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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.11546 [Reply] [Original]

What board user gets more pussy on average - /fit/ or /lit/?

Initial thought would be /fit/ but then you remember all the autists and chinlet you've seen in face threads and CBT. I'm not sure.

>> No.11566

/fit/ gets five times as many women, but 5*0 = 0.

>> No.11585
File: 14 KB, 300x358, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schopenhauer wrote that "Women are directly fitted for acting as the nurses and teachers of our early childhood by the fact that they are themselves childish, frivolous and short-sighted." He opined that women are deficient in artistic faculties and sense of justice, and expressed opposition to monogamy. Indeed, Rodgers and Thompson in Philosophers Behaving Badly call Schopenhauer "a misogynist without rival in....Western philosophy." He claimed that "woman is by nature meant to obey." The essay does give some compliments, however: that "women are decidedly more sober in their judgment than [men] are," and are more sympathetic to the suffering of others.

>> No.11601

80% of /lit/ is female

>> No.11608

pls be my gf

>> No.11616


>> No.11624

It's still fit because of all the degenerate, sloot-fucking manwhores we have.

>Schopenhauer wrote
Into the trash.

>> No.11625


no, you're just retarded. I'd be surprised if it was >20%.

>> No.11636

/fit/ doesn't like chicks
/lit/ puts pussy on a pedestal too much and will never even smell a girls hair

>> No.11640
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>there are girls watching your body pics RIGHT NOW

>> No.11644

Yeah, compelling but ultimately way off-topic. You aint getting laid with that libcel.

>> No.11659

having low test doesnt male you female /lit/

>> No.11662

if you go into mirin threads /fitizens at least get some female attention

A girl has literally never said "wow you sure read a lot anon teeheehee. I like it ;)"

>> No.11682


>tfw /lit/ redpills you on women

this is an interesting union we have made.

>> No.11687

There are 80,000 prostitutes in London alone and what are they, if not bloody sacrifices on the altar of monogamy?

>> No.11708
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>/lit/ puts pussy on a pedestal too much and will never even smell a girls hair
So true.

>> No.11735
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>> No.11742

5% max

>> No.11756

that's because nobody on /lit/ reads a lot.

>> No.11796
File: 22 KB, 275x200, Hey+at+least+they+re+becoming+self+aware+and+will+openly+_830b16ab9ddf3a1997e920f06a3f5689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry /fit/, but /lit/ has no concern about women.
No, really. /lit/ avoids female authors and readers for a good reason.
You can have all the pussy that you want. Just give us a quite space to read and pretend to be nihilists

>> No.11818

What about those darling innocent youtubers you guys defiled. I think ones name was Katie or something?

>> No.11853


yeah heheh

>> No.11863

>go to the gym
>10% girls at most
>want to be left enough
>go the library/take an english module
>90% girls
>desperate for attention

Well the scif/fantasy thread does, the rest of /lit/ is just people lying about what they've read or talking about their uni reading material

>> No.11888

>want to be left enough
>go the library/take an english module
>90% girls
>desperate for attention
Is this true, can some /lit/fag confirm this?
I love intellectual chicks. Are you saying I could've been fucking book girls instead of bar sluts all this time?

>> No.11907



>> No.11916

Yeah. That's how we threat women around here.

>> No.11920

90% yes
desperate no
u lose

>> No.11929

They all want to go on to teach primary school man

>> No.11947

>desperate for attention
Interestingly enough /fit/ claims all girls go to the gym for attention but these same girls voilently reject any man who approach them
I dont trust /lit/ anymore than i trust /fit/

The only thing librarys are used for nowadays is give homeless people a place to sleep and while that is sad its useless for me if i want to fuck/meet women/meet women to fuck

>> No.12003

this is your brain on creatine

>> No.12006

college libraries man not public ones

>> No.12074

Well my uni one usually is empty except for the staff who are both 40+
again, i have doubts this is a universal truth

other anon was spot on as well, they most likely wont be desperate for attention

>> No.12073
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> and are more sympathetic to the suffering of others.


>> No.12080


>> No.12103

I actually counted this because autism. There's 5 girls for every 1 guy in my literature courses, so 83% female.

>> No.12106

>getting girls

>> No.12124


>> No.12162

>There's 5 girls for every 1 guy in my literature courses, so 83% female.
There are around 70 girls in my finance classes but so far ive not met a single one of em who doesnt have a boyfriend

You need an excess of single women, not just women
I thought /lit/ would understand this, its not about the book but what it contains

>> No.12167


The CBT's are full of jacked male models lmao, body-wise

>> No.12203

t...thank you desu

>> No.12260

tfw 5 girls (2 of them hideous) in my 60 people physics class

>> No.12377

Can any /lit/ Chad give me a quick rundown on how to bang the girls at my library?

>> No.12524


>> No.12616
File: 19 KB, 236x303, c4b03a1282cc99c818c20cee9568330d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt know there was straight members of fit....

>> No.12624
File: 47 KB, 446x604, 7u9t0zl0y2ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find your qt
>grab a bunch of books
>"stumble" next to her and drop them all
>drop some stupid ass reference to pleb literature like "oh no Dobby has been a bad elf lol"
>she will giggle and help you pick them up
>at the bottom of the pile there's a small empty note
>drop a Sherlock reference and say you need her number for investigative reasons
>after hearing two pop references in a row her panties will already be soaking wet but at the small chance that you aren't already banging her on one of the tables you've got yourself a date at the nearest vegan joint

>> No.12687
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read this in front of her

>> No.12691

>too beta to fuck someone in a relationship
classic fit

>> No.12718

Yeah, literature/english classes are filled with females--but generally not the females that you actually want.

>> No.12742

should I be wearing my fedora or should it be resting on the table?

>> No.12774

>I want to fuck so ill make it extremly more difficult by going after the taken girl
yeah this makes sense, if you dont think about it for more than two seconds

>> No.12778

Ayo, fags, I'm dating a nice, petite 5'3" girl with small tits and a round ass that I've been slapping, touching and tapping all day yesterday.

What can you say?
>haha I bet you didn't even read ISdhasudaspojxzciozxcxzjcxzczixc

Virgins >>>/out/

>> No.12798

if haven't already sublated it you might be a lost cause

>> No.12821

>but /lit/ has no concern about women.
lol nice try

>> No.12835

Show her this

>> No.12840

Name me any female authors that /lit/ has revered

>> No.12855

>I want to lift weights so I'll only ever lift 10lbs because other people are using the heavier ones

>> No.12958


>> No.13066

False equivalency
Weights want to be picked up, women not so much

>> No.13145

>Weights want to be picked up, women not so much
you sure about that, breh?

>> No.13158
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>> No.13204


The point of lifting is to become stronger and better looking. The heavier you lift, the stronger and better looking you get.

The point of dating is to have sex and possibly a relationship. Going for a taken girl only removes me further from that goal, in contrary to the previous example.

Check urself brainlet

>> No.13272

Pretty damn sure, ive picked up many weights and never gotten any complaints from em
name one guy who has

>> No.13297

flannery o'connor
george eliot

>> No.13325

The exceptions are not the rule, however

>> No.13328
File: 92 KB, 318x485, rezazadeh-athens2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy
>good looking

>> No.13387

>forgetting one of /lits/ queens, Virginia Woolf. Some of us may have strong opinions about women, but we do respect a lot of female writers.

>> No.13405

I think /lit/ actually fucks more women. I imagine /fit/ wanting to impress women but rarely actually fucking them. I imagine /lit/ actually being the depressed cool guy at a party, drinking until getting on some pseud shit that impresses hipster girls who are way easier to fuck if you have no social skills and then just fuck them while thinking about suicide.

>> No.13451

I know. The moment I said it, I know I will be proven wrong.
But you gotta admit, women are the biggest contributors to the degration of literature and culture itself. Such is the reason why /lit/ loathes female authors until they were proven different from the rest

>> No.13513

For what it's worth /fit/ gets more ass.

>> No.13567

I didn't forget about her I was just unsure if the positive voiced outweighed the negative enough to say the she's "revered" here.

>> No.13574
File: 29 KB, 302x646, 65146_442898812225_351749002225_5052141_5165690_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that that's what every lifter looks like
fucking retard

>> No.13662

>implying that that's what every lifter looks like
fucking retard

>> No.13826
File: 248 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>step 1: be attractive
>step 2: wear lipstick
>step 3: practise phenomenology

>> No.13935

And he got more pussy looking like a bear before hibernation than you will ever get looking like a twink.

>> No.14035

Yep, I basically only post on lit

>> No.14069

And you know /lit/ is female because you post there?

>> No.14070

>the depressed cool guy at a party, drinking until getting on some pseud shit that impresses hipster girls who are way easier to fuck if you have no social skills and then just fuck them while thinking about suicide.

Funny, that's exactly the type my hipster roommate goes for. She her and her friends like to go to the river with me and use me as eye candy, but I've only fucked two of them, and they always date depressed aloof guys

>> No.14190

Holy shit.

>> No.14197

This is the funniest shit I've read in a while

>> No.14469

It's the goal for a lot of people though.

>> No.14807


just making sure this was posted in this thread.

>> No.14897
File: 1.10 MB, 462x270, qt grill after arm day.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14913

literally every big philiospher admitted women are on lower level than man

>> No.14944


that's more about cu/ck/s honestly

>> No.15151

>they always date depressed aloof guys
how do i find qt girls that do this

>> No.15225
File: 7 KB, 200x192, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

severely underrated

>> No.15279

don't, stop blaming your """depression""" for being a sad beta fucking not achieving anything and fuck attractive interesting women instead

>> No.15326

Go to "parties" that are little more than smoke sessions and start getting going to live music shows with hipster bands.

Dressing like /fa/ helps

>> No.15604
File: 8 KB, 658x658, 16406550_914202295382385_3069098773493175481_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>take Literature for want to become better writer and meet people who write books on criticism for a living
>many women
>seems good
>discover most are annoying hipster daddy issue girls
>literally like one or two girls above a 6/10
>every time they open their mouth to talk about books I want to shoot myself

I met more interesting and better looking girls at work and at writer's workshops than at libraries or at Literature courses. Also browsing /fit/ since September and am the most built guy in said course.

>> No.15626

I heard she is a virgin and single.

>> No.15847

>tfw downloaded some collection of sasha grey videos for whatever reason
>watch some of them like a week later
>it's so fucking hardcore
>like jesus christ this is disgusting
>fast foward a month
>regular porn can't get me off
>exclusively watch Sasha grey drinking piss and getting fucked by 10 men simultaneously
send help

>> No.15911
File: 234 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_0572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ guys have more self awareness and have actually contemplated the nature of women

/fit/ guys just project "I like pretty lady, maybe she like big stronk man?"

>> No.16714


>women are bad at justice
>women display better judgment than men

>> No.16808

Everyone knows the true way to live is to get a girl who is dumber than you who you can control.
And also to fuck boy pussy on the side.

>> No.16868

>/lit/ guys have more self awareness and have actually contemplated the nature of women
>contemplated the nature of women
permavirgin /lit/ highschooler confirmed

>> No.17144

speak for yourself


>> No.17275
File: 29 KB, 126x121, 1460213725261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is full of shit.
Just take the iron pill.

>> No.17349
