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/lit/ - Literature

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11900246 No.11900246 [Reply] [Original]

National Novel Writing Month is less than a month away. Are you going to participate? I really like the idea of forcing yourself to write 50,000 words in a month but I really don't like the event's community. It seems like they're the kind of people who just want the identity of being a writer with no concern for the quality of what they actually write. That being said I thought it may be helpful to have a /lit/ group for support and unbiased criticism. I certainly respect and trust you guys more than a bunch of fat 36 year old women who still use Tumblr.

What do you think?

>> No.11900251

Yeah I mean, don't be pretentious. Pretension is an elaborate form of self pity. But yeah. I'll do it.

>> No.11900261

Interesting thought but it checks out. I really hate the people that usually gather around this event. Doesn't make me think of anyone but that one girl with ridiculously long hair who used to be obsessed with anime but now works at Ren Fair as a mermaid or something.

>> No.11900430

>I really like the idea of forcing yourself to write 50,000 words in a month but I really don't like the event's community. It seems like they're the kind of people who just want the identity of being a writer with no concern for the quality of what they actually write.
Pretty much this. The only reason I don't think I'll participate is because it took me 6 months to get 20,000 words on the book I actually care about writing. Doing 1800 a day for a month sounds like absolute torture unless the idea I have suddenly makes me want to write like I'm fucking a woman.

>> No.11900609
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I'm going to attempt it, just started outlining a plot yesterday. Never finished a novel or even a novelette before so I'm sure the experience will teach me a lot.

>yfw it's warhammer fantasy isekai.

>> No.11900625

I think that's the point, anon. It's better to completely finish a sub-par draft in one month than dwell on one decent draft for six months.

>> No.11900666

I’ve attempted NaNoWriMo a few times, and it seems like every time I do I wind up writing 10-15k words, looking back and realizing I hate all of it, and scrapping the idea.
I haven’t written anything in a while, but I think I’m going to try and finish a few of the short stories bouncing around in my head over the next few weeks.

>> No.11900688

I'm going to try it but not associate with the community at all for the same reasons you said. I'm already part of a writing group that I've developed an idea with, so all I really have to do is force myself to write. I can always spend the next month editing it, right?

>> No.11902313
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>looking back and realizing I hate all of it, and scrapping the idea

Why are we like this, bros?

>> No.11902992

How am I supposed to track my words when I write in a physical notebook?

>> No.11903007

Friendly reminder that scraping 10k+ words is part of writing. No one ever wrote a great book in one go without editing.

>> No.11903027

>It seems like they're the kind of people who just want the identity of being a writer with no concern for the quality of what they actually write.
Oh, this is so fucking true.

Sometimes I worry I'll never get published because of how many hundreds of millions of aspiring writers I have to compete with. Then I remember the vast majority of those people are more caught up in THINKING of themselves as writers than actually having an artistic passion or idea they want to communicate with the world.

>> No.11903032

I got so close last year when I tried. 41k words. I should probably really finish that manuscript.

So yes, I will for sure be attempting again this year and I intend to smash the goal this year. Been trying to tackle weekly goals at the moment to prep myself.

>> No.11903038

Kerouac is the only guy who could produce blind, uneditted good shit. Not saying he's the greatest ever but that was sort of his thing.

>> No.11903048

>It seems like they're the kind of people who just want the identity of being a writer with no concern for the quality of what they actually write.
Accurate. They're all r/writing types. Almost nothing buy /sffg/ or lgbt nonsense

>> No.11903050

I think they have a function that lets you submit scans

>> No.11903054

So a few people seem interested. We just gonna have a /nanog/ thread?

>> No.11903058

t. stephen king

>> No.11903063

I'm down.

I'm gonna write mine about a failing, heroin-addicted blues guitarist who becomes a serial arsonist.

>> No.11903085
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>A drunk anon's thoughts.
Honestly I think it's because of 4chan. This place isn't much of an echo chamber aside from obvious memes. You're constantly told that everything will never be enough and why it is worse than you think. Eventually you start to realize that the people here are right a fair amount of the time. So you take take in all of the criticism and scour what you've done to make sure you don't fall into the same traps. Only you see that you have and in the process of fixing it you realize you can't because what you have is fundamentally broken. You can't fix it. You can only start over and try to not make the same mistakes again. Unfortunately you do and the cycle repeats.
This is what makes me wish I could go to Reddit or another place where people will praise me for whatever I decide to write not because of the how well it's written, but because it was written at all. I just can't. I read their posts and in my head I tear them apart. I don't think you can come back from this. You can get lost in the cycle of deleting all you've made or you can rise above and make something you find worth reading. The last option is to quit all together. The idea is appealing, but you know you can't. Not when others are being praised for what is comparable to your worst.
This site has ruined me for asking me for nothing worse than the very best, even when my best is everyone else's worst.

>> No.11903234

The REAL question is, how can we leverage our /lit/ nano group to feel superior to r/writing?

>> No.11903256

By existing.

>> No.11903299
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Nanowrimo is every month.

>> No.11903388

Go back to being dead

>> No.11903392

I'd be happy to write 5k a month. Or even 1000 words on a project I eventually finish.
But I'll give it a shot.

>> No.11903566

Gaskun's books were unironically shit. Like worse than Nano, Tumblr, Wattpad, and r/eddit combined

>> No.11903616

You are your own worst critic, and when you’re trying to put out a novel length work in 30 days it’s way too easy to not see the forest for the trees where self-critique is concerned.
That’s why I want to shift my focus in writing to short fiction for the time being; it’s easier to say “this draft is finished” before I have a chance to stop, look back, and trash it partway through.

>> No.11903671

I've won it three times in the past, but every time I do the results are garbage. I don't think I'll do it this year, especially since I have too much other stuff going on in my life.

>> No.11904882

NaNoWriMo is the only way I can get a decent amount of writing done in a month. Any other month, my writing takes forever, but i somehow bang out 50k okay words in these. I haven't failed one yet, and I'm hoping to get a good start on a novel I started planning over the summer

>> No.11904883


>> No.11905045

Does NaNo still support private groups? I know you can add friends and such but do they have other functionality.

>> No.11905159

What should my nickname be? I have picking names. Maybe SadZizek?

>> No.11905267
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Too busy writing...

>> No.11905296

Add me boys

>> No.11905450

You know this has been more or less debunked, right? When he died and the manuscripts came out they were full of revisions.

>> No.11905575

Do you think he was ever really a Buddhist? I've only read the Dharma Bums but I saw reviews that his other works don't have the same message. And after Gary Snyder Japhy Ryder returned to California he didn't even want to meet up. Alan Watts is also quoted as saying Kerouac "didn't have a Zen bone in his body".

Your post just made me wonder what else he was lying about. Now his alcohol abuse makes some sense. Maybe he was a chronic liar and felt some guilt about it.

>> No.11905586

0 results for "Zizek2020" in Authors

>> No.11905633

Spend the rest of October planning the book, then write all November. Can't write properly if you don't know where its going imo. How can you foreshadow, build Frameworks, explain the world of you don't know what beats to follow along the way?

Honestly 50,000 is insane but I've tried a few times and not totally hated what I've written, just burnt out. Give it another go anon, we are here for you

>> No.11905828

That's just the process of writing.

>> No.11905846

>the vast majority of those people are more caught up in THINKING of themselves as writers than actually having an artistic passion or idea they want to communicate with the world
Fuck you stop describing me

>> No.11905848

Maybe there's an activation period? Dunno, what's yours?

>> No.11905853

la moratoria

>> No.11905878

You're doesn't show up either. /nanog/ it is.

>> No.11905961

>Are you going to particpate?
Yes. I'm been preparing for just, shooting out a novel in the month of November for about the last month or so. My prose is pretty bad though, so I probably won't talk about it again, until I'm ready to get my shit savaged.

>> No.11905981

Someone make a thread on the forums under the writing group section

>> No.11906069

I'll give it a crack. Have wanted to start writing again for a long time, even if I do fail I'll at least have made a start

>> No.11906117


>> No.11906153

ill give it a shot; got a worthy storyline that needs to be realized; the rest is edits.

>> No.11906392

I would love to do this but don't have any ideas substantial enough to turn into an entire novel
All I can manage are occassional short stories and poems, and even then I just don't come up with enough material to work often

>> No.11906688

>Do you think he was ever really a Buddhist?

The guy was a bitter alcoholic shut-in Catholic LARP'ing to get girls and failing at that.

He should be the /lit/ mascot.

>> No.11906741

I gonna try to finish a story that's been on my mind for about 10 years now. It's weird how time flies with some things. I suck at writing, but I think I have a decent outline for the plot. I got about halfway last year.

>> No.11907175

I believe in you Anon

>> No.11907190

Sodium Nobelium Wri Molybdenum.

>> No.11907733

Worst post

>> No.11907745

Why are there so many writing contests? like come on son lt me at least think of a good idea first, i have like 30 outlines for shit that i haven't even fully decided on yet

>> No.11907755


>> No.11908025

There's like one major one for amateurs every year and it's Nano. Only other writing contests are for pros.

>> No.11908043



>> No.11908049
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>> No.11908069

I want to write a sci-fi thriller this year
I'm im

>> No.11908130
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>a month
That doesn't seem like a lot of time. I like it

>> No.11909267

Nigga do you not know how to count?

>> No.11909274

oh god this shit is still going? I only heard of it cause /lit/ some years ago. Yea....let's be inspired to write by a logo with a viking helmet, coffee cup etc under the banner NaNoWriMo

>> No.11909275

Writing 50,000 words is easy. Writing 50,000 words that make sense or have any cohesiveness is another thing entirely.

>> No.11909305

am I up my own ass or is 1800 a day not that much?

Whenever the word count for NaNoWriMo gets mentioned I sort of feel like I'm the guy getting baited by the old 'I have a 100 word essay due tomorrow'.

>> No.11909313

How does that actually works? I heard of a novel that was written during three NaNoWriMos, so if you don't finish the site keeps your book until next year?

>> No.11909345

I'm going to do it. A /lit/ group would be great.

>> No.11909634

There was a discord group last year iirc

>> No.11909740

When you're a normie who doesn't actually like writing then yes 1800 is a lot. For an amateur/hobbyist it's likely more than you usually do, especially 30 days in a row.
Plus it helps you force through that "this is shit time to start over" phase if you have a clear goal

>> No.11909953

I once wrote 450k over the course of 3 months, just to see if I could.

I have never, ever managed to write 50k in November, though. November is a bad month for me for some reason. January-March and August-October tend to be my most productive periods for writing. November, though? I usually write nothing all month.

I tend to give it a go most years, though.

>> No.11910025

November is hell for some people.

October would be a much better fit for me.

>> No.11910100

go post in
At the very least to add people on the site

>> No.11910103

Given that it's mostly Americans it's truly the worst month they could have chosen next to say, December. A huge holiday weekend where many people have family obligations for a start

>> No.11910171

December is best for me. No classes, no work, nothing but family time which means chilling around writing with my brother and watching movies with my mom and sister.