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11944457 No.11944457 [Reply] [Original]

in this thread you will fight what’s on your mind

>> No.11944496

It's 1am. I'm going to wake up at 6:30. I'm going to do it.

>> No.11945945

i will NOT spend money or overeat tomorrow. I will be able to read more than 10-15 pages at a time without getting restless and losing focus. i will find enjoyment from the things that used to bring me pleasure. i am happy in my life i am happy in my life i am happy in my life i am happy in my life i am happy in my life i am happy in my life i am happy in my life

>> No.11946008
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Excerpt 4871287482 from my diary desu
October 16, 2018
>when is death coming?
after you're done with your life
>why can't i be done with it now?
that's not the way it works
>i don't want to get married, i don't want a girl badly enough to make an attempt, i don't care about benefiting this world. why not just end it now instead of counting down til i die?
you might see some crazy shit in your lifetime
what if aliens are real, or it turns out you're actually some super important being that all of reality is relying on or something?
>bullshit. fantasies, lies, delusions. the "hope" in Pandora's box.
sometimes a delusion or a fantasy can help you achieve something real
>what if i don't really see anything worth achieving? once i can envision something being done in my mind, it becomes mundane, worthless, "what's the point"?
the problem then is what you're expecting and wanting to get out of existence. you want fame without effort, to succeed without even having to lift a finger
>i never cared for glory, and success is arbitrary. i just want to be forgotten as soon as possible
...is there nothing you want to live for?
>the only reason i would go on living is to help people realize how worthless this world is in order to help future children... that's probably just a lie i tell myself, but it works. i'm no hero.
that's what every future hero says at some point kid. i see how much you care about people, even if you don't really want to get close to them. you know that there's nowhere else to run, right? you either make a stand here, or you doom yourself to wallow in self-pity and despair.
>i suppose when you're hopeless your only option is to fight. but what am i fighting for? a future where other people don't have to deal with these thoughts, where existence is a breeze? maybe one where there will be future struggles forever? or to end it all, to wipe out everyone (as if i could)? Give me a goal and I'll reach it, if i think it's one worth actually striving for.
how about you work on being okay with who you are right now, in this moment? If you can accept a single moment of existence, you can accept eternity.
>i still want to get away... but maybe i can learn to live with that feeling of constantly needing change. thank you voice in my head, for at least providing me some direction

>> No.11946159






>> No.11947620
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There isn't enough to do on this planet if you aren't willing to be a normie and have no standards. If you have standards for engaging with culture, media, and other people, you will quickly exhaust all the best stuff available and be scrounging for the rest of your life.

Especially when it comes to people. It's impossible to find people who take anything seriously. There is no intelligentsia. There are no real Royal Academies anymore. Everything has been absorbed into the institutional structure and streamlined by human resources. You can't just write for journals anymore. Everything requires a year of peer review by institutionally approved specialists. You can't write pot-boilers. There are no exciting feuilletons anymore, because there are too damn many of them. You can either write for something really obscure with no readership, or you can read the massive and anonymous New York Times. Any sphere of discourse that used to have real intellectuals in it, genuinely engaging with one another, has become overgrown and stagnant, dominated by inter-generational elites who know how to manipulate the machinery a thousand times better than you ever can. Academia is a twenty-year hazing ritual of schmoozing and recommendation letter-begging, designed to hollow you out and geld you so that you can never possibly threaten academia, so that the next faceless crop of people like you can be efficiently integrated as well.

Every system we have now actively selects against merit. History has stopped, so the internal organs of nations have to stop up too, becoming thick and viscous so no blood ever flows and no real events ever take place again. How is it even possible that the most anti-organic machine ever created acts so efficiently like a holistic organism?

There's nowhere to go, no way to talk to people, no way to stir some kind of discourse to a critical mass where it produces interesting thoughts. The base pressure to re-atomise at the end of every disappointing engagement with another human being has become too high for humans to individuate except by some kind of miracle. Entropy has finally won. You can either sidle up at the trough to watch Youtube videos until you're dead, or you can be completely alone in inner exile, watching the ones at the trough at least be happy.

>> No.11947635

cute males

>> No.11947639

I'm the exact opposite of this post atm desu

>> No.11947760

Your post reminds me of how I felt when I first went to uni.

I hoped it would be an almost ascetic experience of devoted learning and intellectual debate. I built it up in my head that I'd finally find people who were just interested in thinking and talking about all kinds of things.

Not. At. All.

>> No.11948012
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>tfw have to go back to America tomorrow
Europe isn't perfect but FUCK I don't want to return to clapistan lads. Everyone's monolingual, everyone dresses badly, public transit is a joke, and 90% of the population is borderline retarded (not saying euro's are all geniuses but it's like night and day compared to burgerland). It's just shitty and I don't want to go back.

At least food is cheaper, ri..right?

>> No.11948035
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It fucked me up, especially since I went to a meme high school were I knew numerous intelligent, /lit/erary people. What's even worse is that those same people have slipped into normiedom following a year or two at college, so I don't even have them as real friends anymore. I haven't really had a single good friend in three years. I haven't even had a proper crush on anyone, and believe me I would take the oneitis pain over the solitude in an instant. Everyone else has moved on in their life and I'm still here, posting on /lit/ and gushing over the autumn and crying over how lonely I am. I want to go back to my little naive bubble desu. That or stop being autistic but I don't think that's gonna happen.

>> No.11948051

That's just how everyone feels after coming back from a holiday. I was running around Croatia last week - now I'm back in England, rotting away in a shithole.

>> No.11948101
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Nightmares torment me. I'm more tired than I ever was, my head spins and I have no appetite.
I'm reading the Biography of St Anthony The great and I can relate very much to the story of his temptation in the Desert.

Hopefully I'll get some rest finally.

>> No.11948115

Just put the barrel against your temple and end it already

>> No.11948116

The structure of society is regulated by emotions. Emotions are the critical content that decide the switching-logic of the sociological decision tree. That's because emotions are not mere attendants to thought, they are the impulse to thought, the weighting factor in all decision making. Emotions are cognitive. How one things is how one feels and how one feels is how one thinks.

>> No.11948121

Big Dicks

>> No.11948130

I think I managed to get a hold of my masturbation habit. It's like I'm overpowering myself on a whole new level.

>> No.11948175

The voices wont win. I'm growing more and more free from their influence by the day. They are becoming background noise. My mind will be free again from the presence of this entity that block my thought processes and mental landscape from forming naturally. My speech processes will return to full strength as they have in moments of the entities weakness where my thoughts are free again and my mental plane returns to me.

>> No.11948285


You are not alone, anons. I was also tricked to go to the university. I used to think that university was some sort of "knowledge club", but I was really wrong. The vast majority of lectures are mediocre, the professors haven't internalized what they teach, they are just regurgitating a book. I don't want to even talk about the students: for the sake of vanity they pretend to passionately love theirs fields when in fact, they don't care that much and they are bored to death while studying. At the end, university is just a facade of prestige, a massive circlejerk to get validated by society. Fortunately, a handful of teachers is aware of this and they are the only ones that make good lectures but it feels like a sisyphean task to try to change the things.

>> No.11948329

>you are not alone
Oh my sweet child how wrong you are. I’m so alone all the time, that the only positive interaction I have is with anonymous strangers from across the world I’ll never meet. My own family despises my very existence for reasons I’ll never understand and the only time they interact with me is when something is expected or needed of me.

>> No.11948353
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There's a creature outside my window. I hear it rustling. What is it? What could it be? It slithers, it rustles, it skitters. What demon has visited me from the nether? What cursed familiar deigns shed its foul presence upon me? I sense the creature, its horrid, ragged profile, its shuffling, lurid gait. The nightmare incarnate, the slithering unknown, the oily abyss of midnight. What does this creature seek from me?

>> No.11948419
File: 87 KB, 714x810, E9D0BAAA-2174-4E32-A19A-DEF2B5175273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first paragraph is fucking gold

I made the retarded mistake of doing psychedelics in my teens. Nothing in sober life gives me that kind of wonder, hope, or sense of purpose and fulfillment and belonging. Nothing feels worth pursuing, as no new discovery will hold a matchstick to the insane shit i saw when i took 7 grams of psilocybin. I feel old and jaded yet young, naive, and vulnerable at the same time.
“Why not take some more?” I can’t. I feel like if I take it again the spirits of those substances will ruin my mind forever. I’ve devolved into such a bitter, immature, feminized, risk-averse cuckold since my last trip that I know I would be destroyed if I tripped again. And even if I didn’t, taking psychedelics regularly turns my regular latent anxiety into nonstop schizophrenic internal chatter louder than an atom bomb.
I have absolutely no motivation to complete university. I am mortally terrified of debt and the prospect of joblessness after graduation due to the piss poor value of non-STEM degrees even though my parents insist they’ll pay for a significant portion of it if they have to. My plan is to finish this school year while working my fucking ass off to physically prepare for basic training in the Army, try my hand at becoming a ranger, and either succeed and live a life truly worth living for a while, or fail and endure menial labor for the next 4 years. Either way I hope the responsibility will unfuck my defective dopamine-addicted brain in some way, and that the military will take care of at least some of my uni costs when I’m done with my service so I won’t be the 2nd child in my family to be a total fucking drain on my parents.
Time to do PT.

>> No.11948537

Have you been reading a lot of Lovecraft anon

>> No.11948640

Read Boccaccio lmao

>> No.11948652

the weak should fear the strong

>> No.11948868

>the only positive interaction I have is with anonymous strangers from across the world I’ll never meet

At least we are spiritually connected in this virtual infosphere. I know this relation won't ever be a relieve to your loneliness but as long as you are here you won't be totally alone. This is an immaterial refuge of the messy world.

>> No.11948874

The male asshole is not a toy. Stop putting your fingers in there. If I smell even a hint of shit on our index finger tomorrow morning, we're going to start shock therapy.

>> No.11948945

>I would take the oneitis pain over the solitude in an instant

Trust me anon, you wouldn't. Better to not know that pain at all if possible. I feel like a weak willed faggot saying this but the "withdrawal" can be very real. And it just makes the eventual return to solitude/loneliness a lot worse.

>> No.11948976

as far as i can tell, (undergrad) college naturally puts most people a few notches closer to normiedom

>> No.11949006

I can’t have a relationship
I have no problem finding love I’m a decent looking guy. But inside I’m a train wreck I can’t trust anyone in fear of being hurt, I’ve never trusted anyone fully. Seeing people be happy and rely on people makes me so jealous how can I ever trust anyone if I don’t know what’s going on in their head? How do I even know they feel emotions? How do I know if they’re human.

The fear of not being in control haunts so many aspects of my life and I truly feel like if this doesn’t end I’ll never be happy.

>> No.11949279
