176572

I worked at a vegan place and can confirm that trans people are like this. It’s definitely a *thing* but it has less to do with them being trans than it has to go with their shitty progressive idealism. I guess that’s the thing, trannies are progressives and progressives are trannies and there’s literally NOTHING ELSE

>> No.12176575

>The dude he was engaging with was clearly trying for an argument, and was trying to lay out some points of contention

>> No.12176604

m8 like half of them off themselves theyre not happy

>> No.12176605

I'm standing up for my right to think and say what I want. Gender dysphoria is a legitimate illness and I say this as someone who has suffered from it. You need to get over the fact that people aren't going to change what they say just because it offends you. I fucking hate you people and you all made a decision to read minds and no one talks about it because you know you have something to hide and then systematically forces me into submission like I'm just supposed to be okay with it. I hate you and your kind for what you are and I won't ever change that until the day I die.

>> No.12176651

I don't hate them, I think they pick their battles very poorly

>> No.12176679

I think you're condescending control freaks on a power trip.

>> No.12176746

To clarify, the obsession with particular social issues (e.g. the numerous varieties of sexual deviant we are meant to not ignore for some reason) seems ironic to me given that massive corporate interests have played a huge role in popularizing gay culture, especially in the last two decades. Homosexuals and people unsure about their gender etc. are as much victims of consumerist trash as fat people who eat too much McDonald's, people who drink themselves to death, gambling addicts etc. etc. By uncritically embracing these newly popularised sexual identities you ignore the fact that they were popularised by capitalists in a culture based around capitalist economics, and the main reason for popularizing them was undoubtedly to just give people more things to consume.

>> No.12176822

I bet he's never fucked a girl hotter than a 6/10 at best.

>> No.12176838

So how do we fix it? And how do we stop the literal brainwashing? Or is that such an inherent part of our culture that it's impossible to avoid?

>> No.12176852

The writing is fucking Lovecraftian

>> No.12176870

T. person who has never interacted with a tranner

>> No.12176895

For all of their faults the chapo faggots still have a better gauge on what the working class actually wants, i.e. decent health care and jobs that aren't uber permatemp gig shit. The patron was both a blessing and a curse: it chained them to the politics of people who mostly don't have to deal with those concerns

To roll back the social changes that have occurred up unto now would require literal government sponsored reeducation camps and broad censorship. I kind of hope that 4chan is still self-aware and anti-authoritarian to know what kind of Pandora's box this is.

>> No.12176901
File: 61 KB, 533x298, 1541644983725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your pills alice

>> No.12176918

I should add that chapo is at their best when they discard the ironybro riff city shit and just channel pure rage and hatred for America's oligarchs and the simpering liberals that refuse to fight them.

Listening to Felix rip into Doonesbury is still cathartic. They should just go full Rush Limbaugh and turn each episode into a two minutes hate for trust fund faggots and small business owner-tyrants

>> No.12176948

You're going to be here for a while dude. Does it hurt you to know that no matter what you do I will always have to listen to me if you want to feel close to these people? That you mean less to this world than a piss stain compared to me? Stick around for a while man.

>> No.12176960

Lol, someone's mad

>> No.12176987

In a hundred years people are going to read posts like what's in this thread and wonder why society saw rampant automation destabilizing society and chose to freak out about trannies instead.
And I'm mostly picking on conservatives here: at least the trannies have an excuse for talking about themselves non-stop. Why do conservatives sink so much fuming time into something so insignificant and pointless? Most normal non-online people don't really care

>> No.12176996

You need me more than I need you you clown

>> No.12176997
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>> No.12177001

I see my man's literally retarded

>> No.12177014
File: 239 KB, 1300x2594, tranny surgery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so insignificant and pointless
encouraging and entertaining a mental illness is not pointless. Telling confused, vulnerable young people to ruin their lives through surgery should not be encouraged.

>> No.12177028

This is incoherent. Homosexuality and 'sexual deviancy' vastly predate the capitalist hegemony. Just because capitalists have capitalized on representation as a vehicle for increasing profits does not mean that they are the source of atypical sexual identification.

>> No.12177033
File: 92 KB, 776x1024, 47dee3e87b2014185d0163182350e944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not growing a new vagina with stem cells

>> No.12177056
File: 210 KB, 576x361, screenshot-www.docdroid.net-2018.09.29-17-37-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally mocks proles
imagine taking these fools seriously

>> No.12177067

If anything, this seems to be mocking The Democratic Party for losing their support from the working class more than Blue Collar Democrats.

>> No.12177078

Mocking them as racists and old is peak DSA thought, they just want to use the cloak of socialism so they can get free medicaid and to get brown people to like them.

>> No.12177085

>so they can get free medicaid and to get brown people to like them
For what purpose? The DSA isn't full of people who can't afford healthcare, and if they went all in on the right's project then it absolutely wouldn't matter if POC liked them or not

>> No.12177095

I hate Chapo, that said, the point of the extract is that they only became "paranoid, racist Republicans" because of "President Jimmy Carter's unwillingness to support key factors of the Blue-Collar's ecosystem", its clearly critiquing the Democratic party.

>> No.12177107

Its gladly ignoring how an anti-coal message will cost the Dems West Virginia

>> No.12177114

>nd if they went all in on the right's project then it absolutely wouldn't matter if POC liked them or not
They won't have to be worried with medical expenses, so they can put their efforts towards their inane hobbies.

>> No.12177123

Will it though? Lee Carter winning was quite a surprise

>> No.12177134

If Nick wrote a book I'd read it

>> No.12177136

>Succcdems replaying the freikorp strategy (check out our BASED and REDPILLED vets and spooks)
wake me up when they conceive of something original and not gay

>> No.12177156

If it works .....

>> No.12177161

>so they can put their efforts towards their inane hobbies.
Yeah nah that's still incoherent. You'll still need money in order to pay taxes and live a decent life. Even if UBI were brought into effect you'd still need money to make make jewelry or write, or do the things that make life worth living like travelling and going out with friends.

>> No.12177172

"Reformism will work THIS time guise!"

>> No.12177195

If you think that there's anything else we can do at this point you've got something else coming to you

>> No.12177196

As Graeber pointed out any reformist project creates bullshit jobs and subsequently pushing down wages. In the DSA's wetdream enough gibs programs exist that it creates the conditions for retards to be free to pursue their stupid dreams. Imagine how many women would move to LA to pursue their aspirations like art or acting if they had a gov't stipend to do so?

Capital Consumption in 2028: severe shortage of Wal-Mart greeters, debt-collectors, telemarketers, 'personal assistants', and camwhores.

>> No.12177203

>If you think that there's anything else we can do at this point you've got something else coming to you
Pretty sure Assad and Kim Jong Un are holding off the forces of international capital

>> No.12177211

>severe shortage of Wal-Mart greeters, debt-collectors, telemarketers, 'personal assistants', and camwhores.
And that's a bad thing? Should we keep forcing our most vulnerable into the alienation machine that is modern, meaningless, itinerant work? It does nothing for humanity, nothing at all. Further, what makes you think that people will have the money to move to LA without working?

>> No.12177213
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Kek, move to Syria then anarkiddie

>> No.12177219

Of course there would be a rough transition period if you actually implemented their project, things would level out eventually, they'd have to

>> No.12177227


>> No.12177233

Capital accumulation still is rampant only this time the stock of truvada has shot up

>> No.12177247

The entire purpose of the project is to forestall capital accumulation. Whether people get pozzed up from raw dogging afterwards is on them, just like it was before

>> No.12177263

"eliminate homosexuals, and fascism will vanish"-Maxim Gorky

>> No.12177289

Gorky parroting Stalinist propaganda meant to discredit fascists is not the basis of a coherent worldview. Regardless, it wasn't even true at the time. Gorky's actual quotation used the word "exterminate", not eliminate, and the Nazi party did a lot more homosexual extermination than Gorky ever did.

>> No.12177301

Overall a compelling analysis, at least in terms of how a member of a counterculture might see themself, but I can't help but feel that he's falling into the historicist trap of treating history as a process, but only ever in hindsight.

>> No.12177313

It's almost as though class and identity are abberations of a particular set of conditions over a given period of time rather than actual components of some grand mechanistic narrative.

>> No.12177319

>Telling confused, vulnerable young people to ruin their lives through surgery should not be encouraged.
You're falling victim to an obvious moral panic.

>> No.12177320

>abberations of a particular set of conditions
Of capitalism, you mean? Imperialism? If so, then their social construction doesn't diminish their reality.

>> No.12177403
File: 16 KB, 299x238, Max_Weber_1894_opt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism in the Marxist tradition is an arbitrary distinction. What I am reffering to is a coincidence of cultural mores, in which certain attributes on a hierarchy of needs are accentuated. There is no grand teleology. In this sense, things like "class" and "identity" are interchangeable, insofar as we focus our methodology and scope of analysis appropriately.

>> No.12177423

to be fair the high rate of tranny suicides is pretty alarming as well.

>> No.12177452

I never claimed that capitalism created homosexuality, I said it popularised it - took it from being an irrelevant aberration that can be easily ignored to a popular social movement which demands celebration. It's gay culture and gay identity which is created by capitalism, not homosexual behaviour itself, and it is this gay culture and identity that is inexplicably celebrated by socially leftist anti-capitalists.

>> No.12177471

>under socialism acquisition of capital is no longer the goal or highest virtue of members of society.
This is totally retarded, even if I were to assume the viewpoint of an unironic Marxist. No margin, no mission.

>> No.12177538

Even mild celebrity is an automatic access to pussy

>> No.12177601

Saying that capitalism was the impetus of its popularization is the same as saying that capitalism created it in the contemporary context.

>> No.12177611

Please go on, your menial unavoidable infighting makes me rock hard.

>> No.12177729
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>And why are unions themselves okay with subverting their own interests to fight for stupid bullshit that doesn't benefit them in the slightest and distracts from real working class grievances?
How has the IBEW done this?

>> No.12178018

gay identity is created by science mixed with victorian prudishness... read foucault u illiterate shit

>> No.12178025

west virginia has 4 electoral votes no one cares about wv except racists who care about poor whites like trump

>> No.12178562
File: 329 KB, 1246x1055, the weak should fear the strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read foucault u illiterate shit
Ironic given that reading Foucault destroys so many people's capacity for literacy.