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12053990 No.12053990[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who was actually in the wrong here?

>> No.12053992


>> No.12054015

What does Jordan Peterson even say that is offensive to the left? Isn’t he just about cleaning your room and being responsible?

>> No.12054024

He denies white privilege, sexism, gender wage gap, social justice, marxism, etc

>> No.12054034

Based. (((Peterstein))) can fuck off

>> No.12054067

race and gender accelerationism is based, very nice sweden!

>> No.12054083

that more or less exemplifies how women, and progressive women especially, see anybody who says something NotAllowedTM, the hilarity of course being that Jordan Peterson is by any historical definition as blasphemous leftist, and not remotely the right wing demagogue people attempt to paint him as.

>> No.12054091

>by any historical definition

>> No.12054099

>historical definition
We're living in the present bud. Leftism today: social justice, socialism/social democracy, abortion, feminism, etc. All of which Peterson rejects.

>> No.12054100

Is insistence on the ubiquity of dominance hierarchies is annoying. Even more so when he uses the existence of dominance hierarchies to justify the existence of authoritarian hierarchies in social life and political-economy. He doesn't understand modality and hardly understands how dominance hierarchies work. This annoys me as a scientist more than a leftist.

>> No.12054105

Based on what she said during the interview she is clearly braindelayed. She refused to accept the evidence and said "We have to disagree on that" even though her position was clearly wrong

>> No.12054108

arguments between sects of leftism do not imply the presence of right wing beliefs

Monarchy, patriarchy, these are right wing ideas, and it is pretty clear when you see them

>> No.12054109

>This annoys me as a scientist more than a leftist
yikes, not your diary desu

>> No.12054120

the only value of this website is schizoid blog posts

>> No.12054132

Again, I know this may have been true in the past (thought it's dubious), but we're living in the present. Right wingers are not monarchists anymore.

>> No.12054149


>> No.12054154

>be swedish bureaucrat
>get butt blasted by some toronto psychologist

>> No.12054183

>to justify the existence of authoritarian hierarchies
He's explicitly anti-authoritarian

>> No.12054194

probably the brainlet who doesn’t understand what postmodernism is

>> No.12054203

When people talk about the political spectrum in the west they generally mean it in context of the west

>> No.12054225
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>Margot Wallström
You foreigners have no fucking idea.
>tfw we will probably have to deal with her until she fucking dies at a very old age.

>> No.12054232

At least under his rock will be clean.

>> No.12054257

Yet he defends the capitalist political economy as a natural market-based dominance hiearchy. When it is grounded in the fictitious authority of capital and private ownership. Capital is definitely not based on merit. Same can be said for patriarchy and gender roles. I think he is somewhat right in a very restricted way, I myself am a sort of (classical) conservative, im also a radical. He is way too rational in his justification of "traditional" social norms. Which, naturally, are sentimental enities.
Peterson is obviously only into BTFOing trannies for the money. A shyster pandering to alienated beta-males for add revenue. The only acedemic interest he really cares about is his stupid archetype mythology. He is a manufacturer of consent working for the Koch-Prager PR death squad.

>> No.12054277

Did anybody say anything about the West? I thought we were past the eurocentric days

Saudi Arabia is certainly a relevant country, it impacts the entire world

>> No.12054305

>Yet he defends the capitalist political economy as a natural market-based dominance hiearchy. When it is grounded in the fictitious authority of capital and private ownership. Capital is definitely not based on merit.
Then you and I agree, in a way. I don't support his love of capital. However, as someone who actually considers themselves authoritarian, it's insulting to see JP referred to as such since he and I don't agree on much.

>> No.12054347

>Isn’t he just about cleaning your room

This presupposes a norm--the clean room.

>> No.12054355
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Listen to his Rogan interview and you'll see how truly idiotic Peterson is, he blatantly misreads Foucault and gets butthurt when someone suggests that he isn't a Master of his Fate but is instead the benefactor of "dominance hierarchies" (while being a huge pussy). He's not a fucking lobster, he's an edgy romantic who read Jung as a teen and decided he was the Ubermensch, he's bitter because nobody has ever challenged his worldview or credentials before. He also literally eats red meat for ever meal.

>> No.12054365

He's 100% right about Foucault.

>> No.12054366
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>Crawl back under your rock
Who else but the Swede that claims that anyone who doesn't suscribe to her centuries old egalitarian dogma is ignorant?

The amount of asshurt that Peterson generates is just absolutely astounding, like that one YouTube video that gets shitposted around here about how "Peterson doesn't understand Post Modernism" where the shitty YouTuber obviously doesn't understand either post modernism or Jordan Peterson

>> No.12054377

>Capital is definitely not based on merit
HA. You must be either deceiving yourself or retarded. What else would capital be based on besides merit? Do you believe that people, most of the time, make gains in capital because some one else chose to give it to them? If not, then what is the mechanism that discriminates in the capitalist system?

Peterson sees that the capitalist system *is* a dominance hierarchy. He also has said that he dislikes that it is, but also admits that it is the best system we have at our disposal.

>When it is grounded in the fictitious authority of capital and private ownership.
What makes this dominance hierarchy *real* is its effect, namely the sorting of agents by both intelligence and economic potentiality. Moreover, what makes this authority *real* is that it has real consequences that you believe yourself (e.g. rob a bank and see what happens to you). You ought to ground yourself in something real, kiddo.

>> No.12054379

I'm much further to the right than Peterson, but the fact that his basic advice of self-responsibility and accountability sends the establishment left into a frenzy is an testimony to the absolute state of the discourse.
Like holy fuck, he's Liberal as hell, but even CLOSE to being definitively right wing.

Makes the Left look like actual fucking children.

>> No.12054407

I see you have never read Foucault
>HA. You must be either deceiving yourself or retarded.
That's what I usually say to people who support a system in which Bill Gates makes 1,920,000 times more than the average American. Is he just that much superior than you or I?
Good meme my friend

The only reason JP "triggers" libs so easily is because they only people who take him at all seriously are stupid and emotional - that includes his fans too. Oh, poor you, did some 90 pound 4'10" latina feminist call you racist? Wow, how threatened you must have felt, I'm absolutely shaking in my boots at these antifa goons.

>> No.12054433
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>Oh, poor you, did some 90 pound 4'10" latina feminist call you racist? Wow, how threatened you must have felt, I'm absolutely shaking in my boots at these antifa goons

>> No.12054466

Excellent retort my very intelligent friend

>> No.12054468

>his basic advice of self-responsibility and accountability
That it literally the only part no one ever cares to criticize about him and the fact that you frame it as such means that you are either really retarded or pretending to be to get so cheap shots

>> No.12054501

This is conduct unbecoming of the country's seniormost diplomat, and downright rude and arrogant, even if she happens to disagree with his views. All the more reason Peterson's work is important, even if it is just exposing the hypocrisy, ignorance and arrogance of these braindead imbeciles.

>> No.12054505
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Are you meaning to suggest that post that was replied to was profound?
You meant to mock an observation that their anger over the dad-advice tier narrative of JPB was silly. To do this, you meant to exaggerate the phenomenon as "you're SCARED of the feminist/whatever".

Pretentiousness is not a substitute for substance.

>> No.12054508

>Bill Gates makes 1,920,000 times more than the average American. Is he just that much superior than you or I?
not that anon, but in business acumen, quite obviously, yes.

>> No.12054510

A response of equivalent intelligence and effort to your own, friend.

>> No.12054517
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>This is conduct unbecoming of the country's seniormost diplomat,
mate you should read some of the shit ours has got up to

>> No.12054521

The norm, yes, until humans come along and shit everything up, and have to clean it up again. Point being?
>normative bad, right?

>> No.12054522

Capital is based on private ownership and investment. You've already confirmed yourself as an idiot who thinks capitalism and market-economies are the same thing.
Peterson sees that the capitalist system *is* a dominance hierarchy.
When dominance is based on political-economic power, it is not simply merit based dominance, it is authoritarian dominance.
>He also has said that he dislikes that it is, but also admits that it is the best system we have at our disposal.
Classic psued apologetics.
>What makes this dominance hierarchy *real* is its effect, namely the sorting of agents by both intelligence and economic potentiality. Moreover, what makes this authority *real* is that it has real consequences that you believe yourself (e.g. rob a bank and see what happens to you). You ought to ground yourself in something real, kiddo.
Maybe you should learn about the historical and legal foundations of capitalism in joint-stock companies and enclosure. You have no idea what you are talking about and hardly understand what capitalism is.

>> No.12054526

Bojo? He does it out of provocation, she's doing it out of sheer butthurt triggerage.

>> No.12054528

You might be right, I could be plain wrong.
But I observe that it's normally just garden-variety discourse and the memes arrive when that "basic advice" is challenged, usually somewhere along the lines of "I'm oppressed by institutionalized sexism/racism/x-phobia/whatever" and JBP retorts that it's rather that life is simply trying and things don't/shouldn't come easy.

That's where the outrage/humorous videos come in. Just being "regular" wrong leads to regular arguments, not the Swedish FM telling him to crawl back under a rock or videos like this

>> No.12054535


Bill Gates created a highly practical and user friendly operating system that fulfilled million's of people's needs. If it were not for the economic benefits that incentivized him to create Windows, computers would still be highly specialized tools used only by professionals and hobbyists. Is that not worth any praise or reward? However, disregard all that for a moment: Consider that nobody was forced to buy his product. By claiming that capitalism unfairly rewarded Bill Gates, you are stating that it is wrong for people to make their own decisions, that they need others to do that for them.

As for JP not being taken seriously, I think it has more to do with the fact that the left cannot adequately argue against his main points about psychology, for all the "serious" criticisms I've seen from the left are just swipes at the fact that a psychology professor does not have expert knowledge in the field of philosophy and that right-wing radicals (most of whom despise him for his lack of antisemitism, and whose ideas he has repeatedly denounced) are attracted to his work, which they automatically assume is his goal rather than an overlap of some agreement on the underlying instinctual psychology of human beings.

>> No.12054536

>in business acumen, quite obviously, yes.
Which is obviously due to the fictitious realities of capital ownership and not merit.

>> No.12054541

>as a scientist
I love these posts, it makes me disregard the poster's opinion even more.

>> No.12054544

wrong again. we know enough about Gates to know that his merit consisted precisely in having better business ideas than other better programmers etc.

>> No.12054547

I unironically believe Trump does it at least in *part* to mock pretentiousness, selective civility, and political correctness that has fucked the discourse.
And before anyone gets ideas, I don't agree with Trump in a LOT of what he says, but there's a reason he was so much more effective than any other Republican nominee.

>> No.12054554

>Is he just that much superior than you or I?
Have you put in a fraction of the effort that he has towards the same aspiration, or are you simply jealous?

>> No.12054558

I think he just doesn't get business.

>> No.12054560

>But I observe that it's normally just garden-variety discourse and the memes arrive when that "basic advice" is challenged
But thats not what is happening right now retard, literally people wrote articles denouncing JBP's conceptions of things except than social advise. It is like their blind spot. You observing is directly conflicting with reality, especially in this very board where people here shill him for his shit philosophy, gets BTFO and the PIDFs retreating to his social advise when his worldviews is always criticized. Go shill his nonsense and be indignant in /r9k/.

>> No.12054564


I think the idea is that no perfectly clean room exists and that degrees of disarray come down to preference or innate inability to clean and so shouldn't be looked down upon.

>> No.12054569

More like great at stealing businesses ideas ... RIP Zerox

>> No.12054573

Are you really pretending not to understand the whole point of this room memery is, or are you just autistic?

>> No.12054575


Last time someone said Peterson "misread" Derrida, I posted some random Derrida excerpts and he stopped replying.

>> No.12054580

that's part of it too mate, better toughen up and stop being so bitter.

>> No.12054591

>But thats not what is happening right now retard, literally people wrote articles denouncing JBP's conceptions of things except than social advise
That's no what I'm addressing though, it's what you're trying to bring the discussion to because it's more defensible. I specifically said that in the matters you bring up, it is RIGHT that he be challenged and argument be had. But that's not what the OP is about. And that's not what I (and most others) are saying is a "testimony to the absolute state of the discourse".
>indignant in /r9k/
You forgot "incel" and "sweetie"

>> No.12054612

Why are you equating Islamic fundamentalism and Arab tribalism with "right wing"ism - a 19th century European idea, if ever there was one? You are such an unwitting Eurocentric bastard.

>> No.12054616

If we adopted the customs of Saudi arabia everybdoy would call it extremely right wing

>> No.12054620

>That's no what I'm addressing though, it's what you're trying to bring the discussion to because it's more defensible
Because that is the original point I am making in the first place, but you tried to talk past me to preach more apologetics for JBP. Noticed how you said " You MIGHT be right, I could be plain wrong." and then continued with your nonsense? I did.

>You forgot "incel" and "sweetie"
I am serious? If you really cared that much about JBP's social advise, you wouldn't be posting on /lit/ to feel indignant for him, but rather the one place in the website that would benefit most from his social advise that you supposely care so much.

Admit you are here coz you only care about the ideas he is putting out, not about his social advise

>> No.12054621

what an argument. I thought some smart-arse philosopher had demolished this idea of a mythical "they" and "everybody." Don't be such a tard, mate.

>> No.12054626
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>Stealing IPs is meritorious
I guess China's ascent to global domination via that technique is justified then

>> No.12054634

Yeah, whatever. My background in ecology is pertinent to the discussion of dominance-hiearchies.

>> No.12054635

Maybe coz that wasn't an argument to begin with?

>> No.12054640

weak reply m8. How is a monarchy that doesn't let women leave the house without men not right wing, exactly?

>> No.12054648

>Because that is the original point I am making in the first place
So we're not talking about the OP question, which is pretty obviously just the joke that is Sweden's FM getting asshurt that JBP denounces PCness?

>If you really cared that much about JBP's social advise, you wouldn't be posting on /lit/ to feel indignant for him
I unironically spend most of my time on /his/ and sometimes /fit/ discussing Stoicism. I'm here right now because I have an unusual amount of free time.

>> No.12054649

It's all manufactured and he's in on it. They are trying to shrink the overton window by painting completely normal inoffensive milquetoast conservative views as extreme intolerable hate speech

>> No.12054652

>apples and oranges
but since you are such a communist, you must obviously approve of these tactics.

>> No.12054656

you ought to read up on Athenian democracy, it was much the same, without the king.
Again, you are applying 19th century European standards to other times, other places, and are coming up short.

>> No.12054660

Foucault is a guy that fucked men in public washrooms and died of AIDS. I wouldn’t take him seriously

>> No.12054661

It is the same thing only on different scales.

>you must obviously approve of these tactics.
Not really, the differences are almost like ... apples and oranges :^)

>> No.12054676

My definition of right wing isnt predicated on the particularities of the French revolution, but the basic abstractions of 'hierarchy' and 'tradition', both of with the Saudis are relatively committed to, though they are a decadent bunch and not very traditional anymore. They do at least profess to be Muslims still

>> No.12054678

>I wouldn’t take him seriously
This is a mistake: know thy enemy.
Roger Scruton does a reasonably decent takedown in his book, and so does the other chap with the yellow book on postmodernism, although they're not as decisively conclusive as one might hope for.

>> No.12054684

>but the basic abstractions of 'hierarchy' and 'tradition',
changing the goalposts is second nature to a sophist such as yourself. You would feel right at home in the non-hierarchical dictatorship of the proletariat, methinks.

>> No.12054701
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>So we're not talking about the OP question,
Yes you fucking retard. Read up the reply chain. I only responded to someone >>12054379's who made the Left (or anyone for that matter)'s antagonism to him to be about his social advise and not his terrorist-tier misconceptions of ideas and philosophies. I literally do not give a shit about what the FM does(since it was such a brief comment), hell most posts ITT don't either anyway.

>I'm here right now because I have an unusual amount of free time.
Wow then maybe you should put up or shut up by preaching about Peterson's social advise and be indignant in /r9k/ and leave the big boys who actually read shit in /lit/ alone to talk his understanding of concepts and ideas.

>> No.12054705

I never did anythign of the sort, you just really autistically don,t want to think of the Saudis as right wing for whatever reason. As though they were so alien that they couldnt possibly be understood by our European ways of thinking. Or that our ways of thinking were specific to only one time and place and have no larger application

>> No.12054725

That is a lot of presumption right there.

>> No.12054732

>big boys who actually read shit in /lit/
surely you jest?

>> No.12054751

>Yes you fucking retard.
>who made the Left (or anyone for that matter)'s antagonism to him to be about his social advise and not his terrorist-tier misconceptions of ideas and philosophies
That post (which was me) was in reference to the OP post about the FM. I think we're arguing over nothing because if you think that the elements of the Left that are angry about his challenging PCness are silly, and I think that challenging his percieved misconceptions on ideas and challenges are absolutely warranted and acceptable to have discourse in is warranted, we're Gucci.

>Wow then maybe you should put up or shut up by preaching about Peterson's social advise
JBP isn't very profound, better to discuss the intricacies of other schools of thought desu
>muh big boys
Stop being pretentious, it's not half as inspiring as you imagine it is

>> No.12054758
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Is that the point you want to contest? A semi-serious exaggeration of /lit/ made in jest?

>> No.12054772

>JBP isn't very profound
That may be true, but he is very influential nowadays and it behoves us to take a closer look at his activities if only for the reason that these other schools of thought you mention are being filtered into more mainstream consciousness by his works, for better or worse.

>> No.12054780

yea asshurt that I wasted my time arguing to someone who can't fucking read. Coz
>if you think that the elements of the Left that are angry about his challenging PCness are silly,
was something I did not implied as such. So no senpai, we are not Gucci. I am only making the point that for all the supposed "Left"'s grievances on Peterson, his social advise is barely on their radar. Pretending to be as such just shows you are wilfully misunderstanding them to undermine their points (and mine too so it seems)

>JBP isn't very profound, better to discuss the intricacies of other schools of thought desu
Exactly, such "basic advice of self-responsibility and accountability" would help the people desperate for in /r9k/. Put your money where your mouth is.

>Stop being pretentious, it's not half as inspiring as you imagine it is
Oh it was something, but pretentious is not the right word for it you pretentious retard

>> No.12054789

>I did not implied as such
I never implied as such

>> No.12054823

>adding that she "can't grasp why people waste so much time on that man."
It always amazes me how people are able to pose their own ignorance as the reproach to the world around them