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/lit/ - Literature

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11867742 No.11867742 [Reply] [Original]

Have your /lit/ knowledge got you laid?

>> No.11867745

No its only prevented it, but I don’t care

>> No.11867809

Yes, but it was with another guy, so I dunno.

>> No.11867821

Lit knowledge got me into classics at oxford. I slept with some posh tart (english rose as youd say) so yes.

>> No.11867866

Almost once. But for everything else, not even close

>> No.11867902

Almost. It has gotten me a girlfriend. She finds my knowledge of literature and obscure facts impressive. It’s a unique facet of my life which she finds intriguing. Much so that she has requested I draft a list of authors/books for her.

>> No.11867913

she find jamals humour impressive too.

>> No.11867916

What do you mean "almost," aren't you sleeping with her?

>> No.11867928

Working up to it. She’s my first gf. We sleep together in the same bed about once or twice a week. It has been getting steamier each successive night spent in bed. Last time I fingered her for the first time. I still haven’t seen her vagina, but from what I felt it seems to be one of those picture perfect tight pussies. I’m nervous to actually buy condoms, especially since I have a latex allergy. But next time I go to her place to sleep in bed with her, I will have condoms just in case. It’s only a matter of time and I don’t want to make her uncomfortable.

>> No.11867940

You should just stick it in her pooper.


>> No.11867945
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>> No.11867953

Hey, best of luck anon.

>> No.11867966

if you have a latex allergy, for the love of CHRIST buy lambskin condoms. Don't try to bravado your way through your biology, that's stupid.

>> No.11867985

Reading literature is just a small part of your persona. Most girls would find it interesting, the ones who read similar stuff will consider it a big plus. So no, reading will not get you laid, but if the girl likes stuff that you've read you're one small step closer to her finding you attractive.

>> No.11868010

I've had times where talking to a girl, I'll go into a detailed description or analysis of some event or book or movie or political thing, whatever it may be. I'll have a really good thought, a nice flow of ideas about the topic. I'll finish and they either barely comment on it and move on or completely ignore it and talk about something else.
I've had a few instances of this, it's so debilitating. I've learned to never really say anything.

>> No.11868039

I did research. These condoms called Skyn seem to be a good non-latex option.

>> No.11868053

Reading books has gotten almost no one laid

>> No.11868056

>I've had a few instances of this, it's so debilitating. I've learned to never really say anything.
Yep this is my experience as well. Not only with knowledge stuff but also anytime I actually do act as "myself". I think my sense of humor may be too dry for people who don't know me.

>> No.11868058
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Could of. Some girl PM a bible verse on FB so I sent her the Song of Solomon. She told me we should get together because she was lonely and that she wanted to savour my good ointments. I told if she needed companionship to pray and God would keep her company.

>> No.11868070

I bet this is how Mary got pregnant

>> No.11868077

Is this autism? It seems pretty obvious to know that random people (especially girls) don't want to listen to a monologue about books or anything really.

>> No.11868092

This. I wouldn’t even talk to my friends about anything literature related or anything that requires in depth analysis really.

>> No.11868114

I know this is satire, but you “did” the right thing.

>> No.11868117

They weren't strangers, almost all my interactions were with girls who I had known for awhile

>> No.11868123

Some ways. I understand women a lot better than I did. I don’t think it is ever a major part, and most girls who know me either only vaguely know I read or do not care if I read or not. Some get impressed if I quote from mainstream books (i.e ‘it was the best of times’ etc), but nothing beyond a quick joke about how ‘cultured’ I am and the conversation continues on.

Why would you bother with a monologue? A conversation needs to be a two way street. You can’t just give an analysis of a book and expect her to trump up interest. That virtually never happens. If you do need a wake up, it’s that no one gives a damn about your opinion - especially girls who you want to bed.

Whatever works. Godspeed.

>> No.11868137
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It was inspired.

>> No.11868138

not really
i mostly collect books tho and dont actually read them

>> No.11868145

LMAO. Saved

>> No.11868148


>> No.11868158

What does "but I'm over likeee ooof" mean? Why can't girs use proper diction?

>> No.11868168

>lit gets offered pussy and refuses


>> No.11868172

Yes, by way of writing poetry. Which is maybe the biggest reason anyone has ever written poetry, but in my case it was honest enough to have some genuine quality.

>> No.11868174

Improper speech is a tool that can be utilized to express casualness

>> No.11868175

One time I started explaining the art of translation to a girl. I used Don Quixote as an example talking about how Quixote speaks in a dated form of Spanish which causes a lot of miscommunication. I talked about how this becomes lost in translation. She said, “That’s really cool that you know that. Like I never would’ve known if you hadn’t told me.”

>> No.11868189

>could of

shoot yourself

>> No.11868198

That doesn't apply to women and texting. "Utilizing a tool" is not an apt metaphor for someone doing the only thing they know. It's instinct. Pedantry cannot be paired with a weak mind. Doesn't work. I won't be reading your next reply. But go ahead with your only possible rhetorical strategy and laugh at me and call me mad.

>> No.11868204

>whoa anon, you shouldn't put that newspaper on top of the radiator, it might set on fire
>it won't, the burning point of paper is....... A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
>wow anon, you're so smart, let's bang
What actually happened was that I told her that the ignition point of paper is way lower than what a radiator could put out and then she got mad as fuck at me for correcting her.

>> No.11868206

Banged one of those girls that share socialist memes because I read Kapital. Most chicks prefer music knowledge.

>> No.11868215

*is way higher than what a radiator could put out
How embarrassing for me.

>> No.11868219

>Girl asks question or for my opinion
>Give her that information
It's not like I went off on some unrelated tangent.

>> No.11868234
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I almost fucked a legit 3/10 jewess with nothing more than a basic conversation in German and general knowledge about Barthes and Proust. For a while I wondered how low my standards were, I had something of a sugar momma with a chubby 30 something year old woman with high testosterone levels which made her grow a noticeable amount of facial hair, but she was the one that made me reconsider how promiscuous I wanted to be in sexual relationships. But it's helped out for sure with hook-ups and other long term relationships. Obviously it depends on the person and their interests, what sort of qualities impress them.

>> No.11868318

yup, they're absolutely based and underrated.

>> No.11868397
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Yes. But I don't mention any books or authors in my dialogues, I just use excessive excellence of banter I got by reading a lot. Sometimes I quote things and they find it impressive though. But only uni girls. Simpletons are too stupid and I can't lower myself to their level.

>> No.11868404

>tfw literary shoegaze gf broke up with me 2 weeks ago

it hurts

>> No.11868422

I think some literary MILF was kinda impressed by me name dropping semi-obscure philosophers and giving brief surveys of them, but not enough to put out.

>> No.11868424
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that's a negative good buddy

>> No.11868426

what's /lit/ general consensus on the red pill?

>> No.11868538

Quintessential Reddit novelty ideas. Not intelligent enough to be edgy and thought-provoking, nor nuanced enough to be true.

>> No.11868725

The cringe in this thread is off the charts

Stay /v/irgins

>> No.11869602

Yes, she also just read gravitys rainbow and we talked about many other books

>> No.11869626

fuck me this makes me envious

>> No.11869640

Yes, I cheated on my dumb ex with a petite qt exchange student who came over to talk about books. My gf had big tits and a thicc booty tho so it wasn't really worth it. Petite girl had literally no tits and hadn't shaved her pussy.

>> No.11869730
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No, but my STEMfaggotry has.

>> No.11869742

kek, I find this absurdly autistic but I still respect you anon.

>> No.11869748
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I don't know what your guys' problems are.

Thots love smart men. Reading books always worked for an average looking guy like me.

>> No.11869752

Please be real holy fuck my sides

>> No.11869765

based christians

>> No.11869778


>> No.11869793

Surprisingly, yes. And the best part is that it has inspired typically reserved girls to open up to me, girls who I would have no chance with were it not for my bookishness.

>> No.11870058

Godspeed Anon. Proud of you.

>> No.11870072

Bunch of times, desu.

>> No.11870187
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>> No.11870194

Turns out, women are just like us and the cute smart incels are just to shy to approach

>> No.11870200

Proof once again that intellect and knowledge is inherently homoerotic. Wymyn want chads.

>> No.11870587

>all this unironic praise for such pure faggotry
I lost it at
>I still haven't seen her vagina

>> No.11870596
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>if you want some warmth, cuddle with the bible

>> No.11870624
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Chaste and Breadpilled
Blessed and Christpilled

>> No.11870644
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Retard, women are superficial.
Anything beyond the superfluous is unattainable to them

You converse about such matters with men, not women

>> No.11871054
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>> No.11871061

i wrote an enormous shitpost to this but you lads will never see its transcendent brilliance

but yeah it has

>> No.11871078
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An positive and hopeful post on 4chan.
Good luck anon.

>> No.11871243

How do I seduce the Jewish qt in my Bible class? I'm an aryan with a small penis by the way

>> No.11871926

I'm discussing with a girl right now, does anyone have the chart about V where you can see the chapters coming together?
I really need it to impress her and I can't find it on google

>> No.11871954

I don't know if this is real and how I feel about it

>> No.11871979

I don't think you understood anon...

>> No.11872221
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>> No.11872434

No, I've never met a single person IRL who is interested in lit or philosophy. I've never met anyone with an interest in history either. I believe I must come from a dumb fuck hilltown, because outside of the occasional "DUDE DID YOU EVEN READ PLATO" right wing old man who never read Plato and radfem or two who want me to read some Jewish Woman's blog I've never even heard references to philosophy.

Everyone is boring and retarded.

>> No.11872465

Dominate her, turn her into a slut, make it so she wants you to shoah her with your dick

>> No.11872524

You can't. You can maybe get her into bed once, but you won't be able to keep her with a small penis.

>> No.11872583

In the future you could use this post as an example of how some texts can't be adapted to the screen/stage because the ambiguity of whether she was ironic or retarded would be lost.

>> No.11872591

She's adorable and petite so I think my 3.5 inches will seem very large to her, especially considering I am a pretty good looking Aryan male

>> No.11873339
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absolutely chaste and breadpilled

>> No.11873378

I understood completely. Thots shall not distract me and lead me astray. I know they seek my destruction.

>> No.11873395


Never, ever. If you are handsome and successful and happen to like reading then MAYBE a woman might consider it a bonus.

Other than that, the answer is and always will be NO.

Seriously, this meme needs to be put in the fucking ground.

>> No.11873419

>Women actually asking these guys if they want to fuck.

Never happens to me, probably never will. I sincerely think I should kill myself fellas.

And, it's not like I've never tried either, I used to keep fit.. And I was ignored anyway.

>> No.11873420

i'm a 6/10 with no money and i got laid because of my writing, anon

>> No.11873444


>> No.11873448

you did the right thing, Anon. you successfully patrolled that thot

as for myself, my gfs have been the intellectual kind in college. "oh anon you're so well-read". meanwhile, i felt like a total pleb. now in phd, its slightly tougher to find somebody

>> No.11873471

PhD in what exactly?

>> No.11873475

trips of falsehood, my dick still smells like vag

>> No.11873484

yes women love a haggard ascetic with opinions from over 2 centuries ago

>> No.11873517

you could say im well read by econ standards,but econ phd students dont read books, which i find sad. i hang out here to get ideas about what to read. in college i read all the meme books, now im past it a bit

>> No.11873745

>I'm a 6/10 and I got laid because of my writing

Now lets see the picture of 3-4/10 you bedded you fucking pig.

>> No.11873813

>be me
>live in university town
>main attraction pf said university is business
>and liberal arts

Yes my /lit/ skills work well in flirting/ sleeping with liberal arts chicks. Pretty easy to strike up decent conversations with random women here about the subject of literature, journalism, history, politics, etc. I'm not even much of a conversationalist but having a baseline head start in a conversation because of common interests works wonders

Also a lot of /lit/ knowledge ought to go into character building anyways desu