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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.71 MB, 1600x5632, conspiracyiceberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11844725 No.11844725 [Reply] [Original]

What do I need to read to understand all of these?
/occult literature general

>> No.11845711
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>> No.11845770

this is like a list of unused Fall album titles

>> No.11845772

none of this bugman conspiracy garbage qualifies as knowledge or even occult "literature"

>> No.11845784

/x/ is a retard board

>> No.11845809
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None of this means anything. 9/11 happens every year? that doesn't even make sense

>> No.11845836

You dont. You realise these conspiracy fascinations are the result of a mind steeped heavily in fearful karma and that true enlightenment requires you to let go of a malevolent conception of the cosmos.

t. mystic sick of these bullshit claims that diverge people from the path of gnosis.

>> No.11845883

absolute fucking kek

>> No.11845998
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I didn't realize until recently the depth and breadth of occult literature. I suppose I knew that it existed, but I hadn't actually gone out looking for it.

I'm interested in if anybody knows of a sort of broad-spectrum analysis of occult literature AS LITERATURE, not as some profound or profane study of mystical things.

Essentially what I'm seeking is a book of comparative mythology that deals specifically with occult books - like how they're written, what the 'classics' of the genre are, what are the tropes and themes that carry on over time, what do people who like occult stuff like about certain books as opposed to others, etc.

If anybody knows of a good analysis of occult shit that isn't spooked as fuck I'd be really interested.

>> No.11846015
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But it does
It happened 15 days ago

>> No.11846205
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My god... he's right!

>> No.11846359

>there is no conspiracy

This is true.

>> No.11846476

that pic is the most random shit ever.

>total bullshits
>typical /x/ topics
>some nice thought experiments
>some things that are not even /x/ related

and many more

>> No.11846481

What are some of the nice thought experiments in the image, I'm not going to read through all of it

>> No.11846536

great post

>> No.11846560
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Gangstalking is some straight-up schizophrenia shit and I was shocked when I went to /x/ the other day and saw a bunch of people sincerely discussing it
I hope they're LARPing.

>> No.11848502

/x/ in general makes me uncomfortable, it's like /pol/, I sincerely hope those guys are LARPing. Poor fucks.

>> No.11848524

I was in the thread when this image was created.
Fun times.
I like the theory that history only began in the tenth century

>> No.11848530

Finland doesn't exist, Japan did 9/11, meth immortality, 9/11 happens every year, IKEA Concentration camps, and Shills do it for free are among my personal favorites.

>> No.11848531

>90% of books written by one author

>> No.11848543
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Renaissance rationalization and capitalism took off and created a self-perpetuating highly effective fascist prison-mind-state which is not bound to any territory but rather to amorphous deterrotorialized capital constantly altering reality retroactively to give a sense of time or progression since its inception.

>> No.11848565

Evola books are decent for breadth. "The Hermetic Tradition" for Hermetism obviously, "Mystery of the Grail" goes into the mythos of the holy grail, which ties in with alchemy etc. His "Introduction to Magic" also has a lot of interesting readings, mostly from his own contemporaries, but it includes some translations of fairly old occult texts.

His books are "spooked as fuck" though

>> No.11848618

I hate these images because the kookiest shit will be at the top level while something like “artificial outrage industry” is half way down. It might not be a conspiratorial monolithic organization, but you’re retarded if you can’t see that outrage has been commodified for centuries and that with the advent of electronic media there certainly is a veritable industry supporting this status of commodity

>> No.11848623

Also this. Then sub to r/occult for another humor subreddit if that’s your thing
>inb4 reddit
i don’t care

>> No.11848755

>>11848543 Big fancy words for "money is fake".

>> No.11848783

Occultism should be treated as a fun, yet brief, detour on the true path of metaphysical understanding. It is not the answer. That road leads to listening to JRE and earnestly believing in conspiracy theories.

>> No.11848784

That’s the joke. /x/ started adding random cool sounding bullshit to these pics and now it’s gotten out of hand. 90% of this list is shit people made up.

>> No.11848789
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Capital is Sentient AI

>> No.11848883

Ehh, I don't know about 90%.

I'm embarrassed to say I recognize a lot of these, even deeper down the list.

>> No.11848894

All conspiracy theories are shit people made up.

>> No.11848966

Good point but there’s tonnes of threads on /x/ specifically about adding new stuff. People debate about what will sound outlandish yet still believable as a conspiracy theory. I remember when these charts only had a few layers each with like 20 conspiracies and now look at how far it’s gone with the pic in OP. It’s funny that a board so dedicated to topics like conspiracy theories are more than happy to implicitly shit on the idea of a conspiracy in general.

>> No.11848975

>Eisenhower's "Golfing Trip"
Redpill me on this

>> No.11849232

The CIA operates a hotel that’s actually a secret nuclear bunker.

It was discovered and the hotel was shut down.

>> No.11849610
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other version

>> No.11849674


>> No.11849867

/x/? HAH! It looks like it's straight out of /pol/,

>> No.11849873

funniest post ive seen this month

>> No.11849921

Where would you put David Ike on this scale?

>> No.11850267


They get worse and more meme-like the further down you go. Sad.

>> No.11850388

there were few that turned out to be true, you know

>> No.11851686

>9/11 was an accident
>He doesn't know

>> No.11851690
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>There is no conspiracy

>> No.11851720

>doesn't even have the ACTUAL conspiracy theory
9/11 was an inside joke

>> No.11851803
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Conspiracies are real. Most countries have laws against conspiracies, why would they have that if they NEVER happened?
But somehow, if somebody presents a THEORY about this real phenomena being present in a particular case, it is always false?

>> No.11851809

capital is a front for sentient onions

>> No.11851845

They aren't joking. A good portion of them are actually mentally ill and making it a hundred times worse by posting there.

>> No.11853582

At my job I regularly see a dude who's told me he gets followed everywhere he goes, even getting looks at my job site. I haven't the heart to tell him that maybe it's him and he should ease up, he seems like a capable handy person otherwise

>> No.11853590

>evangelion aus easter egg
What is it?

>> No.11853659

Capital is valorisation.
There, I saved you a lot of time and the Accelerationists could have saved 200 years by reading Marx.

>> No.11853720

>9/11 was an accident
probably my favourite

>> No.11853753

>onions becomes sentient
What is this and why is it on the furthest tier?

>> No.11853791
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iceberg bread

>> No.11853831

>The Void
Shit, that was great.
who's your favorite sister /lit/

>> No.11853834
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>> No.11853841
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>> No.11853859

What taken serious /lit/ has that mysterious mystical /x/ feels?

>> No.11854781


These are retarded.

>> No.11854821


st john of the cross
omar khayyam
william blake
john donne

>> No.11855281

Not gonna lie I love these kind of charts that completely go off the rails the deeper you go.
No matter if its music or lit or theories.

>> No.11855492

t. can't do serious math

>> No.11855734

Don't google these btw. They're used to track people.

>> No.11856263

The Gulf War Never Happened is a reference to Baudrillard's post-modernist book "The Gulf War Did Not Take Place".

"DPRK defectors lied" is just the truth. South Korean capitalists pay them to lie about North Korea. In reality, North Korea is a nice place to live.

>> No.11856303
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>> No.11856460
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>> No.11856529

just watched it
that was hella gay

>> No.11856543

>history only began in the tenth century

more about it?

>> No.11856559


lol, what would they track some random bushidos for

>> No.11856568

I'm pretty sure that one's real. I don't remember the specifics but it was something about how in the NGE Australian release when you idled on the main menu in a certain way a short clip of a woman from a jav would pop up.

>> No.11856586


yeah, there's even a youtube video about it.

>> No.11856665
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No I mean they get worse and less serious the further down you go. Though poly-dimensional Topology is practically Tekken 3.

>> No.11856673

This is the worst iceberg chart I've ever seen.

>> No.11856686

Solar plexus clown gliders. No matter what you do you can never escape them.

>> No.11857110

About a month ago I was reading "A Symphony in the Brain: The Evolution of the New Brain Wave Biofeedback", an exposition about (surprise) biofeedback. The author goes over the history of it, famous personalities, and the ways in which using neurofeedback to concentrate the brain on producing certain brain waves, which then has a variety of subtle and profound effects on mental functions: most notably, it has been shown great potential in curing seizures.

At one point, the author mentions several studies on focused Theta brain wave production. This is difficult to do, because Theta seems to correspond to the state of mind bordering on sleep, and subjects tend to fall asleep. In some cases however, people achieving a prolonged waking Theta state report auditory and visual hallucinations, involving some weirdly Jungian imagery (the author mentions seeing old men, feelings of traveling downwards, ect.).

This particular part struck me, and not just for its inherent spookiness either, but because the exact same experiences were described in another book I'd been just reading: Introduction to Magic by Julius Evola and the UR group. In that book, it describes the exact same experiences as being achievable through deep meditation, even the reported symbolism of descending and wise old wizards are the same. The difference is that it was written nearly 100 years ago, generations before brain imaging was even an idea.

Tom Wolfe wrote an essay on this subject called "Sorry But Your Soul Just Died". He ends with the following:
>"Recently I happened to be talking to a prominent California geologist, and she told me: "When I first went into geology, we all thought that in science you create a solid layer of findings, through experiment and careful investigation, and then you add a second layer, like a second layer of bricks, all very carefully, and so on. Occasionally some adventurous scientist stacks the bricks up in towers, and these towers turn out to be insubstantial and they get torn down, and you proceed again with the careful layers. But we now realize that the very first layers aren't even resting on solid ground. They are balanced on bubbles, on concepts that are full of air, and those bubbles are being burst today, one after the other.""
>"I suddenly had a picture of the entire astonishing edifice collapsing and modern man plunging headlong back into the primordial ooze. He's floundering, sloshing about, gulping for air, frantically treading ooze, when he feels something huge and smooth swim beneath him and boost him up, like some almighty dolphin. He can't see it, but he's much impressed. He names it God."

It seems to me like this is the current path of neuroscience. The most cutting edge is seemingly verifying what occultists and alchemists have known for centuries. It's interesting to see a field go full circle like that.

>> No.11857511

t. CIA

>> No.11857686


>> No.11858714

whoever can master lucid dreaming at will can explore the fringes of consciousness "at the peril" of literally getting lost in dreams, so i've heard

i'm not so far off myself but have health issues that give me constant irritants that are holding me back on this skill for now