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12089478 No.12089478 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/'s opinion of this?
I read the first few pages yesterday evening and there were some interesting lines of thought in it.

>> No.12089493

I hear it's good.

>> No.12089496


It's interesting but only schematic. "Escaping the Vampire Castle" is a more important piece.

>> No.12089505


>> No.12089524

>It is first of all necessary to identify the features of the discourses and the desires which have led us to this grim and demoralising pass, where class has disappeared, but moralism is everywhere, where solidarity is impossible, but guilt and fear are omnipresent – and not because we are terrorised by the right, but because we have allowed bourgeois modes of subjectivity to contaminate our movement. I think there are two libidinal-discursive configurations which have brought this situation about. They call themselves left wing, but – as the Brand episode has made clear – they are many ways a sign that the left – defined as an agent in a class struggle – has all but disappeared ... The first configuration is what I came to call the Vampires’ Castle. The Vampires’ Castle specialises in propagating guilt. It is driven by a priest’s desire to excommunicate and condemn, an academic-pedant’s desire to be the first to be seen to spot a mistake, and a hipster’s desire to be one of the in-crowd. The danger in attacking the Vampires’ Castle is that it can look as if – and it will do everything it can to reinforce this thought – that one is also attacking the struggles against racism, sexism, heterosexism. But, far from being the only legitimate expression of such struggles, the Vampires’ Castle is best understood as a bourgeois-liberal perversion and appropriation of the energy of these movements. The Vampires’ Castle was born the moment when the struggle not to be defined by identitarian categories became the quest to have ‘identities’ recognised by a bourgeois big Other. ... The Vampires’ Castle feeds on the energy and anxieties and vulnerabilities of young students, but most of all it lives by converting the suffering of particular groups – the more ‘marginal’ the better – into academic capital. The most lauded figures in the Vampires’ Castle are those who have spotted a new market in suffering – those who can find a group more oppressed and subjugated than any previously exploited will find themselves promoted through the ranks very quickly.

/lit/ sjws btfo

>> No.12089581

anyone has a link to the new book?

>> No.12089626

I have seen comments of /pol/ that explain in that in one sentence. What a bunch of hogwash. What is the deal with the right attacking academia. Why is it such a threat? Wouldn't the capitalists at the helm of massive corporations have much more influence? They do. But the biggest problem with this is it ignores the bigger picture, the problem with all this, the economic system. Academia is so financially strained they have to do this shit to stay relevant to be seen as producing something.

Also why anyone is bringing up the vampires castle is beyond me. It's not comparable to capitalist realsim. Just looks like someone just read it and is desperate to make a point.

>> No.12089646

>tfw you will never get to read Acid Communism

>> No.12089670
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>Mark Fisher is right wing
This is the most retarded thing I've ever read on this board. Not only does it show that you have no knowledge of what your or what the book is talking about, you also say there's no connection between the vampire castle and capitalist realism. Simply because you aren't able to make connections in your head. You never realized that mark was using the ideas in capitalist realism to cope with his depression and blame it all on capitalism, so he included things relevant to his life. Even outside of that, academia is a huge force anyways in the world. It acts as a sort of filter to those that go through it. How is this filtering not relevant to inescapable capitalist realism. Then, you say that he should attack capitalist corporations instead. HAVE YOU READ THE BOOK? Are you actually implying since he made an argument against academia, he couldn't have attacked capitalist corporations anywhere else in the book at all? I don't know if your underaged or something, and I'm not even a big Mark Fisher fan, but this was so retarded I had to respond.

>> No.12089679

Shouldn't his unfinished manuscript be released in his massive collection that's coming out?

>> No.12089805

Why are leftists such mentally weak losers? This cunt offed himself and left his wife and children. He never had an objectively hard life, he was a succesful petite-bourgois and academic. Billions would envy to have a life like his, me included.

>> No.12089806

the introduction only i think

>> No.12089821

Why do people still care about ""systems""? Capitalism isnt making your life shitty. For the whole history of humanity it has been the same thing, just different groups of people competing on the hierarchy and associated benefits one gets from being high on it. Different systems are just used for one group to overthrow another with little change in fundamental mechanics in human society. Thats why in countries that had a soft transition from communism to capitalism the old communist elite became the new capitalist elite. I cant believe in 21st century we are still discussing political or economical systems instead of group dynamics.

>> No.12089829
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>> No.12089830

Class dynamics are group dynamics.

>> No.12089856

Class interest doesnt exist

>> No.12089860

The ruling elite seems to think it does, since they're constantly doing thing to benefit themselves. Individualism is for plebs like you. The rulers of the world behave like a group.

>> No.12089895
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>hardness of life is objectively quantifiable in any way that matters

>> No.12089900

>living in a nigger infested slum and subsisting on rats is not objectively harder than living in luxury in the posh side of London

>> No.12089922

Swing and a miss. Groups are plastic and smaller than a class.

>> No.12089928

t. materialist scum feeling manly for using 'logic'. Thanks, that was all I needed to know.

>> No.12089965
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I've never read it but from skimming the description on wikipedia it seems like a highly idealistic understanding of things... market liberalization wasn't just an idea that caught on because of some "lack of imagination". Take the USSR under Brezhnev where they attempted to keep their heavy industry alive whereas in America/Britain they allowed their industrial economy to essentially be gutted and shipped off shore, one of those strategies objectively worked and the other didn't. To quote Hegel: "What is rational is real; And what is real is rational". Attempting to interpret history as suffering from some sort of neurotic spasm isn't the way to go. The emergence of monetarism as the guiding ideological paradigm for central banks worldwide and the more general rightward shift that began in the late 70s really did get inflation under control in the advanced economies which was imperative at the time. Also "neoliberalism" is largly a myth, Keynesianism [despite whatever is claimed] is still the guiding public policy even though it moved towards a more militarized function in the economy, you got more conservative rhetoric enter the mainstream but larger deficits alongside a public disavowal of spending.

>le cynical babbies first exposer to elite theory

>> No.12090002

I wonder if you'd smugly decry materialism if you were locked in a room in complete darkness for your entire life. Would love to see how the immaterial will help you in that situation.

>> No.12090013

Academic institutions are more or less corporations that sell social mobility and in some cases access to elite institutions. As the gatekeepers to meaningful employment, they exert an influence on all employers that require educated labor. Knowing this they do whatever they can to ensure that those future employees will push the business establishment as far to the left as possible.

>> No.12090059

What is there cynical. I dont know why people discuss systems as some kind of sentient frameworks that order reality when its obvious the basic tenants of social hierarchy dont and havent changed since the dawn of humanity. The most influential communists dont believe in communism. The most influential capitalists dont believe in capitalism.

>> No.12090232

Systems such as capitalism are to some extent described as independent of the members of which it is composed because they are far too extensive to be fully conceptualized, grasped, by any one individual.

>> No.12090252

>What is the deal with the right attacking academia. Why is it such a threat? Wouldn't the capitalists at the helm of massive corporations have much more influence?

Because one is interested in simply the practical reality of making money and the other are advocating extraneous malfeasant power fantasies. The corruption of the logos is always the ultimate evil above what its simply unthinking animal drives

>> No.12090435
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>leftists are a bunch of rich assholes who want you to feel guilty
>they're actually a bunch of insufferable pedants
>they just want to be cool too
>they commodify the struggle of actual marginalized people

Wow it's almost like he's describing the trivialization and commodification of leftism by capital. Yes. It is the deebly goncerned college students who are the vampires and not the evangelical natsec warpigs

>> No.12090522
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It's a sharp and incisive dissection of the cultural dimension of late capitalism, and I'm really fucking sad we lost this guy.

>> No.12090524

one of the best minds of the last generation sadly missed. capitalist realism is good but i'd reccomend youtube'ing him & reading some more of his stuff. like someone mentioned exiting the vampires castle is a brilliant piece of writing. i cant help but wonder what he'd say about where we are now.

>> No.12090613

>>Mark Fisher is right wing
Who are you quoting????? For real. Point to where I said that. You say I didn't read his work yet you literally pull a quote out of thin air and post a fucking twitter image. I know he's not right wing. Point to where I said it. Go on.

>> No.12090622

>Academic institutions are more or less corporations
Wrong. Publicly funded entities owned by the government are not "more or less corporations". They are quite literally the opposite. Why would they push them further left. What is their to gain besides losing even more of their funding???? They are the gatekeepers to employment but what about accountants. I studied finance and never once came across anything resembling left wing ideology. The only lefties are usually social science. But that would mean your claiming the only meaningful employment is related to social science. Which frankly is weird.

>> No.12090673

>evangelical natsec warpigs
did you just stumble in from reddit?

>> No.12090723

That experiment has been done sort of. I would’ve died as a child. Not for lack of food but lack of something more, something immaterial. Congratulations you played yourself.

>> No.12090748

>I've never read it but from skimming the description on wikipedia
/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.12090835
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>its obvious the basic tenants of social hierarchy dont and havent changed since the dawn of humanity
Sorry but it should be obvious that "the basic tenants of social hierarchy" within your lifetime have changed, you don't even need to go back to palaeolithic hunter gathers to see how they navigated their world and used strategies for reproducing themselves very differently.

It's a very cynical understanding of things to put forth political opportunism as some sort of proof that all power structures are really the same and all hierarchies are equivalent, they're not.

>> No.12091800

capitilism is the root of all evil.

>> No.12091991

>What is the deal with the right attacking academia

Academia is one giant retarded circle-jerk. I am finishing my PhD right now and I have learned nothing since I entered college, I'm just getting the degree for career purposes.

I'm sure University wasn't always like this, but it is basically high school-tier discourse at this point. Many non-STEM classes feel like a woman's social meeting or something.

"Intellectuals" and "academics" have always been shills and frauds for the last couple hundred years

>> No.12092012
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>Some original stuff
>Some stuff which could be better (e.g. the part on education)

Overall, good book.

>> No.12092033 [DELETED] 
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brilliant, hedon-depression explains the modern human condition more than anything else I've read

>> No.12092480

>What is the deal with the right attacking academia
Keep in mind you said this right after criticizing mark fisher. What's with faggots being retarded? (of course, according to your logic I wouldn't be referring to you here lol)

>> No.12093683

Lol what were you even trying to post sicko?

>> No.12094263

Ironically this

>> No.12094274

>capitalism literally causes mental illness
>not modernity
into the trash it goes

>> No.12094276
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all the left is inside the castle now, there's no escaping unless you escape into NRx

>> No.12094280

isn't Zero Books like a fake publishing house where you pay a fee and they'll publish any garbage you have?

>> No.12094281
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>It is driven by a priest’s desire to excommunicate and condemn,
wasn't this always a key feature of leftist politics?

>> No.12094282

he can't write anymore anon

>> No.12094283

>that pic
what went wrong

>> No.12094294

leftism was never outside of capital, it was just a power-game to weaponize the masses and restructure power around a small social-engineering aristocratic elite (or revolutionary vanguard if you want to sound cooler)

at the end of the day the objective material consequences of communism in Russia and China was to ease and allow the industrialization of those countries accelerating capital dynamics further

>> No.12094297

wew, imagine being this clueless in the current year, there's no hard edge between capital and government, the same dynamics inform both

>> No.12094299

there's no "outside of capitalism" since the reformation

>> No.12094307

Land is accelerating into boomer-ism

>> No.12094376

>he thinks academia is financially strained
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I come from a left wing academic family and I can tell you this is certainly not the case.

>> No.12095670

I feel sorry for you anon.

>> No.12095910

in the UK you are legally considered to be a consumer when you attend a university

>> No.12095921

>Communism when :(

>> No.12095933

The academics in question that (You) are a fan of are clients of the capitalists that (You) are not a fan of. They get financed to apply social acid so that said capitalists can occupy the resultant power vacuum. See the New Left for one such example (but it's not real Communism!)

>> No.12095942
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Nice argument.

>> No.12095953

>Publicly funded entities owned by the government are not "more or less corporations".
You don't understand how the American university system works.

>> No.12096055

I am not claiming that all strategies or structures are the same. I am saying that the fundamental principle that is behind and organizes human hierarchy and results in structures is always the same. So we should be discussing that fundamental principle not outward mutations of structures. I am saying that the belief that a transition from capitalism to communism is any revolutionary change should be a laughable notion in 21st century. Its only a structural change that changes the faces but the organizing principle that lead to that change is the same and the same problems will remain. The only meaningful revolutions are those who subvert the organizing principle of the world not the structure the principle causes. Thus the trial of Jesus of Nazareth against the World is the history's lone true revolt.

>> No.12096073

Most publishing houses will make you pay a fee

>> No.12096091

new book is out this week retard

>> No.12096134

is he a spooky ghost?

>> No.12097248

Obviously yes.

>> No.12098711

Fisher was BTFO'd by Environmental Guy on twitter.

>> No.12099494

>the only power centers in society are the economic ones
>ideological, social and culture power does not exist

>> No.12100451

>the fundamental principle that is behind and organizes human hierarchy and results in structures is always the same
By claiming behind all structures there are the same "fundamental principle" I assume you just mean we're dealing with humans and you just want to understand everything in terms of microeconomic logic or sociobiology.

>we should be discussing that fundamental principle not outward mutations of structures
So sidestep the actual concretes of any real historical structures to deal with overtheorized "fundamental principles" in the abstract.

>The only meaningful revolutions are those who subvert the organizing principle of the world not the structure the principle causes.
Subverting pure formal logic doesn't make any sense to me so maybe you mean biological engineering a new species which would be occurring nonetheless within the framework of a structure for its own ends.

>> No.12100468
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>What is the deal with the right attacking academia
>can't criticize corporations while criticizing academics and sjws
Are you retarded my nigga?

>> No.12100955

>I assume you just mean we're dealing with humans
And Satan.

>So sidestep the actual concretes of any real historical structures to deal with overtheorized "fundamental principles" in the abstract.
Communism is more abstract than greed, gluttony, lust, pride etc.

>Subverting pure formal logic doesn't make any sense to me so maybe you mean biological engineering a new species which would be occurring nonetheless within the framework of a structure for its own ends.

We need to renounce the flesh and live according to the spirit.

>> No.12100975
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good bit

>> No.12101599


>> No.12101619

did he successfully replace the working class with climate change?

>> No.12101720
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Reminder that the ratio between the misery of a working world and its "good" is identical to the ratio between the misery of an idling world and its "good".

>> No.12101740

>in a world in which stylistic innovation is no longer possible

If you're a pants-around-ankles-faggot like Cobain, that is.

>> No.12102767


>thinking 'leftism' is synonymous with marxism-leninism

fuck me read a book please

>> No.12104005
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>> No.12104864
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>> No.12104874
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>> No.12104902

repeater just published a new book by him. It has a lot of unpublished stuff in it like his last k-punk blog post before he killed himself. Anybody read it? It's not on libgen or aaaarg yet.

>> No.12104909
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> What is the deal with the right attacking academia. Why is it such a threat? Why is it such a threat?

Dude, read some history. All revolutions start with ideas shared by a seemingly harmless groups of people. The problem is not the system as much as the bad players in the system.

> Wouldn't the capitalists at the helm of massive corporations have much more influence?

The real power players pretend to have no power. Look at how powerful the LGBT community is. Only 2% of the population and they can bend every corporation and most politicians to its will, crying victim all the time, and insinuating themselves into every public event and forcing everyone to see and accept their degeneracy. The Black advocacy groups have a lot of power as well. They just give the signal and their members would go on a rampage. See LA riots and BLM. Even cops are so afraid of them that they order business owners to not defend themselves and let their stores be looted lest they be accused of racism and racial profiling. The real victims of discrimination don't get any attention while thugs got killed police are treated as marytrs. Think about that.

>> No.12104928

Mark Fischer is the David Foster Wallace for the people who complain about the people who read David Foster Wallace.

>> No.12104981

not-applied leftism is just fantasy writing, pardon me for not considering LOTR a politically relevant position

>> No.12104997

Neoliberalism with chinese characteristics still is capitalism.
I mean, come on, the only people who champion China are delusional tankies and neoreactionaries. It should unironically makes you think.

>> No.12105000

I liked Capitalist Realism but honestly the Vampire Castle was retarded. What kind of Marxist thinks Russell Brand is working class?