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/lit/ - Literature

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11936353 No.11936353 [Reply] [Original]

>current book

>> No.11936428
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>The House on the Borderland

>> No.11936431

North Carolina
From Bacteria to Bach and Back

>> No.11936457
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Killing Commendatore

>> No.11936629

internet broke my brain so I have to read multiple books at a time
>Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World [pl]
>Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone [fr]
>What Is This Thing Called Science? [en]
>Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy [en]
>A Primer of Adlerian Psychology [en]
>René Girard and Secular Modernity: Christ, Culture, and Crisis [en]

>> No.11936634

University of Virginia

>> No.11936637
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>> No.11936640

>Mon Nom Est Personne by David Leblanc

>> No.11936643

>The Sickness unto Death

>> No.11936656
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>Los Angeles (for career, not ideal)
>Junk book: Clans of the Alphane Moon, by PKD
>Better book: Nausea, by Sartre

>> No.11936659

Nice, I read about 15 pages of "Sickness unto..." a while ago. Really liked it, left it at home. Regrettably moved along already, so I dunno if I'll ever make it back to SK

>> No.11936665
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>Less Than Nothing

>> No.11936668


for some reason /lit/ shits on this book and murakami in general, but Hard Boiled was one of the best genre-bending, satisfying-twisting, funny, and poetically memorable books i've ever read.

I don't know anything else ur reading but Harry Potter. I tend to avoid those bullet-point type philosophy/history of philosophy/culture books just because I'm afraid I'm admitting the initial source materials themselves are too dense for me.

good for ya---i feel ya on the internet brain pain

>> No.11936671
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Never read "killing commendatore", but I like to think that pic is related to it. Noice.

>> No.11936672
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>your mama's ass
>The Man in the High Castle

>> No.11936676

>Malcolm X's autobiography
There are only pages left and the next book I plan on reading is either an intro to Greek history or a book on church history by Henry bettenson

>> No.11936681

There are only 20* pages left.
Damn, how did I forget to type that?

>> No.11936684
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hey meme man---u might like this PKD essay.
>"How How to Build a Universe That Doesn’t Fall Apart Two Days Later"
it's a bit rambling, and you have to be "open-minded" enough to hear out the argument that we are currently living in the era of the "Acts of the Apostles" while all this techno-future stuff is delusion and a conceit. It all kinda makes sense in context. Real fuckin whacko dude. Makes me want to take a lot more pills, cus dat must be how u get smaht


>> No.11936687
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pic related

>> No.11936691

lol "there are only pages left" still works, you neurotic cunt. great book---i read half and spark-noted the rest in high-school. Malcom-X is a cool guy. The passage about how he started to live his life based on his watch always stuck with me

>> No.11936705

Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments

>> No.11936706

I honestly only bought th book because I heard about how he turned his life around from being a dope dealing husler in Harlem to a articulate public speaker who was invited to speak at countless universities by writings down the entire dictionary by hand in prison. I thought it was gonna be a motivational book. Boy did I get more than what I asked for. The redpills after redpills just left me feeling depressed and some of the things spoken of in the book hit me deep.

>> No.11936709
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ok... I'll read it.
this is the 1st PKD book I've ever read. so I'm not that much into him.

>> No.11936760
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i honestly never read "man in the high castle". i don't think it's the best representation of his shtuff (tho i havent read it).
>ik it's even more of .a meme than "high castle", but....
"do androids dream of electric sheep" is really a fantastic place to start. about 70% of his other stuff is sorta pulpy-junk because he just had a massive output for a writer. the interesting thing about him pumping out a lot of books and short stories is, as some lady said, "[PKD inhabits] the Wild West era of science fiction,plots could go anywhere or nowhere", stating that the plot is "ridiculous" and "offensive", and that "it has an effect you simply cannot produce with a book that is well written."

>mfw his jumble of science/religion/philosophy/psychiatry/futurism/literal autism/humour/anti-hero only works BECAUSE he isn't the best writer.

lemme know what ur thinkin of high castle, ill read it eventually

>> No.11936762
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The Big Tomato
A Poet's Guide to Poetry

Has anyone else read this book? I've never come across a book about poetry that treats it as a science instead of an art. Are there any other books like it? To be honest, I think I'm too fucking stupid for this book. I often need to re-read sentences a few times because of how dense it is.

Oh, and if you're thinking about using this book to learn about the basics of poetry, you'll wind up crestfallen. You need a good understanding of poetry just to be receptive to what is being covered. Perrine's Sound and Sense is pretty much a prerequisite, and a good starting point.

>> No.11936766

lol i was even worse than you---i went into it thinking that I was gonna feel alienated for being a huwhite boy and was gonna be rolling my eyes a lot---but then that dude offers redpills indeed. he's one tough mofo.

definitely not a human cariacture, he's a living anti-hero, that malcolm x.

>> No.11936794
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never read it but
>1) anything dense takes a while to read if you actually want to absorb some portion of it. took me 3 hours once to read literally 11 pages of Carl Jung's synchronicity because I had to keep writing down paraphrases and bullet points in order to follow his logic.

>2) I always end up feeling similarly disappointed whenever I pick up a book expecting to learn some inner-secrets. it is possible to write a good instructional book, but as memey as it sounds---if he knew so much about the secret forms and patterns of poetry, he'd probably just be writing poems and not scientific breakdowns of poetry. he sounds a bit like Mozart's nemesis in "AMADEUS"
>3) it's still certainly good to get some more objective context and form for poetry. i'd wager that even if it feels like it's just going right through you----the important stuff will stick and you're already doing 15x better than all these modern day free-form, experimental poets

>pic not related

>> No.11936804

>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11936812


>> No.11936822

>lemme know what ur thinkin of high castle, ill read it eventually
RN I'm on page 94, so I don't know where things are going. But this "Man in the High Castle"(Abendsen) sounds like a paranoid, redneck Unabomber.
It's ok I guess. Would prefer someone like Arthur C. Clarke tho.

>> No.11936835

>Arthur C. Clarke
lol yeah PKD probably isn't for you then---that's some classical sci-fi there, if there ever was such a genre. i respect that.

PKD is a silly man, half-pulp novelist, half-pseudo-prophet. hardly seems fair to consider clarke and dick in the same genre tbqh

>> No.11936842


>Killing Commendatore
How is it? I was surprised by its length. Does it feel drawn out and padded?

>The redpills after redpills just left me feeling depressed and some of the things spoken of in the book hit me deep.
Can you elaborate?

>> No.11936855

I find Clarke's style more enjoyable. Obviously "The Man in the High Castle" and "The City and the Stars"(the last novel I read from him) are very different.

>> No.11936953


>> No.11936957

>Crime and punishment

>> No.11937000
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>Does it feel drawn out and padded?
It’s very much a Murakami novel, so expect detailed descriptions of meals, outfits, and musical pieces, along with his usual repetition both of story elements and in conversations that characters are having.
But that aside, no it doesn’t really feel padded any more than usual for him, much less so than 1Q84 for sure.
It’s lengthy, but something about Murakami’s novels makes it easy to just get into a super comfortable flow state and read long stretches at a time.

>> No.11937762


>> No.11937770

>The service manual for my car because fucking hell why must german electronics be so goddamn complicated

>> No.11937810

>27 male
>Cheshire, England
>mein kampf [manheim trans]

>> No.11937826
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>Wittgenstein and Political Theory: The View from Somewhere

>> No.11937845

Madame Bovary

>> No.11937853
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this bad boy

>> No.11937864

>Master and Margarita

>> No.11937874

>none of your goddamn business you disgusting, soulless data vampire
>none of your goddamn business you disgusting, soulless data vampire
>Middlemarch by George Eliot

>> No.11937991

What is this talk of data mining? What is op trying to achieve?

>> No.11938007

>data mining on a Laosian whittling forum
Don’t listen to disinfo, anon

>> No.11938025

>Historia de la corrupción del Perú
>also checking other 4-6 books

>> No.11938026

>Laosian whittling
Que pasa anon? Is the OP being called out for some sketchy overseas operation? I'm so confused.

>> No.11938044


>> No.11938055

Étoile errante

>> No.11938074
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>Varieties of Javanese Religions, an anthropological account.

These people are mad.
>As they put it, `the Arabic word is Allah', though, of course, this is not what most people understand by `Allah'. The duality of red and white therefore implies a trinity: Adam and Eve and Wisnu. The third part of the trinity, the divine spark, is (some say: results from) the confuence of the four elements, earth, wind, fire, and water, and these elements continually renew and sustain life. The three agents in creation, Adam and Eve and Wisnu, thus each bear four constituents, making twelve, a complex whole like the four-five constellation of the multi-coloured porridge.

>> No.11938082

Count Zero

>> No.11938085
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The Ballad of the Sad Café

>> No.11938106

Nazi Germany
The House on the Borderland

>> No.11938108

>Handbook of Livestock Management
>Man and His Symbols

>> No.11938461

>Can you elaborate?
Although I'm not American, the way he described the state of a lot of black men was spot on. After he moved to Boston he saw a lot of blacks who spoke like whites and tried their best to (((integrate))) they would even go so far as to look down their noses at ghetto blacks and feel better about themselves when they tried to emulate white men. He hit the nail on the head when he said that what integration really meant was trying to appeal to the white man. This is literally me even to today. When I'm around whites I try to talk less slang, I try to act and sit proper. I even, as much as I fucking hate to admit it, relaxed my hair. I tried so hard to appeal to the white man and thought that if blacks were just good boys and listened to whites and acted like them they would be accepted. But this was so naive of me. Malcolm X said "what's the difference between a ghetto negro and a black man with a PhD? Nothing they're both niggers to whites." You can literally be a black man who cures cancer and saves the world be white would never quite see you as an equal. And my entire life I tried my best to fit into "white culture." Even still now. And it was this that made me depressed. I don't even like talking about race and stuff because I feel like a pesky black man who should just shut up. Whenever I see a black person talk about race at all it makes me cringe, like "shut up, you're making the white man uncomfortable."

Just before writing this I finished his book and the ending did give a bit more hope but I have a long way until I can get rid of this thinking out of my head. I don't even want to write this post. So cring y, but it's true.

>> No.11938589

data mining is the collation of personal information for sale and tracking. like imagine if someone followed you around all day and noted where you worked, your phone number, your apartment location, etc. all technically information that anyone has access to, but aggregated in a way that lets the stalker compile your entire life through data points like a post on a Mongolian shadow-puppet theatre stage

>> No.11938624

>Techno by Niels Henning Falk Jensby (a novel about a miserable gay guy who does a shitton of drugs and sucks a lot of dick)

>> No.11939536 [DELETED] 

>wolf an spices volume 11

>> No.11939549

Finished The Sun Also Rises today (loved it). Don’t know what to read now. I’m between The Elementary Particles or starting The Man Without Qualities.

>> No.11939590

Finished The Sun Also Rises recently. It was great. Now moved on to Moby Dick.
Oh it’s you again. Glad to hear you also loved it.

>> No.11939682

>Hesiod work and days

>> No.11939691

>Temeraire 4

>> No.11939700


>> No.11939705

im going to find you and smack you with your copy of lolita you zoomer

>> No.11939747

no you won't boomer

>> No.11939803

>Brothers Karamazov
I love Aloysha and nobody can convince me otherwise.

>> No.11939839

>Vancouver, BC
>Dubliners by Joyce

>> No.11939852

dont test me m8

>> No.11939928

North Carolina
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold

>> No.11939936

Dune ( and starship troopers audiobook )

>> No.11939970

>Alyosha why don’t you go send this message to Y while you are on your way to X please
>Y: Oh thanks Alyosha, could you please go to Z right now and tell him something on my behalf
>Alyosha on his way to Z meets Q.
>Q: Hey Alyosha let’s go meet L

>> No.11939998
File: 75 KB, 396x500, a3185f0f9443c84eac5a724b3e4205c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burning Chrome by William Gibson

>> No.11940085

Orlando: A Biography

>> No.11940115

Omeros by Derek Walcott

>> No.11940135

Something Happened

>> No.11940141

Charivari by John Hawkes

>> No.11940162

United States
All Quiet on the Western Front

>> No.11940197
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>Phoenix, AZ
>The Time Machine, Dante's Purgatorio

>> No.11940209

you have a fun journey ahead of yourself, friend. make sure to read all you can on his wiki page.

>> No.11940214

PKD is a great foray into the schizo mind. he had a lot of raw intelligence fueled by gnostic christian gibberish pseudo-religion and parallel worlds and drugs

>> No.11940637

Sofi Oksanen

>> No.11940664

>The Book Of Disquiet

>> No.11940749

Buy yourself a collection of Hemingway's short stories

>> No.11940752

>Bunker, Berlin
>The Black Swan

>> No.11940753

Moby Dick or the Whale

>> No.11941142



>> No.11941175

Parade's End Tertalogy - Ford Madox Ford

>> No.11941271

idk i don't like the book very much.
i doubt i'll be reading anything by him soon

>> No.11941293

The Trial

>> No.11941347

different seasons

>> No.11941355

>In Search of Lost Time

Also slowly getting through a collection of Peter Carey short stories.

>> No.11941397

The Emperor's New Mind

>> No.11941409

mit deiner Türme Hochgestalt und deiner Schiffe Mastenwald!

>> No.11941679

Philosophy of language: a contemporary introduction (Lycan)
Enquiry (Hume)
The philosophy of the Enlightenment (Cassirer)
Apocalyptic and integrated (Eco)
Los detectives salvajes (Bolaño)

>> No.11941726
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>pic related

>> No.11941792

Florida Panhandle (got fucked by hurricane)
Infinite Jest


>> No.11941839

Harry Potter 1

>> No.11941843

>Latvia, Riga
>Political Liberalism by John Rawls

>> No.11941941

>Gravity’s Rainbow, Slaughterhouse-Five

>> No.11942030

>Futuristic violence and fancy suits

>> No.11942192

The Prince

>> No.11942364

>Alternating between Maps Of Meaning (for serious study) and PG Wodehouse's Blandings Castle series (for light relief)

>> No.11942626

San Diego
The Tunnel

>> No.11943493


>> No.11943511
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>H A M B U R G
>Der Erwählte by Thomas Mann

I want to fuck my own mother/sister

>> No.11943528
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Sophie's World

>> No.11943534
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>Norm McDonald: Based on a true story

I've only just started properly reading this past year desu, after not reading at all since high school, I recently finished Blood Merican and Teatro Grottseco so wanted something a little lighter.

Think I might read Blindsight or Ethics next I have a lot to catch up on

>> No.11943645

How is pic related? I picked it up cheap awhile ago and it’s been sitting in my shelves for awhile now.

>> No.11943659

F from a Gainesville Floridian

>> No.11943665

>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11943864

>Mythology by Edit Hamilton
Trying to expand my understanding of how and why of ye olde mythos.
What Edith has to say about Roman understanding of religion is particularly interesting to me since I haven't seriously read outside of my own religious texts.

>> No.11943867

>Ecology of Freedom

>> No.11943868

>The Book of the Short Sun

>> No.11943889

>Blood Meridian
I feel like I've been meme'd. About 1/5th of the way through so far and not getting the hype. He just went into the capital's prison. Does it get better or just more of the same?

>> No.11943896

>Killing Commendatore

My brudda

>> No.11943899

What part of Seoul friend?

>> No.11944227
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>melbourne (china)
>the elementary particles
havent gotten to the skitz parts yet but im enjoying his brutal honest so far

>> No.11944255

Tupi-guarani Indians in pre-history: their invasions of Brazil and Paraguay; their destiny after discovery

>> No.11944362

>From Empiricism to Expressivism

>> No.11944545

Are those the indian's that the one girl dresses as? The one who took hot pictures in tribal wear with nice knockers?

>> No.11944549
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>> No.11944552

A portrait of the artist as a young man

>> No.11944590



Counter Revolution

>> No.11944641

>On The Marble Cliffs

>> No.11944645

South Carolina
Tristram Shandy