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11804029 No.11804029 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that people consider depression a physiological disorder and they swallow in pills in order to go to work and be functional.

>> No.11804034

Or they smoke weed in their bedroom and shitpost and skate by getting rid of their addy prescription they never use while they skip class and make a 2.6 gpa

>> No.11804038
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Redpill = General alienation is the general underlying cause of most mental illnesses today. Cross it out as a factor and what remains are pseudo-illnesses which are manufactured by capitalist society to deem those who deviate slightly to be dysfunctional, but only within the framework of capitalism is that true.

>> No.11804040

you say it like it was different.

>> No.11804045

i think the people is dumb. just that, in other economic system they will swallow in pills too and they have a priest too or a psychologist to told them what they do wrong and why they feel like shit.

>> No.11804061

>haha can you believe some people understand what genes and neurotransmitters are and how they work?
>me, I am too retarded for intro level community college biology, so I believe I can cure chemical disorders by thinking hard about Arnold Schwarzenegger and working manual labor

>> No.11804073

>muh chemical imbalances
This is your average physicalism poster too btw

>> No.11804081

>I can cure
daily reminder that people classify behaviour in order to give it an impression of normality and peace. and if you feel the world is shit and you dont want to do nothing is not because you feel the world is shit but for Chemical disorders
>there is nothing to cure assholes

>> No.11804098

I think hearing people talk about mental health or psychiatry is the best quick IQ filter. You can immediately see whether or not they understand the scientific method and its misapplications.

>> No.11804113
File: 59 KB, 593x318, 54737-004-083822F3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's...it's the Jews! Big Pharma! People's laziness! That's why I get confused by terms like "synapse" and "calcium ion." It's just a great big liberal conspiracy to strain my gray matter and help people function and achieve
Damn, the wisdom of Sam Hyde-educated 107 IQ NEETs from pol never fails to deliver. truly we are in the presence of sages

>> No.11804120

look, this is my opinion.

>> No.11804150

Why are you so cruel :(

>> No.11804160

Not really. Depression is increasing globally in unprecedented levels. We haven't been this way before.

>> No.11804165

People are exhausted from the constant positivity of excess. This exists on a neurochemical level, sure, with the diminishing of dopamine sensitivity, etc. but it doesn't start there. Depression is a negative experience that is meant to teach and it will, given the oppurtunity. Our society avoids these lessons by swallowing more positivity to their own detriment.

>> No.11804169

Whenever I say stuff like this to people all I get back it "nah it's not increasing; we're just better at diagnosing it because science is improving"

the average person actually believes that, its astounding

>> No.11804173

>if you’re not a physicalist you’re a /pol/tard
Woah great critical thinking

>> No.11804176

this is more about the priests and psychologists making the charts than people being depressed in unprecedented number. i think. they invent the term in first place.

>> No.11804190

Imagine being this based and redpilled
You prolly think your testosterone influences your body too lol

>> No.11804191
File: 15 KB, 480x480, 1512165768431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the power of a 420 toker?

>> No.11804206

People are increasing at unprecedented rates. More people equals more depressed people. My shrink is booked all the time, have to make appointments almost a month in advance just to lie to her

>> No.11804218

In percentage, you dumb shit

>> No.11804255
File: 75 KB, 750x750, 1520048943840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can reduce human behavior and thoughts to a bunch of complex chemical interactions

Thanks, rabbi. Who knew it could be as simple as ignoring human agency, perception and external events.
I can already feel the SSRIs helping...

>> No.11804282

You should try an adrenaline injection

>> No.11804315

>all these posters think they're talking about literature
There're probably bigger psychic ruptures than OP describes in that.

>> No.11804374

>reject God
>don't pray or engage in any religious practice or take part in any spiritual community
>follow vapid pop culture and pseudointellectual drivel slavishly
>actually believe in publicly mandated morals that teach that good is evil and evil is good
>constantly bombarded by propaganda in school and all media telling you that you're an oppressor and the incarnation of all evil
>believe that people are just soulless biological robots slowly decaying into oblivion (I fucking love science!)
>slave to money and status signalling
>maintain contact with sociopathic family members who abused you since childhood
>surrounded constantly by morbidly obese monsters covered with tattoos with metal shit hanging out of their faces who are hysterical with hunting bigots
>surrounded constantly by hostile foreigners who want to kill you and degenerate lowlife Sodomites parading around in rainbow fursuits on leashes
>no hope of ever affording a house, a car, or to start a family
>all potential romantic partners are narcissistic whores infected with dozens of STDs with a half dozen abortions under their belts and seething with contempt and implacable hostility against men

Pro tip: Depression isn't real. You're not depressed. You're unhappy. It's almost like the way you're living is unnatural and you belive shit that you know is wrong and your society has shitty values that produce shitty people. Stop believing and practicing lies. Believe in God, go to church, and get the fuck out of toxic Western society. Move to Asia, the Middle East, or fucking Africa. Anywhere that isn't the West. Throw out your TV. Never watch another movie again. Move out of the city. Get a place out in the countryside and either make REAL money for the sole purpose of buying a house, a car, and raising a family with a traditional wife, or just forget money and focus on spiritual pursuits. There. You won't be sad anymore.

>> No.11804406

Spooks, the post

>> No.11804614

What do people in the 21st century have to be depressed about more than any previous time in history?

>> No.11804658

Community is more important than medical science, abundant food, shelter, and other such luxuries.

>> No.11804674

Enjoy being unhappy and taking pills just so you don't kill yourself.

>> No.11804706


>> No.11804766

tfw no gf is a chemical imbalance.

>> No.11804785


>> No.11804789

Daily reminder your hot opinions are not books and the best you'll do is vanity publishing on Amazon about a discipline you don't care for. No, it doesn't matter if you're right, if it did then we could fill this board with Asuka best girl posts all day.
>Tl;dr: even Rei faggots are as /lit/ related as you

>> No.11804833

daily reminder that you cant never get rid of monitors and class representatives who make the world a little worst shitty place with his "order".

>> No.11804863

>This means that a disconnect
between the evolving peer-reviewed
literature and advertisements is
not permitted. Regarding SSRIs,
there is a growing body of medical
literature casting doubt on the
serotonin hypothesis, and this body
is not reflected in the consumer
advertisements. In particular, many
SSRI advertisements continue to
claim that the mechanism of action of
SSRIs is that of correcting a chemical
imbalance, such as a paroxetine
advertisement, which states, “With
continued treatment, Paxil can help
restore the balance of serotonin…”
[22]. Yet, as previously mentioned,
there is no such thing as a scientifi cally
established correct “balance” of
serotonin. The take-home message for
consumers viewing SSRI advertisements
is probably that SSRIs work by
normalizing neurotransmitters that
have gone awry. This was a hopeful
notion 30 years ago, but is not an
accurate reflection of present-day
scientific evidence.
>The FDA has sent ten warning letters
to antidepressant manufacturers since
1997 [34–43], but has never cited
a pharmaceutical company for the
issues covered here. The reasons for
their inaction are unclear but seem
to result from a deliberate decision at
some level of the FDA, rather than an
oversight. Since 2002, the first author
(JRL) has repeatedly contacted the
FDA regarding these issues. The only
substantive response was an E-mail
received from a regulatory reviewer
at the FDA: “Your concern regarding
direct-to-consumer advertising raises an interesting issue regarding the validity
of reductionistic statements. These
statements are used in an attempt to
describe the putative mechanisms
of neurotransmitter action(s) to the
fraction of the public that functions
at no higher than a 6th grade reading
level” (personal communication, 2002
April 11).
>It is curious that these advertisements
are rationalized as being appropriate
for those with poor reading skills. If
the issues surrounding antidepressants
are too complex to explain accurately
to the general public, one wonders
why it is imperative that DTCA of
antidepressants be permitted at all.
However, contrary to what the FDA
seems to be implying, truth and
simplicity are not mutually exclusive.
Consider the medical textbook,
Essential Psychopharmacology, which
states, “So far, there is no clear and
convincing evidence that monoamine
deficiency accounts for depression; that
is, there is no ‘real’ monoamine defi cit”
[44]. Like the pharmaceutical company
advertisements, this explanation is very
easy to understand, yet it paints a very
different picture about the serotonin
Was that too much for your sixth grade reading level?

>> No.11805047

I highly suggest everybody ITT read this

It's an extremely informative and autistic meta-analysis of the many, many meta-analyses that have been published on SSRIs, specifically concerning their efficacy compared to placebos and biochemical nature of depression

the tl;dr

An important point I want to start the conclusion section with: no matter what else you believe, antidepressants are not literally ineffective. Even the most critical study – Kirsch 2008 – finds antidepressants to outperform placebo with p < .0001 significance. An equally important point: everyone except those two Scandinavian guys with the long names agree that, if you count the placebo effect, antidepressants are extremely impressive. The difference between a person who gets an antidepressant and a person who gets no treatment at all is like night and day. The debate takes place within the bounds set by those two statements. Antidepressants give a very modest benefit over placebo. Whether this benefit is so modest as to not be worth talking about depends on what level of benefits you consider so modest as to not be worth talking about. If you are as depressed as the average person who participates in studies of antidepressants, you can expect an antidepressant to have an over-placebo-benefit with an effect size of 0.3 to 0.5. That's the equivalent of a diet pill that gives you an average weight loss of 9 to 14 pounds, or a growth hormone that makes you grow on average 0.8 to 1.4 inches. You may be able to get more than that if you focus on the antidepressants, like paroxetine and venlafaxine, that perform best in studies, but we don't have the statistical power to say that officially. It may be the case that most people who get antidepressants do much better than that but a few people who have paradoxical negative responses bring down the average, but right now this result has not been replicated. This sounds moderately helpful and probably well worth it if the pills are cheap (which generic versions almost always are) and you are not worried about side effects. Unfortunately, SSRIs do have some serious side effects. Some of the supposed side effects, like weight gain, seem to be mostly mythical. Others, like sexual dysfunction, seem to be very common and legitimately very worrying. You can avoid most of these side effects by taking other antidepressants like bupropion, but even these are not totally side-effect free. Overall I think antidepressants come out of this definitely not looking like perfectly safe miracle drugs, but as a reasonable option for many people with moderate (aka "mild", aka "extremely super severe") depression, especially if they understand the side effects and prepare for them.

>> No.11805069

if you think this, nothing will change your mind. i dont buy into the npc meme but if ever there was an npc-tier opinion, its that history is a linear process towards the better, aided by science and technology, and hindered by community ("tribalism") and moral purpose ("ideology")

>> No.11805180

I blame social media and its stupid "standards" people gets anxious over how many likes or retweet they get, they need to be up to the trending topics and so on. Also all social media like Instagram and Facebook revolve around false success and looking like a million dollars and popular.

>> No.11805393

I never made any such claim. All I'm wondering is why people itt are so absolutely sure that no other period in history would have produced proportionately as many depressed people as the times we live in. It just sounds like recency bias to me. "My generation SUCKS I listen to Queen and Jimi Hendrix not Lil Pump!" Etc. But substitute the artists for depression and expand the timeframe to all of human history. "Lack of Community" as that other anon said doesn't feel like a reason sufficient enough alone to convince me that were you to bring the entire field of psychology back in time to say the mid 1300s when the black plague ran rampant, they would not diagnose a higher proportionate ratio of people as "depressed".

>> No.11805408


>> No.11805454

[Not looking up from book intensifies]
Reminder you're the reason why librarians perfect that stare

>> No.11805890

Depression is a feature, not a bug.

>> No.11806244

Post modernism destroying any sense of purpose or community. Turns out humans need a place in the world to function, even if the rules that govern those places are bullshit

>> No.11806255

What is its purpose then?

>> No.11806343

>daily reminder that people consider depression a physiological disorder
It is. Normalizing your neurotransmitters without pills is a lot of work and sometimes it's downright impossible.

>> No.11806359

>never use
People who don't respond positively to amphetamines are aliens. That shit makes me happy af even after years of daily dosing.

>> No.11806363

No viable way to fulfill the power process even if you're wealthy.

>> No.11806364

>Move away
>Throw out all your belongings
>Don't enjoy any form of entertainment
>Make """REAL"""" money
>Rebuy all your shit
I wonder who's behind this post
I agree with your sentiment, though. But you don't have to move out of a first world country and strip yourself of your belongings nor enjoyment to do most of the shit you've listed. You can just do it here and not burn every bridge you've ever made.

>> No.11806392

Amphetamines in the long run fucks your dopamine receptors beyond reparation.

>> No.11806405

>Normalizing without pills is impossible
>normalizing is impossible

>> No.11806414

If depression isn't chemical, then why is depression a documented side effect of many medications?

That said I do think treating yourself like shit can cause it, same way if you eat a bunch of garbage you'll make yourself sick. The external abuse fucks up your physical brain.

>> No.11806438
File: 207 KB, 660x666, 3A9A69FA-9201-45A6-BDCD-AC8D60FEEDD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your brain on STEM

>> No.11806458

not if you remain below a critical threshold, which is about 50mg a day iirc. There are also non-linear factors such as diet, exercise that are impacted (and in my case drastically improved) with amphetamine, that also impact brain function.

>> No.11806530

>If depression isn't chemical, then why is depression a documented side effect of many medications?
What OP said is people feel like shit and dont enjoy life and feel apathy and dont want to do anything but they treat that feeling like a physiological disorder and they are dumb enough to say this with pride and grandiose overlooking and they dont have even a tiny portion of introspection to realize his own feelings and thoughts and they try to reconcile and convince themselves about his physiological depression because they are afraid of themselves and dont want to swim in his own images and his own deep thoughts behing a buzzword like depression and they lie to themselves and lie to the others with the excuse and the alibi of psychology and science to protect his own fear, superficiality and cowardice.

>> No.11806553

To minimise free energy.

>> No.11806573

Explain further, please

>> No.11806593

Ah I understand now. I hate that they make it harder to get into a psychiatrist. I've run across a few of those that take a bunch of "mental health days" to get out of doing things and using it as a defense whenever they do something shitty. They wallow in it and drag people trying to build themselves up back down. Really butters my biscuits too.

>> No.11806602

>It shows that brains with depression have their metabolism all fucked up.
Yeah. It has been tested to treat depression with t4 to great results.

>> No.11806660
File: 1.87 MB, 1523x1348, B7708E3B-94E4-4A73-A510-63F54ACA394F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early stemfag here. Is there any hope or will I end up like this too? Is it curable?

>> No.11806710

Free energy is just surprise. Depression's purpose is to reduce the unpredictability of your actions.

>> No.11807503

How does that factor in with bipolar and other forms of depression where a person's unpredictability actually increases?

>> No.11807572

The answer is that all behaviour is meant to minimise free energy.

Bipolars may look unpredictable to you but from their point of you they have the greatest upmost confidence in their actions and outcomes.

>> No.11807609

So free energy is surprise, and all behaviour is meant to minimise that surprise and effectively organise the world in a more predictable way. So all life exists in order to transform its environment to better suit itself?
Depression is useful in that it lowers the amount of free energy in the first place. But doesn't that mean that a goal of life is the end of all life? If fewer actions means less unpredictability, then no actions mean no unpredictability.

>> No.11807732

Yes, to better suit itself.

Depression isn't useful necessarily. Its just the outcome of the adaptive process of free energy minimisation given specific situations.

The context is confidence in ones actions. Very high confidence in beliefs about the outcomes of your actions might lead to exaggerations in actions or goal-directed/goal-seeking behaviour particularly. On the otherhand when there is no confidence in the beliefs about those outcomes (or in other words, your own efficacy), then what is the best way to minimise free energy? Not do much at all.

>> No.11807764

Posting Mickey mouse image in 3..

>> No.11807776

you can be happy and still do all the things on your grocery list
it's how you cope that makes you depressed

>> No.11808114

Daily reminder retards think science is a Jewish conspiracy because they saw a meme on 4chan.

>> No.11809141

This thread was moved to >>>/r9k/48218303