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11967795 No.11967795 [Reply] [Original]

Neoliberalism and modernity have killed my spirit, disillusioned me, alienated me, I live in solitude and despair, it's been so long since I've had any kind of real life I can't remember how to even do it.

I know I need therapy, but are there any books that relevant to this?

>> No.11967803
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you've done this to yourself

>> No.11967806

I always wanted to try psychoanalysis even though I'm mentally healthy.

>> No.11967807


>> No.11967832

>Neoliberalism and modernity have killed my spirit, disillusioned me, alienated me,
Nah it's just capitalism my dude. Marx wrote about this, the alienation of labour.

>> No.11968711

Neoliberalism is just (supposedly) nonviolent expansionist capitalism bro

>> No.11968716

ya neoliberalism is unironically great. dont blame it blame family values being eroded meaning you dont have a tight nit community to fall back on

>> No.11968729

Mark Fisher's Capitalist Realism.

>> No.11968735

How could modernity have killed your spirit if you've been born in the midst of it?

>> No.11969143

>capitalism is the cause of my shitty life choices and social skills, I swear

>> No.11969210

we are a generation of spiritually aborted robots

>> No.11969216

Don't try to explain Marxist ideas to /lit/ users. It's basically a /pol/ colony now.

>> No.11969252

yeah, and don't try to explain geocentrism to a man with a telescope either

>> No.11969387

Read Guenon and after him start reading primary eastern texts by the boatload. I used to be another rudderless and morose youth but than I start reading the traditionalists and studying eastern doctrines. Since then it's been a massive shift. I have better posture, body language, I walk and hold myself like I'm home everywhere. You eventually reach a point (if you read enough, give up enough distractions/vices, and put in enough work/effort/concentration) where you are inmersed in a blissful cloud 24/7. I wake up and see a ray of light shining into my room and 4 or 5 different metaphysical models of conceiving the immutable godhead play across my mind, I settle on one and joyfully rise. There is no sadness or delusion, but only the ineffable and spotless bliss. It made me stop 95% of electronic media and fiction doesn't even interest me anymore, the very present moment itself a kaleidoscopic enigma of the self-effulgent divinity witnissing itself, how could I ever wish to distract myself with lesser knowledge? Girls especially pick up on this kind of unconscious body language stuff, when you walk into a room or down the street not even like you own it, but as though there was not a difference between you and the street (if you are not ugly) it radiates power, confidence, presence of mind etc. Girls have been throwing themselves them at me but I only still partake to complement my jnanic practices through tantric sex techniques in combination with Daoist-style semen retention to cultivate Qi and so on. I can't even begin to describe what's this is like, every single moment even when taking a shit is as profound as taking psychedelics. I literally get home, sit down on my couch and remained there for hours in a state of samadhi; this is my last post on 4chan.

>> No.11969413

>It made me stop using 95% of electronic media

And for some reason, after getting enlightened in this way, you chose your one last for of electronic media to be /lit/?

>> No.11969530

Why is /leftypol/ so fucking dumb, /pol/?

>> No.11969551

>yeah, you can convince someone with facts even though their political beliefs are dictated by whatever emotions they are feeling at the time

Yeah, /leftypol/ sure is dumb man

>> No.11969552

is this copypasta

>> No.11969602
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>he thinks being well-adjusted is the same thing as mentally healthy

>> No.11969788

Better to express yourself through art, work etc.
Ignore the "It was your personal choices" fags, stop thinking about neoliberalism, communism etc, and just do the things you wanna/need do and say the things you wanna/need to say, wether it is boiling an egg, send an apology to an old friend, work for space colonization or reading a fantasy arlekin.

>> No.11969801

But OP is trying to find out what he should do. OP might be a person that he himself doesn't know what he wants to do.

>> No.11969824

I feel the same way but I'm a NEET

>> No.11969879

Read the Communist Manifesto and move to Cuba, comrade.

>> No.11969919


>> No.11969939

this is happening because of neoliberalism you dolt

Do you think that cities and towns are just becoming more desolate for no reason? no it's because amazon and walmart replace any need to go to your local hardwar store, your local bakery, your local farmer's market, etc.

>> No.11970044

By making a thread he already does something.
Perhaps he shouldn't do anything and heal his soul a bit.

>> No.11970141

Industrial Society and its Future

>> No.11970214

Been feeling the same lately. College students come out of university trained for a job, not educated to be better members of society. I left school and found myself in a world that cared so little for anyone and anything that it simultaneously cared about everyone and everything but only to put it down or destroy it, like a hole that just sucks up human vitality and intellect. The interconnected-ness of the world has not yielded a better, kinder, or more productive humanity but one devoid of personality and culture. No thoughts are truly new anymore, no personalities are truly unique anymore. Your local communities members are just as much a part of the global communities as the anons we talk to on /lit/ and as such have priorities focused on a different level. Building grand societies in this way means you lose the smaller ones underneath that provide its foundation. We are falling apart and the only way to revert course is to find a way to rebuild a focus on smaller communities.

>> No.11970267

We must tear the nation-state down and return to the polis.

>> No.11970276

Dude, stop worrying. Life is about having fun now. Like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - that's what having fun in a postmodern world looks like. Making the best of it is better than sulking and wasting the few days you have.

>> No.11970286


>> No.11970287

agree with both of you anons, but how do we reverse the trend of global liberalism? Seems the best hope is just to ride the riptide and fully embrace transhumanist neopunk ethics but that ends with you being so isolated and lonely... alternatively just surrender your consciousness and become a sheep

>> No.11970291

Nah, it's just you. You enslaved yourself by creating a reality that oppress you

>> No.11970295

And that is a consequence of neoliberalism, bro

>> No.11970302

Even if this is a joke, it’s an unironically good representation in parts of just how joyful mindfulness and a healthy lifestyle can be. Even the smallest things can be meaningful and beautiful, impart some sort of calm feeling of immense power to you. The biggest issue is being able to keep up this mindfulness, always fighting against one’s habits to get trapped by lower pleasures, by excessive attachment and negative emotions such as those caused in interacting with people, by laziness, and so on.

>> No.11970443

It isn't the nation-state thats the problem, its the constant stream of information and connectedness. Limited information used to mean academia and state (along with other outlets) were predominantly responsible for informing the masses. Mass media with many different viewpoints (often politically charged now) mean that the masses have less concern for the community they are more closely connected with physically. Making this worse, they are generally poorly educated and make sweeping and ludicrous mob decisions based on poor information and ethos. These kinds of movements were often kept in check with the state.

Example: principals in high schools could effect legitimate stabilizing power in their school because there kid acting out is doing so out of niche groups that were small and controllable. Nowadays any crazy ideology can be found online with supporters and have a consistent stream of encouragement and support for any member across the globe. Problems remain in schools because the majority of the information stream is no longer controlled by the status quo systems, its done outside of them. You cannot stop this. Whats worse, scrutinization for the authority figures trying to retain stability and teach culturally agreed ethics and morals to its students is seen as acceptable. Any overt stomping of a child's freedom of expression is called racist or problematic and could result in actual career ending issues for the authority figures. Schools have become weak and no longer create productive and beneficial members of society. They are too tuned in to a frequency far above their day to day lives and lose sight of the importance of community support.

>> No.11970456

not racist, sorry. Meant fascist, autocorrect got me and I missed it.

>> No.11971416
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Jojo is always the solution.

>> No.11971429


>> No.11971437
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you just have to go faster

>> No.11971438
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>with facts

>> No.11971439
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we are all gonna make it fren

>> No.11972160
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>> No.11972165
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>> No.11972186

did you really reply to a pasta

>> No.11972221
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>don’t try to explain your beliefs to people who disagree with you.

>> No.11972495

yo should i read this? picked up a copy a long time ago

>> No.11972641
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Anon you don't even know what neoliberalism is. Stop whining.

>> No.11972718

bitch boi

>> No.11972761

it's not pasta

>> No.11972769

>disillusioned me
Unlikely. Kids see things in their full potential, be it a toy, lake or a dark room. You have a grey illusion cube over your eyes.

>> No.11972860

the printing press was a mistake

>> No.11972869

>people should think and believe how I want them to
Literally what you just said.

>> No.11972871

CALL ME DOLT ONE MORE FUCKING TIME AND I PUT A BULLET THROUGH YOUR HEAD. a common arg is tht the satus quo isneoliberal: its not. true neoliberalism has never been tried before

>> No.11973018
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If you're able to deconstruct your plight, you're able to escape from it.
Reconstruct yourself and fuck off my board.

>> No.11973068

Here's why neoliberalism is actually based and redpilled. (I swear im not a Marxist in name only) 1/62

>> No.11973079

agriculture was a mistake. we should have stayed hunter-gatherers.

>> No.11973097

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. A stoic mindset is the most effective in times of strife.

>> No.11973111

Accelerationist-inverse pseudo neolibertarianism

>> No.11973173


Nah it's his last post

>> No.11973205
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Way Of The Peaceful Warrior
By: Dan Millman

>> No.11973217

>Dialetical devolpment

>> No.11973228


>> No.11973245

I am in the same position as you, OP - in utter loneliness, alienated from everything. Thanks for creating this thread.

>> No.11973248

I've taken plenty of psychedelics and am not stuck in the default mode network and still am incredibly lost for human belonging. Capitalist political economy strips potential away with all the diversity and hetrogenity of the living world. We live in a world of contractual coldness and being able to see the forest through the trees, while being the only thing that produces a feeling of belonging, only emphasizes the isolation further through attention paid.

>> No.11973392

The objectively best ideology is anarcho-capitalism/free market absolutism with a dose of corporate fetishism, hardcore authoritarianism and neocon foreign policy

>> No.11973588
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>My dude

>> No.11973613

Every political or philosophical thought is about convincing someone to think and believe what you want them to, fucking troglodyte.

>> No.11973635

>Someone complains that they feel a deep spiritual emptiness
Dude, if people wanted for pol-sci 101 students to spew buzzwords at them, they'd start a political thread or go to a political board.
Leftypol is just as annoying as /pol/ in this regard, instead of entering every thread and talking about Jews, it's capitalism.
99% of people don't want to have political bickering injected into every thread.

>> No.11973636


>> No.11973662

>how do we reverse the trend of global liberalism?
We don't. The point of no return has been passed and we haven't even considered slowing down.
There will be worldwide upheaval, but not within our lifetimes or our children's. The trash-world will exist for a while then who knows what will rise out of the favelas. Even if extreme fascism or communism get going in the near future, that'll just be another minor delay. It's not like the whole world is going to hold hands and agree to melt down their "progress" idol. Transhumanism won't save us either, it'll save the elites.
There's literally nothing you or I can do except hunker down and turn to religion, if you have faith.
The most insulting part is that we won't even see a war or uprising or have anything to die for. We'll reach old age, spiritual husks, having been bored and mildly uncomfortable for 80 years as we watched things get continuously worse.

>> No.11973692

Leaving the rainforest was a mistake. We could have been comfy Macaques chilling in Japanese hot springs right now.

>> No.11973789

You sound like Ben Shapiro brah

>> No.11974088
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Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard.

>> No.11974288


>the alienation of labour

If anything, hard work will set you free and your work ethic is the only thing you can truly own in this broken world. Being butthurt about making someone else money in the process just shows that you're bitter and spoiled and think you're above it all.

Fortunately I'm Christian and separate myself from godless economic utopian fantasies. But even as token advice to my secular friends, humility is key to overcoming this godless paradigm. How can any man be proud in the year 2018? Who can make war with the beast? Humanity has been trampled underfoot man's desire to separate himself from the identity of God's creation and sovereign individual.

You reap what you sow. Better to lay your head low and work hard with joy in your heart than biting at the heels of those of higher status and envying everyone around you.

>> No.11974364

you sound pretty proud about not being proud, asshole.

And people are unhappy about making other people money because the work they're doing is worthless. Your work ethic holds you in high esteem with who? Yourself? Why should you care if you hate your work? Work ethic isn't tangible. Roll your boulder Sisyphus, you aren't getting out of this one. Great advice, maybe we should never strive for anything when we feel devoid of meaning.

>> No.11974396
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from Cosmic Trigger by Robert Wilson.
they were working on this in the 60's. Imagine what we could have today, 60 years' worth of progress in LSD / DMT based therapy...
but yes, understanding that society is completely fucked is critical to the process also.

>> No.11975546

Read Christopher Lasch

>> No.11975566

Just read the Unabomber Manifesto lmao

>> No.11975693
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>> No.11975717

>fortunately I'm Christian
Stopped readung there.

>> No.11975742

I never work.

>> No.11976842


>> No.11976987

You will never witness the world to come with that attitude

>> No.11978178


>> No.11978574

Man, I really hate you Christian fuckers sometimes. Go get crucified you smug bastard.

>> No.11978590

actually cringed at this cuckpost

>> No.11978652

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.

>> No.11979131

wanna try something spirit killing trying being a subsistence agriculture peasant. the last time humans had it this good was like 10,000 years ago, but fags like op are so tricked they dont realize it

>> No.11979145

The printing press played a large role in the protestant reformation and french revolution.
So you're right

>> No.11979539


>blames it on external ideologies
read the first post ITT

>> No.11979567

>OP starts thread with neoliberalism
>hurdur no one is talking about politics
Kill yourself

>> No.11979817

Embrace traditional catholicism. Find a parish that offers latin mass (preferably FSSP) and you'll find a community that is fully aware that modernism is destroying us.

See Libido Dominandi by E. Michael Jones for a good description of how the sexual liberation was used to engineer modern society, with the catholic church as its main opponent.

>> No.11979822


recommend me a hardcore catholic audiobook to get me pumped

>> No.11979827

>Libido Dominandi by E. Michael Jones

holy shit u should see the "customers also bought" on amazon for this shit lmao bronze age mindset, and kevin mcdonalds

>> No.11979829

Listen to Father Ripperger on YouTube

>> No.11979831

those were both events I was thinking of desu ne
also general education has been harmful for the brainlets and brainfuls alike

>> No.11979908

He can be a bit of a kook, but he is still a very powerful voice that offers an interesting perspective.


>> No.11979939

I want to respond to this, you're quite possibly right except that maybe what we can do is protect our knowledge of this happening and pass it down the generations because it is a silent takeover and only those born later who are taught about it will know of its existence. Yes, everything is getting worse. My other thought is about authority being by nature bestowed, basically if we don't respect their authority they have no authority over us. And, to gather useful knowledge so as to be capable of not relying on the system itself for life and livelihood, tempered so as to not become a doomsday prepper.

Thinking about what societal changes, many of which are seemingly irreversible, I have seen in my short time now, and those which I will witness if I live long.

I think religion is the most important thing for mankind, and in saying that I remember that even religion becomes hijacked today, and there are many non-religions in masquerade. For the sake of brevity I'll hold it for now

>> No.11979981
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which religions have been hijacked anon?

>> No.11980185
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>My other thought is about authority being by nature bestowed, basically if we don't respect their authority they have no authority over us.
but when you do that you are already inside protestantism, how can you be so skeptic of all authority without being already in protestantism? and at the same time how can you overcome the corrupted hierarchy without confronting it? the degeneration corrupts everything, authority and resistance to authority at the same time

>> No.11981948

I was trying to think of a 21st century event to add, but nothing singular came to mind.

>> No.11982146

Just go help the kurds fight isis if you need some real life.

>> No.11983513

Curious how many people here have done this.

>> No.11983645

Peasant life looks pretty comfy desu, what's the problem?

>> No.11984156

why obsess with what might never come to pass when we have the here and now to enjoy and improve?