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File: 181 KB, 452x572, Hegel_portrait_by_Schlesinger_1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11872407 No.11872407 [Reply] [Original]

Physical reality is merely a by-product of the Spiritual realm.

Modern science get it wrong in the sense they try to structuralize the symptoms, not the cause

>> No.11872446

That's not true. Our reality is the ideal. We experience the physical world through it

>> No.11872471
File: 406 KB, 1377x1600, Spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>come 200 years before Hegel
>btfo him anyway

>> No.11872502

His “Omnis determinatio est negatio” came directly from Spinoza

>> No.11872774

Hegel was too up his own ass for his own good. No wonder Slavoj Zizek likes the guy, their both great at seeming deep but they don't actually say anything. At best they muddy the waters and waste time.

Ludwig Boltzmann summed it up perfectly - "an unclear thoughtless flow of words" with regards to Hegel. Zizek falls into that same category.

>> No.11872798

Where does he say this?

>> No.11872818

The latest physics of time solves Being and becoming. Philosophy is over.


>> No.11872846
File: 55 KB, 217x190, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the movement of the real mysifies its nature as structure/organization... philosophy as a universal activity of man, unlike science, and the problematics poised and answered are conditioned by societies... just because historically you keep finding [re]interpretations of the problamatics does not mean you can approach any of this as if it were a pure autonomous process... not consciousness itself but actual human activity materializes the products which are developing their own logics and subjugating us... the real isn't outside of nature, if you're going to locate it spatially look intersubjectivly

>> No.11872988

>modern science gets it wrong
mmkay sweetie

I'm sure your crypto-christian mystics from the 18th century who would flunk out of a physics 110 class and who wrote obfuscating tractates for their equally sophistitic peers to wank off to and which lead to almost century-long blind alley of wasted effort are surely right

yes, now that you think about it, Hawkins can't hold a candle to Moses

>> No.11873009

What part did you find unclear? I had to reread some passages but I always found they made sense if you actually put effort into it.

>> No.11873028

Knowledge is not wisdom

>> No.11873041

why do scitards lie about le ebin Inquisition oppressing Galileo for stemfaggotry so much

>> No.11873746

Can you explain why this is the case and not just the desire to negate distinct reality by means of adhering to the unknowable?

>> No.11874033

But the way Hegel understands that is the opposite of the way Spinoza understood it