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/lit/ - Literature

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11729704 No.11729704 [Reply] [Original]

>Kant stood less than five feet tall, and his head was disproportionately large for his body. His frame suffered from a slight corkscrew twist, which made his left shoulder droop, his right shoulder curve back, and his head tend to lean to one side.


>> No.11729714
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desu this probably amounted to his life philosophy. If he were a big handsome chad he would've wanted everyone to serve his every whim.

>> No.11729727

he needed his large head to be so clever, a large body would have used up all the brain he needed for thinking

>> No.11729729


>> No.11729733
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>most evil man to ever live was a manlet
Imagine my shock

>> No.11729741

>I might be a manlet to your primitive senses, but in the noumenal world, I'm a giant

>> No.11729773
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This man is not Kant.

>> No.11729779

not really sure what's so funny. he sounds like a chad to me

>> No.11729786
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Nightmare fuel

>> No.11729798

this sentence sums up almost all of philosophy and religion

>> No.11729801
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He can't have been that sensitive about if he deliberately comissioned a portrait that drew attention to his giant monster head.

>> No.11729808

>a slight corkscrew twist, which made his left shoulder droop, his right shoulder curve back, and his head tend to lean to one side
A true Kantortionist.

>> No.11729813

Imagine spotting him through a window at night.

>> No.11729824

And yet, he was seen as a nice, sociable person.

>> No.11729841
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>giving a fuck how a philosopher looks

>> No.11729847

The absolute state of philosophers

>> No.11729853
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>doesn't get his philosophy from smeagol

>> No.11729856

the genetic potential of humans can be amounted to something similiar to insect specialization. there can only be a few people with the capability to be philosophers at a given time, otherwise they'd probably conspire together to kill everybody

>> No.11729871
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I like that interpretation.

>> No.11729896

>can't get laid because you're a literal 1/10
>'dude s-sex is immoral'
Philosophy is just one big cope.

>> No.11729902


>> No.11729918

Seriously though, is being dissatisfied a prerequisite for becoming contemplative, and is being consistently dissatisfied prerequisite for becoming a philosopher?

>> No.11729932

imagine spotting him lying next to you in your bed with his dick up your ass

>> No.11729935

>tfw grey aliens are just kant haunting the world because the 20th century broke the categorical imperative

>> No.11729936


understanding the nature of things tends to be easier from the outside

>> No.11730013
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Yes, of course. People who aren't satisfied within the realm of physicality have to adopt an ideological framework wherein their own failings are justified. You see this in philosophy, religion, politics, even the occult; all these domains allow you to offload any sense of dissatisfaction you might have about your life by appealing to something 'transcendental'/non-physical.
It's a sort of 'sour grapes' thing, I suppose. 'I can't have X, but that's fine because X is immoral/degenerate/inferior/lowly and so on, and what I posses is secretly better'.

I think this is a phenomenon that runs extremely deep in humanity, and if I wasn't such a brainlet I'd write something more substantive about it.

>> No.11730015
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lol no

>> No.11730020


Not really. Plato would FUCK your ASS.

>> No.11730027

Plato was a little manlet. I'd kick his fucking head in.

>> No.11730031

>having no experience with something allows you to better understand it

>> No.11730039

Nah, he wouldn't, I'm too old

>> No.11730042
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This, it's the future. All physical work will be automatised so we can be cerebral creatures contemplating virtue.

>> No.11730071
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Just my two cents here, I don't doubt your reasonings for concluding that philsophy is a coping mechanism for most.
But for those who realize their sufferings and failures, what then, it might be out of their control as well.
You could easily parse human belief phenomena into 'cope' and 'rationalisations to understand irrationalities'.
Simply put, most philosophers are simply not 'put to bed' with the answer that chaotic law cannot be understood through logical reasoning.
I.e. he did this because he believed this
This admittedly causes great concern because some or most conceptualities are in fact so grand that even attempting to understand them would be a fools' errand (i.e. the forecast of the universe).
In this way you could argue that "physics" is a cope for not being omniscient like a god, much like "chemistry" is a cope for not being able to prevent death and "art" a cope for not being able to possess beauty. In this sense all obsessions could be confirmed as simply postponed god complexes rooted against human primitivism, but I'm no proffessor.

>> No.11730146


I'd call the desire for trancendance and meaning a coping mechanism for universal suffering more than the failures of the individual. Dissatisfaction doesn't require an individual to be a loser within their own society, they simply need to recognise the shortcomings of the human experience.

>> No.11730371

What's some good secondary lit on Kant for dummies?

>> No.11730397

The most interesting things humanity has ever down occurred in the realm of ideas. So even if all of this is a cope, it's a cope that creates interesting religions and great works of art. Without the cope, we'd all be living in a world where domination was the only imperative.

>> No.11730401

I'm a turbo manlet with a giant head and various physical ailments. Am I the next great philosopher?

>> No.11730440
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I've read somewhere that Kant think like a computer.

Did /lit/ know something?

>> No.11730453

Why would you post this? it's precisely because Heidegger was outside the materialist-scientific establishment that he wrote what he did

>> No.11730455

Did Kant ever get any quality pussy?

>> No.11730476

Is that qhy NEETzsche called him the Chinaman of Königsberg?

>> No.11730489

Heidegger was a goofy-looking little manlet too. Can't take a word of what he says seriously. It's all a big cope.

>> No.11730516

So was Sartre. Socrates was apparently hideous, and Nietzche was an incel. Philosophy attracts uggos and creeps almost exclusively

>> No.11730621
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>> No.11730627

Because there's no such thing as "understanding the nature of things" from the outside like analytic Pseuds like to think

>> No.11730652

Nietzsche literally died of syphilis.

>> No.11730679

Which he caught after visiting a prostitute later in life

>> No.11730682

I was contemplative before I was dissatisfied.

>> No.11730691
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>his physical appearance was no help to him in his native city of Copenhagen, where the street urchins used to run after him yelling "Either/or! Either/or!"
>He had fine eyes, but there the attractive features ended; a spindly figure, a humped back, and a tousled head of hair made him look altogether rather like a scarecrow.
>"Kierkegaard the cripple!" is a phrase invoked not merely against the man's body but against his spirit too.
imagine being such a deeply closeted faggot that you get engaged to a girl, realize that you can't do it, and then spend the rest of your life self-flagellating before an imaginary god. what a laughable character.

>> No.11730701

Still not incel

>> No.11730708

No, he didn't. This was a myth invented after WWII to besmirch his reputation. He died of brain cancer.

>> No.11730753

delete this right now

>> No.11730771

Thanks guys, insightful viewpoints and it makes me feel a little better about being a bit of an autist myself.

>> No.11730776

No Pneumonia

>> No.11730782

All of culture is a coping mechanism. We all have to transcend our physical reality some time or another. Even if you're a beautiful woman, you'll get old. Even if you're the most powerful man, you'll get old and someone will succeed you.

Read Sailing to Byzantium

>> No.11730791

based. everything is a cope for death.

>> No.11730984
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>Philosophy attracts uggos and creeps almost exclusively
Of course, if your life is going great why even think?

>> No.11730988

>tfw no genius autistic midget friend to help up on his barstool and share pitchers of wine with

>> No.11730997

>there the attractive features ended
If the portrait is accurate he had a very good overall face.

>> No.11730998

Imagine Kant being carried around by his body guard during lecture, like Prince was at parties

>> No.11731006

Well, it's also something to do and a way for people to relate to eachother.

>> No.11731021

All these cunts be jealous of the OG sick Kant

>> No.11731024

Except none of that is clever or insightful in your part since philosophers have been discussing the nature of philosohy and the psychology of philosopehrs since Socrates

>> No.11731032

more like kant reach the top shelf

>> No.11731068
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>Kant once received a letter from a young lady who had read his works on ethics. Prizing Kant's genius, she sought advice on what she should do about a certain problem of hers. She was engaged to marry a gentleman whom she loved, but she was not a virgin. She wanted to know whether she should tell the man or keep quiet. Kant advised her that she must tell her fiancée. The fiancée broke off the marriage. Distraught, the woman wrote to Kant again, deeply troubled over the result of her decision and admitting she was having doubts over Kant's system of ethics. She asked if she might come to Koenigsberg to meet with Kant and discuss her doubts. Although he received the letter in a timely fashion, he chose never to reply. The woman committed suicide after some time.

>> No.11731078

Why wouldn’t he reply

>> No.11731089

fucking ice cold

>> No.11731090

Sad story.

>> No.11731092

>urchins used to run after him yelling "Either/or! Either/or!"
Holy fucking shit lmao

>> No.11731100

The Frankfurt school killed the West, so you're kinda right.

>> No.11731115

Damn, stone cold.
He'd probably browse /a/ if he were alive today.

>> No.11731118

Thot status: patrolled.

>> No.11731129

roasties btfo

>> No.11731138

Yes, philosophy is just a bunch of losers asking themselves why their lives suck and making up dumb excuses for it.

>> No.11731147

The male version of Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

>> No.11731197

How do you say "based and redpilled" in German?

>> No.11731200

heil hitler

>> No.11731203


>> No.11731224

he was volcel

>> No.11731228

Based Kant looking out for the boys, unfaithful roasties need not apply

>> No.11731233

did you make this?

>> No.11731242
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>> No.11731332

>Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law.

>> No.11731338

No he doesn't, he has the characteristic downswung, narrow incel face.

>> No.11731349


>> No.11731362

He really was an Alien.
He thought galaxies were clusters of stars 100 years before anyone else.
He also posited the existence of extraterrestrial life.

>> No.11731385
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>> No.11731391
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>based Kant making toast of the roast

>> No.11731750
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>> No.11731973

this but unironically

>> No.11731982

the person who wrote that doesn't know what scoliosis is
wow, amaZing

>> No.11732013

my man Immanuel swerved on that ho

>> No.11732045


>> No.11732048

Was he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

>> No.11732201

Basado y rojoempastillado

>> No.11732368

>he kan't into psychosomatics

>> No.11732391
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Keep your mouth shut if you don't wanna get deKant'ed, roastie. All sluts deserve death

>> No.11732455

>Joseph Green (1727 in Kingston upon Hull – 27 June 1786 in Königsberg) was an English merchant who became the "best friend"[1] of Immanuel Kant.
>Green settled in Königsberg and traded grains, coal, herring, and manufactured goods. Around 1752 Green hired Robert Motherby who also came from Hull as his assistant. Motherby later became his business partner and successor. Green never married.[1]
>Around 1764 Green met Kant and became a close member of his circle of friends. Kant went often to Green's house outside of Königsberg in Juditten. Green shared with Kant a deep appreciation of the ideas of David Hume and Jean-Jaques Rousseau,[2] in addition, Green could provide as perspective of the outside world that was helpful for Kant.[1] Meeting on a regular basis, Kant discussed his work with him, so every sentence of his "Critique of Pure Reason" prior to the 1781 publication.[3] Kant also entrusted Green with his money.[3]
>Kant, who did not travel far beyond Königsberg, sent Green to visit Emanuel Swedenborg and check his health as Kant had doubts about his mental status.[4]
>Green's sense of order and resulting pedantic punctuality inspired Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel to write a comedy: Der Mann nach der Uhr. This sense of order, regularity, and punctuality also had an effect on Kant.[3][5] Kuehn remarks that "Green's effect upon Kant cannot be overestimated."[2]

>> No.11732675

>Sailing to Byzantium
By who?

>> No.11732684

Almost certainly Yeats

>> No.11732713

So appart from Augustine, Rousseau and Hume where there any chad philosophers?

>> No.11732718

my boys

>> No.11732765

Camus got mad pussy and was an all around suave fellow. He's barely a philosopher though.

>> No.11732784

Absolutely based.

>> No.11732849

manlet status: REDEEMED

>> No.11732879

Except physical aptitude and excellence is the same as mental aptitude and excellence. Being atrophied twisted smudges of derelict flesh is not good for our minds.

>> No.11732888

That doesn't mean what you think it does.

>> No.11732904

The u l t i m a t e p a t r o l l e r

>> No.11732907
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fucking based

>> No.11732911

Partially true, in that the brain is a physical organ that requires adequate bloodflow and so on, but not entirely true. There are plenty of exceptional athletes with not-exceptional intelligence.

In fact, i think too much intelligence could be a hindrance to an athlete's performance. When athletes are "in the zone" they are acting entirely on instinct and muscle memory, any sort of self consciousness gets in the way.

>> No.11733136

Athletes also make a Faustian bargain where they sacrifice long term health to short term performance.

If you’re looking for lifelong physical health that supports the brain optimallu the lifestyle of elite athletes is not one to imitate.

>> No.11733464

Absolutely based and redpilled

>> No.11733506


>> No.11733864
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>> No.11734150

good fuckin post mate

>> No.11734169


>> No.11734496

Where to start with Kant?

>> No.11734531

It's the myspace angle done to make him look pensive instead of malformed

>> No.11734572

Just because mental health and physical health correlate on average doesn't mean that they correlate in every single instance. Kant was clearly a very intelligent man

>> No.11734589
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>(3.) Masturbation is in some ways a worse vice than the horror of murdering oneself, and "debases [the masturbator] below the beasts". Kant writes:

>But it is not so easy to produce a rational proof that unnatural, and even merely unpurposive, use of one's sexual attribute is inadmissible as being a violation of duty to oneself (and indeed, as far as its unnatural use is concerned, a violation in the highest degree). The ground of proof is, indeed, that by it a man surrenders his personality (throwing it away), since he uses himself as a means to satisfy an animal impulse. But this does not explain the high degree of violation of the humanity in one's own person by such a vice in its unnaturalness, which seems in terms of its form (the disposition it involves) to exceed even murdering oneself. It consists, then, in this: That a man who defiantly casts off life as a burden is at least not making a feeble surrender to animal impulse in throwing himself away (he Metaphysics of Morals, p. 425).

>Kant would have his housemaids tie his hands to the bedposts every night to prevent masturbating.

He knew what was up.

>> No.11734594

Start where the end begins.

>> No.11734636

Chaste and breadpilled.

>> No.11734807

nonsensical rambling

>> No.11735067


i think he's a really attractive dude, but i'm neither a woman nor gay

>> No.11735084

the fact that enlightement thinkers were so viciously opposed to fapping always makes me (really) think

>> No.11735115


i've done the experimentation on myself. in the past year i can count the number of nuts that i've busted on my hands. really does rewire your brain

>> No.11735151

must be nice living in such a small world

>> No.11735241

>really does rewire your brain
in what way?

>> No.11735246

I think it's less sour grapes and more trying to come up with a system that justifies our existence.

>> No.11735263

I did nofap for two weeks and I ended up reading 10 books in 14 days. I also ended up walking like 3 miles per day. It's not that it gives you superpowers, is that it leads to a sort of physical discontentment that spurs you into a weird, desperate productivity.

>> No.11735283

I did nofap for two weeks and nothing changed, however i stayed away from the internet (this website in particular) and noticed fairly significant betterments.

>> No.11735291

It might depend on whether or not you're addicted to pornography. I think a lot of people are, and it's one of the great undiagnosed mental illnesses of our time

>> No.11735328

Spin it around and you could say that people keep themselves busy/seeking pleasure in order to escape that insatisfaction.

>> No.11735389

>pls reply uguu :3 ~~~ :_;
I wonder why.

>> No.11735536

t. small skulled lanklet

>> No.11735566

Imagine being a goose chasing a cripple.

>> No.11736329

Kierkegaard gave lots of (you)s to a satire magazine that memed on his work. He sperged out and it got to the point where he was ironically telling them to make fun of him while shitting on them.
So they relentlessly made fun of him and it was all the rage in Copenhagen to make fun of silly Soren.

>> No.11737171



>> No.11737240
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>be poorfag
>subscribe to religion, philosophy and politics which says I'm a lazy depraved imbecile who shouldn't be permitted to vote
>sympathize with the wealthy and brilliant and hate my own class

I guess it's the beauty. Filthy leftism hates what's great, beautiful and magnificent. I love it. Even though I am vermin, I will always adore majesty rather than other vermin.

>> No.11737243

>>Kant stood less than five feet tall
no wonder he couldn't reach the things in them shelves

>> No.11737246

i feel bad for her, she seemed nice enough but lost

>> No.11738109

By your own system of logic you fail to posses intelligent creative though and that why you make excuses for your idea being better. Fuck off

>> No.11738369

t. manlet

>> No.11738743

At least he looked like an actual monster instead of a cringeworthy fat and fat-faced fuck like me

>> No.11738775

No one actually thinks anything is good or bad, they just serve their own interests, which seems like the logical thing to do. If you're ugly and weak, you'd benefit to find some other way to promote you're own interests, rather than praising beauty and strength like a cuck

>> No.11738845

>Throughout his life, Kant was a severe hypochondriac. By the time he was approaching seventy, he had perfected this condition to the point where he was a master of this art. Each month he would send to the Köningsberg chief of police for the latest mortality statistics, and from these he would calculate his own life expectancy. He became convinced that constipation clouded his brain, and he added an impressive array of laxatives to his room-sized medicine cabinet. He would read through medical journals describing the latest discoveries to see if he could diagnose himself with any of the new diseases.
>It is said that hypochondria is often a defense mechanism against paranoia. Despite exhaustive practice at his hobby, hypochondria, Kant's paranoia gradually began to get the upper hand. He started to experience pressure on his brain, which he decided was caused by a rare form of electricity in the air. Such obsession with "electrical powers" is often associated with schizophrenia.
>impressive array of laxatives

>> No.11739487


>> No.11739513

П и д o p a c

>> No.11739563

>having a non-impressive array of laxatives

>> No.11740021


The Categorical Excretative.

>> No.11740035


Read BGE, section 40

>> No.11741678
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make way for the chaddest philosopher around

>> No.11741777

>formulating "sour grapes" shitlosophy so that it looks profound
Also, your argument is valid only if we accept the notion that the material world is the main thing and also the way to go. You're obviously a bonafide neo-atheist of today's age, who puts hedonism at the top spot. I hope that you'll live to see the day when you remember the trite shit that you wrote on an anonymous image board related to literature, and feel genuine embarrassment.
Or you're just baiting. 6/10 for your effort, plus you managed to get a solid amount of replies.

>> No.11741851
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Kant just wanted all women to be good cooks

>> No.11742571

Have you ever had sex?

>> No.11742581

The wages of sin is death

>> No.11742590

Kant must lowkey know he never got a woman because he's a fucking monster. If faceandLMS existed at the time he would have killed himself.

>> No.11742603

If anyone's curious, I actually found this quite interesting

>> No.11742604

so incels are sleeping philosophers?

>> No.11742613

Genuine question, anon - what sort of effects have you noticed? Because truth be told, I've never listened to anti-masturbation people because I thought it was just puritans and moralizers. But is there an actual benefit to abstinance?

>> No.11742616

If you’re sincere with this, your soul is sick. Get help.

>> No.11742979
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>midget goblin turboautist is VOLcel

>> No.11743550

Just try it yourself. You're not going to die if you dont fap for a few months.

>> No.11743610

I mean to be fair being one of the most respected names in philosophy beats fucking bitches.

>> No.11743630

time and more self respect at the very least, unparallel spiritual power if the nofap cult is to be believed.

>> No.11743823

>/lit/ board
>people still unironically believe that being an ugly male condemns you to eternal virginity
Are you blind, retarded or just in a really strong denial?

>> No.11743945

He probably spend weeks or even months just thinking about the reason to or not to masturbate before he finally decided to put it on paper. This is why I cannot take most philosophy serious.

>> No.11743949

>Can I marry my fiancee if I'm no virgin
>K A N T

>> No.11743953

Embrace the third position and come home to national socialism my friend.

>> No.11743966

He was the single greatest human being, with the exception of Christ himself, to have ever lived.
Ayn Rand hated him because he spoke the truth. Same reason her people hated Christ.

>> No.11743968

I have large head to body ratio but I'm no clever

>> No.11743975

t. Bugman

>> No.11744007


Isn't this what Lomax looks like in Stoner?

>> No.11744016

My life, on the outside, is actually going amazingly, but I still feel like none of it actually matters

>> No.11744594

The greatest human being is Aristotle by miles chump

>> No.11744855


>> No.11744867

Aristotle wasn't real. He was created by Diogenes to goof Plato.

>> No.11744873

because it doesn't in forecast, most of life is just a buffer for not being able to hold on to things, let go of your preparations and spend more time in the present.

>> No.11744946

This, laxatives are patrician

t, chronically constipated

>> No.11745004

literally died a virgin

>> No.11745029
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As did Newton, as did Tesla.
Your point?
They chose this lifestyle voluntarily as they knew that sexual losses impeded their intellectual wherewithal.

>> No.11745297

Boutta pick up prolegomena

>> No.11745459

Cringe. Not everyone wants to be a degenerate effeminate dullard like yourself.

>> No.11745498


>> No.11746686

Discount it for message to go full onto mass. Sometimes it be said this way

>> No.11746952
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>> No.11747161
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i would have to agree, but i dont hate the bad things in my life i just tend to ingore them or think they are "whatever".
Im very contemplative in nature ; cant remmember the last time i wasnt thinking about something and or thinking about why i cant come up with anything to ponder
but i think the main reason tend to become like me is not the dissatisfaction or the affection they have for life, i believe it to be a stoic sense of "whatever" that makes people really question life rationally, sorry London not my mother toungue so might have sounded like a dullard

>> No.11747164

cringed and muted

>> No.11747720

Are you a virgin?

>> No.11747864
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>he probably thought really hard about his views before he put them in writing
>thats why i dont take philosophy serious
holy fuck man

>> No.11748049

>implying the body doesnt influence the mind