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11721608 No.11721608 [Reply] [Original]

My grandma was diagnosed with ALS right after her husband died. My parents had me irresponsibly so she ended up raising me most of my childhood. She'd often read to me at night before I fell asleep. I'm now living with her and finishing my senior year of high school. She routinely comes to my room to tell me she loves me and wishes me goodnight before going to bed. Every night it comes out more and more garbled as her disease continually impairs her ability to speak. Tonight I saw her fighting back tears as she was leaving. It hurts to watch her go to bed like that. I want to read to her as she's falling asleep like she did for me when I was a kid.

What do you guys think are the best books for this?

>> No.11721625

I know a similar feel OP, my grandma lived with my family and raised me while my parents worked, but she died when I was like 11. I was too immature to really appreciate her and take care of her, and I regret it still a decade later.

Tbh if I could go back to when she was deteriorating and be of an older age and more mature, I probably would have slept in the same bed as my grandma or in the same room at least. Tell her you love her all the time and how much you are thankful for her in your life. Spend a lot of time with her while she is alive and take care of her, you won’t regret it. It might be fun to read an adventure story like The Count of Monte Cristo or A Tale of Two Cities to her. Read something with excitement but no depressing parts, and maybe a romance, you can both root for the main characters together.

>> No.11721633

I'm sorry anon. I lost my grandfather and am losing the other to dementia. It hurts to call him because I do not want to hear him cry at how little he can say.

I think reading her anything you wrote would be nice, but telling her about your life would mean the most. She gave her life to you and wants you happy and loving of your life. Other stories may entertain with language, but she is proud of you now and always. Tell her about yourself.

>> No.11721710

Sorry to hear it. My grandma is current a shell of her former self from dementia and medication, it really is one of the most soul rending experiences I can imagine, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Just make sure you settle the score with her while you still can, make sure she knows how much she means to you. Remember the good times together and remind her and yourself that there's no reason to be scared. Don't let guilt or remorse or sadness plague her.
try The Giving Tree

>> No.11721715

L'histoire de l'oeil

>> No.11721723


The bible.

>> No.11721734

Something she likes/has read repeatedly, especially a favourite book from childhood.

Also poems.

>> No.11721771

You can read Children's books to her. Note that she may not like it but only listen to you out of politeness. So see if she likes it.

But frankly people with dementia don't need to read anything. My grandma had dementia. She stopped reading. Someone tried to read to her and she didn't like it. That's all I remember about reading.

>> No.11721776

I'm sorry to hear that anon, my grandparents all died when I was no more than a child.
From what my mother tells me grandpa was obsessed with Dante's Paradiso.
He owned something like 6/7 editions of the Commedia and countless commentaries.

>> No.11721786
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do it

now seriously, read her the hobbit

>> No.11721790

Ps. She used to like to read books and Bible. that's why that guy tried to read to her because my grandma told him she likes to read but she forgot she had stopped reading.

But I think she enjoyed TV alright. Truly a blessing to humanity I tell you. You can literally unable to read, and unable to understand the meaning of a show, but still enjoy TV.

>> No.11721939

It sounds like she was a wonderful person, anon. Thank you for your advice, I have both of those books in my possession I'll flip through them and consider them. It might not be a bad idea for me to sleep on the floor next to her some nights so she feels less lonely.

Stay strong, anons. Thank you for your advice, I value it sincerely. The Giving Tree was one of the books she'd read to me when I was little.

Any passages in particular?

Good idea, I'll ask her about her favorite books and if she remembers any from her childhood. Thanks, anon.

Thanks, anon. I was reading two different translations of Dante's Inferno a year or two ago it's interesting to see how different they are while still flowing like poetry. Still gotta pick up and finish the rest of the Commedia.

I love that book. She got it for me a couple Christmas' ago. Haven't read the LOTR trilogy yet. I've been avoiding the movies until I do. Might read those with her, it'd be an adventure for the both of us.

>> No.11721978

Not saying that TV is a substitute for human accompany though. When my grandma watched TV it would make her talk about something. Which I think was good for her speech practice.

>> No.11722566

You're a good grandson anon.

Don't we all hope that there'll be people we love to support us as we near the end?

>> No.11722592

This may sound a bit selfish, but perhaps to get you through it, you should write a novella on this exact moment in your life. Include passages that you read to her etc and just see where it comes out. Would be interesting

>> No.11723895

Did you try asking her?

>> No.11723919

All the Pretty Horses

>> No.11724714

Sorry to hear about this OP.

>> No.11724734

Do you remember anything she used to read to you? Maybe try that.

>> No.11724759


>> No.11724764

In Search Of Lost Time, Swann's Way at lest

>> No.11724765

Something light. The literary equivalent of Friends or How I met your mother. Those shows are so comfy

>> No.11724790
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>> No.11724795

Read her the Little House on the Prairie books. The language is perfect for reading aloud and the content is wholesome.

>> No.11724803

fuck, I know my mom and dad are going to end up like this soon enough and it hurts. Truly not a time to look forward to. Stay strong m8

>> No.11724848

It depends on what she likes to read herself.

>> No.11724868

The Little Prince. One of the coziest and calmest books I've ever read.

>> No.11725281

My girlfriend also suggested this one. I'll have to pick it up from somewhere.

>> No.11725547
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D-don't do this to me, anon...

>> No.11725555

whenever i read that book as a little kid i got a really profound sense of melancholy and 'remoteness', like i was flying away from everything i knew, and everything was already over

>> No.11726612

The Pure Land Handbook: A Mahayana Buddhist Approach to Death and Rebirth

>> No.11726972
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A Catholic Bible, specially the Gospels.
Preparation for death, St. Alphonsus.
Poetry by St. John of the Cross.
The Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ, St Alphonsus.
Imitation of Christ, Kempis.
Little flowers of St. Francis.
Letter to the Friends of the Cross, St. Louis.
The Glories of Mary, St. Louis.

Please, if you love her get her a priest, if she's still has conscience to confes, if not get her the Holy Oils. This is important. Also pray the Rosary with her or for her if she can't. Get her some religious pictures or devotional books for children. God bless and your grandma and sorry for my broken english.

>> No.11728502

The Illiad

>> No.11728503

>Any passages in particular?
Book of Psalms. Book of Ruth. Book of Jonah.

>> No.11730164

As I lay dying.

>> No.11731149

12 Rules for Life - Dr. Jordan B. Peterson