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File: 51 KB, 992x558, kavanaugh-hearing-52-gty-jc-180927_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11853110 No.11853110[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about confronting inhumane, dehumanizing systems? I'm already familiar with Kafka.

>> No.11853111

The Stranger - Albert Camus

>> No.11853113

Franz Kafka's The Trial.

>> No.11853118

How did this go

>> No.11853124

I think he will be confirmed tomorrow.

>> No.11853128

My diary desu.

>> No.11853141

I'll just be happy that the Blue Church's disgusting strategy didn't work this time around

>> No.11853142

she repeated what she had said already and didn't seem to lose or gain credibility
he got angry and sad which probably played well for republicans

>> No.11853161


>> No.11853164

To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.11853166

Shitfest about high school beers and fart jokes.

>> No.11853204
File: 24 KB, 220x308, 220px-Haruki_murakami_hardboiled_9780679743460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, for the love of God, this.

This particular iteration was such flagrant, obvious smearing that it has made me doubt all the other times when a republican nominee was accused, even times that might have been accurate. Like I thought at the time that the accusations against the Surgeon General guy might be genuine, now I don't really think so. Not to mention the allegations against Trump, those against Clarence Thomas.

This willingness to lie, ostensibly from a means-justify-the-ends mindset, seems to be characteristic of leftists.

Sure, there are plenty of right wingers make stuff up in anonymous online forums. Left wingers do it in the senate and the MSM.

Even some lefties were wrongly accused I think. Al Franken and Garrison Keillor. Like they did it to their own just to try to prove something.

And all these other lies out there, like UVA rape case in rolling stone, mattress girl, Duke lacrosse, and the "attacks" on muslim girls in NYC and Ann Arbor that were proven to have not occurred by security camera, all the similar allegations of right wing hatred against minorities that people posted on facebook but conspiculously did not report to police.

I guess I'm just made

To answer OP's question, I think this sort of fits the bill. Maybe. >>11853110

>> No.11853212

We all know the woman is lying about Kavanaugh. But it's sickening to see all the dumb shit said by the republicans.

>Ford is a brave victim!

No. I understand the republicans and Kavanaugh have to say this to get the votes from cucked republicans like murkowski but so many people believe this shit. She's just a lying attention whore. Kavanugh's daughters are fucking stupid to pray for her.

Even Kavanaugh says his name is forever blackened because of this. This is always said about rape claims. But it's only blackened among retarded people. Everyone else understands innocent until proven guilty, in legal terms, and the common sense of knowing the huge incentives for people to make false accusations.

And then to even say "survivors" about someone who was groped or something is a whole new level of overdramatisation. To even say that victims should have a moral obligation to immediately report crimes is seen as putting too much responsibility on the shoulders of fucking adult children.

>> No.11853215

isn't he like completely innocent?

>> No.11853220

what the fuck are you talking about? people will never forget or forgive this no matter the outcome, dude's doomed

>> No.11853224

When right wingers lie its just because they're retarded.

>> No.11853230 [DELETED] 

There is no moral equivalency between modern left and right. They are not "equal but different"; one is fundamentally rotten and deserving of being censored and destroyed by any means. The other less so. Besides, you god-bothering subhumans can nominate some other simpleton to turn your archaic superstitions into laws. Or just let Putin's puppet put up a nominee who's not there to let him off later.

>> No.11853249


>> No.11853270

He gonna get nominated. But that nigga did it. The commitee didn't even want to bring in the other guy accused

>> No.11853273

Most likely not at all. The real travesty is that it wasn’t reported earlier though, as Trump said. That’s the ONE criticism that’s valid

>> No.11853279

>There is no moral equivalency between modern left and right.
>They are not "equal but different"; one is fundamentally rotten and deserving of being censored and destroyed by any means.
Agreed. I'm so glad we agree that the left is corrupt and should be destroyed completely.

>> No.11853284

You both should. That’s the real travesty

>> No.11853286

>Everyone else understands innocent until proven guilty, in legal terms,
The modern day court of public opinion suggests otherwise

>> No.11853288

Isn't it just her word against his?

>> No.11853300

There’s a lot of evidence he was just a shitty person. I could see him raping her. There’s no party allegiance here, trust me, politicians are shitty people usually. Moreso these days than ever.

It probably never came up until the woman who was raped realized she was a Democrat.

Here’s the really fucked up thing: she wouldn’t be reporting it at all if she were a Republican.

And they say modern society hasn’t gone to shit... absolutely embarrassing. I hate this modern spectacle

>> No.11853301 [DELETED] 

Conservatism is fundamentally backwards in every respect and is run by clowns with no moral compass. The purity of the left matters less than the destruction of the right. If/when this blubbering oaf is placed on SCOTUS impeaching him has to become a priority for the Democrats. There's obvious merit for it and, if it works, start down the line and clean house. Trump judges first, then Bush judges with bad records. The temptation to "reset the defaults" post-Trump will be strong, but Dems MUST resist when back in power. Let the "norms" stay broken; use the opportunity to throw out the stuff that had stopped working. Build a superior system in its place - one they CAN'T pull apart
Woah! A centrist! So much smarter than everyone with an actual position.

>> No.11853302

Her word against three other people.
She said she was molested at a party with four people, the three others say, "not only did this never happen, the party described never happened"

>> No.11853308

Thank you, yeah you see a lot of morons kind of sell who they actually are wholesale to a political party, it’s dehumanizing and horrifying

>> No.11853309

>o even say that victims should have a moral obligation to immediately report crimes is seen as putting too much responsibility on the shoulders of fucking adult children.

I think this too.

I have heard cases of people being raped (not "sexually assaulted", like raped in the ass until they are bleeding profusely) and not telling anyone until years later that I can believe. Recently one came out against an opera singer that sounded believable. But nevertheless, I just don't know what can be done if reports are not made shortly after the crime, unless of course there are many, many similar stories from people who have no connection to eachother, ideally allegations made in private and separately, such that it cannot be ascribed to a copycat effect.

>> No.11853316

Yes, but feminism and mass leftist influence via media/internet (in conjunction with hyper-partisan political atmosphere) makes this particular case so high-profile. There hasn't been enough evidence presented by either of them to completely clear their names from this. However, given the circumstances, it doesn't seem coincidental that all of this happens right before his nomination and not at any other point in the past 3 decades.

>> No.11853319

I'm a fucking commie and even I can see that THOT is lying. What an utter farce has America become

>> No.11853320

There’s rumors going around that she’s being paid by Feinstein to do this. As a psychologist she has lots of experience with how real rape victims behave, so she has the skill set to imitate them.

>> No.11853323

I was thinking this throughout the testimony. How much the Overton Window has shifted. It's as if the liberals win even if they lose. It's just a time game.

>> No.11853327


>> No.11853334

You are dumb.

Dumb dumb dumb

I think my least favorite kind of person is someone who only criticizes his party when they aren’t being REPUBLICAN ENUFF or DEMOCRATIC ENUFF

Honestly it’s fucking retarded these days I wish it were 100 years ago or something when it comes to politics

>> No.11853335

>There hasn't been enough evidence presented by either of them to completely clear their names from this
>to completely clear their names from this

>> No.11853340

>that’s correct

>> No.11853349

Harry Potter

>> No.11853357
File: 91 KB, 854x480, fixin to get socked in the goddamn jaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was eighteen one of my (homosexual) friends at the time grabbed my junk. It never even occurred to me to report him to the police or anything like that, it just seemed so minor and trivial. His obvious desperation was more pathetic than anything and to this day I still feel a little sorry for him. That being said, if anything like that happened again I would probably sucker punch the guy or something like that. Maybe it's worse for women since they can't defend themselves adequately and basically live in fear of getting raped, but I can't say that the experience really bothered me much.

>> No.11853363

>There is no moral equivalency between modern left and right
I agree the left is a disease, and it's adherents should be destroyed in the most permanent way possible. The weaponized pathos and broken emancipatory epistemology they've tried to force onto the population only shows that they are beyond reason. The only see them stripped of every dignity, so that that the people can be free of their moral perversions and illusions.

>> No.11853365

Can't say I'm glad we're getting more Trump picks for the supreme court but these weaponized rape accusations are getting old.

>> No.11853367

>politically-charged OP image
>OP asks about books somehow tangentially related to said image
>maybe one or two actual replies
>posting devolves into a spat about politics
every day the same

>> No.11853369

>dumb dumb dumb

A convincing rebuttal if there ever were one.

>> No.11853374

I actually enjoy /lit/'s take on this.

>> No.11853379

>all these posts whining about neoliberals doing neoliberal shit with no regards to the question
Threads like this where OP ask a inrevelant question coupled with a provoking image to incite off topic discussion should be banned.

Catch-22 was pretty fucked up

>> No.11853381

Its more than that.. its her word against his and 4 other people who were there.

>> No.11853384

yeah I kind of agree on this one. it is usually only in these threads where you see interesting stuff like this >>11853204
But otherwise it is more of the same

>> No.11853386

You're absolutely right of course, but I too (metoo?) am glad to be getting /lit/'s take on this

>> No.11853387

Yes but a man's testimony is worth half that of a woman's.

>> No.11853389

America doesn't have proper left. All you lot have is capitalist centrist party filled, and supported by feminists/sjws

>> No.11853392

Why should we have sympathy for a federal court judge? It's well known that corruption is rife within the judiciary. If I were Trump I'd first drain the swamp that is the judiciary. Massive purges are required. Let's not get too hung up over one or two individuals here, it's common knowledge the courts are not to be trusted. While I might sympathize with him as a penis holding man, that doesn't change the fact that he represents the branch of government I most detest. Kill them all I say.

>> No.11853395

There are people who believe equality is morally good and socially desirable; that's enough for the left to exist.

>> No.11853398

Ah, that I can agree with. I have been thinking for a while that the rise of left wing identity politics is just a way for the centrists in the democratic party to keep progressives busy with things other than class, wealth, and opposition to virtually unbridled global (crony) capitalism.

>> No.11853404

If women constantly live in fear of getting raped they need to be told to stop being so fucking neurotic.
Men are a great deal more likely to be attacked in any circumstance.

>> No.11853411

>Men are a great deal more likely to be attacked in any circumstance.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.11853412
File: 113 KB, 187x228, U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh only communists are left wing argument

>> No.11853415

>And then to even say "survivors" about someone who was groped or something is a whole new level of overdramatisation
"Rape survivor" is stretching it too far already, unless of course it was a murder rape from which you got out alive.

>> No.11853422

I want to believe this too. People say we need a third party further right but maybe we need a third party further left.

>> No.11853424

>the country that purged its leftists twice still having a Left
Not even the 60s New Left is around anymore

>> No.11853426

>I could see him raping her
Good thing the Justice system works otherwise.

>> No.11853432

Definitely on the left. I can't really say on the right. I think a less capitalist right wing would make sense. Basically a sort of nationalistic, isolationist, socialist party. Not NAZIs of course, since the original NAZIs were not isolationist.

>> No.11853433


They appear to be roughly the same. I have a hard time believing this, i have never known even one girl who got the shit truly kicked out of her, wehreas id be hardpressed to find a guy that hadn't had at least a black eye or two

>> No.11853437

I miss the centrists, guys

>> No.11853440

why do people still think that a polygraph means anything?

>> No.11853447
File: 148 KB, 1054x639, Screenshot from 2018-09-28 12-26-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well its true of my country anyway, men were assaulted twice as often.

>> No.11853449

>mattress girl

Damn, she was lying, too?

>> No.11853451

>muh anecdotal evidence!
is a shit argument but,
from my reading that article is pooling domestic violence into the corral, which is why female numbers are comparable to male

>> No.11853456

>the country that purged its leftists twice
don’t remind me
america used to be so based before the jews started running everything

>> No.11853457

Why are you conflating assault with rape?

>> No.11853458

Or killed at least, sorry.

>> No.11853460

I never said rape.

>> No.11853463

Do you admit that you are wrong?

>> No.11853466

Even the university thought the case had no merit, which is saying something. She does porn now you can google it.

>> No.11853468

the whole thread is talking about rape, the reply chain is about rape, why are you sidestepping into assault?

>> No.11853472

>Muh majority court
Isn't the judiciary supposed to be independent? Isn't that the point of the lifelong position?

>> No.11853476

We heard that a lot, and I missed Kavanaugh's opening lines when he quoted certain excerpts. But at least one of them, the one written by the other woman who was there, said that she simply didn't remember what happened and believed Dr. Ford's account.

This isn't a purely political exercise on the part of the left, at least not one having any impact on anything in any case except the one where Trump's fate is decided by the supreme court. Because even if we block Kavanaugh, we can't possibly block all nominations for the next two years. All we're asking is for the next best conservative judge to be picked.

Maybe you think this whole thing was trumped up to hurt the conservatives in the midterms. I think all its done is energize the conservative base when the liberal base was already very motivated to vote. Not exactly a good use of a grand liberal conspiracy.

>> No.11853480

But /pol/ told me, jews controlled wall Street, and funded the Bolsheviks way back in early 1900s

>> No.11853481

Because it relates to the whole "women live in fear" narrative.
Men are nice as fuck to women.

>> No.11853490
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>> No.11853496

The narrative only applies to rape cases. Plus your statistics doesn’t break since there is a possibility that a) man underreport their rape cases coz the live in fear or b) women underreport their assault cases. Not to say that either of the three possibilities are right but you conflating assault with rape is just disingenuous argumentation on your part

>> No.11853497
File: 104 KB, 455x715, Cancer_Ward,_Farrar,_Straus_and_Giroux,_1969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cancer Ward

>> No.11853498

Enough with this ‘innocent until proven guilty’ obfuscation. That is the just one of the numerous standards of evidence which is used within US law. Specifically it is the standard needed to convict a person on a criminal charge. Specifically it is the standand of evidence needed for the state to deprive a person of their liberty or life.

In civil court that isn’t the standard. In a civil suit the standard is ‘preponderance of the evidence’. Or in other words, you think the evidence makes it more likely than not.

Other circumstances might call for ‘clear and convincing evidence’, which is stronger than the second but weaker than the first. Or ‘substantial evidence’ which is even weaker than a preponderance.

This isn’t a criminal trial, it’s a hearing over whether Kavanaugh should get to be one of nine people who interpret the laws for everybody else in America. And while there are a lot of jobs I’d be willing to accept a less than perfect person, when it comes to Supreme Court judge, it’s not unreasonable to demand a higher bar.
And what exactly are these “huge insentives” for making a false accusation? This woman will never again be able to live a peaceful life as long as she lives. She will be constantly hounded, asked for comment on every decision made by the person who assaulted her forever.

She’s had to flee her house, and been subject to conservative media digging through her entire life, talking to every person she ever knew to try to get any dirt on her.

>> No.11853501

What a fucking cunt.

>> No.11853502

This is why we need electoral reform. Approval voting and proportional representation would be some of the best systems.

>> No.11853506

That's not me, your definition of "left" is retarded.

>> No.11853514

>person who assaulted her
When? Where?

>> No.11853516
File: 2.54 MB, 1638x1204, mattress girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she's a real piece of work.

>> No.11853527

It's the only meaningful definition of it there is, r at least it's the closest to it.

>> No.11853530

Oh so you are just a retard that doesn’t understand the lineage of Left and Right

>> No.11853531

Its unlikely that deaths by assault are being unreported.
It absolutely does not only apply to cases of sexual assault, its an overarching narrative that paints women as victims who have to fear walking home alone at night because they may be attacked by a stranger.

>> No.11853541

>She’s had to flee her house, and been subject to conservative media digging through her entire life, talking to every person she ever knew to try to get any dirt on her.
That's how the game is played. The liberal media does exactly the same thing.

>> No.11853542

That standard is even more than necessary as a social ideal to counter the insidious feminist standard of evidence which exists to provide them power.

>> No.11853544

>paints women as victims who have to fear walking home alone at night because they may be attacked by a stranger.
And men being assaulted more(or at least reported) doesn’t magically undermine that narrative you brainlet. Maybe if you could find man on woman crime is lesser or equal to vice versa you would have a point, but so far you haven’t shown that women shouldn’t live in fear.

>> No.11853546

Is that true? Why on earth did they not have those other two people testify? You’d think that if there were actually two material witness to the event, both of whom back up Kavanaugh the Republicans would have invited them to also testify.

Weird that it was actually the Democrats who wanted the other guy that was also in the room at the time to testify and that the Republicans refused to invite him.

>> No.11853547
File: 45 KB, 640x457, they had us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no moral equivalency between modern left and right. They are not "equal but different"; one is fundamentally rotten and deserving of being censored and destroyed by any means. The other less so.

>> No.11853548

range ban seppostan when?

>> No.11853555

I have a degree in psychology and nothing in my education would give me the skills to do anything like that.

And who do you think started that rumour? Seriously. Did you not see that dramatic roll out of the doppelgänger theory a couple days ago? Conservatives are desperate here, of course they are saying she’s being paid.

>> No.11853557

This and the Daily Beast published a bunch of text messages from her to her assailant in which she says stuff like "I miss youuuuuuu" and crap like that, and these messages continue for weeks after the alleged assault. The New York times even referred to the existence of these messages, but didn't publish their content because they didn't want readers to thing the girl might be lying. Basically it seems she got ghosted after getting analized and then she, somewhat understandably, felt mad at the guy, and I think she turned the memory of the sodomorious encounter into a rape in her mind.

>> No.11853558

Jesus Christ, this thread is full of MRA losers straight out of central casting.

Ya get that he's not on trial here, aye?

He's in a glorified job interview. Yet you're more than willing to throw your bodies on to the pyre of his improprieties, and for what? Because you think he's your only chance to establish a conservative hegemony and set back progressiveness an extra 50 years? Of course you don't think that, how could you? It's absurd. It seems much more likely that you're only hopping out of your EZ chairs and wiping the Dorito dust from your fingers so that you can stand up and post against the big, bad woman who's saying something damaging about a man who's clearly a lecherous scumbag. And it's probably because you're a lecherous scumbag, or aspire to be one and thus seek to maintain the norms of accountability which you aspire to be held to (namely, none). He's a gormless fool who, even if he were innocent of this crime, would still be gravely unfit to hold an aristocratic office. But, he's probably not. Read your boy's emails and his friend Mark Judge's book. He's a trainwreck and couldn't much more perfectly fit the profile of a sexual predator.

But one of the saddest aspects of you failed sons of conservatism is your utter lack of elegance. No Edmund Burke among you, no. No eloquent defenders of the value of conservative ideology. Instead, a motorcade of short-buses offloading every unread, fragile fool onto the sewage filled streets of online discourse. All you have is presumed dishonesty, and everything beyond is conspiracy theory, and poor theory at that. You believed in nothing, because you never gained the spark of intellectual curiosity. But that Edenic ignorance could only carry you so far into this life. So you lost your innocence and became disillusioned, and found meaning in the first threat that shook you soundly: women. No Happy Fall was this, the apple you ate was poison. And now you are infected, and you spew the self-same poison that robbed you of goodness onto others. But you're too weak to do it to people's faces. You know they'd shun you as the urchin you so apparently are. So you use the internet, where you have no face and you can advance the notion that your insides aren't ugly and disfigured like a blighted crop. You parade under banners of rationality and knowledge, spitting in the faces of the better men and women whose life's work you've hijacked to drive through crowds of people who want nothing more than to leave you behind.

Better yourselves, because the world will not become more tolerant of the inheritors of Brown Shirt sentimentality again. Alternatively, move to the Philippines and impose your will on others so that you're never forced to become stronger. Or, you can keep denying the call and die alone, disgusting and unfulfilled.

Not literature, saged.

>> No.11853570

It’s werid you’d say that because this exact situation played out with Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill, but back then the fbi was allowed to investigate and multiple witness were called across three days of testimony. The event today didn’t grant Ford anything close to the same level of process, her treatment has been *worse* than it was back in the 90s.

>> No.11853574

>Enough with this ‘innocent until proven guilty’ obfuscation.
>In civil court...
maybe because the issues addressed in civil court are entirely different and require different approaches than criminal matters. Go file a civil lawsuit if you want the law on your side and only asking for a preponderance of evidence, but otherwise lay off pretending you're interested in upholding legal procedure.
Also, just FYI, the preponderance of evidence currently rests on Kavanaugh's side, not Ford's. ;)

>> No.11853576
File: 59 KB, 1117x309, Screenshot from 2018-09-28 12-54-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men being assaulted more doesn't undermine a narrative that says women are especially likely to be attacked.

>> No.11853577

>Its unlikely that deaths by assault are being unreported.
t. no personal experience with crime whatsoever

>> No.11853578

As far as I'm concerned, the accusations being correct make him more qualified. Anti-feminism needs to be built into the structure of our government, and making such actions prerequisites to hold office accomplishes just that.

>> No.11853587


Please read this, the lulz will be like you have never known https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/41277899

>> No.11853588

>How dare you demand proof of an accusation.

>> No.11853589
File: 121 KB, 500x584, smuganimu14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine writing these paragraphs and then being proud of yourself for having done it

>> No.11853598

>le greentexty man

>> No.11853599

>narrative that says women are especially likely to be attacked.
>pushing the goalposts this hard
You originally said that there is a narrative of woman “lived in constant fear of getting raped” and using assault as proof. Why you again conflating assault with rape in the narrative?

>> No.11853601

My God, this is unironically the best post in this thread. Under-fucking-rated

>> No.11853606

Oh, Well I guess it’s fine then..
Wtf are you talking about? The point is about insentives and that person claiming false rape accusations are insentivized. I’m pointing out that they are clearly not in this kind of situation because you have to suffer having your entire life dug through and conservative media openly smearing you forever after.

Think about what happens if he doesn’t get confirmed. He still gets to keep his old federal judgeship, still getting to influence legal interpreation and so on. She gets constantly hounded by conservative media and activists forever.

Again, this isn’t a criminal trial. It’s a debate over his character.

Even putting aside the issue of the assault, he was clearly lying about his drinking today. Is it not troubling that he’s lying under oath? Literally there are any number of other judge which could be put on the court other than him, why should we settle for such an obviously and grossly flawed candidate.

>> No.11853610


>> No.11853611

imagine having a reaction image folder so autistically organized that your directory could, at any point, display "smuganimu14.png"

>> No.11853613

>REEEEing out an overlong blog post full of self-righteous purple prose which will go predominantly unread despite all the hard work put into it
The most pathetic post in the most pathetic of threads. Tragic.

>> No.11853617

>Kavanaugh claimed the incident must have happened on a weekend because he never drank on weekdays and everyone worked summer jobs, and that if you look at his calendar he never partied with two people Ford mentioned on weekends
>But July 1 mentioned him getting Brewskis (beer) with the two people Ford mentioned, making it plausible if it happened over the summer
>Judge’s book mentions that he worked at a supermarket briefly over summer before senior year
>Ford mentioned seeing Judge at the Safeway supermarket after the incident
>Judge claimed that Kavanaugh was a heavy drinker who blacked out
>Kavanaugh claimed that “boofed” referred to “flatulance”, when it’s actually a common slang term for anal sex, claimed “Devil’s triangle” is a drinking game when it’s slang for penetrating all three holes, etc
>Kavanaugh has also previously lied under oath before
>Ford discussed the incident with a psychiatrist in 2012, years before Kavanaugh was getting considered as a SCOTUS nominee
But he a good boy who dindu nuffin, don’t bring the FBI I was top of my class and part of the football team

>> No.11853618

>Even putting aside the issue of the assault, he was clearly lying about his drinking today. Is it not troubling that he’s lying under oath? Literally there are any number of other judge which could be put on the court other than him, why should we settle for such an obviously and grossly flawed candidate.
He waffled on his drinking because he knew they would use it against him and also because it's a none issue.

>> No.11853622
File: 226 KB, 900x969, smuganimu15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11853625

>because he knew they would use it against him

Yeah it's like when you don't confess to murders because you know the police are just gonna use it against you. Crooked fucks.

>> No.11853626

I made two different points.
They're connected because its part of the same neurosis, women feel like they need to be on edge even though they're safe as fuck.

>> No.11853627

$0.20 has been deposited in your account

>> No.11853628

Well now I wanna see 16, babe.

>> No.11853630

Absolutely not. It’s a shame I see this many Republicans on /lit/.

I knew we were conservative, but I didn’t think we were Republicans yeeeugh

>> No.11853633

No. More like if he admits he ever blacked out (which many people have) they would claim he did it when he blacked out. Then how could he defend himself?

>> No.11853634

This. They literally say over and over that the hearing is basically a job interview, not a literal trial. Why do you think there were people there asking questions like
>What is your opinion on judicial temperament?
Right after he gave an angry, crying rant on his opening statement? Lol

>> No.11853638


>> No.11853641

>Again, this isn’t a criminal trial. It’s a debate over his character.
I never implied it was. His opposition to leftism is proof enough of good character.
Even putting aside the issue of the assault, he was clearly lying about his drinking today. Is it not troubling that he’s lying under oath? Literally there are any number of other judge which could be put on the court other than him, why should we settle for such an obviously and grossly flawed candidate.
If anything is said in opposition to the left, it is true due to its righteousness alone. The individual is meaningless, our world has good coming from the right and evil from the left. The communist, the anarchist, the egalitarian, the castrated intellectual, the feminist, etc. offer nothing but a pervasive individualistic nihilism. Under their domain, the human life loses what little worth it ever could have had.

>> No.11853644

I don't know anything about the culture war aspect of all this because I've willfully tuned out. What I do know is that this really is about control of the Supreme Court and it's tiresome everyone pretends it isn't. And Republicans, no matter how much they will deny it, fired the first shot by sabotaging the Merrick Garland appointment in a display of naked political party power over tradition, order, or civility. That was unforgivable. If they hadn't done that it's very possible this entire debacle wouldn't have happened, regardless of the man's actual guilt or innocence.

He shouldn't be a SC justice solely for the fact he is a Republican/Trump nominee. That means he's an incompetent judge, from the eyes of realpolitik, that can be counted on to be a reliable political running dog. If the man had any honor he would have rejected the nomination and stood down by now. In the future there will probably be court packing and it deserved to happen. Partisan cheerleading will not return legitimacy to the court.

I don't know if Kavanaugh raped anyone, but the Republican party sure raped the Supreme Court.

>> No.11853646

I'm a leftist mate. I don't trust any thot after the whole #metoo fiasco

>> No.11853647

But your own statistic here >>11853576 shows that women’s fear of being raped is justified when the difference in rape between genders is vastly more than in assault percentage wise. Although to be fair to you, men probably underreport their rape cases too.

At best you can say that women should be scared of rape and not assault which no one is denying or contesting. But whether that their fear of the latter is former is up in the air

>> No.11853652

Still a lie, friend. And if I recall correctly, lying in order to sure-up details of your side of the story isn't permissible in court, and shouldn't be permissible from people seeking the highest selected office in the US. I black out around women all the time, and would happily tell anyone who asks. Wanna guess what I've never been accused of?

>> No.11853653

>65 sexual assaults
No, they fucking shouldn't.

>> No.11853654

I'm not a Republican by any means, but I'm opposed to the left making any gains whatsoever.

>> No.11853655

you've been entirely mindspooked by the american political bread and circus haven't you
next you're going to accuse me of being an american republican

>> No.11853656

>their fear of the latter is former is up in the air
Their fear of the former should extend to the latter is up in the air

>> No.11853662

Only if you serve it to me off your cock, mate.

>> No.11853663

No, but I can guess what you've never been nominated for.

>> No.11853664

By nonissue you mean ‘important to the very heart of the matter’. If he was getting blackout drunk often in high school he legitimately not remember doing it.

He had an alcohol problem which he lied about because it rightfully damages the credibility of his denial. The reason his pal Judge wasn’t called in was exactly the same problem, that guy wrote a whole memoir about overcoming alcoholism, a memoir which mentions getting drunk with Kavanaugh.

>> No.11853665

What in the fuck is wrong with women? Why do they do this shit? Men have to end this once and for all. It’s absolute insanity that a baseless allegation can destroy a man’s entire life and career.

>> No.11853667

Which is more than 5 times than male sexual assaults so what is your point?

>> No.11853668

Give it time.

>> No.11853674

>not transcending the political spectrum like the rest of /lit/ and reaching enlightened, unbiased highs


>> No.11853678

Its a very small number, women do not have to fear being attacked by men.

>> No.11853679 [DELETED] 

Look at the fragile little baby, can't handle treating women like people so he goes online to rally his chunky MRA toddler cronies to ACTION.

What're ya gonna do, halitosis them into submission?

>> No.11853681

>not transcending the political spectrum like the rest of /lit/ and reaching enlightened, unbiased highs
>>11853558 (You)
>>11853498 (You)
>>11853300 (You)

>> No.11853685
File: 19 KB, 222x293, D1926523-5A99-442F-AF4D-E341E09A53E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women do not have to fear being attacked by men

>> No.11853690

You’re fucking insane. There are dozens of intelligent legal scholars who would be perfectly qualified to perform the job with the contemplative ability it requires.

>> No.11853691

c'mere slut, daddy's got a treat for you

>> No.11853694

Those posts are nothing to be proud of. They're the ravings of eunuch who unquestionably affirms the value of intellectualism because it is the means our society provides to justify its hierarchy. He may claim to be whatever he wants, but he's more conservative that anyone else posting in this thread.

>> No.11853696
File: 69 KB, 617x151, 2D796886-7AA2-4CB3-AE0D-258713766ECA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are other people who aren’t associated with contemporary political parties

On a side note, big props to the guy for mentioning Edmund Burke, real great politician. Thumbs up man

>> No.11853699

>women do not have to fear being attacked by men.

Oh my god, can you imagine living in this guy's world? Tell me boy, what's it like to wake up in innocence?

>> No.11853701

>women do not have to fear being attacked by men.
So you have statistics where women on women assault exceeds man on women assault?

>> No.11853705

You are fucking retarded.

>> No.11853706

It’s not one person you fucking retard

It’s three unbiased patricians soaring above the mindless, stupidity of the masses

>> No.11853708

Ooooh yeah gimme those four inches of feminist crushing MAN MEAT

>> No.11853709

These 2 posts make an equilibrium of balanced retardation

>> No.11853713

That may be good in a hypothetical situation, but at this point we're beyond that. IT's either he wins or the left claims a serious victory.

In any other situation, I would oppose his nomination too. Those who have attended prestigious universities in this country should be ineligible for any office, but here we are.

>> No.11853717

Not an arguement and no proof. Maybe shut the fuck up next time

>> No.11853721

For My Legionnaires - Codreanu

>> No.11853722

It’s fckin wild that on /lit/ people say shit like that. Isn’t one of the essential functions of literature the bridging of different subjectivities? The ability to come to see the world from other points of view and to connect them to ones own, thus getting closer to a universal view?

Maybe it should be no surprise considering the number of people here who believe there are no good women writers that there is also no understanding of the basic ‘what’s-it-likeness’ of being a woman.

>> No.11853724
File: 110 KB, 605x394, benfoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's patrician I'm a proud pleb

>> No.11853727

Consider that a puppet of Putin will make better choices than the Democratic party.

>> No.11853728

It doesn't matter who is committing the crimes, there is no epidemic of women being attacked any anyone and therefore there is no epidemic of women being attacked by men.

>> No.11853734

that's right you manwhore, we'll make a misogynist of you yet
if you're good maybe I'll let the rest of my anime club take turns using you as their onahole, and wreck your tight, quivering little ass until you leak sterile cum

>> No.11853735
File: 225 KB, 1536x433, 66E31E2C-A062-4549-9E54-07ADBB8146BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t really understand the point of what you were trying to do but somebody else posted their screen so I think that means I ha e to post mind?

>> No.11853736

That’s just sad.

There is nothing that makes me sadder than this. As a successful individual it saddens me that anyone should revere your contempt and hatred for intellectual culture and actually thinking things through.

>> No.11853739


>> No.11853742

Few things are as legitimately contemptible as "intellectual culture."

>> No.11853745

You said that “women do not have to fear being attacked by men.” Not that the “frequency of men getting attacked is lower than women.” Can you learn to read what you wrote?

>> No.11853748

You’re saying this on a literature board. Here


>> No.11853754

It doesn't matter who is committing the crimes, there is no epidemic of women being attacked by anyone and therefore there is no epidemic of women being attacked by men.

>> No.11853760

The only way to appreciate literature is through is through the means given to us by intellectuals, right? There are no other ways of engaging with art without the tools of our cultural elite to guide us, right?

>> No.11853761
File: 6 KB, 183x275, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have something for you too. Here:

>> No.11853764 [DELETED] 

i hate white ppl and men

>> No.11853763
File: 35 KB, 700x898, A7101820-BA9E-40E3-8B3C-1378136BBA6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women do not have to fear being attacked by men

>> No.11853767 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 1409775379443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wahhh I had to get a job interview and asked tough questions as a Supreme Court Justice, the highest ranking judicial body position in the United States that is appointed for life and is responsible for interpreting the Constitution! Wahhh its not fair, it's literally, unironically the same as The Trial by Kafka!
>Wahhh, if I don't get selected, I'll have to settle for the lowly position of a US Circuit Judge!
If we're going by Mark Judge's book and Kavanaugh's performance the guy is an emotional wreck. We need a Supreme Court justice who is calm, has a cool head, and respects the law (i.e. doesn't lie under oath, which he has already been caught doing and probably did additional times with his latest hearing).

>> No.11853774

Repeating yourself like a retard is not an arguement senpai. Either prove your statement that women should be fearful of man for assault by showing statistics of women assault on women or shut the fuck up.

This “people can’t complain about X coz I had worse” argument on both sides is just cancerous virtue signaling

>> No.11853776

Absolutely not, in fact I don’t think many aspects of modern academia are correct or even raising the right questions

However, what you’ve just said is that you hate any sort of intellectual culture and that is exactly what /lit/ is.
Wrong again, I have faith in God, as do most here

>> No.11853777


>> No.11853778

>>11853696 (You)
>>11853735 (You)

>> No.11853779

Maybe read my post or fuck off.
There doesn't have to be even ONE single woman on woman assault for me to make my point.

>> No.11853781
File: 152 KB, 1148x425, 5AC2C4F6-B037-4341-8773-AB48DB4EB583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11853785

No need to screenshot. You called samefag and I did a gentleman’s screenshot to resolve the issue. That other individual just cleared up that it was three, and not two people

>> No.11853788

It does, it makes your point about women not fearing men for assault to be wrong

>> No.11853789

>However, what you’ve just said is that you hate any sort of intellectual culture and that is exactly what /lit/ is.
I think you're making quite the generalization here. What's best about this board is the ability for discourse on literature to occur with participants taking many different perspective, anti-intellectual ones among them.

>> No.11853792

look at these faggots, let me guess, you think you need to be fearful when taking a ride on a plane

>> No.11853793
File: 124 KB, 600x400, 1535624899785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11853798

...what? I go here for INTELLIGENT conservative/progressive viewpoints.

The Republican Party retards can go back where they came form


>> No.11853800

Mate, now you're just being willful. There's loads of proof, the only defense that's being put forward is a calendar and a freewheeling conspiracy. Shaky legal grounds, that. Socially shakier still.

>> No.11853801
File: 436 KB, 503x501, Screen_Shot_2018-07-31_at_11.09.05_AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you have to pay billions in bailouts to farmers because you don't know how trade works but it's ok because it triggers the libs

>> No.11853803

No arguement but a stale meme. Sad!

>> No.11853805

It didn't work with Anita Hill either, and Thomas was an actual documented predator.
I hate how the supreme court has become politicized though. That guy Obama appointed should have been on the court 2 years ago, let's be honest.

>> No.11853810

>same filenames
>same writing styles
>same css themes
>same inane blabbering
>same masturbatory rhetoric
Even if you weren't samefagging, your three made up personalities are such dull carbon copies of each other that they might as well all be the creation of a single tired autist. But you are samefagging, and sloppily. You lower the thread quality when you act like this.

>> No.11853816

You say this but all you've done is quote 3 "patricians". You haven't demonstrated your ability to judge intelligence.

>> No.11853817

The calendar isn't even good proof. His own calendar confirms that he went out drinking with two of the people Ford met at the party on July 1st and Ford mentioned seeing Judge at a grocery store in the summer, shortly after the incident. It makes her claim more plausible because it fits into a consistent timeline.

>> No.11853818

No, I fear nothing but disappointing my chosen family. But I recognize that, as a man, that's my privileged position.

>> No.11853819

>everyone should be mindlessly supporting a political party like me
I’ll take the number five but my personal statement is that I don’t want it to have ketchup. I’m on the right side I hope?

>> No.11853825

There is no proof.

>> No.11853826

also, Judge mentioned that he briefly worked in a grocery store over summer for a few weeks, corroborating her claim

>> No.11853828

True, that.

>> No.11853835

I'm neither a republic, nor a conservative. I'm merely opposed to the left, and I appreciate all modes of anti-leftism.
It's probably the only means of recourse the republican party has. With the growth of minority populations and, due to globalism, increased centralization of economic power in urban areas, they would be unelectable without some means of influencing the political system as a whole.
He also got impressed that someone namedropped one of the most famous statesmen in the history of the English speaking world.

>> No.11853840

>Corroborated timeline
>Documented dishonesty on the part of the defendant and sole witness
>Credible testimony from the victim
>History of alcohol abuse by the defendant
>Sole witness secretly fled the state once the investigation escalated

Yeah dog, none whatsoever.

>> No.11853842

Clearly Kavanaugh lied under oath, this should be enough grounds to not confirm him. It was enough for Clinton to be impeached by the house when he lied about fucking the intern.

>> No.11853843

It wasn't enough for Clinton to lose his position.

>> No.11853844
File: 23 KB, 500x400, 1513126991011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"there's a lot of evidence that he was just a shitty person"
>doesn't post any evidence
>just repeats how shitty he was over and over again with different words
>spends an entire post trying to refute the principle of "innocent until proven guilty"
>ignores the fact that all of the evidence beyond he-said-she-said is in Kavanaugh's favor
>complaining about "muh republicans" and not realizing that this sets a very public precedent with regards to how to treat baseless sexual assault accusations against otherwise criminally clean men

>> No.11853846

I drank heavily and went to the same school with lots of girls, i guess they could do whatever they wanted with standards this low.

>> No.11853847

Holy shit Move On and The Resistance sure are active on here tonight.

>> No.11853848

Not enough people read Burke, and he would be appalled at your blind hatred of a political party.

Here’s the truth: both parties have some nuggets of wisdom. I believe in God but I believe we’re ruining his Earth.

I believe in the free market but I think government intervention is valid.

I don’t like the government but I think it’s necessary.

I think these are all views Burke would have but no self respecting Republican or Democrat would have at the same time. This is a real problem, I hope you see why

>> No.11853849

Bartleby is kafka but written by a gentile with a soul

>> No.11853851

>they would be unelectable without some means of influencing the political system as a whole.

Obviously, but that doesn't change the fact that this notion of privileging certain areas over populations is inherently undemocratic.

>> No.11853853
File: 185 KB, 2000x1200, 2018-09-27T194113Z_1_LYNXNPEE8Q1QN_RTROPTP_4_USA-COURT-KAVANAUGH-2000x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11853855

Even they wouldn’t have wanted to fuck you

>> No.11853856

You've been the only one supporting a political party here, samefag ;)
>surely the next political elite nominated to the supreme court will have a spotless character, just like the good guys in my animes!
You waste your breath in selective outrage over a handpicked few of the vermin infesting the corridors, a New York Times Editor's Choice of acceptable targets of vitriol, while slobbering on the cock of the powers and systems that put them there in the first place. The Democrats birthed Kavanaugh in unholy matrimony with the Republicans, as well as Ginsburg and Garland and Thomas and Sotomayor.
You have lowered yourself into facebook-tier political shitflinging, samefag. Your claims of independent thought are equal parts offensive and ridiculous. The fact that you feel the need to come into this thread, and throw paragraph after paragraph and character after character into the trenches of a flavor-of-the-month scandal belies your claims of independence. If you understood anything beyond partisan demagoguery you wouldn't waste so much time and effort on such a meaningless pursuit.

>> No.11853857

Are those some kind of shill organizations? I thought the post prose from the anti-Kavanaugh posts in this thread was uncharacteristic of /lit/ threads in general.

>> No.11853858

Stop projecting.

>> No.11853861

It’s not a criminal trial though, it’s a job interview. They are asking questions to examine his character, not determine if he’s going to jail. It’s for an appointment for life that literally interprets the Constitution, of course it makes sense to scrutinize him

>> No.11853863

this sucks, I know if the dumb things I did while shitfaced in highschool came out I'd be unemployed

>> No.11853865

>replying to my low-tier bait
cmon anon

>> No.11853868

>Everybody who doesn't think wymen are always right and can do no wrong is a magapede /pol/edditor

>> No.11853870

>cmon look as I namedrop political organizations and news outlets

The less you give a shit about it he less it matters

>> No.11853871

I know. I loathe it so much, but I fucking love it at the same time.

>> No.11853874

No of course not, because it was consensual sex and quite frankly irrelevant. Plus, it's not like Clinton was running for reelection. Kavanaugh is gunning for a lifetime appointment here.

>> No.11853875

Yeah but you’re not applying to a permanent position that is the most powerful body of the judicial branch

>> No.11853877

Well MoveOn is a politically progressive shill group and The Resistance is just generally anti-Trump sentiment but yeah I agree with you about the odd prose and posts that we've been seeing in this thread tonight. Awfully suspicious stuff indeed.

>> No.11853878

I never said they shouldn't have held the hearings, in fact I'm glad they did. When I first heard this story I was on the fence but after looking more into it and having watched both of them talk before the committee, I kind of realized what a giant shame it was. My problem is that people are still fucking shilling the same talking points with no regard for the truth of the matter.

>> No.11853879

I'm a student at Georgetown university. I black out around women regularly. I have never been accused of sexual assault of any description. I would more than readily publicly affirm the fact that I've blacked out. If I did something horrible during a blackout then I would want to be held to task for it. I am not an animal, and neither are women. With that understanding your id shouldn't get the best of you regardless of what your BAC is.

>> No.11853880

honest question, are you an incel?

>> No.11853883

I was unironically grinded on and sexually assaulted by two drunk women at a party. I've moved on with my life.

>> No.11853887

We were talking about lying under oath.

>> No.11853888

watch yourself anon, in about 30 years I'm gonna drop some real nasty allegations on you from parties who have been too scared to come forward until now

>> No.11853893

>was unironically grinded on
Without consent?

>> No.11853894

Have the next Democratic president nominate them to the Supreme Court so we can start this whole shit show all over again.

>> No.11853897

99% of sexual shit happens without legally-binding consent

>> No.11853899

>I black out around women regularly
What makes you think its worth it? Stop being a fucking retarded alcoholic piece of scum.

>> No.11853901

>muh holes

>> No.11853902

I ironically raped at least five women.

>> No.11853903

I couldn't consent because I was inebriated.

>> No.11853906

hahaha I'll take that as a yes.

>> No.11853907

If that were the case, then I would deserve whatever the consequences of my actions are. The capacity of human beings to change does not precludes us from justice.

>> No.11853909


>> No.11853912

Are you ignoring his ex-gfs and everyone else? Do you really think people on /lit/ would even consider him if everyone spoke out against him because MUH MAGA? Most women who knew him say he was polite and genteel.

>> No.11853913

How do you ironically rape women? With a clown penis?

>> No.11853918

#metoo anon. Some girl who was like 4 years older than me tried to grab my cock, she persisted, even though I pushed her away several time

>> No.11853920

What if you didn't actually do it?

>> No.11853922

you brutally rape them but let them know it was all just a prank after you finish

>> No.11853923

Sue her for damages.

>> No.11853927

No wonder rape and rape accusations are so prevalent

>> No.11853928

Absolutely, but I don't think they care much ar this point. When it comes down to in, the urban areas of the the US participate in and benefit from he globalist economy that they're not part of this nation in any meaningful sense. They're part of an international league of cities in which each territory has more in common with the others than with the land that surrounds them.

>> No.11853930

I don't give a shit, what highschooler hasn't hogtied a slam pig while off his face on vodka? It's 2018

>> No.11853931

>What makes you think its worth it?

I'm a human. I work almost constantly, whether in my academic or creative pursuits. I carry great pain from past loss. And I yearn to disassociate from the cacophony of everyday thought. So, once a month, I go a bit overboard when I'm out. I don't expect this to be a part of my life for long, but it is right now.

You should try letting yourself go a bit every now and then. Your inner-child deserves it.

>> No.11853936

>this notion of privileging certain areas over populations is inherently undemocratic
That has never existed in any state, ever, even communist ones.


>> No.11853937

Behold, the hedonist! Look on him and despair!

>> No.11853938

I don’t know if you’re joking or not, but you’re talking about rape.

Rape is never okay

>> No.11853939

I hope you grow out of writing like this too.

>> No.11853940

you are an utter bugman and I hope you overdose on hops

>> No.11853941

How could I know if I were blacked out? If I wake up and my dick smells like pussy and I don't follow up, I have no reason outside of my own vain self-preening to believe myself over her.

>> No.11853942


>> No.11853943

t. slam piggy

>> No.11853947

>dude I was applying for the most powerful, permanent position of the judiciary branch and they asked me tough questions, it’s literally, unironically like the Trial from Kafka
>if I don’t get this job it’s literally systemic oppression, I’ll have to be just stick to my previous job as a US Circuit Judge instead and that’s just inhumane
Talk about 1st world problems, lmao

>> No.11853949

Just saying.

I’m responding to the idea that it was “cool” to do what Kavanaugh did.

No matter how popular you were in high school, you wouldn’t rape women

>> No.11853950

Is sexual contact between two drunk youths rape?

>> No.11853952

If she didn’t want it ya dupe

>> No.11853953
File: 5 KB, 128x127, Ranran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kavanaugh's only mistake was denying his conquests

>> No.11853954

Yeah that's internally inconsistent. If I was a hedonist I certainly wouldn't be putting myself through this hell.
You're cute, I like you.
I'm from rural Pennsylvania.

>> No.11853955

>systematic oppression
This isn't a meaningful description of any existing social phenomenon.

>> No.11853956

Koestler, Darkness at Noon

>> No.11853958

Well he's not accused of raping her. Curious as to why you think rape is never justified though.

>> No.11853962

>I'm from rural Pennsylvania
I'm from Timbuktu, who gives a shit

>> No.11853963

is rape ethical if you consider the aesthetics of violence the highest moral good? shouldn't the weak fear the strong?

>> No.11853964

hope you get shanked

>> No.11853965

>I'm from Timbuktu

>> No.11853967

It’s a good thing that’s not what that says, then

>> No.11853968

Let me clear this issue up right now:

Rape is only justified if it’s wrongly accused and a lie on the accuser’s side (which does happen)

Rape is never justified if it does happen

>> No.11853969

>Implying he wouldn't be disbarred/removed from his current position

>> No.11853972

It was okay for vast sum of human history. We are all rapebaby here anon

>> No.11853975

Nah he couldn't technically consent either due to his being drunk. She raped him just as well. #IBelieveMen

>> No.11853977

explain your reasoning

>> No.11853978

Mate, bugman means militant urbanite. My origins and aspirations are pastoral.
Finally, some common ground.

>> No.11853984

>Rape is only justified if
lemme just stop ya right there shitlord

>> No.11853987

You’re a loser man, I’m not even talking about rape in this weird legal sense, I mean having sex with someone without their permission.

You can rape while you’re drunk. And that’s wrong and you’ll go to hell for it too

>> No.11853991

>And that’s wrong

>> No.11853993

What are you talking about? The post affirms the legitimacy of the concept.

>> No.11853995

I thought guilty people tend to get angry?

>> No.11853998

Well that is what I'm talking about also genius.

>> No.11854002

What are even the point of these comments? Can’t you see you’re saying obviously incorrect things because of one of these reasons:

-Political affiliations

I mean cmon this ISNT /pol/. There is a STRONG divider between us.

>> No.11854003

Pretty sure the wrongfully accused get pretty pissed off about the whole being wrongfully accused thing as well.

>> No.11854007

So I reckon you have no argument other than muh holes

>> No.11854010
File: 8 KB, 250x202, cigarette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trolling or just deciding to put words into his mouth at will?

>> No.11854011

Oh shit here comes the /pol/ boogeyman again!

>> No.11854014

So what happens to her if it turns out she's actually lying?

>> No.11854015

>goes on 4chan literature board
>wtf why are you asking questions that would not be normally expected or acceptable to ask?
if you can't answer the question that's okay, just admit it and leave the thread

>> No.11854020

She’s not.

The question is why she waited to bring it up

>> No.11854021

>/pol/ boogeyman
t. /pol/, it's always /pol/ that whines about this

>> No.11854022

How do you prove she's lying?

>> No.11854025

it's a felony to lie to the senate. up to 5 years in jail and 200k fine.

but he has lied and nothing has happened so...

>> No.11854026

>-Political affiliations

>> No.11854027
File: 6 KB, 400x300, clarence-thomas-will-get-his-hearty-laugh-back-after-obamacare-loss-justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She becomes a democratic poster child like Anita Hill did.

>> No.11854030

yeah the suprmeme court is completely fucked at this point, might as well let the retarded plebs elect each justice

>> No.11854031

>everyone is /pol/
t. /leftypol/

>> No.11854033
File: 21 KB, 200x154, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at 12.15.28 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brett Kavanaugh, the boy who sexually assaulted me.

Were we supposed to get goosebumps when she said this?

>> No.11854037


>> No.11854043

I've heard, many women cried

>> No.11854045

why is the Republican Party full of elite Chad pussy grabbers?

>> No.11854052

They're not. It's just that democratic party is filled with literal pussies

>> No.11854053

If you are looking for singular men up against the world stories:

Ian Smith - The Great Betrayal

How the world abandoned Rhodesia, allowed white farmers to be slaughtered, and let the country fall to a communist dictatorship.

>> No.11854057

t. /pol/, it's always /pol/ that whines about this, especially after being accused of being /pol/

>> No.11854066
File: 459 KB, 256x244, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder if you're an incel you can't have a valid opinion about this

>> No.11854067

>this thread made it to 300
did the mods get paid off by the brigaders crawling all over this shitheap why the fuck is this still here

>> No.11854070

>on /lit/
the only way to get those faggots over here is to lie and report stuff for breaking us law

>> No.11854075

am i the only one that thinks this is overblown considering he was 17 and drunk?

coupled with the fact that nothing really happen.

>> No.11854076

Protip don't do that. I hear that's one thing that they actually do something about.

>> No.11854077

Mods don’t give a shit anymore

>> No.11854081

Nah. We just know what sort of people are the loudest and most vocal when it comes to this sort of stuff.

>> No.11854091

Later parts of The Plague as well.

>> No.11854095

the report button doesn't actually do anything.
bitch on >>>/qa/

>> No.11854096

He isn't even accused of rape, yet people keep using this word to refer to what he did on social media. This entire situation is infuriating.

>> No.11854110

Social standards eventually trickle up to legislative standards. Concepts that are eroded legally are often eroded culturally beforehand

>She’s had to flee her house, and been subject to conservative media digging through her entire life, talking to every person she ever knew to try to get any dirt on her.
That's not really Kavanaugh's fault though. That has absolutely no bearing on the validity of her accusations.

>> No.11854121

Got groped by some dude two years ago and I'm more so embarrassed that there's video proof. It still felt kinda validating. Even asked him if i should try that strategy for myself with the opposite sex.