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File: 112 KB, 800x600, jesuschrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12128843 No.12128843[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to accept him when God does so many evil acts in the old and new testaments?

>> No.12128852

If God does it then it’s not evil, by definition.

>> No.12128855

Name one?

>> No.12128860

God is terrifying but he is merciful. Call upon the name of the Lord and thou shalt be saved.

>> No.12128864

Not literature.

>> No.12128875

HaHa genocide isn’t evil cos evil is subjective goteem

>> No.12128919

In the old testament, God summons a bear to kill children because they laugh at a bald guy.
In the new testment, God kills a man and a woman because they didn't give the full amount of money they gained from selling their property to the Christians after Christ.

>> No.12128930

>God does objectively evil things
Also atheist:
>Morality is not objective

>> No.12128949

Never said that, but murdering people for petty shit is pretty pathetic bro

>> No.12128956 [DELETED] 

It's possible that there is more to those stories than you think and also the people writing it probably considered God to be perfectly good, so they probably had justification in mind

>> No.12128961 [DELETED] 

one interpretation is that those crimes correspond to certain psychological states or hateful thoughts about reality that were justifiably punishable

>> No.12128965

rejecting Saul as king

>> No.12128967

perhaps god's punishments are sometimes seemingly ridiculous to make symbolic points

>> No.12128971

>symbolic points
What points?

>> No.12128972

So killing people who know as much or more than you do isn't evil?

>> No.12129213

Have you considered that most of what is written in the Bible could be a lie? The real God is more wonderful than anything you could possibly conceive of, for Satan has worked hard to corrupt our knowledge of him.

>> No.12129233

>Have you considered that most of what is written in the Bible could be a lie?
God said his Word would be preserved and it has been. Don't give people doubts.

>> No.12129244

God is already more wonderful than anything we could possibly conceive of, and you sound like you came here directly from reddit. What’s next, are you going to start talking about God lifting rocks? lel

>> No.12129256

You need to think about how you are using this word. Mortals are morally unfit to pass judgment on God.

>> No.12129257

How do we know that the Devil didn’t corrupt whichever verse you’re referring to? The Bible is written by fallen man. Anything they heard could have been from Satan as easily as from the Lord. Satan has been hard at work throughout history to stymie the works of the Lord. I’m just saying that if you read something in the Bible that doesn’t make sense or that portrays the Lord as evil, you should consider that Satan might have put it there to instill doubt. Don’t lean on Scripture—reach out to God in prayer.

>> No.12129269

can g*d make it to the frontpage of reddit? checkmate christians

edit: wow first gold, thank you kind stranger

>> No.12129280

Another analogy to the corrupted texts of the Bible are the Westboro Baptist Church, or if you’re Catholic the Borgia popes, or the child abuse scandal. Would God really allow his Church to be corrupted like that? I believe it’s possible that all these instances of evil and corruption are actually a deception by the Father of Lies himself.

>> No.12129295
File: 86 KB, 736x568, 752bc97d8c8bb7b8dcc3a6afb9633f14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my fucking goodness. >>12129233
Don't listen to this guy. He's a fucking heretic and not even a Christian. First of all once you accept this form of biblical interpretation you now have given yourself the ability to accept any part of the Bible you wish. Once you believe that so much as a single verse has been put in by the devil you now have the right to make as many verses as you want in the Bible to be from the devil only leaving what you think seems most fit to you.
Why would you pray to a God who can have his word corrupted? How can you even know God without the innerant word of God? You think simply praying will help? Kek! People have prayer and have fallen into all sorts of heresies and spooky spooky Winnie the pooh beliefs. You are not the judge or God. Submit yourself to the written word of our Lord and stop being arrogant. Otherwise, just toss the entire book away and stop larping as a Christian you satanic cunt!

>> No.12129305

God never actually does genocide in the Bible. Even if He did, it wouldn't matter since He is the giver of life as well as the taker of it. He appoints individuals on earth to live for a certain time then die for His will and purpose. Might as well be angry that the wind blows or mad that the sun shines if you're gonna be happy at God for taking a life.

>> No.12129311

Are you retarded. First of all, Catholics aren't Christian. It is a different religion all together and the west Boro Baptist church are literal uneducated bunch of Christians from America who have little to no biblical knowledge. Don't blame the evil of men on the Bible.

>> No.12129321

>Members of the church established by Christ are not Christian
And I hope you're not implying that "real" Christianity was founded 1500 years after Christ.

>> No.12129325

Christ did not establish Roman Catholicism. And real Christianity did not start after 1500 years. It was started in the first century by Christ and proclaimed to the whole world by His desciples. Roman Catholicism is a perversion if that one church and is why the reformation had to happen.

>> No.12129352

Actually, would just like to rephrase. Catholicism doesn't "preach" the gospel.

>> No.12129362

Most people have little difficulty with it

>> No.12129387

Do humans even possess the requisite knowledge to objectively make judgements on which is good and which is evil?

>> No.12129469
File: 27 KB, 299x373, 4d717c262852c4b0ee663bbe9634c4cecfe84223c425df3e9eb3392021485831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What church claims it's roots to 33 A.D.?
What church compiled the complete bible and declared what is canon?
What church was universally synonymous with the term Christian until the 16th century?
What church believes in transubstantiation, which all Christians believed in until the 16th century?

>> No.12129496


It's possible.

>> No.12129627
File: 107 KB, 400x240, IAMYOURGOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are his children. We are to obey and beg for his forgiveness. He gave us Christ as a gift of love and salvation. We are not worthy, yet he has spared us his wrath. It is our duty to swear loyalty of spirit to him.

>> No.12129637

The Good
>Conquers the planet for Europe
>Holds back degeneracy (until recently)
>Purges Jews
The Bad
>Fucks little boys in the ass, doesn't own up to it
>NuPope embraces degeneracy and the Death of the West
You guys were neat for awhile but then you fucked it up beyond repair. It's too late now anyway, meaningful Christianity is going extinct (sadly)

>> No.12129644


>> No.12129645

>What church claims it's roots to 33 A.D.?
The Roman Catholic church
Eastern orthodox church
Ethiopian orthodox church
Coptic church
Oriental church
Assyrian church of the east etc...

>What church compiled the complete bible and declared what is canon?
God Himself. We simply recognised it. But if you think Rome did it then how did they still mess up and include the apocrypha? Even Jews don't use that.

>What church was universally synonymous with the term Christian until the 16th century?
Depends on where you lived in the world.

>What church believes in transubstantiation, which all Christians believed in until the 16th century?
Another papist lie.

>> No.12129650

The ancients appear to have been rather unbothered by this. Whats changed?

>> No.12129655
File: 102 KB, 484x799, neitzsche is a big baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walks the world-famous ark of the covenant around jericho for an entire week, giving the city a chance to repent
>only one family repents, who are snuck out of the city and welcomed into the nation of israel
>the rest of the city is destroyed as is appropriate


>> No.12129667

>"B-b-but the Plagues and God kills the first borns!"
What is slavery and the Pharaoh being given multiple chances

>> No.12129671

((("Muh Feels" morality))) that bends on a whim and leads to degeneracy.

>> No.12129674


>> No.12129676

>catholics arent Christian

M8 wut

>> No.12129724

In that case, why should we worship God?

>> No.12129731

>it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself
sounds pretty based and redpilled to me

>> No.12129737

What are you talking about, even from the earliest days there were people (both Christians and non-Christians) who rejected the God of the Old Testament for being too violent and damaging.

>> No.12129739

Fair enough. But don't go around saying you're a Christian. You'll give people the wrong idea.

>> No.12129744
File: 290 KB, 640x810, ellierodger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not the god of me!

>> No.12129758

such a dull arguement. read st Augustine