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/lit/ - Literature

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11939524 No.11939524 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see those stacks boys, rate em.

>> No.11939540
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Picked these up at my local thrift store today.

>> No.11939542 [DELETED] 


>> No.11939642

Pale Fire is one of the best works of all time.

>> No.11940592
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Got these in the mail today. What should I read first? Reading Blood Meridian right now.

>> No.11940634
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>> No.11940882
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What are we thinking, boys?

>> No.11940903

pretty based, I like you senpai

>> No.11940936
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Havent read TII yet. The rest have been very enjoyable. My dog enjoyed Lila as much as I did.
Freshman college/10
Its OK we've all been there

>> No.11940939
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>> No.11940942

If it's available as a softcover, it's almost always available digitally. For this reason, I tend to purchase hardcovers.

>> No.11940950

Which two are the exception?

1/10, for Demons.

>> No.11940954


>> No.11940958

Not a single bad book in this stack, I like it! A bit jealous of your Border Trilogy, the new covers from Picador are absolute shit.

>> No.11940990
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Learning Russian and rereading stuff in Russian

>> No.11940992


throw the rest in the trash tho

>> No.11941016
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I don't want to take a picture of my stack because it's in the other room and I already put my headphones on to play Touhou and shitpost.
>"Wonderful Fool" by Shusaku Endo (currently reading)
>"Three Pure Land Sutras" (BDK English Tripitaka translation)
>"Kyogyoshinsho" (BDK English Tripitaka translation)
>"Symbolism of the Cross" by Rene Guenon
>"No Longer Human" by Osamu Dazai
>"Man and Technics" by Oswald Spengler
>"Lives of Roman Christian Women" by Carolinne White

>> No.11941020

>reading at the same time
Tisk tisk tisk.

>> No.11941024

>implying I'm not taking a break
I have my 100 pages for the day. Let me play Touhou and post on 4chins please.

>> No.11941075
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>tfw it turns out second foundation isn't the second foundation book

>> No.11941090

Nostromo is the best of Conrad;s novels and the best thing in the stack. Followed by Roth.

>> No.11941107
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I hope you are interweaving the foundation series with the Robot series. It makes the story 10 times Better.

>> No.11941117

Hope you get over those panic attacks friend.

>> No.11941122

i already read i robot so it seems that i'm doing it right so far
i'll obviously get foundation and empire before second foundation and see how i feel after that

>> No.11941260
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>> No.11941281

The joke and The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera, pretty much finished the joke at this point.

>> No.11941336

>impying you should've strive for 200 at all times

>> No.11941351

Not keen on the lack of capitalization in your stack

>> No.11941414
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Fire up, plebs

>> No.11941422
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4 dollars at a library sale

>> No.11941427

i love seeing stacks, it's like meeting you guys

>> No.11941432

>memoirs of a geisha
good easy book but please don't read the last chapter, what a waste of a book [/spoiler/]

>> No.11941433

Start with Pnin and then move on to Lem's books. Pnin is a perfect, comfy autumn book.

>> No.11941437

>the futurological congress
damn, i didn't know the congress was a book, the movie is exquisite

>> No.11941444

It's nice to meet you too, anon

>> No.11941448

make sure you read Dubliners before reading Blood Meridian so you realize that Charles "Cormac" McCarthy is a shitty Joyce-imitating hack

>> No.11941466

start with Pnin, throw the rest in the trash

>> No.11941470

the definition of based

>> No.11941497

I thought the book concluded excellently

>> No.11941502

someone else here, i loved the book before i saw the movie. i thought he did a pretty good job but the book was better imo

>> No.11941508

Alright, I guess I'll start with Pnin. Why are the other books trash, though?

I've only read Solaris and Eden, though I've heard a lot of good about his other books. I'm still waiting for The Cyberiad, Chain of Chance and a paperback version of Solaris to arrive in the mail.

>> No.11941570

I guess I was a little harsh to Ada or Ardor. It's slightly overdone and the metatextual elements seem kind of forced and contrived. Nabokov gets a little too caught up in the bourgeois decadence he is supposedly satirizing. That being said, it's not really a bad book, and does have some really nice passages.

Since you're already reading Blood Meridian, you should know McCarthy's books are nothing but Tumblr-tier lazy polysyndeton with occasional archaisms and whenever he tries to be lyrical he is trying to sound like Joyce.

Lem is OK.

>> No.11941664
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>> No.11941702

I'm so sorry anon please get better soon/10

>> No.11941714
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>> No.11941744

>Non nyrb stoner


>> No.11941751

It's my mum's copy


>> No.11941752


>> No.11941850
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Back. Rate n hate

>> No.11941904

Is that storm of steel a hard back?

>> No.11941913

How do you guys pick your books? Already have a list before going out looking? If you pick one at random, how do you determine if you'll read it or not?
Needless to say, pleb here

>> No.11941939


>> No.11941948

Have a good memory of authors I have heard good things about. Sometimes by publisher, I'll read a random paragraph of an author I've never heard of.

Best discoveries have been through doing this in used bookstores.

>> No.11941973

This anon gets it

>> No.11942029
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my recent pickups
if it's hard to see, the top is a cute little copy of dubliners.
which do i read first anons

>> No.11942046

Pale Fire, but you’ll be wanting another bookmark.

>> No.11942052

Vineland reads very fast, combine it with the heminway stories and you'll probably finish them quickly so you can invest more time in Dubliners and Don Quixote. Leave Pale Fire for last, not because of bad quality or whatever, I think it'll be better to concentrate solely on it because of it's structure. Either way a very "fun" stack, enjoy.

>> No.11942053

Vineland is the worst Pynch novel

>> No.11942083
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Yes. New to lit. Be kind

>> No.11942088

Clean your desk anon

>> No.11942092

y do so many of u fags read nabokov

>> No.11942099

He’s a fantastic writer

>> No.11942107

fair enough

>> No.11942148

That's okay, I'm not too picky. I tend to like books whether or not they're the pinnacle of /lit/.

Pnin it is, then! I think I started reading the book a long time ago, but I dropped it for some unknown reason. There was a scene in the beginning where the protagonist is on a train, unless I'm thinking of some other book.

>> No.11942152

You keep posting that "to-read-stack", yet it never grows smaller.


>> No.11942158
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You have different political opinions than me.

>> No.11942422
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This is why I love stack threads. I love discovering books like this.

>> No.11942474

yeah it's the same image

finished The Things They Carried and I'm currently on Frankl

>> No.11942579

The ones I didn't read :^)
And my wife got me that copy, I actually read the Garnett translation.

>> No.11942621

I don't think Cioran is going to help with those panic attacks

>> No.11942986
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Miscellanea of course material and my personal interests

Can never go wrong with Jünger, even tho I liked other books of his more than SoS, and Confederacy of Dunces is pretty good as well

Don't much see that Calvino book around, how come you picked it up?

All good shit, nothing else to be said

>> No.11943039
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>> No.11943202

the imagined smell makes me gag

>> No.11943247

It's half the reason I buy old editions d e s u

>> No.11943264

they are nothing alike, I just read Child of God and Portrait.

>> No.11943289

sad... why do you need Russian

>> No.11943301

Caмый кpacивый язык
Tyпoй пaцaн

>> No.11943306

half of them will fall apart.

>> No.11943317

lmao is this my stack
you should read Sirius by Olaf Stapledon

>> No.11943318

All good mang
I didn't like portrait of a lady...but you might. I have the same edition of Heart of Darkness. v.cool

>> No.11943323

my nigger. I fucking love when I find a Russian book in a bookstore. Been reading lots of Dosto recently

>> No.11943328

you'll never read any of these books. why would anyone?

>> No.11943338

are you a teenager?

>> No.11943352
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>> No.11943364

no, it's not a beautiful language

>> No.11943373

>love when I find a Russian book in a bookstore

>> No.11943376
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people read this shit cover to cover?

>> No.11943384

>it's not a beautiful language
Пepeдo мнoй явилacь ты,
Кaк мимoлeтнoe видeньe,

find a prettier two line coupling anon, i dare you

>> No.11943392

I own all these books and they are wonderful.
You are to be commended.
>I'm new to /lit/

leave. you are too good for these disgusting, mouth-breathing quasi-/pol/tards

>> No.11943394

because it's rare, so it's like a little surprise

>> No.11943398


>> No.11943562

just like finding corn in your shit

NO! Russian sounds like kids talking(usually yelling) and it's annoying af

>> No.11943945

where to start with alan watts?
just want some easy reading eastern philosophy

>> No.11944250

Not true. In fact, I am up to book 4 in Noddy.

>> No.11944550
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I’m going to finish Killing Commendatore tonight, and I started The Plague today but I don’t see that taking long to get through, so I stopped at a thrift store on my way home from work and dropped 10 bucks on this stack (aside from The Plague)

>> No.11944573
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Full disclosure, I just need a new bookshelf.

>> No.11944599
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What kind of person does /lit/ think I am?

>> No.11944606

The kind that shits after the shower

>> No.11944625

>Gulag archipelago
>B&N Bound edition

>> No.11944629

Chill dude, reads solely for pleasure

>> No.11944636

How many years of Russian my dude?

>> No.11944646

How come? Been going through all of his books this past year

>> No.11944647

I also read philosophy and am working on my dissertation that attempts to join together Eastern and Western philosophical traditions based around existentialism.
Also, to be inspired in my own writing. Trying to write for the first time is tough, so it's nice to have nice things to read that make me feel good and help me write better.

>> No.11944656
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How's this?

currently in the middle of Wise Blood.

The creative writing books are mostly because the high school I teach at is moving its English program to track based next year (creative writing, entrepreneurship/business, literacy, and general ed) and I'm going to be involved in the creative writing track, so I'm pulling ideas for lesson plans from those.

>> No.11944676

Absalom, Absalom is god tier, the Road is pretty mediocre McCarthy but has some cool imagery. Can't speak to the others

>> No.11944714

i snagged Absalom Absalom because I read The Sound and The Fury, loved it, and heard Absalom was a sequel to that.

Really find myself attracted to southern gothic kind of stuff.

>> No.11944752
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Bumping for Intrest

>> No.11944794

Definitely similar to the Sound and the Fury (more so than As I Lay Dying at least). Personally my favorite Faulkner, but I still have to read a few more before I say anything definitive

>> No.11944854
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>> No.11944856


>> No.11944873
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very nice

>> No.11944879

7/10 cringebait

>> No.11944888
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Dump the YouTube personalities

>> No.11944940

Probably not a bad guy but misguided. Hopefully on the verge of exiting your Cormac MemeCarthy phase.

>> No.11945102


>> No.11945112

Is this just a meme to reply to this picture as if you haven't seen it 1 zillion times before

>> No.11945650
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>> No.11945763

t. NYRB shill

>> No.11945780

nice cat

>> No.11945788

thank you

>> No.11946592

acid free paper is the only way

>> No.11946902

I'm halfway through it now and I do feel like I got meme'd somewhat.

>> No.11946996
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Fell for the starting with the Greeks meme.

>> No.11947145

Good doggu

>> No.11947489

Do you mean you are disappointed?
What’s yer experience been like?

>> No.11947520
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But I keep breaking into my intended list with random fiction I’ve accumulated...

>> No.11947541
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Because look at what I’ve been accumulating!

>> No.11947570

I don't see any Ancient Greek grammars or textbooks there. You just licked the pill.

>> No.11947618

is your hair dyed?

>> No.11947622

>no Homer
>no Plato
>no Aristotle
>no Aeschylus
>no Euripides

>> No.11947652



I’ve never dyed my hair.

Do you watch anime porn?

>> No.11947753
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>all those far-left books even though communism killed 600 million people

>> No.11947754

We could get along

>> No.11947758

Nah, I've been really enjoying it to be fair, I've read Mythology by Hamilton and The Iliad and Odyssey. I'm about to start on The Oresteia next.

I'd like to learn Latin or Ancient Greek but I have no idea where to start, it's a little intimidating.

>no Aeschylus
Erm, it's right there in the picture. I have the rest of the stuff you listed but I need to read these first.

>> No.11947779


Not a communist. Reading far left lit is important to developing a wide understanding of thought.

>> No.11947894

>Origins and history of consciousness
Based and patricianpilled

>> No.11947973 [DELETED] 
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Not pictured: The Wasp Factory 1st edition 1st print.

>> No.11947981
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Not pictured: The Wasp Factory 1st edition.

>> No.11948122
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The Rings of Saturn - Sebald
The Weird and the Eerie - Fisher

Those are up next.

>> No.11948205

which edition of blood meridian is that

>> No.11948274

>People will bite this baite

>> No.11948368

pleb here, just getting into reading and i want to first expand my mind before i am able to decide which direction i'd like to take my reading.

any suggestions for a beginning reading list?
open to both fiction and non fiction.

>> No.11948375

heinlein sucks. Te rest is based.

>> No.11948400

don't have a phone or a camera to make a pic. My stack consists of 3 books as of now. But all of them are about 1k pages. Death's end by Liu Cixin. Lód(Ice) by Jacek Dukaj and anthology of polish 20th century reportages vol 2.

i'm finishing Cixin and started some reportages. Extremely great. I'm reading Lód for the third time.

>> No.11948438
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>> No.11948526

I really enjoyed homage to catalonia. If you're in to history at all you'll surely appreciate it too.

>> No.11948844

Stranger in a Strange Land was fantastic to read at 23, Starship Troopers at 25. I figure I’ll get a kick out of it at least. The beginning zips along, but I fucking hate his pseudo-Russian parlance. It’s like he wanted to create a kind of authenticity in fiction by omitting certain words in the speech of the narrator, but he half-assed it or didn’t understand how to create a vernacular. The computer idea is cool though. And while his political ideas aren’t scholastic quality, he’s got a fun way of working out a system of thought on an inventive stage.

But I love sci-fi in general.

>> No.11948864


Cat’s Cradle - Vonnegut, Brave New World - Huxley, The Veldt - Bradbury, Tortilla Flats - Steinbeck, The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Hobbit - Tolkein, Apologia - Plato

>> No.11949049

>Mascaro's Gita
You done messed up, son

>> No.11949050

>he fell for the W&M meme

>> No.11949662

A bisexual

>> No.11949705

Is it normal for a book’s spine to be printed backwards like that sometimes? Why they do that?

>> No.11950041
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Tonight’s thrift store pickups

>> No.11950049

if you see Grapes of Wrath, don't buy it

>> No.11950059

Why not? I enjoyed Of Mice and Men.

>> No.11950077

i did too. Grapes of Wrath is whole different roadshow

>> No.11950129
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my man.

I saw Fatal Strategies in a bookshop a month ago for 70$ and convinced myself to leave it for now.

>> No.11950157


Never read it. Is it really that bad?

>> No.11950162
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have you read any Pynchon before? I read V this summer and found it a bit underwhelming after GR. but I probably just read them in the wrong order yanno.

why tf are you reading this shit

very nice. which translation is the dostoyevsky tho? I hear that the one by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky is light-years ahead of all the others.

now check out this fucking doorbuster

>> No.11950174

I'm thoroughly enjoying it (about 120 pages left). Clean prose with some especially strong passages and the characters are well characterized and sympathetic. It's pretty blatantly Marxist at times, but it's honestly not that overwhelming.

>> No.11950196

I'm the one who picked up East of Eden tonight, I'll probably pick up Grapes of Wrath at some point regardless of what that other anon said. Just depends on when I see it for cheap.

>> No.11950202
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>being a neo[political ideology] even though capitalism has killed billions

>> No.11950209

top 4 books will help you think more clearly, everything else belongs in the trash, also forget everything Aristotle says once you're finished.

>> No.11950800

>which translation is the dostoyevsky tho?
I think the back said Ronald Wilks if I haven’t forgotten already. I enjoyed C&P and Karamazov and I have no idea which translations I was reading, so I’m expecting that I’ll probably have a good time with this as well.

>> No.11950859

Not the guy you responded to, but I'm surprised so many people love Heinlein. I read most of his major books, but the only one I really enjoyed was Friday, and that was because it sort of embraced the corny, adventure-story feeling of sci-fi from that era.

>> No.11950860

Nice, I've only read the Road and Blood Meridian.
Very excited to get into his other stuff

>> No.11950872

>The Great Gatsby
That's the kind of stuff I had to read back in high school.

>> No.11950892

I read Gatsby in middle school but I don’t remember a single thing about it so I figured I might as well spend a buck and reread it. Never read Slaughterhouse, but is there anything inherently wrong with a book being an easy read?

>> No.11950908

So based. Marquis de Sade even, my man.

>> No.11951030


Mmhmm. I recently read No County and Child of God, so that’s four down (counting the two you mentioned) CoG was fucking awesome. The build of that book was fantastic, and the writing is always perfect. I am excited about the border trilogy. I saw the last two of it on sale, first editions at my favorite used place, a friend gave me stuttree and dark, and I had pretty horses lined up in my stack already. It was recent, compulsive. And lucky. I bought 7 Philip k dick novels over the last year, and read all of them. Figured I’d do the same with McCarthy

>> No.11951307
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>> No.11951322

Does the Blake come with his illustrations?

>> No.11951562

>Alexis de Tocqueville

>> No.11951570
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>Being alive when living has led to the deaths of tens of billions

>> No.11951611
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ignore the norwegian autism book

>> No.11951629
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Inb4 why do you have 3 copies of Gulag. It's a fucking trilogy you condensed version reading plebs.
I liked it quite a bit

>> No.11951707


>> No.11951720

здpacтвyй, мoй дpyг... я paд чтo вы yчитecь

>> No.11951725

roth underrated on this board i loved portnoys complaint

>> No.11951732

>snyder, kerouac
thank you anon, for at least trying them and not sperging out

>> No.11951740

fuck with all that de sade just read a fucking cosmopolitan if you want to get horned up from words

>> No.11951741
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>they only made it half way through Dostoyevsky

>> No.11951746

the furniture on your gun looks retarded anon, and anyway, get a based ak with some bakelite if you ever want to be respected

>> No.11951753

buhhh im a spec ops autist. fuck you

>> No.11951988
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>> No.11952397


Class or curiosity?

If class, where and what’s the course?

If curiosity, why those books?

>> No.11952404


What turned you off about most of his majors? I haven’t read Friday yet.

>> No.11952439
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why the language of the wodka niggers?

>> No.11952815
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>> No.11952916

Curiosity. I'm learning about world religions as a hobby and I'm currently on Hinduism. Olivelle's Upanishads translation seemed to be one of the more academic and that turned out to be correct. The dictionary has been invaluable and means I never get lost when reading. I got Zaehner's Hindu scriptures because one of the Upanishads translations I got doesn't seem to be too great so I wanted a more respected one, plus it includes a selection of Vedic hymns including some from the Atharva Veda, which is great because it's an important text that doesn't get as much attention as the Rig Veda, so I can at least get a taste of it. Plus all other academic Atharva Veda translations are over 100 years old and in massive volumes.

>> No.11952929


i swear....

>> No.11952969
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>> No.11953113
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Unironically based. You should read Xenophon if you haven't already.

>> No.11953121
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lets see your stack

>> No.11953372

How do you go about your 2nd hand book stores anons?

>> No.11953387
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>> No.11953517
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Guysnamedlee MK8 is the best handguard.
Post your AR
I'll put it on the list thanks

>> No.11953538

Does the book in the middle help? I have been going to a therapist but it does not really help.

>> No.11954066
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Currently reading.

>> No.11954273


>> No.11954274

no just his words

>> No.11954279

It's a very goofy conversational book but I think it has been helpful. It provides a detailed explanation of what a panic attack is and how to get over it, if in a somewhat childish way. It's good I think

>> No.11954295

Absolutely based/10
Good work son, God is proud

>> No.11954353

whats that book on the left??

>> No.11954437

The Myth of Sisyphus: A Period Piece by Jacob Hurley

>> No.11954486
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I was on sick leave for 3 months and went a bit mad buying books, this is about half of my purchases

>> No.11954650


I go mad buying books every month and I've not been sick in 2 years. I'm destitute and cannot stop myself.

>> No.11954713

>full-length Glock
>with a red dot

Absolutely disgusting. Nice AR though

>> No.11954741
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Based Real Academia special edition nigga

>> No.11954746

because Russia is mostly white and russian bitches are hot and take it in the ass a lot

>> No.11956300

Read all the corncob.

>> No.11956309

How do you like Yoshimoto?

>> No.11956328
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How does SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals read?

>> No.11956333

What school? Want to see what you've published as well.

>> No.11956664
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starting with the greeks

>> No.11956723
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Current reading list, the Elder Eddas have the been the best so far.

>> No.11956817

I smell burgers from here

>> No.11956953

why, do you only read the wiki page ?

>> No.11956960

m8 if you want to be completely mislead, just study Psych in uni lmao

Though the Edda looks cosy - how is it?

>> No.11957180


Im going to ignore your comments on Jung as im guessing you haven't really read any of his works.

The Eddas are great set of poems, teaching many life lessons ranging from many subjects, recounting many old stories and tales. Very enjoyable read and fun. It's a book to be interpreted and not taken literally.

>> No.11957417

>a book to be interpreted and not taken literally

Like Jung?

>> No.11957491

Russia = Bad

>> No.11957988

t. Jordan Peterson fanboy

>> No.11957993

finished it last night, loved it.

>> No.11958152

I own a Kindle can't show you my stack

>> No.11958927

another kindle owner checkin in, roast me

>> No.11959327 [DELETED] 
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Finishing the last 100 pages of Ulysses this weekend then this is my stack for the next few months

>> No.11959371
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Finishing the last 100 pages of Ulysses this weekend then diving into this stack for the next few months.


>> No.11959431

my edition (translated) of The Magic Mountain looks the exact same. good taste anon.

>> No.11960510

Nice. Recommended reading order for her works?

>> No.11960644

Post a list of your most recent purchases, in that case.

>> No.11960651
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>> No.11960656

>Edith Hamilton's Mythology instead of Apollodorus' Library

>> No.11960672

List of stuff downloaded that you plan on reading soon, to put it in slightly more general terms.

>> No.11960679

tribered liggeral

>> No.11960703
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Went to a big used book whole sale thing today. Everything was like a dollar.

>> No.11961176

Based Kafka and McLuhan; is that a first edition Mc? . Rest seems kind of like bait.

>> No.11961196

How'd you get this photo from Robert Moore's family?

>> No.11961220

nice books
anything else is incel-wise

>> No.11961230

literally reading whatever JBP mentions

>> No.11961258

I'm also reading Dubliners and quite enjoying it as my intro to Joyce. Have you started?

>> No.11961301

What did you make of Araby Anon?

>> No.11961339
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>> No.11961382

This one stuck out because I can relate to the feeling of infatuation with someone only to come to the realization that they aren't quite the person by mind had built them up to be. The boy becomes totally disillusioned at the end

>> No.11961451
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Getting back into reading for the first time since middle school. Starting with some shorter stuff on topics of personal interest; not diving into any epic classics just yet. The bottom book is for class.

>> No.11961514
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Are you from Vancouver?

>> No.11961518

Best one here. Doderer is good.

>> No.11961860
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>> No.11961861
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>> No.11962730

I read Dubliners a few months ago as my second time reading Joyce after Portrait. My favourite was either A Little Cloud, A Mother or The Dead, and yes, The Dead really is as brilliant as everyone says it is. I'd recommend Portrait once you're done, it's not much harder than Dubliners. Haven't read Ulysses or the Wake

>> No.11962757

The Dead didn't stand out to me until the end. It's still great but most of it didn't seem exceptional within the book. A Little Cloud, A Painful Case and Counterparts are probably my favourites. Currently reading Portrait, which I'm loving.

>> No.11962786

Gee, how did you deduce that

>> No.11962793

Most/all French books are like that

>> No.11962834

Making my way through some Brossard after having read Who Walk in Darkness a while ago. I've got All Passion Spent, The Bold Saboteurs, and As the Wolf Howls at My Door.

>> No.11962853


that's vodka in polish anon

>> No.11962860

Why not? Russian literature is excellent and it grants you access to one of the more interesting European cultures left

>> No.11962868

Russian lit is God tier though.

>> No.11962871

Obviously the best bit of The Dead is the final two pages but even before then I loved the comfy Christmas atmosphere

>> No.11962874

What books would you recommend to start off with in Russian? I found a collection of Pushkin's poetry that has the English version side by side with the Russian version, but I feel like it would be better if I read a novel instead of poetry.

>> No.11962877

The guy he was responding to isn't reading Russian literature, he's reading literature translated into Russian. His stack has Aristotle and Kant in it. So I agree in not quite seeing the point in that

>> No.11962878

Sure, but the post seems more directed to Russian generally than reading translations.

>> No.11962879

Also Kafka

>> No.11963099
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>tfw parents buy my books but the bookstore only has used copies

>> No.11963124

It's 2 novels so it looks like they just read NfU and not The Double.

>> No.11963195

what's the large leatherbound tome on the bottom?

>> No.11963202

Read Le Sang Noir by Louis Guilloux for more on "Cri-pure"

>> No.11963262

Now you can just remove the stickers, put them on your shelves and pretend you read them

>> No.11963289
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I am very smert

>> No.11963299

kitchen is the best place to start for sure

>> No.11964277
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I know what you are saying but this also sounds like a really horrible/hilarious joke anon.

>> No.11964387
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I only have at most two books out of my shelves at any one time. I dislike having stacks of books cluttering up my desk/countertops.

>> No.11964392

what's in the pill jar

>> No.11964409

The orange things are earplugs. I have loud neighbors and thin walls. Behind them is a bottle of ibuprofen for my headaches.

>> No.11964665

It's actually my favourite book. You should read it. It's funny and his prose is crystal clear.

>> No.11965086
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Today's haul bois

nb4 fedora-tippers and pol-tards galore m'lady

>> No.11965187

Your lamp reminds me of the eye monster from team fortress 2.

>> No.11965838
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About a quarter through People's History
Was gonna read Gibson next and finish the Bridge trilogy but I think I'm gonna do Undaunted Courage by Ambrose instead.

>> No.11966371
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What should I read next, bros?

>> No.11966490

All The Pretty Horses

>> No.11966682

The arm of my couch? Lol

>> No.11966700

>Adonis, Attis, Osiris
looks interdasting