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File: 96 KB, 401x600, Rembrandt_The_Sacrifice_of_Abraham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11998725 No.11998725 [Reply] [Original]

Why did God ask Abraham to kill his son? I've read loads of interpretations, but I simply can't find one that satisfies me. What have you got /lit/?

>> No.11998730

Consider all the fucked up fetishes this must have given Isaac. No one thinks about the collateral damage.

>> No.11998740

Have you not read Kierkegaard?

>> No.11998744

It's a prefiguration, or type, of God sacrificing his own son, Jesus Christ.

>> No.11998745

God didn't because God isn't real and there were no such people as Abraham or Isaac.

>> No.11998747


>> No.11998750

Foreshadowing for season 2

>> No.11998752

I've read fragments. Where does he go into this?

>> No.11998754

No premodern historical figures existed. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11998765

Fear and Trembling...

>> No.11998774

We are discussing the Bible as a piece of literature right now. What you're saying is not at all relevant.

>> No.11998777

Then neither is this >>11998745

>> No.11998782

It's the same guy

>> No.11998809

I understand that, but I'm more interested in a self-contained interpretation.

>> No.11998821

If you want to take one part of a work and interpret it alone without any reference to the rest of the work, I doubt you're going to get a satisfactory answer. Or perhaps it's just an ideological assumption that it isn't part of a larger construct. Either way you're not going to get anywhere.

>> No.11998878

It was a test of loyalty.

>> No.11998901

It's the same God that asked him to cut his dick, what did you expect?

>> No.11998989
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>Why did God ask Abraham to kill his son?
It's a pretty consistent theme of the early parts of the Bible that the quality (goodness and justice) of God's actions' can neither be questioned nor understood.

Job for example is described as a good, just and pius man. Nevertheless, God punishes him heavily (and kills a lot of people en passant), just because of a bet between God and Shaitan. When Job questions his punishment, God doesn't even try to explain himself. Instead, God more or less tells Job to go fuck himself because he doesn't have a clue at all.
>Who is this that obscures my plans with words without knowledge? [...] Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? [...] Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself?
Job 38,2-40,8
->God punishes Job although Job is described as just and lives by the rules of God.

Same with the Fall of Man. God punishes Adam and Eve for eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Mind: before they ate from said tree they didn't know what was good and what was evil. Therefore, they didn't even know it was evil to disobey God. Nevertheless, they were thrown out of paradise.
->God punishes Adam and Eve although they don't have the slightest clue it was evil (punishable) to break the rules of God.

Look at the flood narrative. After the flood, God tells Noah
>I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.
Gen 9,13-15
->God basically changes his own rules: people were punished for their sins in a certain way - but in the future, people won't be punished that way again.

Therefore, if you put the Sacrifice of Isaac (and it's cancelation) into the context of other early biblical stories, it simply doesn't make sense to ask for an interpretation of it. It's not understandable.

Btw. what's established here early on is a kind of "antirationality" regarding the morals of all the Abrahamic religions. In the very end, God's rules are opaque and irrational to men - they can neither be fully understood nor deduced and they might even change.

>> No.11999260

I think faith is tested all the time; for instance, one finally gets one's life together in the sense that the apartment's clean, work is humming along, walks with the dog and occasional meetings with friends seem enough- the weather's great, one feels inspired- when all of a sudden one's super sexy ex-gf who did serious damage 2 yrs ago shows up weeping and profusely apologizing on one's doorstep..
This is not an instance of being asked to murder someone, of course. But the instance of Abraham being commanded to kill his child, and then relenting when commanded to relent, does come to mind in a roundabout away. Whatever the circumstances (and Abraham's are extreme) this parable concerns doing the will of God- and SOMEHOW [we] all know what this is, or rather what it isn't. In the instance of the girl it is NOT being cruel, but nor is it accepting her back. It would be something like being as kind as possible, listening (keeping one's mouth shut) and making sure that the girl gets home okay- ..and of willingly taking the disruptive hit that youre going to be mulling this thing over in your mind for quite some time..
Life's tricky.

>> No.12000242

According to Nobel Prize winner Robert Zimmerman it's basically because he's a big bully. Abraham's response has nothing whatsoever to do with his love for his son Isaac, which means 'laughter,' but for fear of losing his own hide.... Zimmerman says nothing at all about God's ultimate relenting.

>> No.12000268
File: 82 KB, 900x591, abraham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Fear and Trembling

>> No.12000276

not OP but good post, thanks

>> No.12000300

It was the Demiurge

>> No.12000559

>super sexy ex-gf
lemme just stop you right here

>> No.12000561
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>> No.12000589

To test his faith, obviously. God's will trumps all - any material possessions, even your own son.

>> No.12000627

almost all /pol/ posters and tradfags on 4chan are tourists who came here after 2011, you’re effectively newfags and ought to consider that this cite was virulently anti-theistic for about a decade before you social signaling insects decided to stop thinking analytically about ontology.

>> No.12000650


He was supposed to refuse or at least to ask why.

>Btw. what's established here early on is a kind of "antirationality" regarding the morals of all the Abrahamic religions. In the very end, God's rules are opaque and irrational to men - they can neither be fully understood nor deduced and they might even change.

Daily proof that Catholics are Atheists.

>> No.12000660

wow mom look it's a real life boomer

>> No.12000675

>believes in god
>a belief that’s almost exclusively hel by 35+ and whose revanchism among white americans can be owed to nothing other than reaganite thought which is peek boomerism
being stupid has its perks right? you can allocate more resources to socializing and acquiring dopamine hits

>> No.12000699
File: 91 KB, 1300x957, affirmative_action_throwup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look outside the fedora and trench coat store, the world has grown up after its momentary lapse into heresy.
Guess being clueless has its perks though, right? You can justify your existence with the notion that you don't need to live for anything or anybody other than yourself. You can even only selectively understand ontology if you want

>> No.12000704

was just trying to make a point
stories come to mind whatever the situation and once at the level of consideration can (and will) be used whatever the misinterpretation, whatever the outcome.

>> No.12000757

Isn't it connected to the cult of Moloch and how Moses' new religion is made in opposition to that religion?

>> No.12000765

The one my mom gave me "God did not want Abraham to kill his son. He wanted to reveal to Abraham the extent of his own faith in God."

>> No.12000831

It was just a prank bro. It was just a test of faith.

>> No.12000866

The reign of the fedora is over the time of the religious order has come. No longer will you be allowed to destroy society and reduce human beings to animals.

>> No.12000869
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>Daily proof that Catholics are atheists

>> No.12000872

From a historical perspective the story of Isaac could be where the Jews moved away from human sacrifice. But OP is looking for a theological explanation, and Kierkegaard goes over this in fear & trembling, as mentioned above.

>> No.12001206

It isn't since OT is self-contained. NT latches onto OT, not the other way around.

>> No.12001212

This is the actual answer. Read Job for context.

>> No.12001231

>ignoring the fact Kierkegaard literally wrote an entire book about this

>> No.12001269

>hurr de durr

Peak atheism lol

>> No.12001287

To a desert rat like Abraham, the firstborn son is the ultimate treasure. God is asking him to show himself willing to sacrifice his most valuable earthly possession. The very idea of this would have been absolutely harrowing to a jew in the ancient world. It was meant to inspire fear and fealty

>> No.12001294

like in scroll 2 of iliad when agamemnon is sent a lying dream then tests his men by saying they are leaving but odysseus stops them saying they do not yet know the full mind of agamemnon

>> No.12001298

Just out of curiosity, how do the Jews justify it if there Messianic figure doesn't have to be the Son of God and doesn't have to be sacrificed? How do the Muslims justify it as well, if they think Jesus was just a prophet, and Muhammad wasn't sacrificed or a Son of God? Both still incorporate Abraham prominently, it's the thread tying all three together.

>> No.12001318
File: 153 KB, 432x676, Hobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the Office of a Redeemer, that is, of one that payeth the Ransome of Sin, (which Ransome is Death,) it appertaineth, that he was Sacrificed, and thereby bare upon his own head, and carryed away from us our iniquities, in such sort as God had required. Not that the death of one man, though without sinne, can satisfie for the offences of all men, in the rigour of Justice, but in the Mercy of God, that ordained such Sacrifices for sin, as he was pleased in his mercy to accept. In the old Law (as we may read, Leviticus the 16.) the Lord required, that there should every year once, bee made an Atonement for the Sins of all Israel, both Priests, and others; for the doing whereof, Aaron alone was to sacrifice for himself and the Priests a young Bullock; and for the rest of the people, he was to receive from them two young Goates, of which he was to Sacrifice one; but as for the other, which was the Scape Goat, he was to lay his hands on the head thereof, and by a confession of the iniquities of the people, to lay them all on that head, and then by some opportune man, to cause the Goat to be led into the wildernesse, and there to Escape, and carry away with him the iniquities of the people. As the Sacrifice of the one Goat was a sufficient (because an acceptable) price for the Ransome of all Israel; so the death of the Messiah, is a sufficient price, for the Sins of all mankind, because there was no more required. Our Saviour Christs sufferings seem to be here figured, as cleerly, as in the oblation of Isaac, or in any other type of him in the Old Testament: He was both the sacrificed Goat, and the Scape Goat; "Hee was oppressed, and he was afflicted (Isa. 53.7.); he opened not his mouth; he brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep is dumbe before the shearer, so opened he not his mouth:" Here he is the Sacrificed Goat. "He hath born our Griefs, (ver.4.) and carried our sorrows;" And again, (ver. 6.) "the Lord hath laid upon him the iniquities of us all:" And so he is the Scape Goat. "He was cut off from the land of the living (ver. 8.) for the transgression of my People:" There again he is the Sacrificed Goat. And again (ver. 11.) "he shall bear their sins:" Hee is the Scape Goat. Thus is the Lamb of God equivalent to both those Goates; sacrificed, in that he dyed; and escaping, in his Resurrection; being raised opportunely by his Father, and removed from the habitation of men in his Ascension.

>> No.12001327

Abraham was like 100 years old. Issac was probably 15-25 years old (more likely on the older side). Abraham and Isaac went to the hill while Issac carried a ton of sacrificial wood (wood that was supposed to burn a whole human body); Issac has got to be strong, like grown man strong. When they get to the hill, Issac knew what was up. So, why did he stay? It's not like Abraham was going to be able to stop him; he's a frail old man and Issac could've easily ran away or defended himself. So it seems that Isaac was a willing sacrifice. Jewish scholars back then thought that Abraham and Isaac were willing to do this with the idea that after such sacrificed, they would both be rewarded—perhaps the resurrection of Isaac.

So, Isaac was a grown man—given his strength to carry a large amount of wood—who entered willingly into being sacrificed, because he could've ran away or defended himself from his weak old father.

also this:
>Abraham sends his son to be sacrificed and his son enters willingly.
>God tells Abraham to sacrifice the ram in the thicket
>Jesus is the Lamb of God in the crown of thorns who entered willingly into His passion and death
>So that's what God meant by "I will provide" in Genesis

>> No.12001336

You disgusting nominalist

>Daily proof that Catholics are Atheists.
retard, it was Luther that hated reason and distorted the emphasis on the will like a dirty nominalist

>> No.12001337

It literally fucking tells you in the book
>now i know you fear god
If you can't understand why fearing god is important, you need to completely restart your entire study of theology.

>> No.12001342

It was the wicked demiurge YHWH/Yaldabaoth power tripping.

The New Testament tells us Jesus was chosen by Yahweh/Jehovah (YHWH), the Demiurge, to be the Jewish messiah, to fulfill, or at least to further, the agenda of the Demiurge.

However, this agenda was not the will of the Heavenly Father, God. Therefore, the Heavenly Father (HF) commissioned Christ (an Aeon?) to possess or indwell (via the Holy Spirit/Mother Sophia) the body of Jesus, so that Jesus could accomplish the will of the HF.

In the process of Jesus doing this (with the help of the Christ), Jesus also necessarily rebelled against his master YHWH the Demiurge, and Jesus exposed YHWH the Demiurge as being a false deity, a usurper. Jesus did this through his teachings -- often contrasting the nature, will, and kingdom of the HF to that of YHWH and the religious system of YHWH given through Moses (which Paul also taught against).

>> No.12001349
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>> No.12001388

odysseus says in scroll 9

I called my men together and spoke among them all: `Remain here now, all the rest of you, my trusty comrades, but I with my own ship and my own company will go and make trial of yonder men, to learn who they are, whether they are cruel, and wild, and unjust, or whether they love strangers and fear the gods in their thoughts.’

>> No.12001392

scroll 9 of odyssey

>> No.12001403

Homer is superior to jew bible

>> No.12001440
File: 64 KB, 563x520, tipping techniques.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself.
Times change, and this is a fucking literature board, you twat.

>> No.12001450

Maybe you should let us know what all these interpretations are and why they didn't "satisfy" you.

>> No.12001507

i hope this is not tldr; for /lit/

>> No.12001642

Do you even know what that word means? Just asking...

>> No.12001682

Unrelated, but why the fuck does Isaac look so womanly in that painting OP posted?

>> No.12001705

God was the Original troll. Its kinda like peeing in someones face and to get them to stop peeing in your face you have to say it is mighty rainy today, even thought u know the person is peeing in your face. You haven't lived till you have had a good power trip.

>> No.12002528

Yeah but it's also a pretty essential what to sacrifice to God and in what manner - the cult of Moloch would probably tell the Jews "Ha! You guys are not as dedicated to your God as us" and a Jew would answer "Yes I too am ready to sacrifice my own son if my God wants me to - but he doesn't" and thus they establish a pretty essential evolution of the meaning of devotion, from something outer to something inner - you could say that this paves the way for the later inner ethics of Christ.

>> No.12002721

Anyone ever think ol Lucifer rebelled cuz he was just sick of gods shit? Look at all the stuff he does to fuck with humanity through the whole bible. Who’s to say he hadn’t been doing that to the angels for eons before that?
“Ok, now get this, I made these soft, fleshy things that are inferior to us in every way. Right? Now kneel down and venerate them cuz I said so. That’s right bitch, kiss this guys feet. Then go back to playin that harp and singing my praises. And Lucy, go get me that friggin morning star already will ya?”

>> No.12002730

Jews think Jesus was a heretic who deserves to be killed. Muslims think Jesus was a prophet, not the son of god, and wasn't sacrificed in the first place.

>> No.12002749

wow you're super gay

>> No.12002756

>peek boomerism
if you're going to use college words you should try using college spelling too

>> No.12002760

Shit you right

>> No.12003353

is the photo of a copy of the painting ?
seems off

>> No.12003675


Moral Nihilism is the product and perpetuation of Catholics/Atheists alone.

>> No.12003705

God: hey we are actually doing a social experiment

>> No.12003710

Let's not pretend the antitheism was intellectual

>> No.12003733

You're overlooking the fact that Isaac was his firstborn son in an otherwise sterile marriage. It was more significant because God gave him Isaac and commanded Abraham to take him away.

>> No.12003853
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 1536745720993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your heresy isn't welcome here

>> No.12003855

God didn't ask for anything bc it doesn't even exists in first place

>> No.12003970

Okay now this is epic

>> No.12004709



This is a paradox. I know what you're trying to say but your word choice undoes whatever you were trying to prove.

>> No.12004736

Reminder that God incarnated himself as Judas, NOT Jesus.

>> No.12004886

I know that. My point was that the interpretation of Abraham and Isaac's story prefiguring the sacrifice of the Son of God only makes sense if you believe in the sacrifice of the Son of God. Judaism and Islam do not, but both still strongly emphasize this story. If it isn't symbolic of Jesus' sacrifice, what significance does it have to them?

>> No.12004899

To test him. Because Yahwe is a retard Jew faggot god that feels the need to fuck with people like some 12 yo spastic cancer kid

>> No.12005669

The story was probably something about questioning authority and Abraham failed a test to see if he would do so. He failed fucking miserably, he was gonna stab his son. Notice how God wasn't so chill with him after that. Of course, this isn't made incredibly evident due to Church revisions because they can't exactly have people thinking it's okay to question them.

>> No.12005677

"do it pussy, you won't" circa 5000 BC

>> No.12005872

to everyone suggesting OP read Fear and Trembling: I don't remember Kierkegaard ever addressing God's motivations for testing Abraham; am I just forgetting this part?