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11914566 No.11914566 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any modern philosophers that aren't garbage Marxists like pic-related?

>> No.11914580

nope not a single one all contemporarg philosophers? marxists all of them marxism marxism marxism hmarxism gmairs
this but unironically

>> No.11914584

david clarke

>> No.11914587

Sam Harris
Richard Spencer
Nick Land

>> No.11914605

stefan molyneux dude

>> No.11914606


>> No.11914618

Sam Harris and Richard Spencer aren't Philosophers.

>> No.11914652

We all know Google is censored, sweetie.

>> No.11914695

For a Marxist he isn’t that bad. Much of what hes said is more practical than most theorists not to mention his sense of humor is still intact. This however is enough to hilariously get him deplatformed and protested on campus’s now.

True communism is lower than its ever been before, not that that’s a bad thing. Post 2010’s is all about corporate America merchandizing radical politics for outrage money. It strted with the green movement and is working its way through social activist movements now. Trust me when I say that there will be no revolution wen bedazzled hammer and sickles on beanies are just another consumer commodity. Even the violent reactionaries ( lookin at you Antifa ) are ineffectual and have already started to dwindle in numbers as the years drag in post Trump election.

Sadly, the only true threat to the question of modern emptiness and vapid consumer culture forcing humanity apart are the hysterics of survivalists and even some alt-righters believing the wars in the east to be a giant Jewish conspiracy. It’s upsetting to see the more vocal group of people that are anti-war and anti-social ambiguity spouting drivel. How can one be so right and so wrong at the same time.

Unironically Sam Harris and some of the intellectual dark web are the ones I’d recommend. And the goofy media hype and fan base surrounding them isn’t too different from the stuffy philosophers and theorists of the pst when many were influential in their own time.

I miss Hitchens.

>> No.11914737

Charles Taylor, Meillassoux, Alasdair Macintyre, John McDowell, Jean-Luc Nancy (kinda), Tyler Burge (kinda), Kojin Karatani

This is the best I can offer, bumpo

>> No.11914744

unironically, kill yourself

>> No.11914749

Oh, and Sloterdijk, the boomer Nick Land

>> No.11914763


>> No.11914775

Joe Rogan,
Jordan Peterson
and Ben Shapiro

>> No.11914789

Mah nigga

>> No.11914791

based and redpilled

>> No.11915076


>> No.11915093

okay this is epic

>> No.11915110

Very good, fantastic. Thank you for your contributions

>> No.11915164

Carl Schmitt, Ernst Jünger and his Brother Friedrich Georg, Peter Sloterdijk, Aleksandr Dugin, Rene Guenon

>> No.11915236


>> No.11915270

Jordan Peterson, the man Zizek is scared to debate.

>> No.11915293
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his lectures on aesthetics are pretty great

>> No.11915295


>> No.11915324

.>Nick Land
I'm not even sure if you're talking about a real person or the harpooner in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

>> No.11915446
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>> No.11915469

sargon of akkad
varg vikernes

>> No.11915619

The Golden One

>> No.11915921

There are only two alternatives to the very disaster that is modern world: accelerationism and marxism. So Nick Land.

>> No.11915933

Most good 21st century philosophy has come from people who wouldn't even be considered philosophers because they come from other fields, or have only ever written a small amount of material.

>> No.11916015
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>> No.11916025
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Capitalism is bearable

>> No.11916033

Teach me about acceleration because I’m under the impression it’s another Marxist abstraction/theory.

To my understanding it’s just voting against he public interest to usher in the collapse of capitalism with the hopes of replacing it with socialism or communism.

>> No.11916035

>highest quality of life for the majority of people across race, religion, social class, country and any other differentiator
>very disaster that is modern world

>> No.11916051

based daddy taleb

>> No.11916057
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>> No.11916058

that's the most fucking vulgar """understanding""" of accelerationism and if you weren't interested in understanding it better (or at all, in this case) i'd call you a fucking faggot. here's land talking about it himself: https://jacobitemag.com/2017/05/25/a-quick-and-dirty-introduction-to-accelerationism/

>> No.11916063

>high quality of life means proper ideology and fair distribution of resources

>> No.11916068

he's pretty funny tbqh. and even if you disagree with his politics, he makes solid points that are worth considering/countering in stern, even if you have a more optimistic outlook.

Sam Harris is sloppy if we consider him a serious philosopher. He's also a bit over-confident in his fairly weak atheism. That said, he's fun to listen to.


I don't think Peterson has a strong enough view of post-modernism. He lumps opposing viewpoints together. I think the debate would get very fuzzy since he doesn't seem versed enough in these areas. Besides, he's a sellout (Dr. Oz? really?)
Give it all up and read all of Wittgenstein

>> No.11916074
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Wittgenstein ftw

>> No.11916076

I’m literally asking to be taught more about it, no need to get your panties in a bunch sweetie. These are just the things I’ve picked up and the only person I’ve heard y’all abouy it in real life is a histrionic social activist that loves to say dumb shit like “kill all men” and actively showed her love for Zizek himself.

Is Land the progenitor of this? Reading now.

>> No.11916110

Goddammit I just read this and I was absolutely right you stupid Marxist trash. When will you faggots die?

Deleuze wants to do this to re-activate Marx? Are you shutting me? This conflates capitalism with nihilism and which is something that could be entertained but to want to push forward seeing this as an inevitable evil that needs to essentially collapse on itself to usher in communism is exactly what this text is saying. This is silly faggot drivel. Can’t believe that post 90’s communism even exists after the abject failure of the system.

I might agree with you that capitalism is an endpoint in and of itself and poses problems that arise so quickly we can’t properly deal with them but the real nihilists are the ones accepting this process as spectacle and only something to lived through. Capitalism time and time again assrapes your theoretical minds into irrelevance.

>> No.11916121

Hey, this post is pretty good, not cringe at all!

>> No.11916128

Sam harris has a philosophy degree, though he really doesn't have a unique philosophical system.

>> No.11916130

>Deleuze wants to do this to re-activate Marx?
a single sentiment present in marx, it's quoted later
>but to want to push forward seeing this as an inevitable evil that needs to essentially collapse on itself to usher in communism is exactly what this text is saying.
no, that's left accelerationism (l/acc), which land disagrees with, he's just introducing it because it's a thing and part of accelerationism's history:
>At the time of writing, Left-accelerationism appears to have deconstructed itself back into traditional socialist politics, and the accelerationist torch has passed to a new generation of brilliant young thinkers advancing an ‘Unconditional Accelerationism’ (neither R/Acc., or L/Acc., but U/Acc.).
can't you read at all?

>> No.11916152

>but the real nihilists are the ones accepting this process as spectacle and only something to lived through.
u/acc wants to accelerate the process without political pretensions (unconditionally, duh). you really wanted to get bothered after reading marx's name there, didn't you? did you even read the quoted text of his? most marxists get surprised when they read it because it's so non-marx at face value
there's a whole theoritical edifice through which they get that analysis of capitalism as nihilism (using your words), so i wouldn't call it a conflation, not before critiquing it properly, at least,

>> No.11916193

>hilariously get him deplatformed and protested on campus’s now
source please. I want to learn.

>> No.11916196

fucking based

>> No.11916212

What I’m proposing to you is that to claim there are no pretentious at play here is borderline autistic. I’m sure undoubtably that there was an analysis to get there but that still doesn’t make it correct. When the foundation of something is clearly incorrect it’s wiser to give no credence whatsoever to fantastical ideas or grand narratives. Just because we live in a materialistic and increasingly socialist society and Mary Ann doesn’t need to suck your cock anymore to survive doesn’t mean it’s capitalisms fault.

>> No.11916238
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>Marxism turned into accelerationism in the 90s
>Suddenly the left are liberals everywhere and support globalization against right-wing populists and old school conservatives

>> No.11916253

>When the foundation of something is clearly incorrect
i don't know why can confindently talk about accelerationism's foundation. again, if you think it's marxism because a marx quote was used as a vehicle to illustrate how different thinkers (namely marx, nietzsche and deleuze) have related to an increasingly hard to ignore event then you're wrong.

>> No.11916479


>> No.11916489

any decent philosopher is a historical and dialectical materialist

>> No.11916526
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Hans Hermann Hoppe, so to speak.

>> No.11916845

>I miss Hitchens.
We still have Peter, though admittedly he's a contrarian brainlet.

>> No.11917060

>Capitalism time and time again assrapes your theoretical minds into irrelevance
wait, it sounds like you end up agreeing with accelerationism at the end there

>> No.11917074

cringe and brainletpilled

>> No.11917115

Fortnite sauce epicstyle

>> No.11917139

Here’s your (You)