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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 820 KB, 2560x1706, 4EC414B5-D1BE-44C8-8631-C69B285C9D3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11916340 No.11916340 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a comfy nook to read? :3

>> No.11916377


Went to ikea today, eh?

>> No.11916391

>not having only a mattress and bookshelf in your virtually unfournished apartment in the sketchiest, most crime ridden neighborhood in the entire city


>> No.11916414

get a japanese futon

>> No.11916563
File: 189 KB, 398x307, 1448590362352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living in a crime ridden neighboorhood
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.11916574

>being a trust fund babby who’s daddy pays the rent so you can live in your fully fournished flat in the city’s bougiest neighborhood

How un-/lit/ can you get?

>> No.11916581

>having a shelf
I bet you also have running water, fag

>> No.11916584

pick one, pseud

>> No.11916591
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a trust fund, dad, or live in a flat or a city. Try again bitch.

>> No.11916598

>I'm landed and untitled
Even in the Regency you were barely suffered

>> No.11916602

jesus christ get over yourselves

>> No.11916604

>in his desperate search for authenticity, anon achieves an inauthentic existence.

>> No.11916624

Sounds pretty literary if you ask me.

>> No.11916687

i read on my bed with my sleeping dog cuddled into me

>> No.11916863

That's me except I have no bookshelf, I just leave the books on the floor

>> No.11916879
File: 2.85 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20181011_192628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is usually where I read.

>> No.11916891
File: 2.53 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20181011_193007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm reading on my kindle however then I sit on my beanbag in the corner.

>> No.11916898

clean that shit man
also how many bodies are you hiding on the other side that panel behind the desk

>> No.11916912

Time spent cleaning is time spent not reading/shitposting.

please redact your comment about the space I don't hide my bodies there

>> No.11916913
File: 114 KB, 1000x667, Ark (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have one, but it'll take a long time..

>> No.11916931

the's clearly in a loft conversion, if you hid bodies in there the decay would seep into you insulation and make your house gross

>> No.11916934

That honestly seems terribly uncomfy.

>> No.11916935

>This is usually where I masturbate to that one Goodreads chick

>> No.11916939

hasnt stopped killers before desu
dennis nilsen had like 4 decaying bodies in his floorboards at once and he lived in a flat

>> No.11916942

Why? That chair looks comfy af

>> No.11916945
File: 207 KB, 729x729, F2077661-5E0C-4C58-8461-035301598DFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the dream.

>> No.11916950

That is pretty awesome, architecturally

>> No.11916955

I wonder how practical that would be as a place to live.

>> No.11916957
File: 1.89 MB, 3600x2160, IMG_20181011_143832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this, not much but it's nice and I enjoy it. I don't have any bookshelves yet, all of my books are stacked on my dresser.
I like to imagine having something like this, sitting in a small /comfy/ cabin in the remote desert, or Forrest. Having one of the walls being entirely glass, or plexiglass.

>> No.11916966

No, I Iive in a 3rd world dump where people do not respect privacy, so I make good use of earplugs instead.

>> No.11916979

that's the only nice place
the other ones require too much artificial light

>> No.11916991

I only read pdfs while sitting on a stool.

>> No.11917036


You've clearly never sat in an Eames lounge chair.

>> No.11917038


>not paying a water bill for water which has dangerously high levels of chlorine and various other carcinogens as opposed to surrounding areas, so you have to drink bottled water instead of tap

>> No.11917071

Which one? Please share.

>> No.11917084
File: 73 KB, 601x601, 3A9D6A39-53F3-4ACD-BBA5-9BC3354BFB9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I was saying that’s what he does.

>> No.11917090

I was mostly thinking about the glass and cabinets. It seems cold and the glare from the sun would be horrifically annoying. The cabinets are a huge waste of space, I would never own anything that should be stored in my reading room. I like the floor and rug though.

>> No.11917239

There’s probably more living space off to the side. I imagine that “lounge” is roughly half to a third of the actual floor space.

>> No.11917475

Thanks for the chuckles, anon. I really needed that.

>> No.11917488

Yeah but think about all the amenities needed there: kitchen, toilet, bed, utility room for washing machine and dryer, misc storage. It seems very small to be anything other than a single room retreat with a larger house nearby.

>> No.11917656
File: 164 KB, 700x1015, 499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you more likely to appreciate or understand literature while reading in a comfy nook as opposed to an uncomfy hovel

>> No.11917660


>> No.11917666

You are more likely to appreciate a book when your environment is not distracting.

>> No.11917671

nowhere since you dont notice your surroundings you are just hooked in the book
as long as theres good lighting you dont need much else

>> No.11917687

This is how I live. I happily await death.

>> No.11917728

undoubtedly based and simply redpilled

>> No.11917776

You must not ever have lived in a crappy apartment

>> No.11917906

true comfiness is internal

>> No.11918030
File: 1.58 MB, 3245x2422, 78243805-6D43-4ED6-80E2-6DC8ECF53E36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my chair. The opposite wall is where we keep the bookshelves.

>> No.11918038

No, my life is a never ending unconfortable nightmare

>> No.11918117
File: 19 KB, 222x293, 1A1DC4FF-B27E-4B64-B44D-2F05B38F6C03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True comfyness is eternal

>> No.11918369

Now that looks like pure comf

>> No.11918375

same desu

>> No.11918377


>> No.11918412

Use them and put some of those gun earmuffs over it. I used to live above a party bar and work early mornings. Best thing I did.

>> No.11918872

It's pretty nice. Just moved in a couple months ago, so I'm really looking forward to getting some use out of the fireplace when colder weather rolls around.

>> No.11918888
File: 182 KB, 544x600, 404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on my bed, in my boyfriend's arms

if i had one

>> No.11918907

That sounds like it would be an uncomfortable position to read in for extended periods.

>> No.11918913
File: 1.84 MB, 2432x3249, IMG_20181011_145545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11918923

I dig the lighting but that chair looks like it's murder on your back

>> No.11918933

pale king owns hope you enjoy it

>> No.11918939

it has a springy fabric back. it's comfy for me. made it myself.

>> No.11918969

>> this much materialistic aspiration
never gonna make it

>> No.11918980

eat shit

>> No.11919004

Having booze at your desk is really sad desu.

>> No.11919014

>tfw I am just laying on my mattress that is itself just laying on the floor.
It was an interesting way to live when I had even less than I do now. I once had literally only my mattress, my comforter, one set of work clothes although I worked five days a week, two t-shirts and one pair of jeans, a handful of books, and a ten year old netbook. I didn't even have heat in the winter or A/C in the summer. I once left a glass of water out overnight while I was sleeping and when I woke up in the morning it was frozen solid. It was an interesting way to live, I actually got out and experienced a lot in life during that time.

>> No.11919022

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.11919024

I only read the stoics while sitting on the ground. Everything else is superfluous and faulty.

>> No.11919045

>I like the rug
I’d slap you but I suppose not everyone can be a half Iranian with heirloom Persian rugs in every damn room. Iranians have a serious rug problem

>> No.11919078

The colors are a little weird, but I really like the style.

>> No.11919110
File: 78 KB, 736x941, 31B47DD1-9D6D-4918-AAAD-0DAFF805482B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look a that carpet abhorrent.

>> No.11919343

Kind of reminds me when I had to stay in a buddhist temple for a month
Except no books and no netbooks.

>> No.11919425

What is that chair called? I want one.

>> No.11919440

Actually me, and it is probably the cheapest apartment in the US. They cant steal anything of value here so I am good.

>> No.11919492
File: 459 KB, 2016x1512, Reading at the Desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually just read at my desk or on my bed. Keep in mind I don't have a vast physical library since I mostly just read on my Kindle Paperwhite.

>> No.11919499
File: 1.97 MB, 3024x4032, Convenient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kindle Paperwhites are amazing, they're definitely a quality of life buy.

>> No.11919533

Is that just flash reflection or is the part that says kindle on yours gray?

>> No.11919542

What a shitty typeface god damn

>> No.11919570
File: 1.72 MB, 3024x4032, 20181011_222812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a flash from my camera.

Looks the same as reading a book to me. Not really sure what your issue is.

>> No.11919756

my nigga

>> No.11919854

>so little bookspace
>nothing to led your knees bend comfortably
>head will automaticly hit the wood edge when reclining
3/10 would not read in

>> No.11919892

Oh wow I didn't even notice the fireplace. Comf increased

>> No.11919924
File: 603 KB, 5344x3006, _IMG_000000_000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually read in bed with my window and fan on.

>> No.11919931
File: 561 KB, 5344x3006, _IMG_000000_000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I want a change of scenery I read in my server / quest room in that office chair. It's honestly quite comfy despite the appearance.

>> No.11920080

>comfy nook
ew like you're a spider or something

>> No.11920109
File: 289 KB, 808x609, 1525258723318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't there some guy in here a few weeks back it was talking about how the Eames lounge chair was shit for the money?

>> No.11920179

I got it from an Amazon merchant, it's called "Giantex Folding Lazy Sofa Chair Stylish Sofa Couch Beds Lounge Chair W/Pillow (Burgundy),” and is 82.99 USD.

>> No.11920185
File: 148 KB, 1768x994, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11920355

Based but you can ascend if you loan from the library
Where's your battlestation?

>> No.11920365

He comes back to /lit/ once in a blue moon. He had a lot to say about chairs and his own reading space is pure comfy

>> No.11921436

Carpet floor is pig disgusting.
Why do Americans do this?

>> No.11921450

>Why do Americans
Let me stop you there:

It’s because we’re better than you

>> No.11921461
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>> No.11921466
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>> No.11921488

i dont like the carpet but rest is pretty nice
i wish i had a comfy armchair

>> No.11921592

I want to switch it out for a silk carpet, but I've yet to find one I like that isn't obscenely expensive.

>> No.11921603

>carpet + walking with shoes on in the house

fucking burgerniggers

>> No.11921605
File: 25 KB, 600x584, 1525612914512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many meme books. based

>> No.11921609

That's how I know you.
I saw you in the <comfynook thread> earlier!

>> No.11921612

Someone must be pretending to be me. I haven't posted my chair corner in over a year.

yea boi

>> No.11921618

What's that chair and ottoman set?

>> No.11921630

CH445 + CH446

>> No.11921634

The Eames lounge chair is massively overrated. It's beautiful, but that's about it. If you're any taller than 5'10, it offers *no* head support (the newer 'tall' version is better, but it also looks a bit misshapen). The reclining angle is OK, but for extended periods of sitting it doesn't offer much variation. On the whole the chair is slightly more comfortable than an IKEA Poang, except for 40 times the price.

There are better chairs out there. Ekornes Stressles chairs are terrific. For a while Natuzzi was making a chair called the 'Revive' that was tremendously good (though the recline/tilt mechanism was prone to failure). Even the Baughman 74 is more comfortable than the Eames.

Add to that the fact that the Eames lounge chair was originally supposed to be an inexpensive throwabout chair (that's why they were using bent plywood in the first place!) for the common man, but because Herman Miller owns the design patent on it in the US they keep the price ridiculously inflated.

There are better chairs out there for less money, and those better chairs will make you look less like a sheep who does nothing but follow 5-year-old pinterest design boards.

>> No.11921646


absolutely based

the eames chair is such overrated mediocrity

>> No.11921667

kukkapuro's karuselli is the way to go

>> No.11921679
File: 520 KB, 1300x762, Hans-J-Wegner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kukkapuro's karuselli

nice meme

>> No.11921686

What are you supposed to do if your entire apartment is carpet and your apartment opens up into a stairwell?

>> No.11921763

tear it up

>> No.11921786

hello cat
cats make a bigger difference than couch, when it comes to reading

>> No.11921825

Melancholic and ethereal/10

>> No.11921855

are you 3 foot 6? how can you enjoy such a space

>> No.11921924
File: 33 KB, 500x500, Hauspantoffeln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use "home shoes" like every civilized human.

>> No.11922026

absolutely disgusting.

It's disconcerting to be reminded that I share this website with the unwashed masses of the proletariat

>> No.11922274

You have an amazing book collection, this is what I aim for. Top quality

>> No.11922366

Maximum comfy

>> No.11922386

I love this copypasta

>> No.11922387

>low ceiling

>> No.11922397

Classic 45 degree attic room.

>> No.11922584

Oh hey, it's you again. Had any good trips lately?

>> No.11922589

I don't like to travel and I don't take drugs.

>> No.11922611

Hello not chair corner guy.

>> No.11922615

I'm not sure what you are getting at.

>> No.11922668

>This is the dream.
More like a nightmare. Imagine constantly looking back to see if there's someone possibly coming for you from those spooky ass woods.

>> No.11922868

No but I also don't like to read at home since I feel like I can't concentrate on anything here, I prefer to go to my uni's library, on the third floor near the back stairwell that no one ever uses there's a really plush well worn in chair and side table that I like to sit at, especially in the evenings or overnight when everyone's already gone home

>> No.11923058
File: 512 KB, 2220x1535, FB4325C7-8D76-4F96-A6F3-A26ABD2F0ECA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s comfy for fat cats too.

The odds of a serial killer breaking into my secluded wooded abode and serial killing me are low enough that I don’t think I’d even give it a thought with that level of comfort.

>> No.11923088


>> No.11923272


>> No.11923278

cute snout!

>> No.11923321
File: 2.09 MB, 2304x4096, IMG_20181013_010936778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like to read in my kitchen

>> No.11923759

>absolutely disgusting.
>It's disconcerting to be reminded that I share this website with the unwashed masses of the proletariat
Yes, because we all have an unlimited disposable income.

>> No.11923817

I would fall asleep right there.

>> No.11923847

my kitchen table is quite comfy and relaxing, plus, that's where the coffee, tea, and snacks are located.

>> No.11923870

I laughed

>> No.11923945
File: 507 KB, 645x810, 1530593048837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you imagine all the bugs constantly slapping up against your windows, scaring the shit out of you while you read the western canon, threatening to crawl in under the screens while you are starting with the greeks?

Nope no thank you.

>> No.11923991
File: 1.63 MB, 498x420, 123216734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>look at me guys, I'm a bleeding heart leftist faggot who knows true hardship
>fuck the bourgeoisie amirite?!

>> No.11923997

Could you imagine not being such a pussy faggot?

>> No.11924226
File: 80 KB, 766x960, 1462469889957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh nooooo noisesssss

>> No.11924353
File: 3.97 MB, 3456x4608, 15394047240702370606432184963028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading outside

>> No.11924373

You don't need a trust fund to not live in the ghetto with a bunch of niggers. How much of a fucking failure can you be?

>> No.11924405

why would you face the book away from the light?

>> No.11924430

>bugs, rain, annoying birds, neighbours, wind, variable temperature
Sounds great

>> No.11924482

oh shit you finally got a fucking shelf

>> No.11924500
File: 1.99 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20180911_203331668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work on a long distance, commercial boat. This is the bookshelf next to my bunk. Doesn't get comfier than reading in bed here with the sound of the engines and the rise and fall of the swells. And no internet when far from land.

>> No.11924624
File: 1.55 MB, 3264x2448, C2769AB0-3A0F-4D07-B4CF-6A7343EEE33E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mines not too comfy, rooms a lil messy and not all my books are on display yet (I need one of those book holder-L shaped things) but I like it. Got some model planes and family photos which are comfy, and a nice sturdy chair I can sit in.

>> No.11924635

I really like your book collection, and I’m jealous of your comfy corner. Only thing that would add to it would be like a window with a nice view (I.e a beach) but other than that, you got a really comfy reading area anon.

>> No.11924735

Australian detected

>> No.11924738

Hows that Crusades book

>> No.11924744

Were you banned from playing outside as a kid or something?

>> No.11924751
File: 111 KB, 982x434, wizard library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to live in a wizard tower with a big wizard library

>> No.11924776
File: 72 KB, 512x512, 0344C482-6F68-4F32-A350-BBE0F006C439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, how’d ya know?

>> No.11924788
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, 1A70FD0F-E090-49E0-9024-F5647173417F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Crusades By Thomas Asbridge? It’s pretty good. It’s a bit different from other history books I’ve read in that it flows like an action-adventure book. It focuses more on differing perspectives and causation and effect to events, and feels partly like a character study of many specific individuals. Also it has really nice prose in that it flows well. I would recommend it if you like that type of thing (I do).

Currently giving it a break however, as I picked up (pic related) for an extremely cheap price.

>> No.11924837

I almost exclusively read outside in the afternoon. A nice benefit of being a student

>> No.11924840

Switches on the power points and that shitty Jasper Jones novel no one outside of this country would have read

>> No.11924851

i would like to do this but i live in scotland and it rains constantly

>> No.11924852

Eh, I’ve read worse but yeah it is pretty bad. Australia has some pretty good authors though. I’ve been meaning to pick up ‘Voss’ but it’s pretty expensive, and I’m just a poor student.

>> No.11924857

I’d like to try reading on the beach sometime, but I’m self-admittedly a bit neurotic about getting sand on my books, or damaging them.

>> No.11924871

Firstly, the furnishings in some of those pictures are not even bad, some are even modern/‘expensive’. Where do you read, atop an ivory throne?

>> No.11924907

get a damn job everyone

>> No.11925049


I actually do have a nice view, it's just not in frame of the photo.

ye, I've had it for 2 years now.

>> No.11925268

Pretty comfy. How long time do you spend on the boat? How much books do you bring?

>> No.11925489

Four to six weeks is typical, and I might bring as many books. I've been reading a lot of heavy history stuff at home so on the boat it's usually light escapist fiction. Just started using a Kindle so I don't have to fly to the boat with a huge stack of books, and can download more if I run out and have internet. Most boats I work on have little DVD and book libraries (though the books usually suck).

>> No.11925582


How do you get one of these jobs? I work in tech and I'm sick of it and would like to live the Marlow lifestyle for a little while.

>> No.11925617

It does sound great, what are you on about?
There is little comfier than putting on a big soft sweater and sitting out in the crisp air of a cool Fall day to read.

>> No.11925621

Much favorite part of fantasy video games is seeing the designs of wizard libraries.

>> No.11925626

Reading on the beach is amazing. Just bring a cheap paperback or a nice bag that you can close with your book/s inside. Sand isn’t likely to get in them so long as you don’t have little kids around, and you can sit far enough from the water that water damage is a nonissue.
In short, do it.

>> No.11925629

Seconding this. I’m in IT and it pays the bills, but I’m thinking about joining the navy just to get away from my current sedentary day-to-day

>> No.11925650

I live in the woods and am sick of it here. There aren't jobs or anything.

I would be willing to live in the middle of the ghetto if I could obtain an appartment. How much does it cost a month? Even in ghettos, I don't see places in cities cheaper than $500 a month. That's like $6000 a year.

I could probably scrounge up $150 a month. I know section 8 and people eligible for low income housing pay no more than $50 a month. There has to be some free market alternatives. They're not advertised on Craigslist or Zillow.
How are you people getting cheap appartments in the middle of the ghetto?

>> No.11925679

>using the word nigger unironically
Not as much of a loser as you are

>> No.11925767

Anon you really just need to consider finding a real job

>> No.11925814

have you ever been around probabilistically challenged urban youths?

stick to the woods.

>> No.11925820
File: 229 KB, 720x404, vlcsnap-2015-03-10-03h19m22s183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not boxes

you'll never be a true detective this way

>> No.11925822



>> No.11925826

Man, that first season was some of the best television ever made.

>> No.11925871
File: 1.72 MB, 2975x3506, corner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relatively comfy here. Sometimes I read by the fireplace in another room, which is top-tier comfy when it's a cold and rainy day.

Though to be quite honest I probably would prefer a cabin in the woods like >>11916945 .

>>11921461 - shelves looks great and so much more practical than the stacks you used to have.

>> No.11925950

Tenured college professor status. I dig it.

>> No.11925973

Please tell me inside that bust is a button that opens a secret bookcase or something.

>> No.11925982

Fuck off we're full.

>> No.11926004

it wouldn't be a secret if he told you, now would it?

>> No.11926016

Eames chairs are actually pretty uncomfy
>always at a tilt, so unless you want you feet propped up it will be awkward
>arms of the chair are short and far back, meaning if you want to rest your elbows on the arms of the chair you will need to have be sitting with your shoulders thrown way back
>design discourages comfy sprawling

>> No.11926052
File: 82 KB, 996x334, chair anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11926104

>The free market will fix it!
>Even though it's actually fucking me in the ass constantly and my station will probably never improve beyond "middle class"
Ahh, cute.

>> No.11926122

If someone is willing to do hard work, his social status and entire life should change.

>> No.11926205

>try to fix season 3
>Andrew Dominik in talks
>falls through
>Jeremy Saulnier gets attached
>walks out because of studio interference


>> No.11926235

I agree

>> No.11926349

I'll watch it for Mahershala Ali desu

>> No.11926360

Good, well many others do as well, including God, because that is essentially how the world has worked for millennia.

>> No.11926408

It's cute that you think so.

>> No.11926414

I am homeless so no. Currently looking at moving into a tiny ass room with lots of shelf space for books though and no possibility of installing internet, so maybe soon.

Alternative reply: I have a nook simple touch.

>> No.11926421

It’s naiive that you don’t. I have worked my way up in life for a couple years now. I have worked my way out of homelessness like this guy >>11926414. My job has a 401k and benefits now as well. Time to realize you can work your way up, NEET

>> No.11926425


>> No.11926453

When I lost my job and had to move into my brother's place, it was heaven on earth. He has an actual library and a huge, comfy reclining rocker lounge chair with fixed table and overhead light. I feel asleep reading in that thing so many times.

>> No.11926460

Sounds claustrophobic

>> No.11926481

I've been equally willing to work hard my entire life and am only just now being paid what is considered a starting salary for a profession. It's not even a very fancy profession. So I think there is more to it than will to work hard, and it's worth noting that in the time people are waiting for their Cheryl Brooks gets recognized by Dagny Taggart moment, or whatever, many die, or suffer catastrophe that destroys their ability to work.

>> No.11926492

How old are you anon?

>> No.11926524


>> No.11926533

Ignore >>11926524
I'm 30

>> No.11926569

30 isn't really that far-flung of an age to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" as it were, and start making a decent living.
People who get high paying jobs in their early 20s do so because of connections on top of being willing to put in the effort.
Opportunity absolutely plays into it, but anyone can start from nothing and make their way to a decent living.

>> No.11926577

That's fine for most people, but as for me, everything I ever wanted for myself died by the time I was 18. I only continue living because I am forbidden to die by someone to whom I have obligations.

>> No.11926581

Connections matter less, believe it or not. And that’s wisdom my friend.

Being able to work well is the most important thing.

>> No.11926586

How can anyone know how well you work if they haven't hired you already?

>> No.11926609

Your past experiences

>> No.11926705

I make $95K a year at my job. But congratulations on thinking that somehow the free market is making your life better just because you have a savings plan that means you won't starve for the first 10-15 years after retirement. Definitely you are at the pinnacle.

>> No.11926724

I haven’t even reached the pinnacle yet, kid. Don’t think I’ll stop at $95 K either

>> No.11926878

They didn't do much for me either.

>> No.11927036

Truly patrician. Although you need to put a frame around that window opening. It makes it a 6.5/10 instead a 9/10.

>> No.11927079
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>> No.11927223

I see three landmark editions, based anon

>> No.11927319
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I have all of them actually. They are terrific, and the translations they're commissioning are getting better as well - I was actually pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed their translation of Caesar. I'm very much looking forward to Xenophon's Anabasis, which I hear they're working on and I think is begging for the Landmark treatment.

>> No.11927588

american trash

only scandis make kino chairs

>> No.11927633

I didn't get my act together til I was 30. I didn't waste the years before that, I was practicing my skills, but it wasn't til 30 that I really started to get serious about career and life in general.

>> No.11927672

Aren't the essays online though, at least for Julius Caeser?

>> No.11927681

>anyone can start from nothing and make their way to a decent living.
god i hope i get to lynch seppo normals some day

>> No.11927689

Yes, but I had the PDF they put online printed out and bound for ease of use.

>> No.11927699
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I'm 30, but sold my 2br fully furnished suburban home after i broke up with my gf and moved to germany last year. I've gone from owning like 20 pieces of furniture to having a chair, table, and a mattress on the ground in a 20m2 studio, and its amazingly freeing and inspiring to have fewer possessions. Pic is my reading nook.

>> No.11927808

how many pages is it?

>> No.11927814
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>its amazingly freeing and inspiring to have fewer possessions

>> No.11927819

Terrible roof design, especially if it snows there.

>> No.11927872

324 pages. You can get the pdf here - http://thelandmarkcaesar.com/LandmarkCaesarWebEssays_5Jan2018.pdf

I guess if you're interested you can get the bound copy I had made here - http://www.lulu.com/shop/kurt-raaflaub-and-robert-strassler/landmark-julius-caesar-web-essays/hardcover/product-23440700.html but note that it's based on an earlier pdf that has some typesetting errors on page 215 and a low quality image of text on page 273.

Honestly, they should have found a way to include these essays in the landmark volume itself, or just published a 2-volume edition.

>> No.11927916

My apartment is practically a comfy nook to read in.

It's 28m2. Kitchen, double bed, soda, bookshelf, desk.

Not some junkie apartment, I have rugs and pictures on the wall etc. but no TV and it's basically only suitable for reading, shitposting or meditation.

>> No.11927919

How much does it cost a month?

>> No.11927922
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>> No.11927951
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Not pictured: PC, an actual bookshelf, bed, bathroom.

>> No.11928001


>> No.11928005
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>not living in a white soundproof room with no furniture or books, struggling to keep a journal in your mind in order to mantain your mental health


>> No.11928054


I like it. It's hard to be minimalist when I do art and stuff, though. Bothers me. Sometimes.

>> No.11928093

great book

>> No.11928114

>you're either a bottom of the barrel poorfag or a 1%er , there is no in between

>> No.11928121

It's a big cramped desu
Looks about the size of a shipping container

>> No.11928130

I don't see how people can afford rent at that rate. Are you on welfare or come from a wealthy family ?

>> No.11928156

you just work a job. I pay 820 euros on a net salary of 2000 each month which is kind of a normal income and its fine.

>> No.11928161
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I exclusively read on this corner of my bed by the window

>> No.11928168

That is bullshit, it should have been included.

>> No.11928171

That's not worth it. Why don't you just live at home?

>> No.11928218

idk i can afford rent, food, beer, and still have money to save, so why would I lower my independence to live at home to chase some almighty zeros in my bank account.

>> No.11928223

because I'm 27 years old.
I don't make a lot of money either, but my hobbies are cheap so it works out.

I could get a similiar sized apartment for much cheaper but I like the location

>> No.11928229

So you can save up for a downpayment that will build equity. You should have independence still.
Live with your parents.

>> No.11928243
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I wouldn't mind reading here.

>> No.11928251

>So you can save up for a downpayment that will build equity.
This is UK/America talk. In my country I don't have to drop 40k just to have the right to get a loan for a home. I can get a mortgage easily when I get a higher salary and a more stable relationship later.

>> No.11928256

I agree anon, but what are you going to do? Polybius and Xenophon's Anabasis are in the pipeline; I'm relatively sure they won't do the supplemental online essays for Xenophon - should be more than enough room for ancillary material in the volume itself there - but we'll have to see what they do with Polybius.

>> No.11928265

We’re reaching levels of comfy that shouldn’t even be possible

>> No.11928267

why would I when I can afford to live on my own?

>> No.11928318

how much is rent? i kind of wanna go to germany and rent a super cheap flat

>> No.11928388

sea of thieves

>> No.11929041

Because you're throwing money away to pay off someone else's mortgage instead of your own. It's much better to be used to service your own debt, and if that means you live with your parents for another year, saving 90% of your paycheck then so be it. You'll be better off in the long-run

>> No.11929106


those booky-wooks
are in a bookynook.

>> No.11929911

No I have no space. Looking for good desks and shelves and other furniture suggestions though so feel free to link some stuff on Amazon. Same goes for lighting and other things.

>> No.11929986

>muh ascetic cope

>> No.11930158

****GAYEST THREAD ON /lit/****

>> No.11930171

the greeks and romans were gay

I see no issue

>> No.11930338

thats pretty sad

>> No.11930369

It is what it is. Traveling is a hassle and I've never even smoked so much as a cigarette. Only wine, beer, and booze.

>> No.11930566

>isn't minimalist

Stop embarassing yourself, OP.

>> No.11930631

>he thinks living in crime shithole is /lit/ and cool and bohemian
These leftist fantasies are beyond cringe. I don't know how the left managed to indocrinate people into thinking being 'priviliged' is bad and the "suffering under capitalism life" is the best life. What are you, a christian? Do you believe in salvation through suffering? Because you're as pathetic. The best writers and artists and scientists weren't poor niggers, they were sons of wealthy people who'd sustain their idle life in pursuit of the arts and science. The history of humanity (nature) is the history of wealthy, intelligent people making progress. The rest just takes up space. Marx wasn't a poor nigger. Lenin wasn't a poor nigger. Engels definitely wasn't a poor nigger. Also, most of the poor in the US are poor because they're low IQ anyway, there's nothing much you can do, it isn't capitalism's fault.

>> No.11930701

>I remember my freshman year of undergrad too

Marx was a kike who lived on the charity of others, you fucking moron.

>> No.11930737

Exactly, not a poor nigger. He had a decent middle class family but he was a lazy faggot who didn't work and lived on Engels neetbux. You seem to imply that i'm defending Marx or whatever but that's precisely the opposite.

>> No.11930924

No, my friends, I go (always, other things being equal) for the man that inherits family traditions and the cumulative humanities of at least four or five generations. Above all things, as a child he should have tumbled about in a library. All men are afraid of books that have not handled them from infancy. Do you suppose our dear Professor over there ever read "Poli Synopsis," or consulted "Castelli Lexicon," while he was growing up to their stature? Not he; but virtue passed through the hem of their parchment and leather garments whenever he touched them, as the precious drugs sweated through the bat's handle in the Arabian story. I tell you he is at home wherever he smells the invigorating fragrance of Russia leather. No self-made man feels so. One may, it is true, have all the antecedents I have spoken of, and yet be a boor or a shabby fellow. One may have none of them, and yet be fit for councils and courts. Then let them change places. Our social arrangement has this great beauty, that its strata shift up and down as they change specific gravity, without being clogged by layers of prescription. But I still insist on my democratic liberty of choice, and I go for the man with the gallery of family portraits against the one with the twenty-five-cent daguerreotype, unless I find out that the last is the better of the two.

>> No.11931212

10/10 design, 0/10 books

>> No.11931300

Somehow this alone in the woods thing creeps me out. Guess I need to relocate my dream to the sea or countryside.

>> No.11931450

Everyone look at this man and laugh.

>> No.11931491

Probably some spoiled brat from MASS or something.

>> No.11931533

those chairs are NOT comfortable in my experience. I have one in my room and never sit in it. it has two modes: completely upright or completely reclined. you always feel off balance.

>> No.11931853

Fucking nice

>> No.11932063

Mountainous woods and cliffs by the sea are the most /lit/ environments for your comfy cut-off cabin

>> No.11932089
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Very distracting

>> No.11932151

Thanks! I moved in there not too long ago and the decision between me and my housemate to have a comfy reading room was unanimous. It’s seen a good amount of use so far.

>> No.11932560
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it's all about attitude

>> No.11932708

the best

>> No.11932730
File: 39 KB, 480x854, salvoarrancalagrasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the bus senpai

>> No.11932887

>And this is the room where 90% of my books have white spines
>No it doesn't make sense, but I like it that way

>> No.11932901

You can buy bedframes for like $40
Come on dude.

>> No.11932905

>$500 a month
Get a job, you fucking loser. $500 a month for city living is fucking PHENOMENAL.

>> No.11932910

>I could probably scrounge up $150 a month.
Anon, nobody is that unemployable.

>> No.11932912

You’d need a box spring first pleb.

>being this much of a plebeian when it comes to beds

>> No.11932914

I imgain you as a middle class kid. Too poor to identify with rich people so you instead have this weird fetish for the life of the poor, yet you have no experience with true poverty. I dont have a word to call you, but you resemble a bourgeois

>> No.11932918
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>Classic 45 degree attic room
Fucking hell imagine not knowing the word "garret" and actually typing out "classic forty-five degree attic room".
That's German levels of autism.

>> No.11932921

The odds considerably increase if your house is see-through.

It goes from like one in a million to one in twenty or something I think. Look it up

>> No.11932926

That's part of the bedframe you fool.

>> No.11932928

danish, actually

germans have no class

>> No.11932934

? No, a bed frame is a metal holder for the box spring and mattress.

No one calls the box spring part of the ‘bed frame’. What the actual fuck

>> No.11932951

I dont like bedframes though. I like to read on the mattress and I like to stack pillows at various angles to get different reading positions with my feet on the ground. If I have a frame I either have to be reclined along the bed, or have my feet dangling over and I don't like that.

>> No.11932954

Ah well congratulations on not being German. That's a praiseworthy achievement.

>> No.11932956

Where do you live where this is standard?

>> No.11932962

thank you for teaching me a new word

>> No.11932978

I live on Wikipedia


>> No.11932991

for what it's worth, he did say $40 bed frame which is suspiciously identical to the price of the cheapest ikea bed frame, and for that you just put a cheap mattress like >>11927699 has on some wooden slates on the frame.

t.guy who owns the cheapest ikea bed setup

>> No.11932992
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>> No.11933029

I've never seen a bedframe not part of the "box shit" or whatever it was you called it.

>> No.11933040
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>> No.11933043

So what the hell is this thing?

>> No.11933046


>> No.11933052

So. You would put a mattress on this. Correct?

>> No.11933054


>> No.11933056

Which would eliminate the need for the box you described earlier. Right?

>> No.11933074
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i'm a different guy

I don't know what you mean by "box"

I'm assuming a box mattress? You put a box mattress on top of a bedframe.

>> No.11933084

He said you need a box spring first >>11932912

>> No.11933095

yeah, that's true

>> No.11933105


>> No.11933110

fuck it, just sleep on the floor like they do in japan

>> No.11933111

Why wouldn’t you?

The type of frame where you don’t need a box spring is just very rare. Typically, a frame is just a metal rack or some wooden bars for you to put a box spring on.

I honestly don’t know what world you’re living in

>> No.11933122

I live in the UK.
I've been searching beds on many different sites since we began talking and almost all of them are fit for a mattress with no "spring box".

>> No.11933154

Well there you go. The world isn’t some island off the west coast of mainland Europe, fuckstick

>> No.11933247

>he doesn't do his reading in a Bruno Mathsson chair
C'mon, anon!

>> No.11933259

swedish design has always been for the gays. danish modern era design is where it is at

>> No.11933289

Eat shit. Retard.

>> No.11933302

Swedish and danish design are basically from the same school, anon. Don't go tribal on me.

I'm not sure about norwegian design though; I seem to never hear anything from them

>> No.11933309

danish design is much more masculine

no such thing as norwegian design

>> No.11933311

Meanwhile in reality the neighborhoods with the most crime are no longer places with lots of large run down buildings like 70's Bronx but rather some far less exciting residential area in a small to mid sized American city.

>> No.11933318

Are you a dane or something? Because this really reads like a dane who wants to stick it to the swedes.

>> No.11933323

nej-I mean, no.

it's just that swedes suck cock

>> No.11933567

Only in movies, anon

>> No.11933623

Certainly a nice view and a nice room - minus the retarded looking green/purple rug on the floor - but comfy isn't the word I use. Comfy always brings to mind warmth and maybe a more closed space. This is too open and airy, and lacks comfiness.

>> No.11933847

Word salad from the mouth of a privileged incel.
The prose seems tinted a bit purple-ish

>> No.11933909

I would love to have easy access to that kind of view. Where is it?

>> No.11935052

But Holmes begat Holmes Jr.

>> No.11935206

>not being midget master race
[high-pitched mocking laughter]