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/lit/ - Literature

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11863924 No.11863924[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any non-onions modern writers? I was reading Echopraxia, and just encountered explicit anti-racism statement.

>> No.11863931

Jesus Christ, this anime board still changes s o y to onion.

>> No.11863932
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>> No.11864016

You legitimately need to take a long, hard look at yourself if you feel there's no compelling argument to be against racism other than "you're effeminate."

>> No.11864047
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Why are you afraid of authors who have differing opinions from your own?

>> No.11864053

I am against stupid opinions, not different ones, because they make me feel bad.

>> No.11864056

This post reeks insecurity

>> No.11864428

> 2019
> books now must have trigger warnings for poltards

>> No.11864438

start your search by looking down the barrel of a gun, you spineless, thoughtless idiot. If you so wish to be told what to think, you shouldn't mind such a simple command.

>> No.11864446

> If you so wish to be told what to think,
It is kind of opposite, I just dont want to be told to think retarded ideas like "raycism=bad".

>> No.11864453

lel as if being antiracist were some sort of iconoclaistic position and not absolutely 'what you are told to think and never question'.

>> No.11864455

race realism is bad and racism is bad. quit being so pathetically insecure in your individual capabilities that you have to ingroup

>> No.11864472

> have rational ideas based in reality
> thats because you just have small dick lmao
Is he ironic or not? I am not sure at this point.

>> No.11864473

>being aware of basic statistics is a sign of insecurity
so this is the power of antiracism

>> No.11864477

are you albert einstein?

>> No.11864502

It's not rational though

>> No.11864524

>observe differences in group averages
>differences hold when enviornment is accounted for
>differences are partially heritable, often highly so

>> No.11864533

Confirmation bias :)

>> No.11864537

right it's not like these are highly predictive measures or anything. definitely confirmation bias

>> No.11864539

Yeah pretty much

>> No.11864546

im sure Africa will turn into Japan any day now. also that stateless society, right around the bend

>> No.11864550

wow that's a stupid opinion.

>> No.11864554

And Africa needs to turn into Japan why exactly?

>> No.11864559

> muh relativism
The absolute state of leftist "philosophers"

>> No.11864562

So no argument, got it

>> No.11864567

you dont even know what half of those words mean. this is pathetic.

>> No.11864573

nice arguments guys, i will lay it out for you, where is the counterexample? A successful black country? I will take even a successful black American city.

It doesnt exist. Really makes you think

>> No.11864582

No, sweety, you are wrong, that's problematic attitude.
If you value your existence you will better live in Japan than Africa.

>> No.11864585

>never had anything I posted filtered
I think I made it desu

>> No.11864588

Doesn't excuse racism kiddo

>> No.11864595

> Doesn't excuse racism kiddo
Increasing your chances to exist longer excuses everything.

>> No.11864596

Hi newfriend

>> No.11864622

The pure anal pain of lefties here is amazing, totally unable to refute anything this polster is saying. Let me help you , ya fucking relativist faggot.

People making the argument for Africa completely blame colonialism on its ineptititude for being a developing country. Acting like nothings wrong with children getting raped to death everyday in sub-Saharan Africa is the most racist shit of all time you piece of shit.

But to answer the polfaggot, lots of it has to do with weather patterns and the fact that there’s no successive crop growth in many parts of Africa’s economy which also accounts for much of the war there ( also tribal religion and flat out tribalism). You’re also kidding yourself if you think the science isn’t in on racial differences in people but race realists like to over-emphasize these differences to indeed confirm their biases, meanwhile liberals just throw money at Chicago and let the blacks rapemurder themselves out of existence. You’ll have to refute this on a scientific level someday if you wanna stop making Richard spencer wannabes , numbnuts.

>> No.11864636
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>Africa completely blame colonialism on its ineptititude for being a developing country.


>> No.11864643

> over-emphasize these differences
What do you exactly mean?
> lots of it has to do with weather patterns
> Richard spencer
This guy doesn't even refer to genetics, he has some esoteric idea about whites, almost completely unrelated to science.

>> No.11864652

has there ever been a bigger self goal than Richard Spencer lol

>> No.11864653

Oh wow look I messed up that classic fopaw lol, it’s still doesn’t make me wrong In my analysis and maybe I would care if Africa wasn’t just a shirstain on the global map, cry more faggot

>> No.11864656

The science is misinterpreted by racists with an agenda to peddle, not hard to understand brah

>> No.11864663

you and the people calling you racist are all fucking idiots. Blacks are successful at being black which is different from being successful at being white, which they are most certainly not. Different strokes for different penises an shit

>> No.11864675

What do you think his "self-goal" was? The "Hail Trump" thing?

>> No.11864676

the only consistent racism is the racism based on iq which doesnt even remotely lead to 'white nationalism' let alone 'white supremacism'(it directly contradicts the idea that whites are the 'best' group) as a political formula. It doesnt really lead to any political formula at all, it's just a statement

you can be an anarchist or a monarchist and believe in group differences. Since the bell curves all overlap you will always have to deal with the whole spectrum of people regardless of whether yourestrict yourself to one race or not, you will just have different percentages of each vague 'group' within the bell curve.

>> No.11864679

> your agenda to care about your wellbeing and wellbeing of your kids and relatives is problematic, bad go...guy

>> No.11864685

>What do you think his "self-goal" was
His entire existence

>> No.11864693

Not sure how so, he's gotten exactly the exposure he wanted.

>> No.11864695

you fucking tricked me faggot
or were right idk

>> No.11864701

> the only consistent racism is the racism based on iq
Not really, you can have crime rates, political ideology tendency, tendency to be religious/atheist, and lots of other heritable stuff.
> doesnt even remotely lead to 'white nationalism' let alone 'white supremacism'
It does tho.
> muh relativism

>> No.11864702

sorry i dont get paid to educate on 4chan
read these if you're a racist.

The Palm-Wine Drinkard
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
Things Fall Apart
Facing Mount Kenya
Home and exile

just a couple off the dome
if you dont read, which you dont, watch the netflix documentary 13th instead and probably travel.

>> No.11864715

> read my leftist propaganda
Nah, not going to do so, I have enough FACTS and REASON from economic data, IQ tests, crime reports, political affiliation and historical precedents.

>> No.11864718

See, literally blaming the ills of all of Africa on Europeans lmfao.

Colonialism is literally the best thing that could EVER happen to any of these countries. When the French left Haiti it fell apart forever. Every place that was ever touched by colonoialism is FAR BETTER for it. Don’t give me this cultural relativism bullshit either it’s objectionably true.


>> No.11864727

i dunno about the best thing, they'd probably be happier and better off in jungle huts fighting with spears than they are with western-style economies and governments they are too stupid to manage.

>> No.11864729

It's an effeminate impulse to focus on ideology when making art.

>> No.11864730

>When the French left Haiti it fell apart forever.
>Every place that was ever touched by
colonialism is FAR BETTER for it.

>> No.11864741

You cannot know if they were happier, but the life is not about being happy anyway.
I would however agree that modern government is a burden for them.

>> No.11864751

Africans can't be educated or civilized, you can't force something into a people's nature which they can't develop on their own. Thousands of years of being left to their own devices didn't do it, a century of explicit Western domination didn't do it, and a century of being left to their own devices again but now having a functional model they could follow if they so chose didn't do it either. Stop expecting things from them they simply don't have the potential to fulfill and leave them alone.

>> No.11864779
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What ideally should've happened is whites running eugenics programs for blacks during colonial times to lift them up.

What would be kind of ok is a continuation of white rule.

What realistically is going to happen is China finishing the job in Africa.

What will happen with whites is pic.

>> No.11864781

i dunno, i watch stuff like this and think wow these people aren't actually that bad, they just aren't people. like what if we never gave them guns or fed them so well they reproduced past the carrying capacity of their environment?

>> No.11864782
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It's a shame that /lit/ will never give books like The Underground Railroad or NW a chance because of the /pol/ invasion.

But instead of another shitty racism thread, can we actually talk about contemporary literature? Did any of you fucks who constantly moan about the state of contemporary literature actually read The Nix or Lincoln in the Bardo?

>> No.11864794

>He didn't start with the racists

>> No.11864803

> Did any of you fucks who constantly moan about the state of contemporary literature actually read The Nix or Lincoln in the Bardo?
Are they onions? I seriously created this thread to fund some decent contemporary literature.

>> No.11864806

It's going to be fun seeing white libs try to shame an essentially emotion- & morality-free people like the Chinese out of Africa with their anti-colonial sentimentalism.

>> No.11864810
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Lincoln in the Bardo is about as onions as you can get.
A great contemporary book that will be out soon is pic related tho.

>> No.11864813

Not OP but I am annoyed by this kind of stuff. Not because it's a different opinion from my own but because it's so rote it makes me cringe. It's the same sterile opinions we've heard a million times ie. "Racism is bad" (no shit). There's nothing new, interesting or bold about it. Shouldn't writing be all three?

>> No.11864846

The current year +3.8 concept of racism is so expansive and abstract as to be incoherent and you know it.

>> No.11864848

they already know white shitlibs are a joke

>> No.11864869


Read these:





>> No.11864875
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what you're looking for is normal people by wayne rooney

>> No.11864879

He can't read those it's crimethink for him, he will im sure invent a way to discredit the authors without actually reading the text though.

>> No.11865775

>Colonialism is literally the best thing that could EVER happen to any of these countries
it really wasn't, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a 75 IQ spearchucker, too bad i also get lumped in with genocidal eugenicist maniacs for suggesting that africans cannot adapt to modern society.
>haha leftcuck, then why don't you go live in a jungle
because i wasn't born and raised in one.

>> No.11865826

>he still believes in human neurological uniformity in 2018

>> No.11865870

Imagine world in which the transatlantic slave trade didn't occur; so much more peaceful, so much quieter.

>> No.11865927

But the eternal Anglo had to fuck it all up.

>> No.11865942

I can no longer tell what is serious and what is satire.

>> No.11865957

Spaniards and Frenchmen were involved as well

I know what you mean though I sometimes imagine my country without 'diversity' and I realize just how fucking shit the period we were born into is. Why, fucking WHY does it have to be like this. Who the fuck's idea was it to do this shit? Is everybody literally fucking insane?

And there is nothing I can do except run away to more white areas constantly, which eventually just get taken over by the monotonous brown hordes that ruin everything that our government thinks are somehow better than us, and we just need to have.

i sometimes think this is all a dream, how can a people choose to suicide themselves? how does this happen, i do not fucking understand

>> No.11865968

I can not comprehend how sick people like you can exist and still think they're in the right. Suicide? You're fucking delusional.

>> No.11865974

Literally all I want is to have a fucking homeland with me and my own people and not be invaded, and this makes me sick?

>> No.11865997

You live in some fantasy world it seems.

>> No.11866007

I live in a world in which hostile people who openly attack me increasingly constitiute the neighborhoods I live in, and I am told I am a terrible person for noticing this.

>> No.11866016

No anon, you sick fuck, you need more rape, more theft, more drugs, more terror. You must learn to serve, endure, obey.

>> No.11866021

>how does this happen, i do not fucking understand
It's a combination of multiple factors, with the historic post-WW2 zeitgeist being a bad look for nationalism in general.

But also, I think a certain % of people are simply irredeemable. They'd rather see the world come together and go down together than have a separate part of the world be more successful than the rest.
They think the success of the West is undeserved and unfair. It's easy to argue for this, but once you go down this path you end up in very absurd situations, where the circumstances for success are out of anyone's control... of course, most people don't go down that path much, but stay in their fantasies of socialist utopias.

Then you have the neo-liberal elites with their "economic growth and fuck everything else" mantra...

I could go on...

>> No.11866022

Chia Melville

>> No.11866207

Tbh I dont think this is even possible. You either project power around the world, like China now, USSR, British Empire back then, or you lose and get immigrants and other bad people sent to you, the middle ground where you just live and let live seem unstable.

>> No.11866726

just use soi

>> No.11866778

>annoyance at stupidity is the same as faking a panic attack
Why do leftists hollowly ape the memes of others? Is it because they don't have souls or imagination?

>> No.11866790

North america could legit be a paradise rn.

>> No.11866814

That and the left can't meme.

>> No.11866861

>be told what to think
>not anti-racist
its the current year breh

>> No.11866864

Pretty wild how the only times leftists are ever actually seen funny is if theyre punching down in some way but le ironically of course.

>> No.11867186
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Race is real

>> No.11867340


>> No.11867397

I was more annoyed by how shit the MC was but this is as good reason no hate it as well.

>> No.11867476


>> No.11867708

What's MC? Main character?

>> No.11867890

The Quran is anti-sōy

>> No.11868082

And pro kiddie diddling lol

>> No.11868086

BASED magapede. Too bad moot is bringing us down!!!

>> No.11868090

4chan is a leftist site, we're just hosting some loud guests at the moment...

>> No.11868098

Pretty hard to invent stuff when you're fending off colonial invaders exploiting your resources and populace

>> No.11868105


>> No.11868118


>> No.11868122

Double cringe

>> No.11868129
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You have to go back :)

>> No.11868599

Anti-racist claptrap is a product of this era, and any writer who's blind to this is no genius.