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12070707 No.12070707 [Reply] [Original]

>a WW2 book that never mentions or acnowledges the holocaust even though the main bulk of the book takes place in postwar Germany
Is this why 4chan loves this book?

>> No.12070715

Boners lol

>> No.12070730

The holohoax was unknown to a large majority of Germans, especially anyone born during or after the war, for about two decades. Figure out for yourself why!

Literal Jews made a period film about this a few years ago and there are books about it as well. It was not taught or discussed or acknowledged because the official narrative was still stuck in committee back in Tel Aviv.

Maybe read a fucking book or better yet kill yourself.

>> No.12070757

jews are annoying but yes its in there. also a legit pedo scene that made me realize nobody on /lit/ has ever read this book

>> No.12070791

>"lovely-up before the Evaluation Board, so many points earned for being Jewish in a concentration camp, missing limbs or vital organs, losing a wife, a lover, a close friend-"
>"They entertained the SS troops. Concentration camps...the barbed-wire circuit, you know."

>> No.12070792
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>> No.12070799

It's a pseudo pedo scene but that's important for it's critique on infantilization of women in our culture. If it was a legit pedo scene then the scene is straight forward debauchery. But we can determine Bianca's true age from time frames given by her mother and realize that's she's not 11 or 12 but 16. Her acting (whole thing is theatre) is just a way for her to secure herself in the zone, which implies that we want to protect cute and innocent things but because of our lack of innocence we'll fuck them and let them die. This is why Slothrop goes crazy.

>> No.12070960


The mass nature of wartime death is useful in many ways. It serves as spectacle, as diversion from the real movements of the War. It provides raw material to be recorded into History, so that children may be taught History as sequences of violence, battle after battle, and be more prepared for the adult world. Best of all, mass death's a stimulus to just ordinary folks, little fellows, to try 'n' grab a piece of that Pie while they're still here to gobble it up. The true war is a celebration of markets. Organic markets, carefully styled "black" by the professionals, spring up everywhere. Scrip, Sterling, Reichsmarks continue to move, severe as classical ballet, inside their antiseptic marble chambers. But out here, down here among the people, the truer currencies come into being. So, Jews are negotiable. Every bit as negotiable as cigarettes, cunt, or Hershey bars. Jews also carry an element of guilt, of future blackmail, which operates, natch, in favor of the professionals."

What did Pynchon mean by this?

>> No.12071585

uh bro what about the prepubescent african boy

>> No.12071631

The dodo passage could be seen as applying to the holocaust, and there's the whole storyline in the book about the Herero genocide.

>> No.12071644

Literally an analogy for imperialism and it’s affects on culture. What’s next

>> No.12071685

Are you talking about the scene on the boat when the girl is trying to seduce him? (My memory of some parts of this book are worse than others)

>> No.12071850

the action of the book occurs contemporaneous to the holocaust. the extent of the final solution wasn't apparent to the allies until liberation

>> No.12071921
File: 429 KB, 949x611, famous-amos-hoax-survivor-real-in-my-mind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The holohoax narrative didn't really get going until the 1970s. Jews are liars, never believe their victim scams.

>> No.12071924

undergraduate liberal education, everyone

>> No.12071931

zoomers don't even care about the shlomohoax anymore.

>> No.12071939

Prove me wrong. I bet you haven’t even read the book

>> No.12071988

Oh dear anon. You probably think Mondaugen's Story in V is just a party that went too hard.

>> No.12072011

isnt it more fun that way?

>> No.12072169
File: 102 KB, 907x580, ltt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what book are you talking about?

>> No.12072181
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It's straight from the book you daffy midwit

>> No.12072190

Pynchon is such a loon. He must have gone mad writing this crazy shit. That's why he's a recluse and didn't release another book until nearly 20 years later.

>> No.12072212

Also, the English Candy Drill is the best part of the book, prove me wrong

>> No.12072375

is this about the taffy town? or when slothrop eats the gross candies

>> No.12073511

So what? Does that negate the point?

>> No.12073542

When I read holohoax I think it means holocaust deniers. Please make your labelling clearer.

When were the first holocaust deniers?

>> No.12073731

there's that liberated concentration camp where all the fags hang out post-war

>> No.12074737

There's literally a whole subplot about a Jew realising his daughter has died in a concentration camp.
Stop baiting.

>> No.12074804

but was it real only in his mind?

>> No.12075406

It was real in his mind

>> No.12075489

Lmao this

>> No.12075526

It was certainly in there, although the Holocaust narrative/religion hadn't really taken off yet so it can seem jarring to the Current Year. Meryl Streep's miniseries didn't come out until 1978.

>> No.12075533

The word holocaust and the whole public promotion of it happened after GR was written

>> No.12075542


He's not a recluse he just doesn't talk to press on account of the MKUltra