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File: 17 KB, 460x259, Dan-candidato-presidencial-brasileno-Bolsonaro_EDIIMA20180929_0407_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11999146 No.11999146[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books to brace oneself for the barbarism and destruction of ethics, nature and art that the rise of fascism will mean?

>> No.11999149

he even looks evil

>> No.11999155

homage to catalonia

>> No.11999225

he manages to look uglier and scarier than the devil Temer himself

>> No.11999248

>barbarism and destruction of ethics, nature and art
its gonna be epic

also quick note brazil is a lawless wasteland without ethics, any regard for nature and sure as shit no art so i would say they should be well prepared already

>> No.11999546

Oh no the paradise of Brazil is going dark!
Why would a population vote for this man when Brazil is so great?

>> No.11999555

Unironically Evola

Also I would consider reading Vaclav Havel even though he dealt with post-totalitarian Communism, just because it's also a form of despotism.

>> No.11999559

I'm sad, camarada. This fucker will win.

>> No.11999562

And that's a good thing!

>> No.11999563

Note that these two authors recommend literally the exact opposite approaches to the problem of Fascism.

>> No.11999564

t. Trump elector

>> No.11999570

Maybe something by Victor Klemperer?

>> No.11999579

t. John Oliver

>> No.11999585

can we friendly hug? fascism is taking over the world

>> No.11999592

Brazil just can't catch a break. You have my sympathy, Brazil bros.

>> No.11999594
File: 151 KB, 992x744, justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homage to Catalonia, maybe. It's a good read even if I feel the anarchists got less than what they deserved.

>> No.11999600
File: 61 KB, 530x398, bolsonaro neoliberal zionist freemason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I've read the Brazilian military is anti-neoliberal/more statist in orientation and this guy has been saying he wants to implement a bunch of free market reforms, should end up a contradictory mess

>> No.11999653

Apertei o 13 com tanta força que apareceu foi a cara do Lula.

>> No.11999661

Fascism is a self detonating bomb that kills itself faster than you can find a clear cut definition. Shit sucks and there will be a lot of suffering but it will be over pretty soon, anon. Unlike 1-7.

He really doesn't. More like an angry old man. Someone who talks shit over a beer but goes back to his wagecuck job the next day.

>taking serious what a populist says
If it got him elected, he'd talk about cutting off balls and turning everyone into trannies. Most likely is some quasi dictatorship like Russia, where the elite tries to steal everything there is while keeping down dissent. Just like Russia, they seem to lack the knowhow of how to do it and stability, so it won't last as long.

>> No.11999668


>> No.11999674

I'm just so fucking tired. What the fuck is wrong with these people, seriously

>> No.11999678
File: 20 KB, 327x499, Holy Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11999683

Anarchists are driven by a narcissistic desire to achieve pleasure for the body that they're willing to destroy the only thing that makes human life justifiable: the state oriented society.

>> No.11999687

Yeah, because it's anarchists that left my country in the state it is today, sure you fucking faggot.
Literally kill yourself.

>> No.11999693

>third-worldism, trannies, and piss-christ are 'ethics, nature and art' respectively

>> No.11999697

>Brazil having any of those things in the first place

Loving every laugh

>> No.11999698

Kinda just sounds like everyday capitalism. Read about the cultural revolution I guess.

>> No.11999699

i'd agree if brazil wasn't such a lawless shithole where with more than 70k homicides per year and the total disregard for human life (not uncommon to hear normal people getting murdered because they didn't have money when getting robbed). brazil NEEDS order and authoritarianism. this place is too degenerate for democracy. whatever the political spectrum, brazil was asking for authority for quite some time. it could not come from the left because marxists are a bunch of pussies and old academics faggots with no relevance whatsoever, so of course, it came from the right. bolsonaro is just a puppet on the grand scheme of things, his "fascism" (he's not even a fascist, he's just a populist who used the "dictatourship" to win votes from boomers) is decided by the people, just as all authoritarian governments.
he's also plans to form a world wide brazilian empire (paulo guedes already confirmed it), which's why the jews are so mad a 60 year old brazilian boomer is ruining their plans.

>> No.11999701

The anarchists aren't the only bad actors in the world; they're merely the worst. Anything, including total human extinction, is preferable to the existence of an anarchist "society."

>> No.11999705

>neoliberal policies, deforestation, building a highway in the amazon is actually great
politics are a mental illness lmao.
left, right... they are all fucking insane.

>> No.11999715

Why the fuck did you even bought anarchist up you fucking schizophrenic piece of shit, my problem is the exact opposite of anachim.
You really think Bolsonaro will manage to do jack shit? His public life is a joke, the man's law projects are shit like "give Pinochet's descendants a plaque" or just downright cruel like the time he tried to stop soropositive people from getting treatment at SUS

>> No.11999716

Bolsonaro will keep on deforestating and destroying nature. What are 70k crimes when the entirety of life on earth is at stake lmao? Politicized drones have ZERO rational behind their thoughts and are solely guided by their emotions. They probably are just low iqs incapable of seeing the big picture and have to pinpoint specific issues to articulate ideas that make sense to their little brain.

>> No.11999717

>70k murders a year

just remember this next time some liberal d-bag says we have to cancel the constitution because america has the most gun violence, if you take suicides out (voluntary end of life is supposed to be WOKE amirite) its only a fraction of brazil's slaughter

>> No.11999721


>> No.11999724

Anton Long: Satanism: A Basic Introduction for Prospective Adherents, or anything by the Order of the Nine Angles should do it.

>> No.11999741

Authoritarianism never solved a single problem even when it was well intended a la Napoleon.

>we look fine compared to a third world shithole in chaos, so there is zero gun problems in Murica

>> No.11999757

Setting the bar rather low, aren't we?

>> No.11999771

more like setting the bar HIGH since every person of good conscience and considerable wokeness longs for the day when america can match brazil's diversity!

>> No.11999773

Aê porra!

>> No.11999786

Just bc you're an acculturated doesn't mean that brazil doesn't have those

>> No.11999787

>Why the fuck did you even bought anarchist up you fucking schizophrenic piece of shit, my problem is the exact opposite of anachim.
Because the threat of anarchism has become so intense that only authoritarianism can fix it at this point. It's disgusting that we allowed it to get this bad. You may not realize it, but you are part of the problem. You are nothing more than an unthinking body willing to destroy anything of value to achieve pleasure for yourself.

>> No.11999795

You're retarded, Bolsonaro's allies' modus operandi has always been destroying the whole country to achieve pleasure (or most usually wealth) while completely fucking up the country.
I mean not a weak ago one of his (married) allies had a sextape with 5 hookers leaked and all investigation reports so far point to it being real.

>> No.11999797

There was a whole pink tide of socialist-ish governments across South America in the 00s and early 2010s. Now that is over and the continent is going through a massive backlash due to the perceived failures of the socialist governments. Nobody wants to turn into Venezuela.

>> No.11999799

>implying I'm for any of those things
>implying the commie shits wouldn't do the same on the side at the behest of their corporate backers

Step up, Jose

>> No.11999828

why faggots come shit up /lit/ with brazilian politics is beyond me, but since you did, VÃO TUDO PARA O QUINTO DOS INFERNOS COMUNISTINHAS DE MERDA!

>> No.11999829

Every human being has urges, but support for the state demonstrates the capability of higher thought in spite of them.

>> No.11999879

>rise of fascism
God, I wish. Unfortunately, he's just your run of the mill neoliberal populist, i.e. the the typical garbage that democracy constantly produces.

>> No.11999955

Fascism is dead as fuck in the current age. Why are modern lefties such clowns

>> No.11999976

Why is Brazilian politics so memey?


>> No.12000086

because in the lack of better candidates, people vote for memes. See tiririca, literal illiterate clown with the slogan "can't get worse than already is", he won..