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11721854 No.11721854 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here read by candle light? Seems comfy at night time, but is it too dark to read? I don't want to strain my eyes

>> No.11721876

It's pretty easy to do if the candle is the correct size and height.

>> No.11721913

I've only read by candlelight when the power was out, and even with a shitload of candles it is very dark and hard to see, you will strain your eyes doing it. Hell even reading near a fireplace is dim compared to a single electric bulb, and you can get uncomfortably hot doing it too.

>> No.11721921

I use a head-mounted menorah for maximum intensity.

>> No.11721931

No need when bedside lamps exist. You can find good powerful candles now but it's still not that good on your eyesight.

>> No.11721958

Are you some contrarian hipster faggot or something? Get a fucking night lamp and stop acting like an enormous faggot. Candles are inefficient, useless and potentially dangerous.

>> No.11721963
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>> No.11721967
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Just thought it sounded comfy, that's all. pls no bully

>> No.11721970

t. Ayn Rand

>> No.11721976

Candles can be comfy but they really don't give off enough light to read by. Just get a warm bulb and maybe a dimmer switch.