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12120670 No.12120670 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone just post the techniques? I’m a quarter of the way through and all it’s given is “lie still and don’t move for a while”

>> No.12120770
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Evola was a charlatan, like Blavatsky or Gurdjieff or Rudolf Steiner. Put the book down. It's worthless.

>> No.12120793

Magic doesn't exist anymore

>> No.12120797

it's not a manual

>> No.12120804
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care to extrapolate?

>> No.12120819

Magic isn't possible anymore because Christ conquered the powers of darkness. Magic gradually waned away after the time of Christ. You can see the last vestiges of it in the conversion of Simon the Magus, etc.

>> No.12120826

I think you might actually be right. I've been coming to similar conclusions.

>> No.12120842

Let's not forget that some elves didn't leave for Valinor and should still be somewhere here and able to talk about what magic was like.

>> No.12120844

Indeed, what is mana compared to true faith?

>> No.12120872
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>> No.12120891

>Pagan meme making fun of Jesus
This is like when some nerd gets shoved in a locker and people try to make him feel better by telling him the bullies will work for him someday.

>> No.12120895
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>> No.12120903
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And then here's your average Christian for comparison. Lol, yeah paganism is for nerds!

>> No.12120906

>Bunch of dudes LARPing innawoods
>Responsible adult starting a family
Yeah, that's the difference.

>> No.12120910
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Ok if that's what you want to think, mr. nu-male

>> No.12120931

Because the first thing you do is lie still for a while, there is no fast way bro.

>> No.12120937
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>lie still
>don't move for a while
>conquer the body's need for control over sensation
>choose either wet path or dry path

(wet path is easier initially, dry path more dangerous but serves you better later on if you can handle it)

>identify with the superior solar mind
>follow the heart from there on out
>listen to a jocko willinks podcast
>50 press ups at 4:30 am with your morning coffee
>more constantly "awake" to the superordinate form of reality, falling less and less into the "sleeping" perspective towards the sensory world due to non-identification with the body and its bullshit.
> read bible
> become ascetic to heighten control of one's own willpower
> eventually when this has reached its logical conclusion start with ritual orgies etc. don't skip the ascetic shit though. can't get to the red without the white.

>> No.12120939

The “Christianity is weak” argument doesn’t work.

Pagans seldom address real Christian theology and instead they
just turn the debate into a dick measuring contest to see who is the manliest.

>> No.12120974

There is no real paganism today. Christianity utterly annihilated European Paganism, the historical link of tradition was irreparably broken, and the religion you pretend to believe is lost forever. All you can do is try to reconstruct little bits of it for your LARP meetings. Modern paganism is the most pathetic excuse for a "religion" that exists. The fact that any of you will actually call yourselves "pagans" is embarrassing.

>> No.12120983
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There is paganism for as long as there are European people. The native spirit can't be replaced with an import product. It's in our biology.
The truth about Christianity is written in the Bible. At least bother to read your own holy book before you start talking about theology. Christianity teaches weakness and blind submission to authority. Yet christians almost never even follow their doctrine. They refuse to believe literal orders from their own God. So I can only conclude that Christians don't believe in their own God and are atheists.

>> No.12120987


>> No.12120994
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>believing that dark forces subscribe to the linear processes of time

No. Wrong.

>> No.12121005

>The native spirit can't be replaced with an import product.
It can be and it was.

>> No.12121013

I find it pretty concerning how you're so happy about destroying what I suppose are your own people (((hmm))). Though I must spoil your self sabotaging fun because you're wrong. Ever wondered why Christianity is so loosely followed in the west? Why it has changed so much from Judaism since it arrived? Why for example every "Christian" holiday is still pagan? Christianity is completely incompatible the European man.

>> No.12121022

You do realize that Christianity exists outside of the West, and in other areas it isn't particularly different, don't you? I'm not talking about aesthetic differences but the substance of the religion is the same. But, yeah, I guess paganism is so unconquerable that subsuming a holiday is enough to make you abandon your own gods. What a joke you people are.

>> No.12121030

based arab

>> No.12121033


In any case, there is little point lying still and not moving for a while if you don't already feel the instinct to do so to discover "higher" truth.

Something about the fact you are unable to read a book tells me this shit isn't for you anyway.

>> No.12121037
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Yes it does exist outside sadly and it is hated in many places. We should have treated Christians more like the asians did. Us Europeans are far too tolerant sometimes and that was our spiritual down fall.

>> No.12121048

Being hated for the sake of Christ is a blessing. Keep up your act though if it makes you feel better.

>> No.12121069

>I love being hated and shit on and crucified and dabbed on
Spoken like a true Christian, I'll admit. Doesn't make it any less gay though.

>> No.12121080

>and dabbed on
You have to be 18 or older to use this website.

>> No.12121081

if you can't even focus long enough to read the book itself, there is no way in hell you're going to be able to actually apply the techniques.

>> No.12121083
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>He doesn't dab quasi-ironically

>> No.12121090

You're doing it again. You say Christianity is weak but you cannot prove it wrong.


>> No.12121100

>you cannot prove a religion wrong
Truly embarrassing, epic style!!!

>> No.12121114

>hasn't read Celsus

>> No.12121121
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modernism is pagan and what is pagan is inescapable from the roman's Catholicism. those who call themselves pagan are usually only larping and excusing their ignorance and those who deny the tradition within christian circles, especially American protestants, are not proper God fearing people, but self-righteous moralists whose access to agency is purposely limited. Without openness to sin, they cut themselves off to the sufferings of others and then even their tears for that suffering becomes an act of self satisfaction, just as the demiurge enjoys it.

>> No.12121184

So your superhero Evola doesn’t actually have anything other than “lay still”?

>> No.12121189

>lie back and think of Jeebus

>> No.12121199

Tfw in less than a year, people born AFTER the events of 9/11 will be legal adults and allowed to post on 4chan

>> No.12121206

lay still and dream about indoeuropeans

>> No.12121208

it reminds me of that tragedy

>> No.12121212

God damn this place is Reddit 2.0

>> No.12121218
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> lol?

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.12121223

real shit

>> No.12121281


>> No.12121311


>> No.12121390

More like Roman Catholicism swallowed it. Pagan traditions and beliefs were co-opted to make the transition to Catholicism easier in the European part of the empire
Wow I can't believe an expert on Christian AND Pagan theology is in this thread! You must read a LOT!

>> No.12121403

>More like Roman Catholicism swallowed it.
Not really. Eastern Christianity is basically the same.

>> No.12121472

but they were? Being "basically the same" does not make it exactly the same. Yeah I get it, they're both Christian but there are differences. And in those differences, partly, is where any hints of native European beliefs exist. I

>> No.12121489

Name a difference that's indicative of native European belief.

>> No.12121494

Also I'd like a difference that exists within the religion itself, not a historical event.

>> No.12121499

From what I've read the church's appropriation of pagan customs is fairly debatable and the extent to which it may have happened is pretty unclear

>> No.12121524
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>it's a LARPapans vs Christcucks episode
>it's an American retards can't undersant Evola episode

>> No.12121539

Seeing as everything claiming to be a "magic" system seems to in the end come down to a series of mental exercises focused on abstract thinking and self-awareness, I wonder if it is not totally redundant and vestigial with advent of the printing press brute-forcing large swaths of people involuntarily in to abstraction.

>> No.12121581

You don't have to be an expert to understand simple self evident things

>> No.12121599

>European paganism is the spirit of the European people and will never die
>Even now it lives on within Christianity, which was unable to withstand the strength of paganism and had to subsume it within itself
>Okay so name one of the aspects of Christianity that is uniquely European and pagan
>Uh... w-well... um...

>> No.12121624
File: 75 KB, 750x600, wartburg_4_by_schnuffelraziel-d4ldlyf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> series of mental exercises

You should really just do some of the "mental exercises". When these exercises are put into practice your idea of concepts like "self-awareness" and "abstract thinking" will have some pretty fundamental changes.

I don't think your skepticism is idiotic though anon, I just feel as though if you should try these exercises because it's very difficult to put the magical experience into words. When you "break through" you'll notice that where you end up getting at is qualitatively different from anything that technology can mediate.

>involuntarily into abstraction

perhaps this is the point, by strengthening one's own "mental capacities" (and in the magical system this isn't just willpower, it's like a kind of positive feedback loop of metacognition used to maintain a sense of objectivity) you can better impose voluntary action into the world.

>> No.12121632

Paganism doesn't live on in Christianity. It lives on in our blood. Christianity is unsuccesfull at surviving amidst the European people without enforcement by authorities, thus proving that it is not a religion for Europeans. It's only a cherry on top of the cake that Christians can't even get their own holidays to be celebrated without picking a pagan holiday and smearing Christ diarrhea all over it.

>> No.12121710

What exercises? Lying still?

>> No.12121733
File: 396 KB, 884x1402, 1432993537416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a gay tumblr looking ass guide on deviant art
reverse image search if you want it

>> No.12122002

That's Archtraitor Bluefluke's take on chaos magick, which is a much more recent tradition.

>> No.12122319

So this is the power of Evola...