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11890096 No.11890096 [Reply] [Original]

But where the fuck am I meant to find meaning? I'm not a Jew with an ethnic religion.

>> No.11890123

frigging sloots and making big bank, brutha

>> No.11890124

some sob story of a loser who couldn't stick to his morals

>> No.11890374

All I’m saying is that for death camps there sure were a lot of survivors

>> No.11890405

..what are you saying, anon?

>> No.11890416

Just that it’s a weird coincidence that the Americans liberated tons of concentration camps but the only “death camps” on record were liberated by the soviet communists, who quickly raised these “death camps” to the ground and then rebuilt them and told the world they had found death camps

>> No.11890432
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>> No.11890466

>remember the 19 billion who were killed for no reason by being shoved into shower rooms that had cracks and unsealed doors and gassed and then were turned into soap and lampshades
>don’t forget to give weapons and billions a year to the occupier of Palestinian land
>don’t forget to shut down anyone who notices the disproportionate representation of a certain group of people in media, academia, finance and government
>don’t believe anyone who says there was a legitimate reason those same people were kicked out of every major city and country they ever migrated to throughout all human history

>> No.11890474


>> No.11890490
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I didn't know you felt this way, anon.
I don't think we can be friends anymore