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11943303 No.11943303 [Reply] [Original]

I saw a girl reading C&P today

>> No.11943311

Did you call her a pseud ?

>> No.11943313


>> No.11943314

it was a school assignment. thots would never willingly read dosto

>> No.11943326

i read and re-read the idiot because it reminds me of my boyfriend my dude

>> No.11943334

This is the first time I’ve seen someone call themselves a thot

>> No.11943348

I once saw a black girl on the train on the way home from university cracking open a copy. She was pretty cute.

I was fairly taken aback until I saw she was only about 12 pages in.

>> No.11943349

so your boyfriend is in jail for murder? more proof that thots love sociopaths

>> No.11943369

Hasnt literally everyone read crime and punishment? Even my grandmother did

>> No.11943404

>my dude
hahaha holy shit
imagine being a retarded airhead art hoe browsing /lit/

>> No.11943415

That's cool you should've told her that Raskolnikov dies at the end and then say that that was a lie and then say that Tolstoy was better.

>> No.11943419

show feet

>> No.11943423

thot has come to refer to any woman nowadays on places such as 4chins so
he's more like myshkin than rogozhin t b h

>> No.11943430

>he's more like myshkin than rogozhin t b h
somehow didnt notice you wrote the idiot, thought we were talkin about c and p.

>> No.11943434

>I saw a girl reading C&P today
Oh boy...

>> No.11943439

>my dude
Watch your mouth, missy.

>> No.11943457

>/lit/ encounters a woman
The absolute state of etc.

I also just had drinks with a bunch of young adults who are aspiring to become writers/philosophers/artists etc. and realised I'm the only one who will never have a partner and will have to keep paying for sex. Nice14chanMuchAppreciated

>> No.11943464

>young adults who are aspiring to become writers/philosophers/artists etc
i used to have to interact with these faggots because my ex was one of them and made me come around to dinner parties and etc. God i fucking hated them

if you want to paint or write or whatever just do it, stop being a fucking meme of a human and trying to fulfill some cultural niche like a dick gargling retard

>> No.11943466

sublimate your sex energy and pour it into your writing

>> No.11943480

seeing a plain old unadorned wojak shouldn't startle me as much as it does

>> No.11943482

Saw a gril reading Naked Lunch on the PATCO
Wanted to ask her if she nutted when Mary got hanged but thought it more discreet to just pretend I asked her and pretend she said yes and fapped about it later

>> No.11943485

The Unadorned Wojak will be the title of my epic poem, thank you anon

>> No.11943501

>my ex
You missed my point anon

It helps to have people that are willing to talk about what you want to talk about - most philosophy students I have met hate talking about philosphyoutaide of school and I think that is the essential meme person, that who thinks there's such a clear cut right place and time to talk of things.

>> No.11943504

I have a number of people I talk to about art and philosophy and none of them are humanities undergrads. The conversation naturally drifts there because we are interested in it, and there is no pretension or hostility or insecurity because we dont think of ourselves as 'philosophers' or 'artists' we are just random faggots having a chat

>> No.11943516

if you aren't obsessed with pilosophy to the point of neurosis and lack of real world functionality then you're a fuckboi pretender and unworthy of the mantle of phhilosopher

>> No.11943518


There’s like no way this could be possible but were you by chance reading it at LAX a few weeks ago? I saw a qt reading The Idiot as she was waiting for an Uber

>> No.11943550
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>be me
>having a nice day
>enjoying not being a pseud
>suddenly remember Dostoyevsky existed
>suddenly remember that Dostoyevsky’s work survived
entire day ruined

>> No.11943577

my boyfriend is like stavrogin

>> No.11943582

how do i get gf? how did your bf get you to be his gf?

>> No.11943590

no. im in louisville and have never used uber or lyft. i have my own car

>> No.11943595

can you answer this question too

>> No.11943598

Why didn't you report it to the police you fucker

>> No.11943600

Step one: Get retort.

>> No.11943604
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Don't be a distraction in my thread pleas
She seems very smart and somtines when she talks about mathematics I feel like a brainlet

>> No.11943605

>child porn in public
Must be fucking dumb

>> No.11943611

we met at an university party

>> No.11943614

in my experience you get gfs by making fun of them and then at random making out with them. After a while the girl is suddenly your gf and then she wants to move in and change you into a better person and blah blah. You find yourself with a sobbing harlot at 3 in the morning, trying to block out the nightmare with cheap gin, and contemplating the merits of just smacking her in the face.

You do get to have nice little moments with her, taking the bus or walking around somewhere you have this purest intimacy that creates a secret world for just the two of you. You can say little gibberish to each other and have it make sense. When you are wrenched out of this by the inevitable breakup the world becomes unbelievably cold and empty for a while.

on the whole I rate having a gf 6.9 on 10, somewhere below a top tier sandwich and above a night-run.

>> No.11943622

I bet it was P&V

>> No.11943631

its gonna be PiV

>> No.11943634
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>> No.11943667

that's funny cause my cousin who is an alpha (compared to me anyway) tells me all he has to do at uni is make fun of a girl and she will sleep with him. so id say pretty accurate post

>> No.11943694

Seriously, they fucking love it. Try it sometime. Any girl I've treated like a normal human has ignored me or stopped responding after a while. I mock my gf all the time and she gets tired of it and complains, yet here she is, with me.
Bear in mind that this doesn't mean going around calling them cunts. All it shows to them is that you have balls, which is exactly what they want out of a man - doesn't even fucking matter what you look like.
My mom and dad take the piss out of each other all the time and they've been married for 33 years.

>> No.11943729

gonna try to keep this short and concise
we met about 5 years ago when i was working part time as a waitress at a restaurant near his high school. he became a frequent customer and we ended up getting to know each other better and hanging out on our off hours/days. at the time i was dating someone else however but he didn't mind for they became fast friends. for a time we'd all often hang out together or go to a local club to unwind and do other shit together. this went on for sometime, us 3 reveling in camaderie until my ex relapsed and well... overdosed on heroin (we were both recovery addicts at the time)
through the entire shit heap to follow past that event my current boyfriend (then friend) stuck with me and helped me get through the ordeal. in due time we fell for each other and have been together for the past 2+ years

>> No.11943760

What is it with art hoes and 'recovery'? You're always 'recovering' from something, there's always some kind of drama.

>> No.11943762

wtf i wasnt expecting some story about heroin n shit just want to know how i can get a gf

>> No.11943769

>a story about someone getting out of the friendzone

>> No.11943772
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not a good sign

>> No.11943778

Absolutamente basado

>> No.11943788
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>> No.11943797

>"the meme trilogy, babe"
actually lold

>> No.11943811

Pretty much everyone has read C&P. Dostoyevsky is not some kind of obscure writer

>> No.11943812

who do you love more

>> No.11943816

the heroin

>> No.11943823

honestly my current boyfriend, despite our age gap
been clean for 6 years and plan on keeping it that way.

>> No.11943834
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>crack whore

>> No.11943840

that's beautiful

>> No.11943849

Post feet with timestamp.

>> No.11943852

Sexual activity is more addictive than opiates. Studies have shown that meth heads find sexual urges stronger than drug urges. Try going without that, withlout masturbation, sex and even lust for 6 years. You're not free of addictions until you've quit the original vice, and it often is the cause for all other addictions, especially in men.

>> No.11943858

shieet i really gotta stop fapping. self mastery here i come

>> No.11943866

Incredible how starved the /lit/erati are of female attention, so much so that they will openly detest a woman for being a woman, all the while showering her with replies and attention once she offers up a sob story. No, she will not fuck you, nor would you want her to, you curs.

>> No.11943870

>implying "she" is not a male basement dweller

>> No.11943877

>Craving Responses to Methamphetamine and Sexual Visual Cues in Individuals With Methamphetamine Use Disorder After Long-Term Drug Rehabilitation.
"that sexual demand might be more robust than drug demand"

>> No.11943880

nothing wrong with a sex and/or having a healthy outlet for that pent up desire
especially with a group

>> No.11943884

>dont be a distraction in my thread
Fuckin women always get the attention. Sry anon

>> No.11943890

Yes there is. There are consequences for indulging in it such as impaired motivation and a hypersexualized mind, and a tendency to drift toward ephemeral pleasures and consumption rather than to conserve and use that productive energy to build. The desire dissipates when in disuse. It's mostly driven by habit.

>> No.11943895

i wasnt doubting you brah lol, that was a sincere post. i really gotta stop fapping

>> No.11943908

I don't think it is fair to compare human relationships to cuisine, especially something as midbrow as a "top tier" sandwich. I know its a joke but still.

>> No.11943915

I know you weren't. I wanted to show others my words weren't empty.

>> No.11943928

Holy christ this bait is so fucking weak.

>> No.11943942

And yet even "weak" bait gets a bunch of (You)s.

>> No.11943950

well the sandwich is about a7. my favorite food is this one french vinaigrette on endive lettuce, that would be a 10 for me. A really good steak is a 9 maybe.

for a relationship 10 I would say having a month-long affair with a girl who has a boyfriend is basically the best type. And if nightrun is a 5, then hill sprints are a 10.

i hope this is clear.

>> No.11943959

You need to be handsome

>> No.11943962
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A fucking stacy claims another thread.
When will it end?

>> No.11943974

i am a girl

>> No.11943987

>doesn't even fucking matter what you look like.
Nah. Only works for handsome dudes. I've tried it, and I seen guys just as ugly as me but with more charisma (which is not hard) try it, and it never works

>> No.11944034

if your old dude didn't kick the bucket would you even look at your current man "in that way"

>> No.11944039

Did you hit her with an axe?

>> No.11944064

more than likely not. a few weeks before my ex overdosed we were having actual serious talks and consideration for marriage and me getting off the pill in preparation for starting our own family. we were together since high school after all.

>> No.11944131

>not the title of your spoken word album

>> No.11944186

gave my gf crimeandpunishment
she thinks its funny

>> No.11944187

Just tried it with a girl in my group that I don’t really talk to. I tried to make it a little positive and said “it’s a good thing you have nice legs because you look like a fucking goblin you whore” and then she yelled at me in front of the whole class. I’m not allowed to be in the same class as her now and have an appointment with the dean 3 days from now where he’ll decide my fate. Thanks for nothing asshole.

>> No.11945036

Was she cute?

>> No.11945044

Wow are you going to put that in your memoir

>> No.11945052

Nah, I'm not a talentless pleb.

>> No.11945122

>things that never happened for 300, Alex

>> No.11945134

aka art hoe's first book

>> No.11945339

>in louisville
>read the idiot
me too

>> No.11945348

You have six hours to post your bare feet. If you do not comply within the aforementioned time, you will deeply regret it.

>> No.11945685
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Idk she was black and I'm not really into black girls that much

>> No.11945691

wut u said she was Mediterranean earlier

>> No.11945694

No I didn't. I'm op

>> No.11945717
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>> No.11945726

oh wait im thinking of a different thread. there was a similar thread about umberto eco the other day

>> No.11945753
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Stop masturbating

>> No.11945791


>> No.11945957

>me thinking op was referring to Capitalism and Schizophrenia :/ :(

>> No.11945975

Possibly the most pre-exile Raskolnikov thing you could do

>> No.11946198

Unironically this.

>> No.11946373

wife material

>> No.11946963

I thought that shit was illegal wtf

>> No.11947079


>> No.11947113

Crime & Punishment = C&P

>> No.11948488


>> No.11948807

Dumb bitch

>> No.11949205

pleb here, just getting into reading and i want to first expand my mind before i am able to decide which direction i'd like to take my reading.

any suggestions for a beginning reading list?
open to both fiction and non fiction.

>> No.11949292

some dumb girl was reading that book this summer, telling me about how I reminded her of Raskolnikov and whatnot.

>A 23-year-old man and former student, now destitute, Raskolnikov is described in the novel as "exceptionally handsome, above the average in height, slim, well built, with beautiful dark eyes and dark brown hair." Perhaps the most striking feature of Raskolnikov, however, is his dual personality. On the one hand, he is cold, apathetic, and antisocial; on the other, he can be surprisingly warm and compassionate.

>> No.11949301

>that feel

>> No.11949427


>> No.11949752

>The desire dissipates when in disuse

>> No.11949777

This anon gets it. That hard syllable in the middle of dissipate really throws the cadence of this line off. Sounds rather harsh, sour.
It's has five iams, but the stress of the -pates doesn't match up.

Just a gross, corny line desu. I imagine a receding hairline, shaved, furrowed brows and a faggot moleskin full of "tattoo" sketches of serpents and shit.

>> No.11950435

trips of absolute truth

>> No.11950458

>faggot moleskin
Why did I read "maggot foreskin"

>> No.11950485

based and high IQ (over 140)

>> No.11950506

how am i dumb?

>> No.11950529
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I kept thinking "wow he's so similar to me" while reading and then I remembered that he's supposed to be handsome

>> No.11951333


>> No.11951359

g-guys I only visit /lit/ to get recommendations.
I started reading GR but stopped after 100 or so pages because I was tired of reading a wiki to understand his references. Now i'm reading IJ. Have I unwittingly fallen for some meme?

>> No.11951360


>> No.11951387

>that happened

>> No.11951392

She basically said become friend with cokehead couple and make her bf die of "overdose"

>> No.11951502

I saw a cute girl with big milkers probably 18-19 reading Brave New World on the subway the other day. I was actually standing in the station and I saw her walk by, then started following her to the other end of the station and stayed among the crowd while looking at her. Then got on the crowded train and looked over her shoulder at her book and tits and imagined I would talk to her. Then she got off at the next stop and the dream was over.

>> No.11951508

you should have said she was 'pneumatic' and see if she understood

>> No.11952305

yeah she was complaining about her bf not gibing her enough attention, then I gave in, and she sperged out over me being like "yeah, dude's kind of a douche," and then I called her stupid and she blocked me.
bitches ain't shit desu

>> No.11952842

This. Crime and punishment is constantly assigned for school english classes.

>> No.11953644

What about other works by Dostoevsky?

>> No.11953744

Do girls empathize with Raskolnikov the same way men do?

>> No.11953760
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my wife read at least 4 dosto novels by now after I recommend it to her.
she's now reading Lolita

>> No.11954568

I read Dostoevsky for the cute boys. Checkmate atheists.

>> No.11954952

Women, Anglos and Americans will never in a million years understand Dosto.

>> No.11955179

>Checkmate atheists.

>> No.11955451

No, finish IJ then try GR again. They're all worth reading, just go backwards chronologically

>> No.11955462

>tfw blew all your septims on an alembic

it's over for me lads

>> No.11955497

>le deep russian soul

theyre depressive vodkaniggers and that's it. i learned their gay language because i got heavily memed on by Spengler there is nothing special about these slavoids

russian irl are the most depressing creatures i have ever encountered

>war and peace
hurr nice guy gets hot girl, are people bees?

dude lmao crazy russians super srs christian faggotry

>a hero of our times
haha how cool is this guy, what no its totally not me

>> No.11955510

bookmark in pooper

>> No.11955536

I haven't. Is it any good?

>> No.11955568

how do u post greentexts

>> No.11957091

You need a reputation of 12 or higher and at least 3 posts with 'janitor approves.'

>> No.11958479

Its phenomenal, very existential and the political commentary is perfectly relevant today