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12148579 No.12148579 [Reply] [Original]

>top 5 female authors
>top 5 black authors

>> No.12148585

>Implying there are that many worth reading

>> No.12148590



who else

>> No.12148596

Challenge accepted.


1. Emily Bronte
2. Virginia Woolf
3. Sylvia Plath

Black authors:
1.James Baldwin
2. ???
3.Langston Hughes
4. Toni Morrison
5. ???

>> No.12148605

Alexander Pushkin.

>> No.12148606

Let me revise this:

1. GZA
2. James Baldwin

>> No.12148621

Toni Morrison is both black and female u idiot

>> No.12148622

>Non males

Hilary Mantel

>The Coloreds


>> No.12148632

i read that one book by tase nesi coates

>> No.12148667

>Annette von Droste-Hülshoff
>Bettina von Arnim
>Charlotte von Ahlefeld
>Marie Louise Kaschnitz
>Astrid Lindgren

I have never read a book by a sub-saharan African

>> No.12148672

>Virginia Woolf
>George Eliot
>Margaret Millar
>Elena Ferrante
>Anzia Yezierska

>Richard Wright
>Ralph Ellison
>Nella Larsen
>Zora Neale Hurston
>Alexandre Dumas

>> No.12148681


>> No.12148692

1. Agatha Christie
2. Tori
3. That one girl that wrote inuyasha
4. ...

> Blacks
1. ....

Huh. I don't think I have ever read a book from a black man that really struck me. That or I never knew they were black.

>> No.12148704
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I don't read authors, I read books.

>> No.12148708

Underrated can confirm im italian

>> No.12148753

Smartest answer.

>> No.12148866

When will you come to terms with Coates being this generations Baldwin /lit/? Stop being tsun-tsun

>> No.12148886

Jane Austen
George Eliot
Mary Hunter Austin
Lydia Davis
Emily Dickinson

Derek Walcott
Some others, but I can't think of them right now.

>> No.12148892
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>top 5 female authors
>top 5 black authors

>> No.12148896

>>top 5 female authors
the list could go on
>top 5 black authors
nassim taleb
the list could go on

>> No.12149118

I didn't even know blacks could read

>> No.12149123

JK Rowling? I don't really even like her


>> No.12149146


Black authors
>Pushkin (doesn't really count)
>Haven't read any books by a black author

>> No.12149159


>> No.12149181

Isn’t it surprising many on this board haven’t read any books by black authors.


Virginia Woolf
Sylvia Plath
Emily Dickinson
Dorris Lessing
Eudora Welty


Ralph Ellison
Langston Hughes
Amiri Baraka
Toni Morrison
John Edgar Wideman

>> No.12149188

I've never even read a book by a female author. I'm pretty sure I haven't read a nigger-authored book either, but not too sure.

>> No.12149232


>> No.12150501



george eliot


dumas but he was only a quadroon so it doesn't count

>> No.12150524


>> No.12150533

>Emily Brontë


>> No.12150630
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>top 5 female authors
1. Lisa Randall
2. Laura Chappell
3. Hillary Sanders
4. Eileen Ormsby
5. Cheryl Critchley

>top 5 black authors
1. James Gates

James Gates is the only black author I think I've read. I'm guessing Neil deGrasse Tyson has books but I haven't read them. Does Indian count as black? Are we talking African or just black? How black... Because I have many, many CS and programming tech book co-authored by Indians.

>pic related
>my signed copy of Lisa Randall's book
>when I met her I asked if I nervously could have her number so we could get coffee or something together
>she laughed and said, quote, "I'm old enough to be your mother"
>I grinned and said "so"
>she laughed it off said goodbye and left
One chance. Born 25 years too late. I'm pretty sure she's a lesbian but still born 25 years too late.

>> No.12150655

1. Savitri Devi
1. Thomas Sowell

>> No.12150777

>0 results

>> No.12150806

Fuck man, we once had to read Toni Morrison for a project. It was some of the dullest, driest garbage I'd ever read, with a heavy dose of "muh oppression".

>> No.12150813
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Instant trash

>> No.12150818

I've no interest in anything a woman or a darkie might say. As a white man I have no need to concern myself with inferior intellects.

>> No.12150929

>implying blacks can write when they can't even read

lmao you funny OP

>> No.12150956


>> No.12150990

Based and surprisingly redpilled

>> No.12150995

Not to mention she demonizes black men.

>> No.12151003


>> No.12151013

I don’t like any female writers outside of a couple of short stories. My favorite black writers are Richard Wright, Ishmael Reed, Percival Everett, and Paul Beatty. But I want to know more so if you have any reccs outside of the obvious Baldwin and Morrison type stuff let me know please. I’m white but interested in black culture.

>> No.12151014
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1. Anne Carson
2. Nadine Gordimer
3. Mavis Gallant
4. Virginia Woolf
5. Carson McCullers

1. Octavia E Butler
2. Franz Fannon
3. Amos Tutula
4. James Baldwin
5. Ralph Ellison

>> No.12151048


>> No.12151055

Absolute unit

>> No.12151061
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Same stormfag

>> No.12151065

Don't have any black ones though. I once read a pretty good novel about extortion in Nigeria but I forgot the guy's name.

>> No.12151074
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>> No.12151109




>> No.12151117
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but as it turns out.... you were the real interior intellect.......

>> No.12151123

absolutely based

>> No.12151157

1. Jane Austen
2. Murasaki Shikibu
3. George Eliot
4. Simone de Beauvoir
5. Charlotte Bronte

1. Dumas, pere
2. Douglass

That's it.

>> No.12151585

Rupi Kaur
Hillary Clinton
Nina Hartley
Stacy R. R. Fictionkin
Anne Frank

Barack Obama
Bar’aq O’bama
Martin Luther
King Jr
Kindess-Blessing “Obabwe” Vuvuzela

>> No.12151614

Elena Garro
Emily Bronte
Sofi Oksanen
Virginia Woolf
Emily Dickinson

Niggers aren't worth reading, and no, Dumas is not black.

>> No.12151674

1. Emily Dickinson
2. Virgina Woolf
3. Annie Dillard
4. Barbara Kingsolver
5. Ayn Rand

1. James Baldwin
2. China Achebe
3. Alexandre Dumas
4. Zadie Smith
5. Iceberg Slim

>> No.12151680

nvm, just found out Dumas isn't black. put Donald Goines in place of Dumas

>> No.12151699


Did Peterson actually answer who his favorite female author was?

>> No.12151712

Are there female authors?

>> No.12151757

>Chinua Achebe
>Robert Mugabe
>Langston Hughes

>Ito Noe

>> No.12151865
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>> No.12151875

Yeah, some Canadian bitch. I think her name was Margaret Lawrence. He called her an antidote to Atwood.

>> No.12151938
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>joan didion, banana yoshimoto, simone de beauvoir, ursula leguin, slavenka drakulic

>i have never read a black author other than chinua achebe

>> No.12151969

List Really drops off after two or three names.
>black authors
I've never read a really great black author. I've read Douglass, Baldwin, Hughes, Morrison, Ellison, etc and they're all derivative.
Maybe Pushkin or Dumas idk.

>> No.12152070

1. Carson McCullers
2. Emily Brontë
3. George Eliot

1. Yams man

Redpilled and Based, respectively

>> No.12152088

JK Rowling
Neil Gaiman
John Green
Charlotte Bronte

Mahuwee Setanye
Jawino Pijolas
Same Irikondo
John Hughes Lamer-Gomi
Mejoile Filano

>> No.12152888

Yo bitch
Yo bitch mom
Yo bitch lil sister
Yo bitch big sister
Yo bitch big sister's thicc ass 13 yo daughter

>> No.12152895

George Eliot

Animals don't write books.

>> No.12152902

I’ll admit I don’t read books by black people. I’m not really proud of it and I hate racists but I’m not going to go search for names and list them like I’ve actually read them.

>> No.12152906



>> No.12152913
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>top 5 black authors

>> No.12152931

i wouldnt even have a top 5 male authors list tho

>> No.12152933

Come on be a little creative, porchmonkey.

>> No.12152996

I wish people would be this based irl. don't entertain these questions.

>> No.12153002

Have you read less than five books?

>> No.12154153
File: 39 KB, 800x666, sin doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Lena Paul
2. Xev Bellringer
3. Dolly Little
4. Lana Rhoades
5. Abelinda

1. Kanye
3. Slick Rick
4. Nas
5. Ghostface Killah

>> No.12154643

nice meme

>> No.12154658

This guy gets it.

>> No.12154661


Pretty good list. I think Baldwin is overrated though.

>> No.12154662

Thomas Sowell is black isnt he? Add him

>> No.12154954
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>> No.12155033

>using bad words is based and alpha checkmate liberal snowflakes
Are you a 12 to 17 year old or just having arrested development?

>> No.12155101

1. Gertrude Stein
2. Flannery O'Connor
3. Agatha Christie
4. Virginia Woolf
5. Alice Munro

Stein and O'Connor are among my favorite writers in general. I also really enjoy Christie. I'm not a big fan of Woolf but To the Lighthouse and Mrs. Dalloway both have its merit. I don't care for Alice Munro but I read one of her collection and it was decent enough and all other women I've read are worse. All things considered, it's a pretty good list, I thought it would be worse. I'll read some Shirley Jackson soon, she might take Munro's or even Woolf's spot.

For blacks, I'd have to take Toni Morrison on the first and only place. Sad, considering she didn't even make the the women's list. The Bluest Eye had some moments though, although I didn't like it as a whole. Otherwise I would have to leave this list completely empty.

>> No.12155111

>Amiri Baraka
y i k e s

>> No.12155194

1. Flannery O'Connor
2. Emily Brontë
3. Zadie Smith
4. Willa Cather
5. Emily Dickinson

1. Zadie Smith
2. James Baldwin
3. Franz Fannon
4. Langston Hughes
5. WEB DuBois

>> No.12155201

Zadie Smith is really good and I would reccomend her even if she was white, which should be evidence that she's actually good. She's so much better than Morrison.

>> No.12155208

im European, those questions mean nothing to me lol

>> No.12155218

>There's no women in Europe

>> No.12155252

>you have to prove you're not a rapist and a nazi by sucking up to women and colored "people"
not in Europe desu you fell for the pol bait

>> No.12155253

really? what work was it? I only read Home but that was very decent.

>> No.12155268

Please man recommend me some Doris Lessing (apart from the Golden Book if possible - something short?). I read The Grandmothers and it sucked terribly, but I won't let it turn me into a sexist pig.

>> No.12155283

>thinking your post proved some clever point
you clearly browse pol huh?

>> No.12155475

>>thinking your post proved some clever point
you're trying to hard there senpai

>> No.12155553

do you mean 'too'

>> No.12155583

Based and quadroonpilled.

>> No.12155588

Cringe and entrypilled.

>> No.12155655

virginia woolf
fleur jaeggy
muriel spark
jane austen
banana yoshimoto

idk about black people

>> No.12156241

Only black authors I've read are Wole Basedinka (based) and N.K. Jemisin (cringe)

>> No.12156249
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>Wole Basedinka
I love the word filter sometimes.

>> No.12156284

the interviewer in thsi case is european

>> No.12156811
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I don't read replies to my posts, I read books.

>> No.12156846

>Memed so hard by Americans so you think that there is one black culture and race

>> No.12158056

nigga why is number 2 a question mark but 3 isn’t

>> No.12158109

Black author
Paul Beatty?

>> No.12158117

Thanks but I’ve read her and don’t care much for her.

>> No.12158154

The White Boy Shuffle is so funny.

>> No.12158174

1. the dude who wrote 3 musketeers
2. Thomas Sowell- but I've never read his book
3. Clarence Thomas

1. Ayn Rand
2. The unnamed Japanese chick who wrote Heike Monogatari

and hardly any of those count

>> No.12158410

>implying I look up the ethnicity of every author I read
is this really how some people operate? they must know what racial category to place each author and their work?

>> No.12158411

>hurr durr I'm so fucking advanced I pick a my books at random and make sure to not check out the author by accident

>> No.12158429

maybe the quality of the work is more important than the color of the skin of the author???

>> No.12158431

>no Kool Keith

>> No.12158494

What are some good books by black authors? Preferably not to contemporary.

>> No.12158823

epitaph of a small winner

>> No.12158823,1 [INTERNAL] 

Pushkin and Dumas are Black, if either one of them were alive now you would definitely call them niggers.