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11959980 No.11959980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My city has become increasingly gentrified and filled with upper middle class white women.

I've by chance gotten into conversation with quite a few of them in bars and cafes etc. And they all invariably have degrees, have traveled to multiple cities (New York, Tokyo, London etc.) and are incredibly attractive.

What is going on? Is it over for men? These women aren't particularly intelligent and they seem to be judging/sizing you up the entire conversation but something strange is going on. Is this happening across all gentrified cities across the world? I've noticed this is an increasing occurrence. How the fuck can one compete?

It's over for genius, handsome psychologically unstable men like me. I have spent the past 20 years meming and trying everything but professionalising at nothing. Either we catch up within 5 years or we are FUCKED. Legit, I'm not attacking these women, they make me want to BETTER myself but Jesus Christ, it's legit OVER.

Either one dies a Genius or one commits Suicide. It's as simple as that.

>> No.11959993

You OK anon?

>> No.11959994

I'm starting to think these posts are real

>> No.11960001


>> No.11960009

>I only want poor black and Indian women in my city


>> No.11960017

Nice reading comprehension, brainlet.

>> No.11960019

>Either one dies a Genius or one commits Suicide. It's as simple as that.

yes. spent a long time learning to accept this. I might pick door #2

>> No.11960024

Yeah, that guy is low IQ. But the OP was very poorly written.

>> No.11960025

>or we are FUCKED
>it's legit OVER
I don't really understand what this means. What's over?

>> No.11960028

>My city has become increasingly gentrified and filled with upper middle class white women.
If you owned real estate, you'd be rubbing your hands like it was hanukkah.

>> No.11960049

Unfortunately, my brainlet family weren't smart enough to capitalise on that opportunity.

>> No.11960085

you mong. they're just testing you.
whenever a broad starts babbling on about how many city she's been to I immediately tell the bitch to just cut it. I'm not interested in the variety of cocks that have been in her cunt, I'm just wondering how far she can fit my 8" schlong down that pampered little throat of hers. and she knows this. anon, all those women are just playing dress up, but deep down they still want a caveman who will rape them into their property (read Max Stirner for a further elaboration of this concept).
anytime a bitch gets upitty about what college her daddy paid to have her spend hours getting a train run on her I just yawn and say "yeah well books never really interested me." immediately the dumb cunt shuts up and gets interested, suspiciously raising an eyebrow and asking what DOES interest me. I lean forward and casually but forcefully drop the Solomon's masterkey of all words when it comes to women. the word that seizes them by their ovaries and makes all those millenias of primal blood start thumping through their veins and into their clitoris. "what interests me? fucking." sometimes the broads try to laugh, but I maintain my cool demeanor and they soon saddle right up like the obedient bitches they long to be.
anon, i've fucked enough of these type of tightassed women to fill the fucking AT&T stadium in Dallas. and you do so by shitting over everything that they take pride in and just being the violent, man-ape that every dumb bitch wants to open her legs to. I tell them that reading is for eggheads and old fags (yes, I use the word fag in front of them), and they immediately clam up and wait for what Daddy is going to tell them is actually important.
you've been being tested this whole time, kiddo. and you've been failing.

>> No.11960100


>> No.11960101

Meh, not every woman is like that, I know the kind that you're talking about though. Degree, decent to well paying job, very attractive.

Yet somehow they manage to be unintelligent. There's lots of fish in the sea, though. If these type of women aren't your type, then find somebody else.

It's easy to get stuck in the prejudiced rut of "all x is y" and be the worse for it.

>> No.11960103

Nice copypasta

>> No.11960130

This desu

>> No.11960157

Enjoy Tyrone's load slipping off your cock.

The alpha thing to do is to not even consider fucking these used up internationalist whores.

>> No.11960165



>> No.11960174

>Either one dies a Genius or one commits Suicide. It's as simple as that.

>What is going on? Is it over for men? These women aren't particularly intelligent and they seem to be judging/sizing you up the entire conversation...
Where you at, DC? NOVA/DMV? Sounds like a lot of dates I went on.

You're just seeing the results of wealth and a preference for "travel" "experience" over responsible activities like owning a home or professional success beyond the superficial. Success is difficult. Not everyone is built for working that hard and being that motivated. Some just kind of coast on daddy's money and their good looks. It's normal.

Stop whining. Realize these women aren't better than you, they've just devoted more time and money into appearing better than you. Improve yourself if you want. The first step imo should be psychological therapy.

>> No.11960176

we are simply living in a time of a great culling. it will be much harder to pass on your dna for the average male. you can whine about it or decide to actually engage. i agree that society has made it much easier if you go down the professional 'NPC' route to blossom within its structure. if you are to be unstable, you will need to achieve some sort of success in your field that brings you status bc most likely you will not achieve money, though it does not need to be within five years. women generally do not care about age differences. stay focused, work at it, do not fall into despair.

this works for a lay. i find myself to be capable of this methodology if i so choose to and have a couple drinks but it is not a healthy view to have as a default. you otherize women to the extent that you are self sabotaging your ability to pair bond. it may not matter when you are young, but eventually you will need to be able to see a woman as something more than a gash if you wish to have a successful family.

>> No.11960183

That poster's method is for a quick fuck but a lot of these women are late 20s and early 30s and are looking to settle down.

>> No.11960187

This. OP, just fuck your girlfriend and stare into her eyes as you tell her you love her and you'll feel just fine.

>> No.11960195

If you're not at least 7/10 in various aspects today's women basically don't notice you as a man, you're basically some 3rd androgynous sex which they can't feel attraction too, they can speak and have fun in a non sexual way with sub-men though.

>> No.11960203

this is the unhealthiest way of thinking i've ever seen. wow.

>> No.11960208

It's not.

>> No.11960209

What are you even talking about? How are they better than you, again? Rich and have travelled, and what?

>> No.11960214


>> No.11960223

yeah but it's true, dipshit.
I used to be an 8/10. Was told so many times, received tons of attention from the opposite sex etc.
Then due to some pretty stupid life choices i lost my looks and I can testify to a palpable difference in how I was treated by women.
You are probably just too mediocre to have known anything but whatever mundane attention you've been given in your own life but I promise you, the uglier you are the less human you become in the eyes of women.

>> No.11960227
File: 131 KB, 360x259, D4F6C601-CDA8-4DC7-AC28-524E09DB57B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm.... i wonder.... who.. was behind this post...

>> No.11960230

it's true

no it's perfectly rational given a history with certain experiences of rejection

>> No.11960232

Higher percentages of women are going to college each year, and lower percentages of men are going to college each year. This trend has been going on for some time but it's becoming really pronounced now. I won't go on a /r9k/ rant about hypergamy but these two phenomenon are playing off of each other. If you're a cityfag who's neither a Chad nor has a professional degree with a stable job and lots of $$$, you're fucked. Even then, the competition is brutal if you're looking for an attractive white woman. Jaded white men (many of them incels, but not all) who want to find good looking women will be forced to race mix and the Brazilification of America will commence at an even faster rate than it already does. The future will be weird man.

>> No.11960236

>at least 7/10
how generous
more like 8/10 WITH a nice job and interesting hobbies (not that they really care) and tons of friends

>> No.11960254

>You are probably just too mediocre to have known...
Stop projecting, retard. I was an emotionally stunted nerd in school, with a superiority complex. I'd say I thought of myself as a 3/10, if that. I was in the military in my 20s and early 30s, and probably an 8/10. Now I'm a bit older and a bit chubbier but my people skills and confidence are better than they have ever been. That's the key. None of you big girls blouses have any confidence at all. OP so much so that he's considering giving up living. All because some dumb shallow insta-thots are too concerned with trivialities and checklists to find something worth approving in you. Stop it. Stop being such mental midgets. Please. It's not nearly as bad as you think. The girls you are interested in don't deserve a second glance.

I feel really bad for you kids growing up now, boys and girls, who've been burdened with social media since adolescence.

>> No.11960261

>all the reeing itt
It's like I live in a different world to you guys. The women i meet have literally zero standards i guess. I mean im aware that these women view me as like 'slumming it' but who cares

>> No.11960267
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>> No.11960278

kek, delusion: the post
also you proved exactly what I said. No one who is actually attractive who ever consider themselves a 3/10 and to jump in assessment from a 3 to an 8 shows that your superiority complex hasn't subsided, nerd. and you will always be that fucking loser you were in high school.
I swear all of you "lookist" apologists are always the fucking dumbasses that Nature should have deleted a few generations back, total genetic trash that spends high school getting shoved in lockers and failing at sports and spends the rest of their life trying to get back at life for that.
l m a o

>> No.11960287

agreed. personally, i am 27 and have never dated anyone older than 22. women prefer older men and men prefer younger women. women in their late 20s and early 30s that are still single are red flags for men in the same age group. they will either be expecting men to already have enough financial security to settle down or they simply have bad behavior traits that have kept them single for so long. a woman should be ready to be wifed up in her mid to late 20s to give her the best chances of producing healthy offspring. i'm sure the older i get, the less i will care but currently the girl i am seeing is 20 and i sort of feel like i'm grooming her. i do feel a bit creepy about it but at this point i understand that life is not fair and i need to take advantage of my opportunities. ideally i hope to get engaged in two years and have her locked up before she gets the urge to 'travel'. to prevent this i am investing time and money on her at the moment doing many activities in hopes that she gets it all out of her system while i'm there to supervise. who knows though. it could all blow up when we're older and she can grow to resent me for marrying too young, but whatever.

>> No.11960290

So what's the advice? Or are we fucked?

>> No.11960296

Nice larp

>> No.11960298


>> No.11960300


If sincere, this is the most bluepilled comment I've seen on 4chan this year to date. Wow.

I'm not the OP and I don't care about his personal feelings much, but of course he's right. I also live in a city center next door to its hip district, which is throwing up yuppie storage units very rapidly, complete with connected sushi restaurants, bars and grocery stores at the connected ground levels, and there are two orders of magnitude more attractive young women here than in my middling smaller hometown. Not only that, but there is a noticeable DEARTH of the hambeasts which roam the plains of the midwestern countryside. What explains this?

It's fairly simple: all society subsidizes attractive young women to move to and live in the city, which they regularly wish to do. Daddy, the government, other men all give them the money and makework to subsidize their Urban Baby turbonormie lives. Urban Baby police officers white knight for them. Why do you think women are outpacing men in university enrollment these days? How do you suppose that OP's aforementioned chickie-trips to Tokyo and so-on are funded?

A fall-back attitude, said by men to spare their own egos and avoid ego-death: "men peak later circa 35-50 and have the last laugh". Yeah, except all the turbonormie attractive women still sucked fifty dicks and still have their advanced degrees, ten years earlier. Such a woman can never be limbically satisfied with a man who started a business in his late thirties or clawed his way into a comparable something which she got with minimal effort. Hypergamy always controls. Another possible way of avoiding ego death: sour grapes. "Haha those whores priced themselves out of the market now no one wants them." Again, lying one oneself: someone will always go for the woman, even if she does lower standards a bit, later. By and large their lives aren't even miserable, just inconvenienced by not having just the right kind of chad dick that they want. More, she still got the good sex in her teens and 20s that you (I, we) never, ever did, and never, ever will.

/r9k/ is right. It has been right for years on end, it continues to be right, and it shall go on being right.

>> No.11960304

>you will always be that fucking loser you were in high school.
False. You can't actually believe this. The only person who could believe it is someone who is not yet removed from high school. People grow and change, usually for the better. I've been away from those brainless children for two decades. Sure, I still despise them. Just like I can never forgive being abused as a child. But that's a tiny, tiny part of who I am now.

This faking-chad-til-you-make-it strategy isn't going to work for you, little boy.

>> No.11960307

This board is for literature.

Fuck off back to r9k with the rest of the robots, you unfit loser.

>> No.11960318

this isnt even necessary, you can just pretend to be so stupid that you dont even understand that she's playing status games

>> No.11960332
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>> No.11960340

Hold fast. Disregard women, get money. Stop letting them live in your head rent-free. Focus on making yourself a better, happier person. Someone YOU approve of.

>Such a woman can never be limbically satisfied with a man who started a business in his late thirties or clawed his way...
I'm going to ignore most of your post because you're only proving how little you understand women. They are psychologically at odds with themselves. Society says look this way, be traveled, wear brands, have social currency. Their own bodies say have a baby, have a baby, have a baby. If you thought guys were controlled by their hormones, you haven't the first clue with regard to women. A woman will take a man seriously when that society-vs-womb tension has been decided and not before. Whether you are willing to buy the cow after she's had fifty dicks is entirely, entirely on you.

>> No.11960357

basado y rojopillo

>> No.11960359

This guy fucks

>> No.11960361

>Then due to some pretty stupid life choices i lost my looks

Did you get a faggy tattoo on your face?

>> No.11960366

>pretend to be a retarded autist
this really is the ultimate strategy for almost anything

>> No.11960368

No dude. I used to do well with girls, especially the hipster/art hoe type. I was the kid who’d go to shows but worked out and would disagree with people when they got all leftie. It usually worked, but after not being able to work out for six months due to an injury that required surgery I lost whatever I had. The only girls who showed interest were fat and/or busted. It’s now starting to get back to what it was though.

>> No.11960372

its the socratic way

>> No.11960375

jesus christ. so you did well with the mentally handicapped. good job.

do some pushups fatty.

>> No.11960387

>Hold fast. Disregard women, get money. Stop letting them live in your head rent-free. Focus on making yourself a better, happier person. Someone YOU approve of.
Thanks m8. Coming from a romantic fiasco I'd take this advice to heart.

>> No.11960396

the unitiated will never understand how true it is

>> No.11960401

>there is a noticeable DEARTH of the hambeasts which roam the plains of the midwestern countryside

Made me kek

>> No.11960405

when i quit drinking and work out a lot the amount of female attention i get is off the charts. I am admittedly a lot better looking than average

but alcohol is better than human contact tbqh and it's not like I have a choice, im a slave to it

>> No.11960430

Man I'm fucking pissed of these /r9k/ threads. Do you feel bad because you are a virgin? Visit the hookers but stop complaining on a chinese image board. This is a literature board, at leastr try to bring some literature about the incel problem. Where are the mods? This post isn't nearly related to literature.

>> No.11960431

Agreed. What the fuck is with the mods on this board? Lit is shit and they’re mostly to blame.

>> No.11960432

Endulging in literature is impossible when you're chronically blueballed.

>> No.11960434

Then find new board on which to vent, shit heel.

>> No.11960437

>just go to a hooker bro

You ever been to a reasonably-priced hooker, my guy? It's depressing as hell.

it's like bizarro sex tbqh, opposite of everything it should be

>> No.11960439

i think theyre just not here most of the time. i have blogposted so much on this board it's ridiculous. i do contribute to the actual threads though

>> No.11960440

>get a gf
>barely have time to fucking read or do anything for myself

>> No.11960441

rub my benis anon, relieve me of my carnal cravings

>> No.11960448

You might be right, but you missed my point: where the fuck is the literature in this thread?

>> No.11960457

Back in the 90s there was a huge backlash against such and evereybody everywhere hated fucking "YUPPIES".
Now our media is dickless and has to pander to the Communist Party of China to make a profit. And it's the 90s all over again with everything that made it good removed.

>> No.11960461

This, people need to realize that it’s better to be single and alone than in a bad relationship. Maybe that requires firsthand experience, though.

>> No.11960462

Dude those psued whores will fuck anybody, talking to them in a daytime setting is a waste of fucking time and will kill your braincells about how fucking vapid and samey they are. They travel to get fucked and they will do it with any retard you think they actually fucked affluwnt peoplw abroad? Hell no

>> No.11960470
File: 93 KB, 1024x576, thai_lothario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw an ugly Thai man who lives in a goddamn cave gets more pussy than anons of /lit/

>> No.11960489

There's this weird thing about irony where people start doing stuff as a joke until it gradually becomes a "joke" and then becomes unironic and sincere

Like I really don't find posts like OPs funny because it's like you're watching a cancer cell metastasize until it swallows a community and it just sucks a lot honestly

>> No.11960497

>feeling horny, go to Asian massage parlor
>mama san keeps me waiting for 10 minutes
>finally head back; they end up charging me $10 more than I thought they would
>massage is super clumsy
>she flips me over, starts stroking my cock
>it's weird because she's trying to stimulate blood flow by pinching my scrot with her acrylic nails
>3 minutes go by, still can't get hard
>"why your dick not work"
>Because you suck at your job?
>ask to see her tits
>I'll pay more!
>"get hard is your job, is not my job"
>finally get a semi, enjoy an anti-climax
>thank her
>"you come back get see my titties"
>yeah, exciting, can't wait
>walk home
>tell mom i had a productive day studying

>> No.11960508

did mommy at least finish you off, faggot?

>> No.11960509

i don't get the point of paying some chinese lady to fap your penis for you, id rather just enjoy myself at home

>> No.11960512

>There's this weird thing about irony where people start doing stuff as a joke until it gradually becomes a "joke" and then becomes unironic and sincere
This exactly what happened to T_D

>> No.11960517

yeah, i'd have stayed home if I knew the experience was going to be so disappointing
that only happens when i bring home a good report card

>> No.11960518

>paying for underwhelming handjobs

>> No.11960525

we were all young and adventurous once

>> No.11960527

op is obviously some white roastie trying to trigger incels, now that they banned that anti-semitic nutter the next one they need to shitcan is the toxic catlady

>> No.11960547
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what does this picture make you feel, anon

>> No.11960551


>> No.11960553

what if i don't want kids?
i've thought about getting a vasectomy and then reconnecting the tube via 3d print, but only for the bantz

>> No.11960558

there's nothing more rock n roll than cutting off your dick to prove a point

>> No.11960559

i'm almost scared to see how much i can get people to do through this