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11856981 No.11856981[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Give me some amazing astronomy books

>> No.11856989

That's hot that the girls have to do that, but utterly disgusting that the boys have to do that.

t. a petite lesbo

>> No.11858727

... those kids look about 6 years old

What kind of perspective on the subject do you want? "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry" by Neil DeGrasse Tyson is good but only if you want to learn about astrophysics and only if you're in a hurry.

>> No.11859015

trigger warning fuckhead
this board is supposed to be a safe space

>> No.11859022


What kind of astronomy books?

>> No.11859029

why are all the girls on 4chan lesbians

>> No.11859035

kek, before the /pol/ kiddies gets here, give me one (1) logical reason why op's pic is "wrong"

>> No.11859048

ask /sci/

Kids wouldn't have to do this for heterosexual relationships in primary school.

>> No.11859055

It's pretty funny. I guess it's because I had to go through it once upon a time, I always laugh at kids having to do ridiculous shit in schools.

>> No.11859064

lesbianism is acceptable in the way that calling a straight friend a fag is acceptable. Everyone knows that they're not really gay

>> No.11859066

I don’t give a flying fuck

>> No.11859090

Is it on Youtube at all?
Also look at that guy's Twitter
>American convert to Islam

>> No.11859098

Homosexuality encourages relationships based on sex rather than child rearing. INB4 muh infertile couple, yes they aren't a real couple either but allowing them the pretense of a real relationship doesn't discourage healthy people from forming valid family units.

It also interferes with the natural order of masculinity/femininity for a number of reasons that I'm too tired to elaborate on here but which you can probably guess at

>> No.11859105

The majority of all lesbians, and 100% of femme lesbians are either pretending for social points, or have suffered severe childhood sexual abuse. Butch lesbos are pretty much the only legitimate ones

>> No.11859115

Gay people have a lot of auto-destrutive tendencies.

>> No.11859160

>m-muh logical reason kekxd
kys dumb hun tranny leftoid

>> No.11859163

>how dare they teach children to be tolerant of other people

you /pol/lacks are beyond saving

>> No.11859175

not very tolerant of you m8

>> No.11859178

>bro chill it's just tolerance, it's not indoctrinating kids into the globohomo gayplex state religion

day of the rope can't come soon enough.

>> No.11859228
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Because are the same people that teach this.

>> No.11859559

Not an amazing book, kinda dry actually, but since there are no other suggestions try a book called Space from the late 20th century which will give a pretty good rundown of what we knew about the universe up to like the early 80s

>> No.11859573

A bit over handed in getting the point across, this just gives fuel for the right wing pearl clutchers

>> No.11859588

Delete these.

>> No.11859622

But you are the one who posted them

>> No.11859629
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Sadly not, anon.

>> No.11860258

Everyone on 4chan is homosexual anon. You should've realised that by now

>> No.11860266

I post 2 of them.

>> No.11860269
File: 145 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180929-052953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof of this.

>> No.11860271

Because they're ugly

>> No.11860289


>> No.11860296

Whats so bad about writing a story from the perspective of someone else? I had to write one from the perspective of a soldier and Ive never wanted to be one

>> No.11860466

Pictures like this make me belive humans unironically need a good war at least once every two generations.

>> No.11860476

i work with a bunch of middle class english mums and one of them was talking about how her 5 year old boy loves to dress up as elsa from frozen and everyone approved and thought it was great including me

>> No.11860487
File: 2.13 MB, 4288x3216, c7Z4j1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to be someone you aren't is being tolerant of that kind of person

>> No.11860495

Did you know that lesbians don't real?

>> No.11860509

>not a single post answering OPs question

>> No.11860513

I will turn you straight, email me babe goethe_nigga666@cock.li

>> No.11860518

only read black science man if your a brainlet.

>> No.11860522

Divine Comedy

>> No.11860526

Is being a brainlet good or bad

>> No.11860565

Things will not end well for the human species.

>> No.11860675

>We shouldn't give people treatment that lessens their suicide rate.

>> No.11860700

>we should treat schizophrenics by indulging in their delusions
>we should treat alcoholics by letting them drink

>> No.11860715

>We should administer the most effective treatment.

>> No.11860720

Covering the problem with a bandaid doesn't fix the core of the issue

>> No.11860746

Your picture is infuriating

To answer the question:
The Almagest

>> No.11860760

>B-but the most effective treatment hurts my feelings!

>> No.11860821

>quick! give that lad a batch of hormones from Shekelberg Industries instead of looking at the alternatives and administering him two years of therapy! gotta fill my patient quota today
such is effectiveness

>> No.11860861

there's no indication that that picture is really depicting that. It's a fucking twitter post, I almost guarantee he is just making shit up.

>> No.11860925

1. It doesn't reduce their suicide rate because it at best delays their existential crisis when they come to terms with at best being a cheap simulacrum of an ideal they can never achieve
2. We shouldn't attempt to remake the world of the strong in service of the weak. Treatment is one thing, using the force of the status quo to force healthy people to engage in delusions of the mentally ill is quite another.

>> No.11860965

Explain in details why being “tolerant” is a desirable trait?

>> No.11861489

>God tier
The Phenomenons of Aratos,
The Almagest of Ptolemy,
L'Exposition du Système du Monde by Laplace,
Traité de Mécanique Céleste by Tisserand.
>Honorable mention, contains pretty much all of relevance up to the 1970s
Celestial Mechanics by Hagihara.

Last three are largely about mechanics, if you are more interested in a description of outer space objects, there are many books on planetary science but I can't recommend one in particular.
Also faggotry is a mortal sin.

>> No.11861499

Is anyone actually retarded enough to think your pic related is real

>> No.11861537

I think its telling that we got to a point where we can't tell if it is fake or not

>> No.11861638
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>> No.11861655

Astronomy is gay, can anyone give me THE definitive astrology/astrotheology book?

>> No.11861939

It wouldn't be that surprising if it were true with the state of the world as it is.

>> No.11862150

1) objectively wrong but regardless delaying suicide is still preferable to alternative
2) is this a sam hyde meme?

>> No.11862896

1. No, delaying their suicide as a "transwoman" is not preferable to actual treatment allowing them to resume a healthy life as a man
2. No, it's not a Sam Hyde meme. I'm just not interested in remaking the world in the lowest common denominator's image. It is one thing to help those who need it, it is another to worship the act of needing help as we currently do.

>> No.11863071

there are no women on the internet

>> No.11863083

enforcing kids to write love letter + the unnatural gender is chosen by leftist education system is wrong
; telling children who are just starting to develop feelings for the opposite sex, to produce work that only suggests feelings for the same sex is incredibly damaging to a heterosexual(normal) child's development

>> No.11863096
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>falls for fake news
>yea well it feels right to me anyway
You people are the downfall of humanity

>> No.11863108


sounds like your heteronormative sexuality is pretty fucking fragile if it can be damaged by an arts-n-crafts kindergarten assignment

>> No.11863112

>4 alarm clock icons
Wagecuck supreme

>> No.11863165

NEET detected

>> No.11863169

you know testicles are pretty easily damadged
so is your brain
infact most things worth something/protecting are easily broken or damaged

>> No.11863175
File: 148 KB, 332x332, Epic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing more sweet than being a NEET

>> No.11863193

except brains and balls aren't artificially made social constructs that enforce a patriarchal ideology for the disenfranchisement of minorities who pack power and position

oooh, and I loved how you slipped in the idea that heternormative sexuality is "worth protecting" like its some kind of fucking constitutional right

>> No.11863196

who lack*


>> No.11863202

Tolerance is essential for maintaining peace.

>> No.11863207

wrong. power is.
tolerance is apathy. the symptom of a sick and dying nation.

>> No.11863230

You’ll get left behind for one, guaranteed. You can pretend all you want. Capital is becoming more mobile, and the sweet gains of interest are going away along with it. As inheritance is taxed more, you will be wallowing in poverty while I have a small fortune

>> No.11863286
File: 1.48 MB, 1773x2364, 58608699_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that you are most likely some dude with complete NPC opinions who posts on /v/ and just happened on a dictionary, who now posts shit like this to 'trigger' /pol/-leaning people is hilarious
shine on your crazy diamond

>> No.11863613

Carl Sagan's Cosmos (the audio book is read by Geordi La Forge)

>> No.11863630
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>NPC with no argument

>> No.11863691

/pol/ is such a predictable joke.

>> No.11863834
File: 7 KB, 256x256, 37d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using meme language
>seething leftist on 4chinz
>expects to be taken seriously

>> No.11863876

desu have always heard that their suicide rates normally spike after they take hormones, since it fucks up with their heads going thourgh a second puberty.
Dont really know if im actually right or not.

>> No.11864204
File: 56 KB, 680x487, 1536220727759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, know tell me your history and remember there are no Pepes here.

>> No.11864216

fags are such predictable jokes

>> No.11864280

It's a predictable joke that you ask for reasons to be against homosexuality and people respond with reasons to be against homosexuality? Have you considered reevaluating yourself, you seem to be a bit off.

>> No.11864332

They shouldn't be writing love letters at all....unless they're completely non-sexual, in which case it's pointless. Also what about the poor kid who noone likes who doesnt get any love letters

>> No.11864931

>doubting the UK
Note the teachers remarks at the end, the explicit point is to brainwash kids. accept the diversity goy

>> No.11864986
File: 58 KB, 489x599, 1535602219343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intentionally post twitter bullshit (le caption and picture attached) to create /lit/-unrelated discussion
>inb4 "bullshit, he's a good boy"
>>well what kind of book do you want
>no reply
>mods dont delete this thread after 5min
a fucking joke of a job they are doing