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File: 13 KB, 224x184, The Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12060921 No.12060921 [Reply] [Original]

I unironically wrote the Bible, ask me anything.

>> No.12060932

Why did you split it all up with verses and numbers and shit? Just write fucking paragraphs you autistic weirdo.

>> No.12060942

It gives every sentence more weight and importance because everything is written to been quoted and referenced at.

>> No.12060948

Were you aware that the Annunaki were aware entirely of the human condition and expertly put the allegorical expression of it into the minds of the scribes who wrote those stories because they seeded the earth to mine for gold and observed and cultivated our physical and mental development perfectly to their designs while you were blasted out of your fucking eardrums on mushrooms?

>> No.12060950

When will the sequel be released and do you have any plans for a Netflix adaptation?

>> No.12060962

Could I talk to the guy who ironically wrote the Bible instead?

>> No.12060970

The verses and numbers weren't originally in the texts they were added later.
No, that is just a delusion.
You can't know those things and a Netflix adaptation would be the decision of someone else maybe.
You are the ironic one you seek.

>> No.12060995

This is just a delusion

>> No.12061004

What do you think of the Gnostic gospels?

>> No.12061015

Know your place.
They were omitted, no? If you have read them, they ask you to think for yourself, and to search deeper, no? Don't ask me about them.

>> No.12061020


Actually the Gospels were all adapted to film and you can watch them on Netflix. They're pretty good.

>> No.12061024

Some interpretations may only take it further from the truth.

>> No.12061027

>ask me anything
>but also don't ask me things

>> No.12061034
File: 58 KB, 639x426, Lady-Lilith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How long did it take? Have you read and do you have a preference for any of the many interpretations/translations? Why didn't you talk about me more?

>> No.12061039

I did answer you, and I suggested not to ask about them more.
The best translation is the interlinear. You aren't lilith.

>> No.12061040

How can one be careful to make sure that they are following The Bible, as opposed to merely taking in whatever agrees with their belief systems?

>> No.12061046

Confirmed for not God. The guy you responded to is not me

>> No.12061061

You are just delusional, what makes you think that you aren't the same as your brothers? Do you even know what you are?
I know that's especially important for you, but don't worry. The ones who are born with it will have more and the ones without it won't have it or anything else.

>> No.12061079

>I did answer you
no one said you didn't, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of saying "ask me anything" while in the next breath saying the opposite. also it wasn't a suggestion it was a command. also >>12061046 is right, you've been exposed fraud

>> No.12061097

I respect you, and I have to tell you that the public will bow before the beast instead of the Truth.

>> No.12061114
File: 268 KB, 750x1334, 8FC7F9B5-B1B1-4A43-A904-5B6CF176A02F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understood your reasoning by it being a pointless question, the anon didn’t. Yes, I acknowledge me and my brothers are one and the same. I’m responding seriously to you, despite initially misjudging this as a joke, because you seem to be have genuine wisdom to share. That being said, I don’t believe you’ve achieved the state of enlightenment, or becoming “like God”, as Jesus put, by proof of your lack of omnipotence

>> No.12061148
File: 235 KB, 1600x899, Lady-Lilith-1600x899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why did you give us free-will to get cast out from Eden if you already knew what we were gonna choose, and still do the flood and Sodom and Gomorrah and all that fucked up shit, especially if you already had Jesus up there with you waiting to go down and get horribly tortured and crucified just so that we could all still get into Heaven anyway? What are you, like, just a big fucking asshole?


>You aren't Lilith.

Yes, I am. Fuck you.

>> No.12061189
File: 30 KB, 438x500, 6BEAD5AC-193B-46EF-9F0C-D5047BB33DBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you feel about your depiction in Eva?

>> No.12061191

When you have heard to judge people by their worth it means by their soul. Judging someone by their clothes is what man does and BABYLON: THE WHORE OF THE BEASTS uses man.

When Jesus was asked to free Himself of the cross He did not show His omnipotence until after dying and then he did killed the families of the ones who doubted Him. Everyone will be killed by God but where do their souls go? The souls who attach themselves to the clothes of women and the "knowledge" and fallacies of arguments like this will be sent down to the fire with them to rot. God's Kingdom is eternity where nothing on the Earth will last forever. Know the soul of men, not the coins and the clothes of men because the clothes and coins are not theirs and they will be robbed of them all soon and all that is left will be the naked soul.

How to get over temptations? Throw them away, a baby who has never been exposed to temptations is like the wise teacher of an old man. An old man about to die should seek wisdom and teachings from a baby who was just born. The baby has nothing to hold onto and so it is happy.

The beast will come with magic and fire and God will come with judgement. Don't look at the way someone talks, it is just a costume to disguise their words. The wisdom is beyond the words, the nakedness of what someone is intending, can be twisted with clothes.

Why do you question what God has done? No man could have done it better than God, and don't say "Fuck you" or others will say it to you too.

God will talk and many won't listen, and He will not demonstrate might but humility in front of man, because it is man who doesn't listen, and man who doesn't show respect to the humiliated, so where will their respect and belief be when no one listens to them or respects them when their souls are revealed?

>> No.12061261
File: 71 KB, 700x481, Lilith1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>how did you feel about your depiction in Eva?

People keep telling me to watch that. It looks pretty cool.


>Why do you question what God has done?

Faggot's way of saying I don't know the answer to your question, lol.

>don't say "Fuck you" or others will say it to you too

When they say it to me it's proceeded by "I want to...", biotch.

>God will talk and many... ...when their souls are revealed?

"Uh oh, I'm losing 'em... better garble up some bullshit that doesn't mean anything but sounds profound." Kinda like when you wrote the bible?

>> No.12061267

My suggestion is to take more time to think.
Are you already typing a response?

>> No.12061270
File: 44 KB, 425x424, pepechrist2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a heretic and blasphemer, and not the author of the Bible. Prove me wrong.

>> No.12061273

If you think the Bible is "bullshit that doesn't mean anything but sounds profound" why do you believe you are lilith?

>> No.12061281


>> No.12061292

I'll answer all your questions if you give me a herd of cows in exchange.

>> No.12061301

The point of this questions was just for me to answer questions.

>> No.12061315
File: 11 KB, 280x210, lilithaensland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You wrote it, why don't you tell me?

Anyway, I was around before your gay roleplay thread on /lit/ and before anyone came up with the story of genesis.

The real question is why do you argue with me if you already know you're right? Answer that and then tell me why you didn't answer my other questions.

>> No.12061325

If I already knew I was right then I would have nothing to prove and I would already be correct for everything I say.

>> No.12061344
File: 28 KB, 225x350, 120121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So you called the bible the "Truth" on an educated guess?

>> No.12061351

you mean the Savant song?

>> No.12061357

You ask interesting questions. Anything can be mmisunderstood, even the Truth. What makes the Truth True is when someone understands it correctly.

>> No.12061393
File: 239 KB, 480x668, 1402965695197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would like to take this opportunity to remind /lit/ that the bible is pretty boring and going to church is also pretty boring, and inform you that you can worship me simply by masturbating! It really is that easy :3

Of course, you can make up your own mind, which by the way (if you believe the bible), you're welcome for that.

>> No.12061396

>faggot tripfag confuses "God doesn't need to prove Himself" with "I don't have to prove myself"

Stop making these threads.

>> No.12061408

maybe so that we'd be able to understand what we were being saved from?

>> No.12061428

the plans for the netflix adaptation is where all the characters get blacked

>> No.12061465

Do you like pizza?

>> No.12061484
File: 50 KB, 481x640, cute-lillith1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>understand what we were being saved from

Saved from a bunch of shit we didn't have anything to do with at first, we "chose" to be put through, and that was ultimately conceived of, created, and maintained by the guy who supposedly saved us from it? How long have you suffered from Stockholm syndrome, Anon?

>> No.12061497

Know my place? Go back to /×/.

This vision of granduer is manipulating you.

>> No.12061499

Do you love me?

>> No.12061523

You're really smart, but don't jump to conclusions about me.


It depends what you are,

>> No.12061532

God is the sole author of the Bible and his love is infinitely reaching. You are a misguided sheep and I am here to bring you back to the flock.

>> No.12061548

If you don't know God you can't bring anybody back to Him.

>> No.12061562

I absolutely do know God. I pray every day, I've had visions, and I have felt his presence personally in my life. If you say I am lying then I pity you and pray for your soul.

>> No.12061573
File: 12 KB, 777x777, 1524462305197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean.

>> No.12061582

you haven't listened to Luke 18:12 which I wrote for you.

>> No.12061594

>If you don't know God you can't bring anybody back to Him.
Surely you meant "Me."

>You're really smart, but don't jump to conclusions about me.
You're a faggot tripfag. That's not jumping to conclusions, it's self fucking evident.

Your continuing to make these threads is bad for your soul. You will be held to account. I say this as a fellow Christian.

>> No.12061611

Read Luke 18:11-18:14 and try to say you know God. Read Jesus's prayer too.

You seem a bit too vicious to judge me, despite your potential.

What is it?

>> No.12061645

>You seem a bit too vicious to judge me, despite your potential.
You're a fellow sinner. You were not born without sin, and you are not Christ. You're a man, like any of us. Put down this deplorable behavior.

>Read Luke 18:11-18:14 and try to say you know God.
This is where I found my name. Your hubris is too great to admit your humanity and your sin.

Here is what God might say, if He were on 4chan: Love God. And love each other. Would He really make threads about Himself, AMAs to satisfy His ego? No. That is what you do. Be reconciled. Praying for you anon.

>> No.12061665

You are getting closer but still wrong.

You still don't know God. The real God on 4chan would tell you to stop judging other people or it would come back to you.

You, you are judging God too, by the way, you should stop doing that.

>> No.12061679

Here, I'll elaborate more.

What is the value of a sin besides the ones who choose to keep theirs?

You are really just hear to try to attempt make me look bad and nothing else.

>> No.12061761

Anybody else?

>> No.12061771

>You are really just hear to try to attempt make me look bad and nothing else.
I thought I was here to ask you anything. Instead we're talking about how you look. Repent.

>> No.12061792

Ok I will. What question did you want to ask though?

>> No.12061807

I have no questions for a blasphemer.

>> No.12061814

You are the blasphemer.

>> No.12061836

Be kind to all of us and explain how the person who is NOT claiming to be God is the blasphemer.

>(plural blasphemers)
>One who commits blasphemy; a person who mocks or derides a deity or religion, or claims to be God.

>> No.12061848

Wasn't Jesus arrested for blasphemy or something?

Anyways, I LITERALLY wrote the Bible. So if I'm not lying about that, what are you mad about?

>> No.12061883

You aren't under arrest, dumbass. There is no consequence here except everyone feeling sorry for you.

>no explanation given re: how i am the blasphemer and not you
I'll pray for you tonight, in the hope you'll cease this vainglorious posting of yours. You've read your Bible enough, I know. Now pray sincerely and ask forgiveness.

>> No.12061889

So what exactly do you expect from me, the one who wrote the Bible?

>> No.12061917

>So what exactly do you expect from me, the one who wrote the Bible?
I expect nothing. Your ego is in control of you. I would like it if you stopped claiming to have written the Bible though. You didn't. You haven't. Those chaps are dead, except for Christ. And you aren't Him. He would not make threads about Himself.

>> No.12062190

I UNIRONICALLY wrote the Bible, though.

>> No.12062211

If you had, you would be preaching it wouldn't you.

Instead your make AMA threads. Again: repent.

>> No.12062216

I don't really think you would know what I would or would not be doing.

>> No.12062220

Sorry for the late response, went out
I agree with you entirely about the fixation on words, clothes, or materialism in general, being a distraction from true meaning.
Thanks for the advice, in particular, for the reference to Jesus. I’m currently reading the Bible for the first time, and am trying to learn how to serve God without following any false interpretations

>> No.12062228

Despite bearing glaring flaws, Eva is the greatest work of art ever made. You might dislike it though, as it affirms Biblical themes.

>> No.12062238

The greatest work of art ever made is God.

>> No.12062242

Works do not justify salvation. Works do not grant one Grace, I know my God and I know my imperfections. My friend you are but a wolf in sheeps clothing. Your words are your mask, and your knowledge is you fruit. I will not bite Satan.

>> No.12062254

Now you are just throwing around quotes. If I am a wolf in sheep's clothing then why are you judging me by my clothing? I'm not. You are just being a bit too harsh now.

>> No.12062265

How did you first encounter Him?
Are you immortal, or are you able to access the material world from Heaven?

>> No.12062285

I know I said "ask me anything" but some things should really be kept secret for now.

>> No.12062295

A Memorable Fancy

The Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel dined with me, and I asked them how they dared so roundly to assert, that God spoke to them; and whether they did not think at the time, that they would be misunderstood, & so be the cause of imposition.

Isaiah answer'd, I saw no God, nor heard any, in a finite organical perception; but my senses discover'd the infinite in every thing, and as I was then perswaded, & remain confirm'd; that the voice of honest indignation is the voice of God, I cared not for consequences but wrote.

Then I asked: does a firm perswasion that a thing is so, make it so?

He replied, All poets that it does, & in ages of imagination this firm perswasion removed mountains; but many are not capable of a firm perswasion of any thing.

Then Ezekiel said, The philosophy of the east taught the first principles of human perception: some nations held one principle for the origin & some another; we of Israel taught that the Poetic Genius (as you now call it) was the first principle and all other others merely derivative, which was the cause of our despising the priests & Philosophers of other countries, and prophecying that all Gods

would at last be proved to originate in ours & to be the tributaries of the Poetic Genius; it was this that our great poet King David desired so fervently & invokes so patheticly, saying by this he conquers enemies & governs kingdoms; and we so loved our God, that we cursed in his name all deities of surrounding nations, and asserted that they had rebelled; from these opinions the vulgar came to think that all nations would at last be subject to the jews.

This said he, like all firm perswasions, is come to pass, for all nations believe the jews code and worship the jews god, and what greater subjection can be? I heard this with some wonder, & must confess my own conviction. After dinner I ask'd Isaiah to favour the world with his lost works, he said none of equal value was lost. Ezekiel said the same of his.

I also asked Isaiah what made him go naked and barefoot three years? he answer'd, the same that made our friend Diogenes the Grecian.

I then asked Ezekiel, why he eat dung, & lay so long on his right & left side? he answer'd, the desire of raising other men into a perception of the infinite; this the North American tribes practise, & is he honest who resists his genius or conscience only for the sake of present ease or gratification?

The ancient tradition that the world will be consumed in fire at the end of six thousand years is true, as I have heard from Hell.

For the cherub with his flaming sword is hereby commanded to leave his guard at tree of life, and when he does, the whole creation will be consumed, and appear infinite, and holy whereas it now appears finite & corrupt.

This will come to pass by an improvement of sensual enjoyment.

>> No.12062300

>Eva is the greatest work of art ever made
>This is your brain on anime

>> No.12062302


But first the notion that man has a body distinct from his soul, is to be expunged: this I shall do, by printing in the infernal method, by corrosives, which in Hell are salutary and medicinal, melting apparent surfaces away, and displaying the infinite which was hid.

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite.

For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern

>> No.12062303

Is Church a necessary part of worship? If so, how do I identify a good church?

>> No.12062316

Go ahead, tell me why being animated in itself is a flaw

>> No.12062317

What are the fiery wheels in Ezekiel?
What dropped out of the sky in Acts 10:11?

>> No.12062346

I am not being harsh, take heed to my word, sit down and be humble. You may not make claim to what you are saying tonight. You are a wolf im sheeps clothing, you are directing in knavely fashion.

>> No.12062361

Isaiah 1:13.
Also, it is not really bad to go to church, but don't just go to church alone. Do more than that.

They ARE the creatures.
A full sheet with food on it.

Seriously stop calling me a wolf in sheep's clothing, that is what you are.

>> No.12062365

very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY unironically:

kill your self

>> No.12062369

And I suppose you think that you are the good one here yeah?
You think you are "right" or something?
Not very wise of you.

>> No.12062377

nope, i can't say if i'm wrong or right. but you seem to desire to be one with god so. get to it.

>> No.12062386

Now you're lying.
Suicide is a sin, and besides that, everyone on the Earth is going to die, so why would you command anyone to die early? Do you defy God's plan? God chooses when you die and everyone else too.

>> No.12062398

I am speaking truth, you lay to a high claim, you deceit those that take your face and value it for what is. I see through this facade, I see through your veil of false propositions, I do not care for you mystery of delusion.

I have warned you 3 days now.
I ask you to hastily repent, expunge this drive that sends you to the thrown of the fallen.
I weep for you anon
I care for you more than you may admit.
Oh Holy Holy Holy my gracious God
One day your judgement rings
On that day this man will hear an angel sing
And with the Sword that Michael Wields
This Fallen man will fall beside the wheel
Driven drunk in delusion

>> No.12062407 [DELETED] 

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahaha. I'm glad that you care at least. Do you really care though?

>> No.12062425

Why have you come to 4chan, of all places?

>> No.12062429

Listen dude, don't be too mean, but you are lost right now.

Have a good day. Be genuine when you care always too lol.


>> No.12062443

not that anon but uhh

why do you make these threads? you either unironically believe yourself to be god or you're a very mentally ill anon. you don't seem to be preaching the gospel, these threads have mostly been about feeding your ego.

how do you defend your apostasy. don't you feel bad about pretending to stand in god's place? i'm not asking for proof, mind. just wondering why you make these threads about yourself instead of the gospel.

>> No.12062458

>Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahaha. I'm glad that you care at least. Do you really care though?

saved for other anons to spit upon. proof of your pride and arrogance.

>> No.12062462

You have my prayers, take care.

>> No.12062565

You asked something similar to Jesus.
Also, it is about me because you all made it about me instead of asking questions about the gospels.
You... don't get it.

>> No.12062571
File: 753 KB, 1920x1080, qtkms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again: kys. be judged by the only one fit to judge you.

>> No.12062574

You look but don't see and hear but don't listen.

>> No.12062662

are you black?

>> No.12062762

You provide no evidence of your claims and desu, I doubt you know hebrew and greek. Also, your writing style shows poor literacy skills

>> No.12062899

>Also, it is about me because you all made it about me instead of asking questions about the gospels.

>implying you should not be amazing us into silence with your preaching of the gospels atm.
begone, false prophet. antichrist. heretic. apostate. blasphemer. your preoccupation with approval inhibits your ability to preach the gospel. stop. you're embarrassing yourself. you pervert what you allege to revere. unironically erase yourself.