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11970420 No.11970420 [Reply] [Original]

write whats on your mind

>> No.11970448

trying university again was a mistake. i'm too depressed to function in society. just wanna churn out my shitty poems and music til my brain fails.

>> No.11970467

Enlisting in the military is my fail-safe in life and I'm considering it right now.

>> No.11970478
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I spent the night writing Transformers fan fiction because the comics pissed me off. I did this instead of working on the original work that I actually would be proud publishing. I found that writing simple personalities based off of 80s toys makes the act writing flow a lot better. I've never felt more like a NPC "Geek-Nerd" before. Am I a hack?

>> No.11970479
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I'll see her again in class tomorrow. I've not a clue what will ensue. I'm more terrified about the possibility that something shall come out of it.

>> No.11970485

self a shit

>> No.11970488

Reconsider if you're an amerishart. You'll be shipped to your death in some Iranian hellhole in the near future. Unless that's what you want, of course.

>> No.11970489

why is it so hard to care

>> No.11970499
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Why am I at work

>> No.11970502

I'm planning air-force/air-guard in particular. Don't expect a high chance of death.

>> No.11970509

University is the perfect place to coast and make your art.
Failsafe if what doesn’t happen?>>11970478
Only if you take what you wrote seriously and didn’t learn anything from it. Otherwise think of it like a fun exercise in writing. Don’t make it a habit though. >>11970479
Is she a qt?
Because it’s so easy not to. It’s so easy to fall into routine of easy dopamine and shitty comforts. Put a little effort in man, it gets easier but you gotta do it every day.

>> No.11970514

been thinking about starting a youtube channel to do audiobooks/readings of niche texts/essays, especially things that originated on the internet. Was gonna start with moldbug and nrx shit and expand outward from there. I did some recording but realized I don't want my name associated with a bunch of monarchist autists
unrelated, I keep comforting female post-breakup. It's not that I'm interested in them romantically or trying to get laid, I just try to be a good friend and they end up crying in my arms. I don't hate it but I'm confused as to why this has happened multiple times. Currently considering the possibility that I'm actually gay and I don't know it yet, but that seems too gay to be true

>> No.11970516

Best of luck nonetheless. I knew some guys who used the military to drastically turn around their lives, it is not to be underestimated. I am considering becoming an officer in my country's army but the military life is not as glorious as it was two centuries ago. Technology has reduced much of the heroism and individuality that we cherish in our annals. At times, it seems like a glorified office job.

>> No.11970517

>Is she a qt?
“An angel! Nonsense! Everybody so describes his mistress; and yet I find it impossible to tell you how perfect she is, or why she is so perfect: suffice it to say she has captivated all my senses.”

>> No.11970519
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i took the day off from writing. lately i've been focusing too much on it to the point where its been hurting my enjoyment of life. so instead i went to church, walked to the beach with my wife, and grilled some sausages. now i'm going to listen to some synth music and browse the internet.

tomorrow i'll get back to writing.

>> No.11970523

You should do it IMO, you'll have direction for 4-5 years and then a huge advantage job hunting when you get out

>> No.11970525
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I keep remembering the words of my high school English teacher for some reason. I got made fun of by some girls for my looks and as I was dejectedly leaving the class my teacher said “aww poor anon, no one understands you.” I still have no idea why she said that or what she meant, sounded kind of sarcastic so I assume she was also fucking with me. Can’t seem to get it out of my head.

>> No.11970529
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I fell for the STEM meme hard and got a bachelors and masters in high demand fields. Now that graduation for my masters approaches I'm interviewing for jobs I'm qualified for but it doesn't go anywhere. I think the interview can sense my lack of desire to actually work in the industry. I have excellent personal hygiene and can dress and properly, so it's not something like that.

>> No.11970530

Part of me just wants to write it as a fun adventure story with some personal twists thrown in, but another part of me wants to see if I can play around with some deeper themes (particularly cyberpunk/transhumanism) to push the envelope. I'm afraid it might over take my main project.

>> No.11970538

Why does the weather suddenly improve during study leave? I have an exam on Friday but the sun wants me to lap her buns.

>> No.11970542

what would you rather be doing instead of stem?

>> No.11970555

Ideally being a novelist writing historical fiction. I've got two manuscripts totaling 281,000 words that I wrote during school. Failing that I'd take any writing job, or even doing marketing, I had an internship for that and liked it.

I'm pretty competitive in creative professions but had to force myself to do STEM and the like, so I'm the slowest guy in the room usually which is exhausting.

>> No.11970559

I want to figure things out. My ignorance gnaws away at me. I'm tried of ignorance's power over me. I'm not the most ignorant guy around, but the truth is there's a level of ignorance cutting through just about everybody as it pertains to some truly important questions.

Nobody really knows what's going to happen next, or how the severe political chaos in the world today will resolve. I firmly believe however that the elements of a solution are here and present, if not accounted for.

If knowledge is power, ignorance is powerlessness. But even knowledge can't change anything unless it's followed up by a developed praxis. The knowledge is out there, either to be synthesized by parts laying about or in the possession of certain key individuals. What's missing is the praxis, the code of conduct that will direct and instruct humanity's future.

When it's all said and done I still just have me and my insignificant life. How can the thinking going on in one man's brain change anything? It has been done and will continue, but the exact alchemy to it eludes me.

Even if I can't change anything directly it is better to know than to be haunted and plagued by socioeconomic forces disguised as shadowy silhouettes and imperceptible machinations.

>> No.11970561

The acceleration of reason and capital has dismantled every way of humanity to exist, collapsing its own language in favour of the progression of more materialistic ways of creating meaning=capital, by exploting the subjectivity of human philosophy and reaching the point where all human traditions and myths colapse as human meaning too.
Man and women enslaved by their own nature and by reason in this path would only end up being replaced by a more efficient tool for reason itself, an AI; an entity capable of accelerating itself with reason

The only way to stop this disaster is to, by scientific method, to defy determinism and nature itself and try to achieve the Evolutive Freedom by understading and modifying the human brain

>> No.11970566

femoids will pretend like feminism never happened as soon as the war starts, but men won't be swayed

>> No.11970575

>men won't be swayed
Men are always swayed, anon

>> No.11970580

I just wish I wasn't autobanned two days ago

>> No.11970593


>> No.11970594

Sometimes I dream about taking my lighter and setting fire to other houses in my neighborhood and killing people but then I remember I would get in trouble.

>> No.11970599

When I was an undergraduate I considered making it a philosophical project of mine to develop an epistemology of ignorance. Ignorance isn't just not knowing. It isn't just a void, an abscess of knowledge. It's a kind of space, a negative space that structures what is knowable to you.

Ignorance has a shape and a content. One can say for example "he has an ignorant opinion about so and so" -- the holder of such a purportedly ignorant belief is not simply lacking in knowledge ( thereby awkwardly "possessing" a negative); rather, he has a positive content that by its mismatch with what the utter of the statement believes to be true is interpreted as ignorant.

Our problem today is not that we lack knowledge in any material sense. Science, technology, and other forms of material knowledge are proceeding with record exuberance. We live in times of astonishing empirical knowledge. Our problem is that we lack to much positive ignorance, things that we believe to be true which just plain aren't. This guides us into terrible country.

>> No.11970605
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I can’t focus on writing. Every time I write I get 3 chapters in and suddenly become board with the idea. Then I would write a new idea I was excited about having and repeat the process. How do I learn to stick with what I’m writing till it’s done? Same thing happened when I’m juggling different books at once

>> No.11970607

not this time, anon.

remember this post, you'll see it soon enough

>> No.11970615

I dont think that feminism would regress this time anon
Sadly technology has leave us in a place where capital dominated every aspect of humanity; converting human sexual organs from the tool to define their sexual and material beings to objects capables of producing capital interchangeable and residual as any object is

Man and women today aren't defined by their own traditions and significance, as it was before

>> No.11970629

not regression, complete implosion. you'll see it soon enough

>> No.11970635

I hope so, but a complete implosion would seem to only happen if we asume that human as a whole still care about human ideology or human ideas, and not only the material

>> No.11970638

> board
I always fuck it up, bored*

>> No.11970653

Municipal elections were held in my province yesterday. I didn't vote, and my friends are upset with me for not doing my civic duty. Apparently someone terrible won, if they're to be believed. I don't particularly care, though I know that I ought to, or at least, I think that I know.

Honestly, I don't really understand what everyone is doing, or why they're doing it. I see people and material being moved around, things being built, and other things being disassembled and thrown in the trash, and I'm not sure what purpose is behind what I'm seeing. I'm supposed to take some small part in this grand project everyone is invested in, whatever it is, and I don't know why. It doesn't seem like it would be a terrible tragedy if it all just ceased and the earth went quiet.

>> No.11970659

>Men wont be swayed
we think with our dicks. we are always-already swaying and being swayed

>> No.11970662

>my friends are upset with me for not doing my civic duty.
this is your brain on democracy

>> No.11970663

every office that matters is fuckin paid off by someone. your vote doesn't count unless you donate.

>> No.11970666

Why not change all the characters into robot people that aren’t transformers? If the project is what you want to do make it not a shitty fanfic, but a shitty scifi Pulp?

>> No.11970672

how did that happen

>> No.11970676

dude im hoping we get to see a saudis vs turks war that shit would be fire

>> No.11970680
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Sometimes I'm near confident I have a mental illness...
I know I am different than a large percentage of the population.
I have the aesthetics of someone who is very well put together. My attire and its fit is near flawless rather I am working, at business or play.
I am confident, social, attractive and independently wealthy.
I have no problem getting dates or finding a sexual partner but satisfaction derived from these pursuits has long passed.
I'm 32 years old this month.
What excites me?
Is it anything?
I enjoy exercise, reading, real estate investing and sometimes playing music.
My empathy to the world and care for understanding others views has made a journey to cold despondent pragmatism and objective response.
Is this a product of my work or a product of age... or the times I live in or my failing relationship with the Divine or lack thereof?
The projected destination is not attractive.
Dying of my physical body is clear... But my soul? It feels that it fades as well. I don't believe it has to.
Why can't I find a virtuous woman?
Would I love her or is there a comfort in pretending to hunt a unicorn you know doesn't exist?
Is everyone settling?
Should I?
I would if I believed I needed to.
What do I need to do?
I don't know... but I believe I can do whatever that is.
Lord Jesus help me.

>> No.11970683

the only thing i really enjoy in life is laying in bed listening to audiobooks about history, its sort of pathetic but also god damn comfy

>> No.11970684

I myself am more keen to see a showdown between India and Pakistan if I had to choose; though I doubt it will come to fruition due to the latter's nuclear advantage.

>> No.11970690

Saudi Arabia and Turkey are separated geographically by Iraq and Syria.

>> No.11970692

yeah and the united states and iraq are separated by an ocean and two continents, did you have a point or just wanted everyone to know you have access to google maps?

>> No.11970695

I'm hungry but there is no food in the house and I am too lazy to walk the five minutes to KFC.

>> No.11970700

you want a virtuous woman? are you a virtuous man? you don't sound like one. you sound like you lack the prime virtue of being comfortable in yourself--and instead you move through this world like a specter. perhaps that energy is channeling into your romantic life, subconsciously attracting equally-superficial women who feel as physically-composed and spiritually-devoid as you do. what is virtue? there are 3 traits in women: physical beauty, tenderness, and intelligence. you may only choose two.

>> No.11970704

Same but I cannot even afford the KFC

>> No.11970711
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>> No.11970714

man i wish i could go back to believing in communism and being a bluepilled lefty, those were good times, walking around campus with a copy of this or that marxist polemic in my arm, feeling righteous af

>> No.11970721

Are you implying Saudi Arabia wouldn't just roll its army right through the rubble that is Syria? There's a reason both regional and international powers have been jockeying for position in Syria. It's a staging area for a larger war between Iran and Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran and Turkey, The United States and Russia, and to a lesser extent China the UN, and the EU. Everyone wants a piece of each other. It's insane.

Iran has been been sending over troops and Iraq is still serving as a US military installation for this express purpose. To intercept Iran troop movements and ensure that they would be unable to sweep into Syria if the situation were to escalate.

And let's be honest, it's the Middle East. The situation is always escalating.

>> No.11970722

Intelligence in women is linked tightly with an increase in neurosis.
I would choose tenderness and physical beauty.

But you are wrong. There is not only 3 and beauty is certainly not one of them.
It is a commodity.
I try to be virtuous but I am cannot untangle if where I am headed is toward a more forthright and truthful existence or just cold pragmatism.
I have gotten much more forward and honest in my last 3 years but on the outside I think that I seem more like an asshole to many of my friends and family but I know that I am much more honest and lack a care if they approve of me or not.
I'm not comfortable in myself I will agree.
I am secure and confident but the word comfortable doesn't really seem to fit the bill. I think it is because I don't feel like I know myself.
I sometimes feel like an NPC or the only one that is not an NPC.
I watch no sports, listen to the same 10 songs over and over and over.
Workout religiously and work at my business 24/7.
I don't think I am depressed. I just am bored or lacking in purpose maybe.

>> No.11970726

intelligence in anyone is linked to an increase in neurosis, you have too many neurons all looking for patterns and playing out hypothetical scenarios based on them all the time

>> No.11970727 [DELETED] 

You said nothing, and I knew you would even though for weeks I planned in my head how to respond to any sort of question you might ask. I knew you would say nothing, even if that wasn't what you wanted.
I remember you asked me once if I was on fire and I said no. You said you weren't either. But you were wrong. When Kafka said Malina was a fire such as he'd never seen, that was only close to what I see in you. It made me ashamed when that light passed over me, even inconsequentially, and I finally after decades decided to try to kindle something inside of myself.
The truth is that I know now that life doesn't imitate music, but music is based on an idealistic vision of what life is. Sometimes you hear a beautiful theme gently rising in a sonata only to fade into nothing, or to be overtaken by something else. Sometimes the theme never comes back, but occasionally it only leaves so that it can come back again, strong and triumphant. With purpose.
I'm going to be that for you, even if you never need or want it from me.
It is strange to leave my Zauberberg on its own little mountain of my own unprocessed emotions and doubts but I am proud that I didn't even ask you for a souvenir. I didn't need one. Because the souvenir you gave me will always be with me. And since there is no world war for me to head out and fight in I will have to try to win the one inside of myself.

>> No.11970728

do you have a creative outlet, crudely speaking? do you exert your mind to its capacity? you seem bummed at being more or less a wagie

>> No.11970730

The Middle East has been selected to be this political generation's proxy battlefield. It is where the world has decided it will contain its wars. Because the region is so geopolitical, geostrategic, resourceful, and religious importance it also happens to be something worth fighting for.

Europe is too delicate to be this generation's battle ground, not even Eastern Europe. Southeast Asia, which was last generations battlefield, is now a comfortable geo-strategic backwater that can enjoy being left alone. Russia is too vast and dispersed to be implicated. North America, as usual, is protected by distance and seas. South America has the occasional benefit of being peripheral as well.

The situation is not unlike the plot of the videogame metal gear solid 4.

>> No.11970731

jesus fucking christ, find what you want to say and say it

>> No.11970736

I'm not here to have a /his/-tier discussion with you, /his/ poster. There isn't going to be a war between the great Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and WEAK T*rk*y which is led by a smelly bug

>> No.11970737

Ive budgeted $20 for lunch this week, Thats 4 cups of ramen and 4 bags of burger rings.

>> No.11970741
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I agree with what you said. That way of thinking is exactly why I am good at investing though and am overly picky in finding a mate. INTJ-A personality.

My creative outlet is probably my business and building it. I don't work for anyone if thats what you meant by wagie. I own a little over 20 apartment units and buy and sell houses.
My life keeps getting better by every metric that I can think of other than romance.
I don't know if I need romance though or a woman, I honestly don't know if I would enjoy it.
If I could have some definitive answer that a woman and children could not make me anymore happy or fullfilled that I am currently I think I would just delete that idea and move along.
Its just something that lingers and I am not sure how much I wish to pursue it or dedicate time to it.

>> No.11970747

what the fuck is a "burger ring"?

>> No.11970750 [DELETED] 

Turkey used to rule over the entire Arab world just a 100 years ago. They have one of the largest standing armies on the planet. I wouldn't be so cocky.

>> No.11970766

shut up degenerate coackroch

>> No.11970767
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>> No.11970768

Hence of course the logic of terrorism. People often wonder why someone could do such a horrible thing, set up a bomb and blow up random innocent people. The point is of course that the real terrorism happens in these war torn countries, and people with ties to those countries don't have a reciprocal means to retaliate.

That doesn't justify it. A noble terrorist would only attack military installations or other symbols of national security, rather than national security itself. Of course a "noble terrorist" is a bit of a knee slapper of an oxymoron, but the point stands. There are forms of resistance that maybe be more impactful than just brute violence. It should go without saying that blowing up kids and grandmas isn't how you want any argument or dispute to end.

>> No.11970770

I want my burger to be ringed. And I want my ring to be burgered.

>> No.11970771

I'm not buying what you're selling. You say your life keeps getting better by every metric. Yet you acknowledge that you're not comfortable in yourself, or you don't "know" yourself, and you have reached a state of "cold despondent pragmatism." You sound like you got other issues beside not having a wife. For instance, I don't think that a business should be a creative outlet. Your work should be divorced from the exercise of your soul. Because at the end of the day dollars don't exchange for happiness. What the fuck do I know? I never had money or cashflow. I can't turn a buck into twenty. But I make art, which I share with others in various settings.

>> No.11970775

>maybe be

>> No.11970779
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software > yellow magic orchestra

>> No.11970781

What the fuck is wrong with you? for 20 bux you can get a loaf of bread, two packs of ham, mayo, lettuce, tomatoes, pickels, and maybe some cheddar. That's a week of good lunch. stop making excuses to eat shit my dude

>> No.11970783

Man it's crazy how lopsided people's lives are. Like if people could just trade a few attributes they could solve each other's problems.

You have someone with good looks but no money, or someone with money but no looks. You have someone with youth but no intelligence and someone with no youth but lots of smarts. And on it goes.

>> No.11970790

I wanted to buy that new movie by the guy from the coup, "boots riley" or whatever, to support him since there aren't many black communists in hollywood, and i always liked the coup even since the 90s but in the trailer the protagonist has some loyal gf even tho he's broke as hell in the beginning, i just cant relate to that, how can you complain capitalism is alienating when you got a loving gf giving u pussy even tho u live in a garage? chris rock had it more right, if you didn't need a house to get pussy men would just live in a cardboard box

>> No.11970792
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I should clarify because I would have agreed with you.
My life gets better with every metric that is material. Which we know doesn't really matter at the end of the day.
I am better looking, wealthier, in better shape ect.
I don't feel that I can relate to very many people as my life moves forward. Less and less people understand the esoteric lifestyle of being self employed.
Its a weird thing to describe but lets say you became a very successful artist. There is a chance you would be able to relate less and less to the people currently around you.
I could be wrong about that but that is what I feel has happened in my life.
I can't relate to guys that are married with kids and a mortgage anymore.
We don't share any of the same struggles

Theirs are material struggles
Mine are existential

I honestly believe that I am too intelligent to have deeply meaningful relationships with people that are 30 iq points lower than me.
I think that I would prefer a kind, tender and trustworthy woman with a low IQ than a professional intelligent woman.

The dimly lit loving wife just sounds more dependable and comfy.
That brings me back to not knowing if I would even like or appreciate that though and it seems unfair to roll the dice on a nice girl with that in mind.

>> No.11970794

i disagree with this notion. there's no single complete package. everyone has problems. everyone's eating a shit sandwich out here. and yeah, if I were four inches taller and had 10k in the bank, my shit would be set. if things were different they would be different. fuck knows they're not

>> No.11970797

thats why low iq ppl are all fatfux

>> No.11970798

Im working down in a tunnel and its a lot easier to get a cup of ramen.

>> No.11970800

A bot didn't like my CK II joke about child brides. Or maybe it's because I expressed disdain for Glitterhoof, could really be either

>> No.11970801


is this one of those annoying things were some retard larps a conversation with himself, take it to reddit

>> No.11970802

Good god, get over yourself already. Talking about yourself like you're jeff bezos. Don't flatter yourself!

>> No.11970807
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>> No.11970808

I really think it's debatable. Some people do seem to have all the luck. Of course, that doesn't mean there isn't an unavoidable baseline of suffering and difficulty that pretty much any human must encounter in the course of life on this planet. But some are certainly better funded to cope with it, or luckier in their avoidance of it.

>> No.11970814

What has been on my mind lately is a touchy subject. I am not sure how to feel about it. My brain has decided one way while my heart and gut go another.

The #metoo movement.

I do understand that there are some horrible guys out there. Complete wastes of life.

But there seems to be an alarming amount of bad decisions made by a lot of these young women.

For example I hear and read over and over how " I was 14 . I was at a vulnerable and influential age ..."

Fine. Sure. But we ALL were . .girls and boys.
If guys did half of the things that girls do at that age, we would get destroyed publicly for it.

With girls, it seems like "I have a vagina, I am emotional and I get a pass when I fuck up"

Zero responsibility. And it feels like fucking complete bullshit.

So shitty decision making skills that puts oneself in harms way is everybody else's fault?

All the time? Over and over?

MGTOW man.

>> No.11970815

I don't feel lopsided.
I am attractive, fit and wealthy with social skills.
A synopsis of my conundrum is this
I don't find any of the women I encounter to be worth dating. They lack virtue and have been raised on social media.
Any virtuous women I do meet are all unattractive.
My question to myself is do I even need or want a woman and kids?
I dont know and its a massive roll of the dice on a nice attractive girl if I decide it wasn't my cup of tea.
I like definitive answers and love just doesn't provide those.
I long for something I am not sure I even want much less have the ability to find.

>> No.11970818

you are saying that you cannot have a deep meaningful relationship with a person who is 30iq points below you. yet you would prefer a low-iq woman for a wife. Do you even know what a wife is? I suppose you think having a wife is like having a pet? jesus christ, you gotta get over yourself at some point. people are smarter than you think and women especially can see right through whatever facades you're throwing up

>> No.11970820

rousseau's life partner was literally retarded, get over yourself

>> No.11970822

Why pretend with false humility?
What would that get me?

>> No.11970823

Well then boohoo. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. Try dating men. You'll probably find it much more to your liking. I mean this unironically.

I'm single btw

>> No.11970827

Chad your majestic jawline is practically leaping out at me through the screen.

>> No.11970828

congrats, maybe you can be the next rousseau. get over URself, hack

>> No.11970830

I've thought about that a fair amount I think it would be simpler if I was a homosexual but I'm just not attracted to men.
I like the company of males over women for sure though. Just not in a close relationship type of way.

>> No.11970833

mgtow is the only way

>> No.11970835

I need a holiday in August that one could theoretically write a short horror story around. Only then will my cycle of twelve be complete.

>> No.11970837

I wish i couldve made some sort of mood when i had that chance right there in the park. Atleast we got to know eachother better, ill ask her out tomorrow

>> No.11970843

I've dated too many women over the years to believe your statement about people being smarter than you think.
If anything they are much dumber and lazier than you think.
Look around, most people are struggling with bills and their weight. These things I am saying are manifested in the physical world right in front of your eyes.
High IQ and conscientious people represent a tiny fraction of the population.

>> No.11970851

>On the road to incel pier

>> No.11970852

Hillary walked through the halls, her heels clicking, of the White House, in chains. Trump called her to the Oval Office.
"Hey, Hillary," Trump snarled, "come here."
The Crook waltzed towards Mr. President, wanting to spit on him.
"Let her go. I want to talk to her in private."
The Secret Service officer let her go, allowing the steel cuffs to fall to the floor. He left the room.
As soon as the doors closed, Trump and Hillary began to make out.
"Oh, Daddy, you taste so good. I bet your boner tastes even better!" Hillary moaned with glee as Bill got a blow job from Monica.
"Well, I think your war boner with Russia is even bigger than my dick, or Putin's for that matter."

I don't know what I was thinking. Somebody finish this. I'm curious to see what 4chan can come up with.

>> No.11970857

>at least we got to know each other better

you either made a sale or you didn't

>> No.11970860

take it to some bluepilled reddit board where people think that kind of shit is clever

>> No.11970867

don't give me that excuse, "most people are X." Yeah, most people are dumbfucks. The average person is closer to illiterate than to you and me. so fuckin what? You want a consolation prize for being above average? maybe you want me to acknowledge that women will take you at face value and not question your esoteric self-beliefs? by the way, you ignored my point about essentially keeping a wife as a pet. Is that what you want? You wanna bring home the bacon every night, cuddle up, have amazing sex, take off for work the next morning, work all day, come back, rinse and repeat? maybe push out a few babies while you're at it? because that's how you get cheated on and divorced, my man

>> No.11970873

Ill be patient but not hesitate.
She opened up very personally twords me, ive known her for months now but now i see she trusts me differently then others and shows great interest. Honestly i just want this relationship to build and maintain, she is very broken yet wise. Wether i made a sale or not im happy with where we are

>> No.11970881

Maybe try a younger boy. I'm not talking like a kid for christ sakes but maybe an older teen, or around 21. Idk how old you are. Youthful looks are inherently somewhat feminine.

>> No.11970884

Like r/The_Donald? Because I'm banned there for spamming "Vote for Hillary." No, I would never vote for her. I think she would have started nuclear war with Russia.

>> No.11970889

What's your gripe? I really don't understand. You're mad that young people have sex? You're mad that they regret some of it? Do you honestly think there's parity going on here? That girls aren't coerced and/or shamed into it? You think boys don't have a myriad of tools and tricks to get into a girl's pants? Do you honestly think girls need the same kind of deception to get into a boy's pants? You have a dick. You know what it's like. You know who wants it more. You know we got skeevy shit going on to weasel our way into some action.

>> No.11970896

>broken yet wise
like everyone on the fuckin planet
i believe this is your dick talking and refuse to believe otherwise unless shown evidence

>> No.11970897

I'm currently trying to get out of construction work and into something that pays decent, has regular hours that allow me to pursue interest, and doesn't require any or much schooling. I've already gone to community college for two years off a scholarship, but don't want to go back or get the last few credits for an associate's. I have no clue what kind of career I'd e good at or not hate enough for me to commit to it. I have no discipline and no direction. Plus I have to find a new car as soon as I can.

>> No.11970901

this reminds me how much more fun sex is as a teenager, once you're an adult its just mundane

>> No.11970904

How about instead of gloating in your smug sense of self-superiority you do something to remedy your predicament?

>> No.11970910
File: 183 KB, 800x1058, 800px-George-W-Bush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who thinks I should write something about George H. Bush?

>> No.11970911

they better legalize weed soon so i can chill in my room smoking hella weed and lounging around listening to audiobooks, when i was young i my friend took me to smoke with this dude who never went outside and just stayed in his room watching cspan and smoking mad weed, i wish i had got to know him, everyone thought he was a wacko nerd but he was a lot cooler than all my "cool" friends who were just hippy themed normies

>> No.11970913

The gripe is that he is expected to feel bad for and support some dumb hoes who try to use being young as a get out of jail free card in connection to the #MeToo movement (a narrow but vocal minority). It's fine for young people to have sex, but it's not fine to demand people feel sorry for those young people for having sex. But of course you're conflating two different issues because you immediately jump from there into "coercion" which makes it sound like you're the one bothered by young people banging.
Speaking of coercion, girls absolutely do use deception to get into guys' pants, and honestly teenage girls are much more devious than teenage boys. Speaking from experience as a guy who was trying to wait until marriage, I've been the subject of Machiavellian high school schemes involving several people working together at once trying to circumvent my publicly known convictions.
I don't mean to agree with mgtow-anon but you sound like a fucking retard here, please reconsider your post.

>> No.11970912

Where the hell did you grow up? California?

>> No.11970918

western mass

>> No.11970920

Well, that also works.

>> No.11970934

while i realize my jumping to conclusions outs me as exactly the kind of she-man woman sympathizer you frogfaggots despise so much (just as klansmen hate white race-traitors more than they hate even da joos), I will say that
1) i haven't seen such posts where a woman frivolously uses hashtag-metoo as either a) a virtue-signal that said woman is part of the oppressed minority / feminist in-group or b) a lamentation of pubescent sex
2) if such posts and women exist, i would decry them as attention-seekers
3) I think your beliefs about sex and marriage are at best hopelessly outdated and at worst gay.

in conclusion, i stand by my original post and go fuck yourself

>> No.11970937

>" I was 14 . I was at a vulnerable and influential age ..."
>Fine. Sure. But we ALL were
I don't think this is usually a matter of 14 on 14 though anon

Look: what's the worst case scenario? You stick your dick in someone and they decide to try calling it rape after the fact? A) the odds of consequence are pretty low anyways, and B), you can just avoid this by not sticking your dick in crazy. That's not a new rule. If you don't trust someone to not send you to the slammer for getting your rocks off, you shouldn't be planting your baby maker inside them in the first place. Nothing lost. I don't understand why people think this sort of thing is more fearsome than STDs and whatnot.

>> No.11970941

the problem is that incels have a fantasy scenario where they drunkenly gang-bang some passed-out slut and then thirty years later they're a successful judge facing sexual-assault charges

>> No.11970947

Let me assure it is not my dick doing the talking rather my empathy and compassion for who she is as a person that draws me more to her precense. She brings joy to me whenever we talk, shes whimsical and funny and we get along very well, we sort of just click. She has alot of weight on her shoulders, as you say everybody does but that doesn't make it less significant for her or anybody.

>> No.11970950

except that kav was a volcel who actually lived by his ascetic catholics beliefs, hypocritical dems hadnt planned for that

>> No.11970954

oh please chicks always play up this kind of shit to make themselves seem more interesting when they have nothing else going for them

>> No.11970955

1) me neither, I don't pay attention to that retarded shit
2) that's exactly what the first anon was saying
3) I would rather be a virgin than a divorcee, the physical act of sex is not fulfilling
to recap: ur mom gay

>> No.11970962

>kav was a volcel who actually lived by his ascetic catholics beliefs

>> No.11970966

there's nothing in catholicism that forbids beer

>> No.11970969

is he chugging alcohol, cum, or da kool-aid?

>> No.11970972

none of the witnesses could remember

>> No.11970977

ebin ha ha:DD

>> No.11970985

DD: ohhh nno he got meeee :(

>> No.11970988

Sure you say that but actually having social skills helps.

>> No.11970995

social skills can be developed

>> No.11970999

i figure chicks with too good social skills either worked in sales or sex work, either way it makes me not trust them

>> No.11971000

I do, but what's it about? Fiction or non-fiction?

>> No.11971037

See now youre getting it. Never dread on what women think or what you believe they may think, that only gives you a false impression on the value of knowing others and building relationships, more importantly a romantic relationship. We all lack many things, women and both men, it may be confidence or courage or many other traits, but acting in the moment and being natural truely counts. Dont anticipate to much either, disappointment may follow for many reasons, communicate and put yourself in eachothers worlds. Relationships are beautiful see. The good and the bad. We were built to be in communities, tribes, dont put yourself in a drag world, that putting in the effort isnt worth it or its meaningless for it couldnt be anymore false. be yourself and you will see what makes it worth it

>> No.11971038


>> No.11971040

Trying to use the last ditch effort huh?

>> No.11971052

I've been an atheist my entire life and am considering going to a Catholic church. Am I allowed to just sit in on their service? It's a beautiful ornate cathedral and that intimidates me but I also really want to experience one of their masses.

>> No.11971060 [DELETED] 

same with me, this super catholic lady has been grooming me to get me back to catholicism (my family was catholic but turned secular last gen, i suspect my dad got diddled and didnt want it to happen to me) and i want to go, i've been studying the bible and reading catholic history, but i still feel weird about just showing up and trying to follow along with no clue

>> No.11971065

Then go and observe. Nothing wrong with it mate, its not like youll be changing your entire direction in life unless youre looking to head that way. Take it in and maybe have a conversation or 2.

>> No.11971068 [DELETED] 

i want to go to a latin mass bad, they're rare after vatican ii but if u live in a catholic enough area theres probably one somewhere

>> No.11971114

it is, go full anatman

>> No.11971128
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That's bretty gud
8/10 would read

>> No.11971132

You fucked up

At least the money will be good if you do find a job

>> No.11971149

Most churches are excited the prospect of more butts in pews. Go and have a good time. If they do a poor job making you feel welcome it's because they've failed at one of the main goals of a general-public religious service.

>> No.11971160

No faggot kys you disgusting insect

>> No.11971193
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It sounds to me like maybe you've had an easy life, things come easily to you so naturally it's boring.
Maybe try psychedelics, DMT, peyote or whatever, and if that doesn't wake something in you then idk what will.
Go start a fight club or something, get into buddhism and go full hermit idk. You have no deep suffering, no strong desire for life, you're in the boring middle of the spectrum of emotions. I guess some people's struggle is boredom

>> No.11971200

You won't find God in most modern churches. Definitely not in Catholic. Go and see if you wish, but don't get swayed by appearances.

>> No.11971273
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I wish I had a pocket dimension I could warp in and out of

>> No.11971741

The days go slow but the years go fast. I'm tired of my job, of browsing the same websites day in and day out, of following the daily shitshow of politics, of everything really, just tired of being tired. Also, I want to get into video editing but I don't know where to start.

>> No.11971763

Im happy for you, do that more im sure your wife loved it!

>> No.11971928

I can't stand anyone giving me compliments and just go into a ridiculous spiral of inner anger for a few hours. I always think that if they're being genuine, they're too stupid to realize that I'm a failure in all aspects of my existence, or they're insincere and only want take advantage of me.

>> No.11972020

I fucking hate math in college. They have to ALWAYS get someone with an accent to teach it making it harder to understand what the fucking teacher is saying.

>> No.11972043

sail, sail, sail, sail away

>> No.11972057

Fly Away Now
Fly Away Now
Fly Away

>> No.11972065

There's a small correction in that post I should make: For the first paragraph, I was describing the DJs' speaking tones, and not the tone of the music itself (as that might have come across). But while we're on the subject, there is one important thing I should mention that I left out for fear of losing people, which is the ongoing depoliticization of the past few decades. If you were alive in the 2000's, you know it was basically one shitstorm after the next from the election of George W. Bush to Iraq to Hurricane Katrina to the Great Recession, but increasingly it seems we're forgetting these things, not because they're settled but rather we just stopped talking about them. Back then, everyone I knew considered the 2000's a bad decade, but now it's like anything that's not totally frivolous like Paris Hilton's sex tape is lost to the annals of time, and so the 2000's are good I guess.

This makes me really desire a book about social media and how it has changed our perception of time, like all those commentators did for TV in the 80's and 90's. I bought a book about emergent technologies like AI that I'm pulling through, but as of now it's a bit light on the analysis. There must be a good one out there. Maybe I should start reading some journals.

>> No.11972127

this is an american post

>> No.11972254
File: 511 KB, 840x488, weehow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just off the phone - I got offered a job paying more than I ever imagined ($130k). AAAAA

>> No.11972261

Happy for you and

>> No.11972302

I wish I could be someone who got paid to sit around and think all day. I believe i'm smart enough to do it; I just don't want to jump through the hoops to get a phd. I have no interest working a conventional job where my labor is alienated and my true skills neglected.

>> No.11972314

Thanks anon, I hope your day is going wonderfully

>> No.11972316

Jesus dud
Stop being me

>> No.11972327

Thanks, maybe I'll write the essay. Probably not for the best that my most original contribution to philosophy debuted on 4chan but it can't be helped.

Basically there are two species of ignorance: simple ignorance and positive ignorance.

Simple ignorance is simply the lack of knowledge. When James reaches for his wallet but forgot that he left it at home, he is acting out of simple ignorance.

Positive ignorance, or willful ignorance, is the unjustified false belief. If James believes he didn't forget his wallet but that it was stolen just a moment ago, he isn't just simply ignorant but positively ignorant.

And so on it goes. A system of positive ignorances can be built just as a system of knowledge can be built, a shadow-system of premises, predicates, and implications that mutually supports itself. This kind of anti-epistemology is what I would expound upon in my book.

>> No.11972349

It's more profitable for Russia and America to have an arms race in the middle east, cold war style, except without any of their own animosity, just cold, rational businesses competing for dream vacations.

>> No.11972397

Today I'm thinking about Power.

What is power? Power is the ability--fundamentally the ability-- to control changes. A being in possession of power is able, through the bidding of a word or the issuance of an action, to change a state of affairs to be in congruence with their inward preference.

A powerful emperor of ancient times for instance, may say that he would rather prefer that the barbarian kingdom become the backyard of his empire. In congruence with this preference, many legions of troops and divisions of armies march forward. In a less exaggerated example, a well respected and renowned authority on the subject of clay pots may demonstrate his power when he determines that such and such antique is a forgery.

This power--whether political, social, economic, technological--whatever the guise, this power is ultimately the ability to exert changes in a controlled manner congruent with one's inward desire.

>> No.11972401

Governments don't stock up on arms at the scale Saudi Arabia does unless they are planning to use it some day. $100 billion on jets and tanks? So that they can gather rust in the hangars? Likely story.

Yemen has been facing SA's wrath in this respect using high powered American goods, but Yemen is just a warm up. I'm willing to wager there'll be another major war in the Middle East by the time Trump is out of office.

>> No.11972437

Let's go deeper

The positive ignorance of self

A system of false premises, predicates, and implications that mutually supports the false belief of a personal identity and how it fucks up our perception of objective reality and is the fundamental cause to our suffering

>> No.11972480
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I constantly fluctuate between wanting to dedicate myself to writing, wanting to dedicate myself to academics, wanting to dedicate myself to /out/ stuff, and wanting to dedicate myself to building a comfy life with a cute gf. I never stick on one thing long enough to get anyway.

>> No.11972498


>> No.11972501

Just had to give my cat a pill, he wasn't happy.
Sorry, Akira.

>> No.11972523
File: 31 KB, 454x600, gk_chesterton_smoking2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this guy

>There are three classes of people, for instance, who are in a greater or less degree elemental: children, poor people, and to some extent, and in a darker and more terrible manner, women. The reason why men have from the beginning of literature talked about women as if they were more or less mad, is simply because women are natural, and men, with their formalities and social theories, are very artificial.

>It is the same with children; children are simply human beings who are allowed to do what everyone else really desires to do, as for instance, to fly kites, or when seriously wronged to emit prolonged screams for several minutes. So again, the poor man is simply a person who expends upon treating himself and his friends in public houses about the same proportion of his income as richer people spend on dinners or cabs; that is, a great deal more than he ought. But nothing can be done until people give up talking about these people as if they were too eccentric for us to understand, when, as a matter of fact, if there is any eccentricity involved, we are too eccentric to understand them. A poor man, as it is weirdly ordained, is definable as a man who has not got much money; to hear philanthropists talk about him one would think he was a kangaroo.

> A child is a human being who has not grown up; to hear educationists talk one would think he was some variety of a deep-sea fish.

>> No.11972524

Sometimes if your cat is particularly gluttonous you can wrap the pill in something tasty and they'll swallow it.

>> No.11972526

Yes, what is this sort of mirror system of ignorance? What are its limits? The unconscious is interesting in this respect, as it constitutes the domain of the unknown knowns. We operate unconsciously, through sheer autonomic automatism, when we trust our gut. When we simply intuit what is the case.

These kinds of gut feelings have a cloud of ignorance over them. They are like a computer that spits out an answer to a math problem, without spitting out how it got to that solution.

The self is clouded most of all by ignorance in the positive sense. We fabricate all sorts of fortuitous myths about ourselves, as individuals, as a people, as a race. These ignorances actually are motivated. Willful ignorance in the directest sense. Because they are useful fictions, they help propel us forward, keep the faith, block out doubt.

>> No.11972527

The problem is that you talk in terms of matter and antimatter. Yout think that not only positive ignorance is different that knowledge but fundamentally opposite. But its not easy to differantiate those two concepts. What makes the positive ignorance of jhon thinking that his wallet was stolen and him having the knowledge that he left it in his house? Both of jhon's assumtions are probably bases in empirical information (he remember he left in in his house, he thinks a thief yook him in the train) but simply one is true and one thaths not.

Also maybe there would be interesting to tuink about how knowledge is form in the society and how to make a systwm to form true knowledge.

>> No.11972532

Cool name for a cat, if a bit weebish. I prefer to name cats after figures of Arthurian legend, Lancelot, Percival, Bors the Younger.

>> No.11972547

Perhaps my point isn't most clearly demonstrated through the use of such simple factive examples that can be clearly true or false. The more interesting case is much harder to explain this format.

Consider an elaborate, systematic false doctrine. Perhaps you can imagine one yourself, or perhaps you can pick on someone and use their ideology as an example.

Let's just pick on Nazis because they're nazis. The Nazis believed that blond haired, blue eyed people lived in Atlantis before it sunk into the sea. They elaborated this belief into a systematic racial ideology justifying their racial regime. It's pure science fiction, pure ideology, but at the same time it functioned like a cog in the psyche of the average nazi party member.

It formed a mythos, entirely ignorant in the sense at odds with the facts, but it was built with knowledge and concern and scholarly intent.

Ignorance isn't simply the mirror opposite of knowledge and vice versa, but they share a structural formalism at higher levels of ideological ramification. It is these complex webs of inter-related propositions that forms the crux of my study. Simple case examples like the example of James and his wallet only build up to this larger point.

>> No.11972555
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I named my cat Mr Cocoa because he's the color of hot chocolate with white spots like marshmallows

>> No.11972563
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>pure ideology

>> No.11972566

There was this cute ginger cat my friend had. He gave it a generic fail name like Eddy or something. It should have been named ginger, gingerbread, or Cinnabun, because it looks like a cinnamon roll when all curled up.

>> No.11972577

I dont have time but if i had i would talk woth you about how controlling a big number or people is the most effective way of controlling changes in the modern world, and thus the best way of having power. And i would talk about the importance of rethorics and ill rant about /lit's indifference about this subject

>> No.11972610

So you want to inquiere if theres differences between false and true knowledge?

>> No.11972613

You may not have time, but I do. So let me think for you.

Controlling large numbers of people has always been a source of power, if only for the fact that controlling people happens to be the most desirable change we often want to exert.

I would like to control cuties to want to have sex with me. I do not have institutional mechanism to do this for me, but I have powers of seduction and so forth.

It used to be standard theory and practice that if you wanted to control broad masses of people you had to scare them and beat them if they didn't comply. Today of course, with the rise of media technology of great sophistication, this is no longer necessary. You can still scare them, but you can scare them with made up illusions, not the prospect of imminent personal doom. You can also bewilder them with entertainment and fill their minds with glittering advertisements for your own enrichment. You can pump the airwaves full of political theater and sideshows to distract the suckers; there's plenty you can do.

But controlling the crowd isn't the only expression of power. The inward power of the artist to create beauty, or a woman to create a child, or the ability for any object or thing to exert a practical change on the world, is a valid source of power. The musician who sings a glorious note or plays an instrument expertly to a concert crowd of thousands is as powerful as a commanding general issuing order to regiments of thousands of soldiers.

>> No.11972624

No, it's deeper than that. I believe that doctrinal ignorance-forgive me making up terms of art but it is needed in this line of work-has a formalism that is as developed as any valid epistemology.

Epistemology is therefore haunted by the specter of consistency. A doctrine can be made to appear as knowledge and can be internally consistent yet be false. The same tools we use to establish knowledge can be used to established ignorance.

I want to dissect the anatomy of ignorance or of corrupted epistemic mechanisms and situate this self-deceptive tendency in a foundation of cognitive psychology, philosophy, linguistics, and so on.

>> No.11972627

>download tinder
>actually get a few matches
>now have to actually talk to people
what the fuck do I do now

>> No.11972628

is that you in that pic? if so my condolences anon.

>> No.11972647

i'm gay

>> No.11972649

A likely story you girl-kissing homo.

>> No.11972652

And that's ok <3

>> No.11972663

Now you fuck your matches

>> No.11972664

Im trying to figure out the best combo of drugs to attain the highest net happiness possible. Im thinking codeine and sleeping pills.

>> No.11972665

Moreover, I'm interested in how what we don't know, or how our false beliefs shape what we can know. If I believe that lizard people secretly run the world, or any other number of absurd conspiracies, this belief directly obstructs my ability to see things truly. Our ignorance has a structuring effect that should be explicated. I'm thinking of relying on bayesian nets as the basis for my analysis.

>> No.11972667

>tfw no bf

>> No.11972690

I am incredibly hungry

>> No.11972695

fuck off fag

>> No.11972704

>fuck me fag
That's what you're really saying.

>> No.11972722

no hes sayin fuck off fag. It's quite a literal statement.

>> No.11972724
File: 196 KB, 900x900, 1494344178739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paper a philosophy paper due in a few days and don't even even know how to start

>> No.11972733
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>> No.11972734

Nuh uh. He's projecting his own repressed homoerotic desire. It's called a reaction formation.

>> No.11972783

I fucking HATE living in a dorm. It's warm all the time, can't control the fucking temperature. I don't have a single fucking moment of privacy in my entire day, am constantly surrounded by people, have 5 roommates, eat shitty dorm food and don't have a desk. Fuck my life and fuck this dorm, I should've stayed home.

>> No.11972789

Oh I forgot to mention, I've gotten sick around 7 or 8 times this year, courtesy of the disgusting fucks I share living space with.

>> No.11972811
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Thanks for bringing up Alice. I really want to read the whole trilogy.
I'm new to absurd/the literary nonsense genre and don't have that much experience with the period, so any intro recommendations are welcome.
Also any editions that don't look like children's books.

>> No.11972819
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I'm positively devilish. I snicker with dark amusement when I hear on the news of migrant caravans, dissidents being shot, ethnic cleansing, assassination plots, vast carnal injustices that twist the human spirit into a foul caricature of its pure ideal.

Why do such distant misfortunes of others amuse me? I know had I know anyone involved personally I would feel much different. At least I should be neutral, properly indifferent. And yet the chaos, the brutality, the brewing devastation, tickles with the proud gut feeling of vindication. As if to say "I told you so."

>> No.11972826

-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~I hate thinking-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-

>> No.11972831
File: 66 KB, 300x417, n2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get this edition

>> No.11972852

>Why do such distant misfortunes of others amuse me?
Because you're an edgy teen.

>> No.11972858
File: 377 KB, 1448x1080, 1522719854966-5107e6d8dfe6dee8de8a9015b6b8d33c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get the hentai edition of Alice in Wonderland
Never change, 4chan.

>> No.11972867
File: 69 KB, 366x401, 1508063951541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11972881

>says the person projecting their homoerotic desires
you are a dumb fag

>> No.11972883

Fag? Yes. Dumb? No.

>> No.11972888

I basically have in the course of replying to this thread. I just need to copy and past it together and write a little bit more between the margins.

When you see my name in lights don't forget where it all began darling!

>> No.11972898

I'm free when I can resist coming to this place.

>> No.11972909
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Sweet trips

Don't forget about us anon, godspeed

>> No.11972922
File: 775 KB, 1200x833, n3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just the books with illustrations

>> No.11972933

but the entire book is already just pedo fetish fuel, so how could it end up anything other than hentai

>> No.11972942

>but the entire book is already just pedo fetish fuel
interesting projecting anon

>> No.11973070

what profession anon? I assume STEM-related

>> No.11973076

Xanax and weed my dude

>> No.11973093
File: 78 KB, 470x595, Devilish_4a1cb5_6238404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are profanities so delicious? Faggot cuck. It's a hearty, meaty phrase to enunciate. Delicious, like a pork dish. Cock whore. Delightfully plucky. Skank bitch, fuckface, blumpkin, --so flavorful.

A perusal of Urban Dictionary is a sure fine way to spend an evening.


>> No.11973098

What’s on my mind? That the strong are just as oppressed as the weak. Both suffer mental problems; the weak have their bad mental health stemming from bad life decisions and a lack of intelligence, the strong have bad mental health that stems from things like imposter syndrome. Those who are in the middle are the luckiest!

>> No.11973177
File: 78 KB, 465x750, 96d511d418ef2f745be4e5a1fa6965c27f96c10cc218b1611f7c878729958956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For at least three weeks I have been absolutely angry, the kind of anger that just brews inside you. Adding to that I've been wanting to dominate and humiliate a woman, sexually and physically.

I know for a fact that I would never do that, I have a skelly body and probably couldn't even really hurt someone if I wanted to.

I also ERP'ed out at least a dozen scenarios where I dominated someone.

>> No.11973254

I'm wanting to read Kierkegaard but don't know where to begin.

>> No.11973303

I need some more angry-sounding albums to listen to. I asked /mu/ but they took it too far and just told me to listen to death metal.

>> No.11973309


>> No.11973313

Fear and trembling
Sickness unto death

>> No.11973322

a bit pissed off since I'm reading books in italian now and I was very excited to read evola but just found out there is no pdf of the mystery of the grail in italian anywhere in the internet.
Going to have to read that in my language.

>> No.11973482

I love TIk Tok!

>> No.11973506

I feel guilty for looking at something so stupid but /wsg/'s current obsession with it is the most entertaining thing on the site right now

>> No.11973510

i want to love and be loved bitch!!! i want to be happy!! AND IM GONNA FKING GET THERE :D

>> No.11973520

I still have zero idea what this is.

>> No.11973567

Bible - > Either/Or -> Fear & Trembling -> Works of Love -> Sickness unto Death

>> No.11973573

I miss having somebody to cuddle

>> No.11973629
File: 2.43 MB, 4128x3096, 20181022_235919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My e-reader is broken how do I fix it? :'(

>> No.11973642

e-readers like baths

>> No.11973667

Gonna have to get a replacement screen I'm afraid. You should be able to get one on eBay, and there's probably tutorials on how to change it somewhere on the internet.

>> No.11973670

yeah I use /gif/ tho... now that I think about it you probably don't have st. Ricardo Milos


>> No.11973886

Yep, I do IT consulting for the gubmint

>> No.11973933

i dont think she was fucking w you anon i think she wanted to try and say something nice. she may have just known you didn't fit in well with everyone and instead of saying it's your fault, she said you're misunderstood. she's trying to tell you what you want to hear i think - honestly may have been genuine sympathy

>> No.11974060

I am so tired of capitalism. I am so tired of something or someone trying to sell me shit. Go down the road and there's only buildings dedicated to selling shit. Processed food shit. Plastic shit. Useless shit. Stuff to watch shit. Stuff to play shit. Legal shit. Medicinal shit. Shit shit SHIT.

It's overwhelming. Even when I do buy SHIT it comes with a fucking corporate logo on it meaning I have to see the shit at all times. It's invasive. It's everywhere. SHIT.

>> No.11974111

Thanks I think this is the best idea, I've been wanting to read the Bible for a while now anyways. Probably pointless to read Kierkegaard without having read the Bible anyways.

>> No.11974127

Bullshit. Having mental illness means you are weak.

>> No.11974199

I'm 27 years old, I haven't had a girlfriend since 2006, haven't been on a date since 2009 and I've never had sex, kissed etc.

I've recently become interested in this skinny little redhead that works as a server where I work.

She's noticed, I've noticed her giving me quick glances here and there and getting real close to talk among other things.

She's maybe two or three years older than me and the biggest issue for me is that I've heard she has a ten year old son.

I'm on the fence and not sure if its smart to pull the trigger on this, sure, I want to do all the stuff date,sex etc. But I swore I'd never raise other guys spawn.

But I'm lonely, the nights are getting long and cold and she's the kinda chick I could throw over my shoulder and I'm fucking HORNY..

All the shit I hear you niggers say about women and all the MGTOW hatred you spew has me worried, paranoid etc.

What should I do?

>> No.11974223

Do whatever you think is right, anon.

>> No.11974229

Give it a shot, maybe you'll fall madly in love and find you make a great stepfather

>> No.11974234

On the one hand, don't let 4chan influence your decisions.
On the other, don't let your dick make your decisions either.

>> No.11974266

Snubbed for the scholarship, and snubbed for study abroad. It feels anticlimactic that two months' wait would lead only to this, but I suppose that's life. I'm not even really disappointed - I just share it so it's gone, out of my mind, and I'm in suitable shape to do each thing tomorrow. But when viewed that way, it seems so pointless. If I didn't think it all, if I just went from moment to moment mindlessly checking all the boxes free from the waves of short-term pleasure and pain, there would be no need to share. But I do think, and so I have to share. Well, now it's done with.

>> No.11974337

I have a huge crush on a journalist that I know. I also hate journalists and revel in news of people killing them. This sucks.

>> No.11974341

This was oddly relaxing to read. Thank you for sharing.

>> No.11974353

B-b-but anon... Muh dick..

>> No.11974363

Lifting himself up from the cracked surface, a borderline skeletal man thanked his luck and quick wits for saving him. Such a powerful blow would have killed an ordinary human. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he held his hand out, fingers spread wide, as if to grasp something. He closed his eyes and envisioned the shape. An area 20, no, 30 feet in diameter. His mind wrapped around the chosen spot, and as he opened his eyes again, his fist clenched shut. In response, trees, buildings, streets, even the air was seemingly torn from it's foundations and sucked towards a point in the center. In an instant it all become a single tiny dot of stuff just above eye level, and a blinding flash signaled the beginning of nuclear fusion. A burning bulb of energy, no larger than a pin head, was dangled in the air for less than a moment, before he carefully opened his hand and released his minds grasp on one hemisphere of the tiny star.

A beam of pure plasma shot directly away from him, crushing and charring everything in it's path. It tore a long trench through the ground beneath it, and a shock wave knocked over surrounding rubble and the remains of the anachronistic buildings rising up out of the hellish landscape. The mutant, not knowing what could have been coming, never had time to properly react. In less time than he could blink, he found himself surrounded by the hottest fire known to man, and his body and brains became indistinguishable from the rest of the melted slag. He must have tried something in his last moments, as a truck near him moved ever so slightly up into the air before settling back down again. But it was futile, the locational senses are the first to go in the event of live cremation courtesy of a nuclear event. The bright beam of light raqdiated outwards and dissipated, like some sort of harmless cloud. Sighing loudly, the perpetrator wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Damn, that hurts. I don't think I'll ever get used to that.”. His job done, he turned his back to the burning wreckage and began his long walk to find a new vehicle.

>> No.11974377

"Dont lie to yourself " dostoevsky

Been "trying"(pretending) to learn programming for 2 years. Can't continue cuz don't like it, can't drop cuz too old to work at at mcdonalds. Life is life nana-nanana

>> No.11974381

i'll never be able to outrun my drunken, degenerate sin.

>> No.11974399

*syntax errors your path*

>> No.11974401

My grandparents own a large house in the northern part of California's wine country, a three story late 1800's farm house with panoramic views of vineyards owned by neighbors. There are seven acres here and twenty years of history under the family. In that span of time it housed a Catholic priest in an attached apartment and mass was held in one of the barns every Sunday for ten years. My grandfather always wanted to grow grapes or breed horses or do something on the pastured space. It would have been nice, and even if it hadn't made a profit it would have paid for maintenance, taxes, and the mortage of the place. They could never commit to doing a project with the land. They wanted to have their options open. Now my grandfather is very old and sick. He can't have more than ten years now, and the pastures are as brown thistled and deer-grazed as ever. They can't afford the upkeep on the place anymore and they're trying to sell it so they can buy a smaller house in Oregon or somewhere. It's a dream of mine that one day I might buy the beautiful house and its fine gardens and oak trees and all-season creek from whoever buys it in the next couple years. I'll have to make a lot of money to do it. It might be silly of me, but I feel like this place is my heritage. Heritage is an elusive thing for me, a young, quarter-Mexican mostly white guy born and raised in California to a Bay Area hippie dad and an estranged midwestern mother, divorced. This farmhouse surrounded by empty fields surrounded by lush vineyards and potfarms is the closest thing to a culture I've ever known and it's being taken from my family and nobody in my family seems to care that much.

>> No.11974740


>> No.11974758

>Been "trying"(pretending) to learn programming for 2 years.
I did this as well, glad I gave it up and just moved on. Honestly working at McDonalds would be less hell than programming would have been for me, I think. Listen to Dosto, anon, don't lie to yourself. Sunk costs or not.

>> No.11974774
File: 25 KB, 300x276, 1540227913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel anon

>> No.11974777

What does it take to truly understand what you like and stick with it? And what do you do when that thing stops being so great to you? I keep losing interest in everything, it keeps fucking me up. If I could find that one thing, I feel I could do something solid at the very least.

>> No.11974832

>furthermore, is it possible to "brute force" creativity out of yourself through sheer hard work or is that not even possible to do at the same time?

>> No.11974859

I fucking did it, I was setting myself up for a mid 70s grade on my test
I got a 92. It feels so good for all that studying to pay off

>> No.11974864

Error: Cannot read undefined of Function at line 403: 35 at 3401122qt bundle1002
at 10023xzy createApp: 10 :s0
Error: cannot read value of meaning of undefined at 10023 life-priorities.findAJob() at line 401: 20

>> No.11974865

I don't think so, it's just something that comes to you. You could try to stimulate it by having new experiences, immersing yourself in existing art, etc, but you can't just give yourself inspiration.

>> No.11974880

Some days I feel very inspired to write and think that it's what gives my life light and warmth and meaning. Other days I think it's a useless task and that the fantasies I spin will never make up for the wretchedness of the world. This has been the latter kind of day.

>> No.11974946

When you're upset about something what do you do for comfort? This ended up being the thing I stuck with. When I'm upset I've always stuck to writing. It ended up being a hobby that I don't have to make an effort to stick with, it's just what I've always done.

>> No.11974948

It's never a waste of time to write. I firmly believe it's a spiritual activity in its own way. I mean come one all the world's religions have texts, and the people writing them were certainly having a spiritual activity if anybody was. Even when I'm wasting an inordinate amount of time here just posting into the ether I don't consider it a waste of time. Because I know some of my good posts are getting read, and someone somewhere out there, whether it's in Alaska or Tasmania, might read it and find it worthwhile.
Honestly I should be writing in my journal or working on some project that I am actually trying to get production ready and publishable but the hour is late and I'm off the clock. A wizard is never late and so forth.

>> No.11974959

As dumb as it sounds, especially on /lit/, there are certain DEEP LORE ideas from the Transformers universe that I want to play around with, without having to recreate a whole setting from scratch.

>> No.11974998
File: 52 KB, 500x500, ivan-el-terrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11975062

This website has quite literally made me degenerate. Once you're on here it's impossible not to act like a mischievous teenage boy. That's the whole point of 4chan, there's nothing else to do besides do the things teenage boys like. Videogames, anime porn, violence and bullying, and so on.

And the truth is I often enjoy my time arguing and shitposting here more than I fucking should. It's pathetic, but honestly, it fits with an aspect of my character that I find fairly consistent. What other bullshit should I be doing? Posting on Instagram? Looking at porn? Admiring myself in the mirror? That checks off 99% of my age demographic's current behavior. Reading a calculus textbook? Writing the next great novel? Ok, that last one sticks out but I don't have the presence of mind right now for that. I need to be well rested to do it.

Anyway, in summary I hate that I've become a regular visitor of this site almost more than I hate anything but because I wouldn't be doing anything productive anyway right now I don't mind it that much.

>> No.11975110

>there's nothing else to do besides do the things teenage boys like.
You're on a literature board. There's more shit to do on 4chan than just video games, anime, and porn.
>I wouldn't be doing anything productive anyway right now
Why not? You sound like some of my self-defeating friends that are always waiting on something that never comes. And you'd never guess that they end up doing nothing at all.

>> No.11975112
File: 72 KB, 1024x759, rs_1024x759-180927184903-1024-ariana-grande1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now, is there anyone greater than Ariana Grande? This excellent prefrabricated monster is the goddess of pop industry with a long career ahead to exploit. Looking at her body, every pore of her skin is arousal.

>> No.11975125

Give it a try, you want to be happy after all

>> No.11975210

her last album actually had some p gud songs considering its mainstream commercial pop

>> No.11975219

i've always been a bit of a shit and 4chan lets me express that aspect of my personality without being annoying irl

>> No.11975233

do you think you'll get more comfortable writing by practicing writing, or by procrastinating (resting)?

>> No.11975255

i love to write, watch videos, and listen to audio books but hate to read hard copies. don't know why

>> No.11975274

Why can't I stop listening to God is a Woman anon? What spell did she cast upon me?

>> No.11975305

It would be good without the hoodrat elements and cringy pulp fiction reference

>> No.11975353

what makes someone exceptionally smarter than the average person other than genetics?

>> No.11975362

i workout in the morning so i dont typically have a chance to let it out physically. normally i just keep it to myself and try to let it go if i cant vent to someone. if that doesnt work i ruminate about it or play out a worse situation to let out anger in my head until i run out of energy. i guess that sounds a lot less healthy on paper though. guess ill try writing it out then.

>> No.11975424
File: 695 KB, 1280x1280, 1524841503873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All i've done since graduating from school is try and free my brain from ideology stemming from American Exceptionalism

when does it ever end?

>> No.11975425

when you go back

>> No.11975521

Why are people so obsessed with spirituality? More specifically, why do they refuse to belief the phenomenon of the human Psyche couldn't arise entirely out of a material world? I'm reading Jung right now and he basically states that materialism isn't satisfying so there must be a spiritual side of reality which is non-material

The complex interactions of material systems produce some amazing phenomenon, why isn't it enough to leave it at that or simply note that we don't entirely understand it yet?

>> No.11975590

Wow they are purging philosophy threads for no reason!

>> No.11975597

(Voluntary) capacity and desire to learn more.
I think of it most obviously seen in school. In my experience, 9 times out of 10, the kids who asked questions, participated, did their homework, etc, were a lot smarter than the slack offs.
Not because of genetics (at least not entirely) but because they cared for whatever reason it was that they did

>> No.11975601

I wish my girl didn't think of me as just good enough.

>> No.11975605

>More specifically, why do they refuse to belief the phenomenon of the human Psyche couldn't arise entirely out of a material world?

It seems to me that it takes at least as much faith to believe matter can generate non-material reality than the other way around.

>> No.11975621

what if the material world is the dream of Vishnu

>> No.11975623

this isn't necessarily a bad spot. keep looking.

>> No.11975631

what do you conceptualize as "non-material reality"?
Hinduism is actually rather intriguing to me, however due to the geographical chance of my birth, I know exceptionally little about it

>> No.11975635


I always notice these garbage threads and I always hate them. I hate myself for having replied to one, but above all I hate you for having made one. Stop making these threads.

>> No.11975641

>what do you conceptualize as "non-material reality"?

>> No.11975711

Do you guys know those threads where it's like "characters who are literally you" and anons joke around? Or that one screencap of a post with a guy from /tv/ being drive from drive? I do that. Unironically. I will come across a fictional or nonfictional character or person and try to emulate them to the point where I want to be them. Doesn't even matter who it is. Sometimes it will be something I see and instead of being myself I will go, "damn that's nice I want to do exactly that." If I didn't have analysis paralysis I'd be even worse off.

I have trouble with my identity, I know. I think I am self aware enough to understand that. I tell myself in my diary desu all the time that I need to stop. I need to be me. Me. Not someone else. I've done this since I was a kid. I look back now and I think all kids did it but I have gone too far. I have taken this into adulthood and beyond. It bothers me but I can't stop no matter how hard I try. Is this a mental illness or something?

>> No.11975731

In the seventh month of my passing I felt unique to this glory hole of pornography glancing at myself as a member of a unique stature and prestige until I realized that my own real eyes deceive me. What have I gained. Am I in pain or in insufferable agitation with myself. With thy self is their not. I should hang myself from the division of self. What here proposes any chance for accomplishment if I am what I see and yet what I think does this not separate thy self. Am I him and yet you. Who of this cosmic joke of a play of owls could find me in such a vessel. So many entities to derive myself. Who can I be. To think is to want. To separate. Who is she to propose such a note. I would think myself worthy of a crime punishment in a state of my own. Such betrayal. I should tail myself. The ENd.

>> No.11975744

literally me

>> No.11975745

This is what always bothered me about these images. Is that when you look at a book do you not think of what would be in teh book. So DO you not expect that you have not read and wrote an entire library of literature on the matter in less than nano seconds. Are you not self separating into integers and numbers

>> No.11975761

The snow falls heavily as I lumber across the frosty wasteland of my neighbourhood. A crimson line of red tracks the white expanse behind me. My blood. Heh. This is expected when you're one of the most ruthless bounty hunters in this town. This god forsaken hellhole that even Dante would shit himself if he were to even glimpse its depravity. This pit of despair. My kind of town.

I pull a cigarette from my jacket pocket (shit, last one) and light the fucker up. A dancing seductress of smoke glides before me. Yeah it's a bad habit...fuck you for judging me for it pal. Yeah i guess I'm a little on edge since i found out through the old grapevine that my last victim wasn't quite dead when i left him there in his shower with a hatchet lodged in his shoulder. Yeah...a fuckin 'oops' isn't gonna get me outta this jam lemme tell you.

My entire job security...hell...my LIFE security depends on making sure my prey is dead as soon as possible. Obliterated. Demolished. So when i fail to put someone six feet under...yeah...it's me who becomes the prey i guess you could say.

Well..fuck it. Bout time i had me a challenge. Let the worlds most fucked up game of Cat and Mouse begin...
Hope you guys liked it. Feedback appreciated (positive preferred)

>> No.11975766



>> No.11976088

Over the years I've seen hundreds of instances on here of people saying a certain thing a certain way and one day I'd made a post essentially saying the same thing they said but then I immediately got called an illiterate retard. I'd say what it was but I don't want to get called retarded even more over such an inane fixation because maybe I am simply just retarded.

>> No.11976114

based and redpilled

>> No.11976129

it's a good time

>> No.11976130
File: 1.99 MB, 1302x1983, 1536407361050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11976135
File: 31 KB, 383x331, pumkin_no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must consume and burn more of this world

>> No.11976279

fuck off you illiterate retard

>> No.11976510

I hate that in society today I have to pretend that I don't treat women as a sexual object. In every profesional situation they are wearing makeup and really tight clothes. But I have to pretend that I'm not aroused, and fully contain primal urges, but that isn't the problem, the problem is I am not allowed to acknowlege those urges even exist.

>> No.11976514

I'm legitimately worried about politics in my country. Republicans are hellbent on destroying the middle class. America won't survive if 90% of the populace is in poverty and the rest have everything. These people are INSANE and they will be remembered to history as a cast of villains. destroyers, and traitors to the nation.

>> No.11976545

This, I want to squeeze Mitch McConnell's goggly eyes out of his head. The country is run by insane geriatric demons!

>> No.11976563

Normal people are capable of suppressing sexual urges in inappropriate situations. I'd suggest you talk with a therapist if your "primal instincts" have such control over your thoughts.

Congratulations! You've taken your first step to realizing the American politics is a sham. The next step is to accept that the democratic party has the exact same faults, they just aren't as outwardly contemptuous of the working class.

>> No.11976587
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I've had this vague, overwhelming dread about life recently. I really don't know how to describe it, the best I can do is that's it's a horror at how "big" existence is, not in a sense of "the world's a big place" but in the sense that a person's life is so infinitely and terribly detailed. It's too much to ever be able to comprehend.


>> No.11976619

>The next step is to accept that the democratic party has the exact same faults

The dems at least throw working people a few scraps. Make an effort to keep the thing afloat. They at least have a small hope of being reformed. Republicans are an accelerationist's wet dream, dedicated to the outright destruction of the livelihoods of the majority of American citizens.

If there was any justice these people wouldn't just be out of office, they'd be tried as traitors.

>> No.11976700

I love my younger sister.

>> No.11976713

Anon, that's...degenderate.

>> No.11976777

It's purely platonic love, I think.

>> No.11976809
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All women are crazy though.

>> No.11976834
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I'm quitting my job soon, I fucking hate working in an office. I signed up at this travel agency to be a tour guide, not a manager for tours.
Plus I make $4.50 an hour in this Taiwanese office minus commission.

I'm going back to teaching. Kindling the minds of children is the only occupation which ever brought me joy, even on bad days.

I'm done trying to work hard to make my boss richer, when there is a wealth of knowledge I could be sharing with young minds.

>> No.11976841

If you aren’t joking, I’d suggest taking a class in either literature, English, or creative writing. This is really bad. But you are obviously kind of creative so improvement is a realistic hope. There’s honestly not much to critique though.

>> No.11976843

Fuck dude making $4.50 an hour at a Taiwanese travel agency sounds like one of the tiers of Buddhist hell. Break free from that foul cage and spread your gospel to the youth of the world :)

>> No.11976852
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The reason anime is so popular among 4chan types is that it represents the worlds we wish would could create but know we are ultimately powerless to impress onto reality. Anime is specifically chosen as the escapist medium because it specifically reflects the desires of the lonely, sensitive men who dwell here–what with it's stories of companionship, adventure, and cute girls. It seems likely that anime is also a contributing factor to the rise of the neet lifestyle, not merely because it provides distraction and entertainment but because it confirms, in a subconscious, abstract way, that our world is not ideal for them (in a panglossian sense) and that other, better worlds DO exist, even if their shadows are all that one can perceive in our material reality.

>> No.11976854

This is no different than any other period of history where some people had a lot when most have little. However, right now even the most abjectly impoverished people in America generally have a roof over their heads, clean drinking water, and enough to eat thanks to social programs and food banks and shit. Since everyone’s survival needs are met(or at least most people’s) there will never be a real uprising or anything. Poor people in tsarist Russia were dying of starvation. Poor people in the US are living with three roommates and have higher than average rates of obesity. Nothing will ever change. The only revolutions left to be found are cultural or technological and you’re a retarded boomer if you think otherwise. Go to college and get a fucking job.

>> No.11976867

After 3 years of depression, the worst of which were the last 4 months- and having my life spiral out of control- I'm starting to think I can find purpose through writing, and make a more clear version of truth by action- but I don't know where to start. I'm struggling internally as well as externally, and I'd like to express it- but depression is so cloudy

>> No.11976871

Not the guy you're responding to but I suspect the chaos caused by unchecked climate change is going to offer ample opportunities for revolution--though the revolutionaries will probably not be the (comparatively) wealthy westerners

>> No.11976874

Actually yeah, I should specify that I was specifically talking about America. Americans will never do anything actually meaningful about the political system in the US. Because as mad as people are and as “oppressed” as they are, they’re fucking fine.

>> No.11976900
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>> No.11976937
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It is a niche that already has a few people doing it, but if you can put your own spin on it that'd be cool and I'd watch. Actual obscure and weird stuff would be cool, not the surface level "I know the internet" bs like motherhorseeyes or the final fantasy house. I know that over on /k/ their is an anon that went missing after going to some location that some randy posted. Look for threads with 'desertcoon'. Could be some spooky shit.

>> No.11976976

Yeah i mean I'm not great lol. Its meant to be pulpy if that makes it any less cringe

>> No.11976993
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I desperately hope their is major war within my lifetime. Yes war is an awful thing, I know, but I want things to just be shaken up in a way I can actually feel.

>> No.11976994

That’s fine. If I’m being completely frank though it looks kind of middle school. Things like ellipses and shifting tense make it kind of jumbled in a sloppy way. I’m not trying to be mean when I say you should take an English class. Preferably one where a teacher can give you good feedback on an essay or something.

>> No.11977009

This, actually. War is central to the human experience and it would be a shame to live my whole life without having to suffer it.

>> No.11977034
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Conan- existential void guardian
Its slower then most metal (people call it doom core) and it doesn't have to much guttural singing in it. Prosper on the path is the best song on it IMO.

>> No.11977048

Cover art is badass too

>> No.11977066

I was recently diagnosed with ADD.

I always thought it was a meme but I find that even when I really want to focus, writing and reading can be incredibly difficult. At most, I can manage short bursts of about forty minutes, but by that point my body is desperate to flee. I end up pursuing cheap videogames or using the internet for a dopamine stimulus that only makes me miserable.

What's stupid is that I get excellent grades and often feel that when I do work, I'm totally switched on. I researched a bit about hyperfocus in ADD, but I think I have a deeper problem when it comes to my own writing.


I had a lot of other learning difficulties as a kid. Couldn't even read really, told by a lot of teachers to give up. Ended up working for about 12 hours a day to figure out my "d"s from my "b"s. It's made me venerate words, but it's also made me damn afraid of ever being that mute kid in the back of class again. I'm hoping medication might give me the focus I need, but I'm also aware that there's a much deeper insecurity.

>> No.11977072

DMX is a good artist for being mad and enjoy rap.
Irish nationalist stuff like the Wolfe Tones is good.
Wagner is good if you like classical.
Most older punk music is pretty nice if you like that vibe.

>> No.11977332

It depends on your hierarchy of values- while war does happen and will always happen- humanity doesn't exist for the sake of fighting itself. It's an imperial mindset to think that the highest virtue is heroism in battle, which- isn't wrong- but to force the scenario- is.

>> No.11977374

I can’t think of many things that sound better than dying valiantly in battle for a good cause. Not even memeing. That sounds like the best way to die.

>> No.11977451

Despite my AvPD, I'm not gonna let it take me down. Sure, I could whine online (which I already kinda do), let my ludicrously high anxiety make me agoraphobic, and let my grades drop, but I'm not gonna let that happen. I need to push forth, push beyond my family that hates me, I need to look ahead. I need to get that 3.5 GPA and that 25k for tuition. Then I'm outta here. Just 1 more week, just 1 more month, just 1 more year, just need to be patient.

>> No.11977735

same anon from before here- it sounds like you're interested in aesthetics, and death. You should read some books by Yukio Mashima. But ultimately, IMO the point of life isn't how you die.