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11796317 No.11796317 [Reply] [Original]

Why does he insist the Dharmic religions are the basis of modern reactionary thought, whereas Christianity is "revolutionary" when the opposite has very much proven to be true?

>> No.11796326

I'm convinced he doesn't know much about Buddhism.

>> No.11796333

buddhism is too metaphysical and favors positive tradition in the face of nihilism (right wing) slippery slope. christianity favors individualism and hegelianism

>> No.11796347

He's just doing it to be edgy in the same way 4chan pretends to be tradcaths

>> No.11796349

he thinks buddhism is up there but can't think the death drive, which is bunk because the four noble truths diagnose it

>> No.11796355

christianity and marxism are the same in that they seek to divide where there need not be division, they seek to manifest the present in binary

buddhism and right wing economics is about individualization and return to the original state of self before immanentization of form, upon which place difference occurs. read deleuze and he'll explain it all for you

>> No.11796358

Because he lectures in a Western context. The West is hypercritical of its own theological traditions, while blindly praising those of its Eastern counterparts. Both can and have been corrupted in various lights.

>> No.11796510

>third world "revolutions"

Yeah..... no.

>> No.11796512

DESU Zizek isn't much of a Hegelian. He strikes me much more as an old school freudian.

>> No.11796535

Because I would bet the people you mention to "have proven the opposite to be true" are the same kind who still believe millions or tens of thousands died in the catholic inquisitions. He probably just knows better.

>> No.11796558

Jesus it the history's only real revolutionary. All other revolts are hidden forms of power grab and motivated by Satan. The only way to win the game vs the prince of the world is not to play it.

>> No.11796579

That's the exact problem.

Capitalism, especially in the West, reproduces itself on appeal to *external* authorities. You want stuff, not because it's fulfilling but because you want to appeal to some abstract notion of keeping up with the Joneses or whatever. Christianity is very much predicated on this ideal: God is called a "king," Jesus is called a "king," you submit to the will of the Church and/or preachers who style themselves as authority figures. But what is this authority based upon? Emotion and appeals to emotion. The Pope is going to demand you stop doing X, not because it's logical to do but because he has emotionally convinced you ("society will go down the toilet if no one is following Jesus!").

Eastern religions OTOH are much more inwardly-focused, and the goal isn't to appeal to something "out there" but rather improve your own self through withholding desire, withholding emotion and the like. Individualism, vanity, narcissism and self-indulgence aren't really as common in the East as they are in the West, and for good reason too.

>> No.11796583

Zizek is pretty foolish if he thinks the West can be saved. He has said he wants the EU to become the new global hegemon because the thinks China and India are bigger threats to the world.

>> No.11796591

He insists it because it's true. To trace the lineage of dharmic thought in the west would be tedious, so I will make a single comment: the NSDAP wore swastikas for reasons beyond aesthetic.

>> No.11796601

zizek needs to find buddhism and become an accelerationist

>> No.11796610

When was western christianity "corrupted" according to you?

>> No.11796613

They also used Christian imagery and appealed to Germany's Christian sentiments.

>> No.11796620

Zizek is trash even peterson is better at this point. he's sam harris level bullshit

>> No.11796637

Sure. But German reactionaries have always especially loved the Eastern religions. They started doing so as soon as the first translations made their way to Europe.

>> No.11796661

he mostly shits on zen, which we all know is the shittiest buddhism there is

>> No.11796900

Huh zizek is an "intellectual" ? I assumed he was some kind of stand-up comedian.

>> No.11796917

He's totally dangerous and totally not serious. He's laughable and destructive. He's the yin, the yang, the proton the electron. He existed at the beginning and will exist at the end. Start with "First as Tragedy, then as Farce" instead of "The Sublime Object of Ideology" and I think you'll have better results.

>> No.11796942

I have had the very same question. He writes Buddhism off entirely, it seems, on Zen At War and he explicitly says buddhism is some amoral practice to indoctrinate yourself into committing atrocities and completely ignores anything that isn't this form of politicized war-period japanese zen.
Even in the japanese context, Buddhism like Shinbuddhism are highly moral and are from a basis of compassion.

>> No.11796992

>itt people who don't understand Zizekian ontology
Zizek is literally two steps from Buddhist. His whole philosophy is about the lack inherent to the world. The reason he criticizes Buddhism (really only Zen) so much is because it never offers a moral imperative to cover up the lack, so to speak. That's why you get people like D. T. Suzuki justifying all sorts of atrocities in a totally orthodox Buddhist fashion (there is no I who kills You, as the enlightened know there is no I or You). Clear parallels can be made between something like Mahayana Buddhism and Zizekian Ontology, although he prefers the more horizontal model of (atheist) Christianity.

>> No.11797034

why hasn't this charlatan been executed yet?

>> No.11797081
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How is Zizek's moral imperative not just totally arbitrary?

>> No.11797091

what you mean Gommunism? Karl Marx wrote a whole book on it my dude

>> No.11797095

He is making continental philosophy look like a joke.

>> No.11797101

>buddhism and right wing economics

I don't think there is any need to comment on this

>> No.11797106
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Karl Marx's ontology and Zizek's weren't exactly the same, necessarily there must be a difference in approach, no?

>> No.11797109

>buddhism and right wing economics
>read deleuze
good bait on my /lit/?

>> No.11797112

Why can't one just be a political Libertarian and a spiritual Buddhist instead?

Wanting freedom and then using it to look inwards for enlightenment and so on while mainting societies material needs through markets?

>> No.11797118

Surely someone of his stature would be able to examine the inner workings and realize how batshit insane it would be to elvate the ultimate unaccountable bureaucracy into violent rule over the world?

>> No.11797125

As the East arises from the near-future, the West shall soon fall.

>> No.11797148

this is the will of the markets

>> No.11797151

I've noticed what you're talking about. However, I don't think what he's doing is "straw-manning Buddhism" entirely. He uses both Christianity and Buddhism as a model for explaining the phenomenon of what he calls revolution by "historical necessity." Out of the two, Buddhism forms the structure of how he hypothesises revolution that has more of a possibility of revolting in a chaotic, Soviet Union, situation because it's appeal for revolution is to the Big Other, which, as he says is immaterial—it doesn't exist; as where Christianity has the Freudian/Lacanian connotation of revolution through a psychoanalytic process of denial of Desire.

>> No.11797156
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grotesque oaf

>> No.11797159
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No, Zizek is closer to Hegel read through the lens of Lacan (i.e. materialist Hegelian dialectics with no big Other). Zizek's Communism is the Communism of atheist Christianity; basically secular Marxist Christian apologia:
>For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Tankies and orthodox Marxists tend to dislike Zizek. Personally I see him as one of the only people actually taking up Marx's actual project, (i.e. Dialectal Materialism), he's just taken it to some strange places.

>> No.11797186

>Marx's actual project, (i.e. Dialectal Materialism)
come on, marx's project was the International. "the point is to change it" and all that shit, remember?

Zizek is an academic philosopher.

>> No.11797214

Even Late Marx never gave up the dialectic, it just led him to some strange places (and praxis) too. The International existed as a means to an end, and that end was the literal end of the dialectic of history.

>> No.11797305

>even peterson is better

Brainlet detected.

>> No.11797372

is it though? honest question

>> No.11797381

> Zen Buddhism is shit

>> No.11797556

they don't understand the monastic discipline or intense contemplation of it and just hear koans and think every zen monk is some douchebag cutting up cats and shitting on people.

>> No.11797560

you sound like hegel, marx would never put it like that and his focus on "the dialectic" is not as prominent as you seem to think. forget about engels and plekhanov's bullshit and focus just on marx's original texts and you'll see that "dialectical materialism" is neither a project nor something marx was really that concerned about as such

>> No.11797594 [DELETED] 

zen buddhist is taoists ideas mixed with what they imagine is the pali canon

>> No.11797597

zen buddhism is taoists running wild with their intellectualism from what they imagine is the pali canon.

>> No.11797612

That's a bad thing?

>> No.11797685

Because Zizek's entire career is making strawmen of everything.

Zizek's main MO in these past few years has been attacking the western left for allegedly fetishizing easterners; he does this A LOT when it comes to his diatribes against Syrian refugees and Hispanic migrants in the US, i.e. claiming migrants and refugees only demand the right to live in the west because they hold to fantasies about the western lifestyle, and leftists who defend migrants and refugees are just playing into their fantasies. The western left has done no such thing. We defend the peoples of the so-called east, not because we believe they are culturally superior to us or that we would become more moral individuals if we let them rule over us, but because we're trying to defend them from racism and xenophobia. No one really believes Syrians and Algerians can "fix" the west with their oh so enlightened Islamic wisdom, we just want to dispel right-wing myths about them being violent and uncivilized. Same thing with Asians: no one is saying we wouldn't have the problems of capitalism if we all became Buddhist; that notion is ridiculous. Leftists who admire Buddhist thought do so because they see value in it and understand it catches things which western Christianity doesn't.

Which makes perfect sense, since psychoanalysis is pretty much gaslighting. Psychoanalysis treat their analysands like children and insist they need to depend on the therapist or else face their self-inflicted demise.

>> No.11797686

hes a lacanian right?

>> No.11797716

Zizek is pretty reactionary. I wouldn't take his views on politics too seriously. He should just stick to movie reviews.

>> No.11797731
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>We defend the peoples of the so-called east, not because we believe they are culturally superior to us or that we would become more moral individuals if we let them rule over us, but because we're trying to defend them from racism and xenophobia.

You're right. This is why you're called useful idiots.

>> No.11797741

He is a self proclaimed Lacanian, yes.

He's a reactionary insofar as he is also a materialist.

>> No.11797743

Zizek wants the left to stop looking at themselves as special, and start looking at themselves as part of the greater populace, hence universalism. Thats why he tells leftists to stop fighting for open borders and instead focus on saving the European welfare state. Leftists believe anyone should be entirled to come into the west and seek out the western dream all while the natives of those countries know the western dream no longer exists. The left keeps pulling this because they've let their dreams of a borderless world overshadow the real issues people are facing. This is just being realistic.

>> No.11797746

Pick one.

>> No.11797749

So he's basically NazBol (muh nation + muh welfare for muh nation only). Gotcha.

>> No.11797764

On what basis is open borders going to happen? Do you honestly believe the nation state can just be abolished?

>> No.11797770

Peterson is trash too, are you defending Zizek?

>> No.11797776

I want them to debate just to see who is the better bullshit artist.

>> No.11797831


I'll defend him over Peterson.

From a Lacanian perspective Zizek at least understands Lacan. From a Jungian perspective Peterson doesn't even understand Jung.

>> No.11797836

>muh borders must be protected
Go back to /pol/. You are not a leftist but a chauvinist.

>> No.11797855

Zizek is alright, he is just stuck in the 90s and has said nothing relevant to the post-post-ideological world. he is an old man and too rusty to think up anything new beyond regurgitating his old stuff

heck, even his apology of Avital Ronel just reads like your average right-wing criticism of metoo if you change the remarks to refer to any other victim instead of this one university bugman

>> No.11797859

he is just a lunatic using language tricks to hide his bloodlust or make it sound noble, just read his essay on the french revolution and if you aren't a brainlet it's clear as day

>> No.11797867

the left still believes that you can just copy/paste people around the world and brainwash them into leftism by giving them a 5 hour language and integration course

or acts as if they believe it, which is the same in practical terms

>> No.11797877

>heck, even his apology of Avital Ronel just reads like your average right-wing criticism of metoo if you change the remarks to refer to any other victim instead of this one university bugman
Yes, and this brings up a much-needed criticism of Mr. Slovenian Cokenose:

Every time the contemporary left is united over *anything* - even if it's just an organized hashtag movement like metoo - Zizek comes in with all sorts of disparaging criticisms. Be it Occupy, Antifa, BLM, the recent Abolish ICE protests, the Syrian refugee crisis, etc., Zizek is right there telling the left that they're children who need to stop what they're doing and follow his lead instead (because apparently he can see the future and knows exactly what consequences will befall the left if they don't). What's even more telling is how he supports typical Eurcomm parties, still has a hardon for Syriza despite their selling out IIRC, and attacks anything even the slightest more radical.

He and Chomsky are the cranky old men of the left.

Keep /pol/ in /pol/.

>> No.11797880

it's just leftist racism really, the left think brown people are inoffensive and malleable as puppets

if it were millions of right wing russians coming to europe they would take it as an issue, but when it's brown reactionaries they still expect them to fall in line sooner or later to their superior leftist pandering

well, we will see how this game plays out and if the left can really """integrate""" (read brainwash or socially engineer) people fast enough

>> No.11797883

i have nothing against copy/pasting people around, i just think it will play out very differently than expected and the leftist point of view will be irrelevant when it comes to negotiating actual cooperation in the long term

>> No.11797895

/pol/ please

>> No.11797902

Think of it this way: there's a reason Europe doesn't want to take in the Afrikaaners.

>> No.11797912

>there's a reason Europe doesn't want to take in the Afrikaaners.

Because Afrikaaners are scum.

>> No.11797917

never got the white guilt meme from a leftist point of view, seems like useless liberal feelgood-ism with no theoretical ground, but the left seems to be balls deep into it and enjoying themselves like kids

>> No.11797919

There are no Afrikaaner refugees. A land reform is in no way comparable to what Syrians and Mexicans are going through.

>> No.11797939

>but because we're trying to defend them from racism and xenophobia
Ireland, they say, has the honour of being the only country which never persecuted the Jews. Do you know that? No. And do you know why?

>> No.11797957

Hundreds of thousands of white South Africans have fled since the blacks took over. This has been problematic for the new, post-Apartheid, country because it amounts to a significant brain drain and capital flight.

>> No.11797977

>The West is hypercritical of its own theological traditions
Because it makes sense to be so.

Christianity only inspires reactionary westerners at this point (there's a reason the Alt-Right LOVES the Orthodox Church). The only place where Christianity has any influence in left-wing politics is Latin America, and Liberation Theology has never been looked at well by the Vatican (which, judging by all the sex scandals, may collapse any year now).

There is literally no point for the left to bring back Christian motifs and paradigms as Zizek and Badiou desire.

>> No.11798006


>> No.11798028

There are thousands. Many Afrikaaners have already taken refuge in Russia.

>> No.11798041
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>There has been a large degree of human capital flight from South Africa in recent years. South Africa's Bureau of Statistics estimates that between 1 million and 1.6 million people in skilled, professional, and managerial occupations have emigrated since 1994 and that, for every emigrant, 10 unskilled people lose their jobs. There are a range of causes cited for the migration of skilled South Africans.

>In mid-1998, the Southern African Migration Project (SAMP) undertook a study to examine and assess the range of factors that contribute to skilled South Africans’ desire to leave the country: over two-thirds of the sample said that they had given the idea of emigration some thought while 38% said they had given it a "great deal of thought". Among the reasons cited for wishing to leave the country was the declining quality of life and high levels of crime. Furthermore, the government's affirmative action policy was identified as another factor influencing the emigration of skilled white South Africans. The results of the survey indicate that skilled whites are strongly opposed to this policy and the arguments advanced in support of it.

I mean seriously, the country is a complete mess. Why would anyone want to live in such a shithole? The former president, Jason Zumba or whatever his name was, raped an HIV positive woman and then claimed that taking a shower was an effective prophylactic against aids.

>> No.11798049

Speaking of which, has Zizek said anything about the recent debacle in SA?

>> No.11798061

he gave an off comment during the questions session in a talk he gave in the Birkbeck, University of London that he hopes the redistribution goes well and that global capitalists don't do some manipulating to ruin things like it happened in Zimbabwe, so he is all for it and thinks previous redistribution only failed because the west ruined it

it may be this talk

it may be a different one on here:

i think it was one of the talks on October 2017 but i forgot which one and can't check right now, let me know if you find it

>> No.11798071

How does race-based land reform go along with his Hegelianism?

>> No.11798075

who knows, he doesn't elaborate on it, i guess he just supports any cause that sounds remotely leftist anywhere in the world

>> No.11798120

does ANYONE understand buddhism?

>> No.11798127

Ask an actual Buddhist, not a white one though.

>> No.11798130

my family is buddhist (and not white) and they have no idea either.

>> No.11798151

isn't it about buddha talismans giving good luck?

>> No.11798159

as far as i know. also going to a shrine and praying to +++something+++ for stuff once a year.

>> No.11798171

>taking Zizek seriously
Not even serious Lacanians and Hegelians do this.

>> No.11798185

>serious Lacanians

>> No.11798199
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>we're trying to defend them from racism and xenophobia.
Ironic given that the western nations have the least of those negative qualities of any culture in the world.

>> No.11798213
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>> No.11798283

>keep /pol/ in /pol/
>Makes a /pol/ post

>> No.11798499


>> No.11799072


Why is zen the shittiest buddhism?

>> No.11799481

>The western left has done no such thing. We defend the peoples of the so-called east, not because we believe they are culturally superior to us or that we would become more moral individuals if we let them rule over us, but because we're trying to defend them from racism and xenophobia
aka "we want cheap slave labor"

>> No.11799496

>Wanting freedom and then using it to look inwards for enlightenment and so on while mainting societies material needs through markets?

>market structures
>consumer goods being produced
>inwards enlightenment

Are you even trying?

>> No.11799747

becawsh sitss es sa troof

>> No.11799757

it's aesthetics at the end of the day, he stands to benefit by coming to the right-think conclusions that any competent metaphysician (like nick land) would see through instantly

>> No.11800038

There are a lot of them in Argentina.

>> No.11800081

The issue is that the countries engaging the heaviest in the wars in the MENA are also the ones who are refusing to take in refugees, or who attack refugees as soon as they show up (see: the recent far-right rallies in Germany).

>slave labor
Not at all. Free movement of labor is a primary principle of the left.

>> No.11800199

So why does Zizek pander to the right? Is he just being ironic or is he serious?

>> No.11800628

Because he wants the left to act more like Christians and less like Jews.

>> No.11800880
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>Not at all. Free movement of labor is a primary principle of the left.
You know that the actual working class doesn't support this, right? Most of the people at "far right" rallies tend to be working class i.e. the people you're supposed to like. There used to be a word for poorly paid brown laborers, they were called "coolies." If Marx knew that capitalists were importing coolies in record numbers to replace white workers I think he would be very upset. Thankfully, he's dead so nothing bothers him anymore :-)

>> No.11800891

He thinks the left need to man the fuck up

>> No.11800976

what people like that want, but don't know the word for, is autarky. and sorry sweatie, it ain't happening.

>> No.11801862

>Because he wants the left to act more like Christians and less like Jews.
What do you mean?

>> No.11801921

Is this a parody?

>> No.11802139

What does he strawman?

>> No.11803118

>serious argentinians

>> No.11803143

>We defend the peoples of the so-called east, not because we believe they are culturally superior to us or that we would become more moral individuals if we let them rule over us, but because we're trying to defend them from racism and xenophobia. No one really believes Syrians and Algerians can "fix" the west with their oh so enlightened Islamic wisdom, we just want to dispel right-wing myths about them being violent and uncivilized
You said so little with so much text. This especially. What the fuck are you trying to get at here? What the fuck even is xenophobia, rigourously? Back to /leftypol or even better, reddit

>> No.11803152

Part of me wonders sometimes if the left just wants to wholesale rebrand any form of group loyalty in so far as it extends beyond social class (and really the upper middle class in particular) as xenophobia.

>> No.11803187

this article p bad tho

>> No.11803201

Zizek is an Idealist

>> No.11803238

Xenophobia = refusal to know the Other

>> No.11803244

it's just a copy/paste article with Peterson's name in it to make it relevant to the current times

>> No.11804159

Zizek's work assumes you understand many different schools of thought as well as different complex texts. He is sometimes convoluted and not always concise but he does have very important things to say. He almost never is just wordy or complex for the sake of it's self, like the structuralists claim. The academic left keeps retreating into their fragile shelters of truth as the Alt right marches forward.

>> No.11804184

Cause the Dalai Lama said that Europeans should go back to thier countries and rebuild.
Apparently that's racist.
So he's persona non grata.

>> No.11804597

bad post

>> No.11804603

Is he a virgin

>> No.11804623

ask your mother