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11706489 No.11706489[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats his political slant?

>> No.11706498
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>> No.11706500

he has none, he's a shitposter

>> No.11706519

"Keep calm but care."

>> No.11706579

Bit of a lefty, I'd guess.

>> No.11706663

He’s almost definitely a leftist, but I think he may have been reactionary in his youth. May have just been some bullshit I read on here tho

>> No.11706667
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>> No.11706668
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no one who reads pynchon doesn't look like this btw

>> No.11706692

Where's this from? Would love to read more of Pynchon talking about his works.

>> No.11706706

slow learner intro

>> No.11706709



>> No.11706743


>> No.11708238

Who fucking cares? Why do you “politics at all costs” shitbags need to try and shoehorn everyone into a political category. Just read his books and shut the fuck up about politics for once in your miserable lives.

>> No.11708296

i just got iced coffee with heavy cream and i regret it

>> No.11708351

I never got the impression Pynch was racist reading GR, quite the opposite. Is he talking about V here?

>> No.11708359

He is talking about an early short story called Low-lands, in the intro to Slow Learner.

>> No.11708360

No one of his real early short stories. He does NOT like them.

>> No.11708364

he said in slow learner that he was fascist in college. It's clear from V. that he grew into a boomer liberal

>> No.11708382

Honestly, they're better as relics that show formative Pynchon than as works themselves. Besides, his best (imo) short story isn't even included in that (also, don't even ask me to elaborate because I read his short stuff during a bus trip during which I was in the process of becoming VERY sick)

>> No.11708461

There's another compilation of Pynchon's short stories or how did you read it?

>> No.11708516

Testosterone levels go drastically down with age unless proper exercise and diet is followed so his evolution is quite understandable.

>> No.11708617

i mean his books just kept getting better

>> No.11708621

>implying Bleeding Edge, Inherent Vice, and Vineland are better than V, The Crying of Lot 49, and Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11708631

perhaps not but AtD, M&D sure do, and BE + IV are better than TCOL49 and arguably V

>> No.11708640

Bleeding Edge was embarrassing

>> No.11708655

What a pussy.

>> No.11708662

This. The thread is garbage

>> No.11708680

for you

>> No.11708685

people grow up

>> No.11708858

I've got him pinned down to being alt-right. He makes fun of leftists and sjws a lot

>> No.11708885

okay, this is epic

>> No.11708900


>> No.11708913

KEKED Gottfried absolutely DESTROYED by based KEKISTANI Blicero's FACTS and LOGIC S-Gerat (WW2 SJW CRINGE COMPILATION #32)

>> No.11708977

You have to ask? He's a proto-SJW proto-BLM degenerate decadent old money Ivy league philo-semitic anglo-zionist boomer who writes about Negroes sticking their fingers up white people's anuses, pedophilia, and authority figures eating turds, among other things. It's pretty obvious from everything he's ever written that he is anti-authoritarian, hyper-egalitarian, and has some interest in anarchism, though he ultimately doubts the efficacy of all ideologies and attempts at transcendence like socialism, leaving him, ta-da, a tacit liberal like everybody else in his caste.

Basically, for all his paranoia and insight, he's a NYT-reading Democrat-leaning creative professional with a kid in an expensive private school and an apartment on the Upper West Side. He fetishizes the 60s, pop music and science, hates the Man, and loves television and marijuana

It just goes to show that politics has virtually nothing to do with intellect or artistic skill. If a genius like Tom Pynchon is corruptible, everybody is. He's hardly the first smart person to get taken in by a stupid social trend, but he is one of the most disappointing because he's such a self-aware and intelligent person.

Anyways, as far as post-WWII American liberalism goes, he is THE defining artist of the era, regardless of medium.

>> No.11708987


>> No.11709025
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are you upset?

>> No.11709036
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>proto-SJW proto-BLM
He isn't an identity politics retard.

>> No.11709042

Pynchon is a Russian sleeper agent and the principal architect of Elsagate

>> No.11709046

He seems to be of the libertarian left.

>> No.11709095

>Next time you come across a logging operation out there, find one of their tractors that isn't being guarded, and take its oil filter with you. That's what you can do

>> No.11709120

people learn that this shit doesnt matter
he regressed, this fucking pussy

>> No.11709171

Not really. I deeply admire Pynchon and don't see how he could write the fantastic and beautiful things he writes without being a liberal

He was celebrating black riots as a response to police killings of black men in 1966

You joke but I strongly suspect he was at one point offered a position in the upper echelons of the American intelligence services and possibly worked for ONI

>> No.11709176
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>> No.11709645


stay triggered, my dude

>> No.11709654

Bourgeois boomer liberalism with weed induced paranoia

>> No.11709771


lol discarded

>> No.11709773

Well, M&D has some pretty overtly
reactionary themes. ATD is filled with anarchism, but I haven't got the impression that he is endorsing any particular political ideology.

>> No.11709797

>You joke but I strongly suspect he was at one point offered a position in the upper echelons of the American intelligence services and possibly worked for ONI
You're not the first one to suspect this. I've seen a documentary about Pinecone ("Thomas Pynchon. A Journey into the Mind of [p.]", look it up, it's in YouTube or somewhere else) and a close friend of his (a friend that, if my memory doesn't fail me, Pinecone actually cucked and took his gf/wife) said that when Gravity's Rainbow came out a lot of people where suspecting that Pynchon was possibly involved in secret projects of dubious ethical status when he was in the army (I think one of the guys in the documentary said that Pynchon was involved in the intercontinental ballistic missiles "Minuteman" program when he was in Boeing). His friend even speculated that he might have written Gravity's Rainbow as a way of "apologizing" for the dark shit he had been involved with. And for all these idiots spamming the *snap* meme, the truth is that you're absolutetly right. It's pretty evident for everyone with 3 and a half functioning neurons that Pynchon is pretty much a soft liberal.

>> No.11709852

based and redpilled
cringe and copepilled

>> No.11709865

personally i will choose to interpret anon's post as a fever-dream experience (not too dissimilar to Mondaugen's story) wherein he hallucinated the story in question

>> No.11709891

Then what's the correct political stance?

>> No.11709909

Any thing that isn't neoconservative/neoliberal values and culture while avoiding fascism, communism, and capitalism.

>> No.11709910

God-tier analysis of Pynch.

>> No.11709955

So city states, anarchism, and agrarianism? Innovative

>> No.11710043
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This is 100% accurate and lol at the Pynchon fanbois getting triggered by it

>> No.11710093

I'm a leftist and a Pynchon fan but even I recognise the *power* of this post

Congrats dude

>> No.11710189

>I apologize
What a fucking cuckold

>> No.11710196

is he really zionist though? i thought the default political position of his niche was pro palestine

>> No.11710402

Posts like these keep me coming back to /lit/, unironically. Bravo anon.

>> No.11710441

Are airlooms a Pynchon meme? A long time ago this schizophrenic guy (as in actually diagnosed schizophrenic, he had episode of psychotically breaking with reality) in a group of facebook friends of mine started freaking out about them. I had no fucking clue what he was talking about.

>> No.11710510

The class he belongs to is mostly Zionists.

>> No.11710522


>> No.11710747

I'm not aware of airlooms in Pynchons work... that image is from the wikipedia page of the first medically described schizophrenic patient

>> No.11710953

unironically based

>> No.11711419

>proto-SJW proto-BLM degenerate
>soft liberal

lol okay

>> No.11711432

calm down pinecone, jeez

>> No.11711434

he's not wrong

>> No.11711473
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we love you thomas, just the way you are

>> No.11711479

yeah and nobody likes pol lol

>> No.11711480

He supports Juche for white people.

>> No.11712897

This cop-out might work with other writers but Pynchon explicitly addresses politics in every book he's ever written. IMO it's impossible to seriously discuss his writing without discussing his politics

>> No.11712946

"In the world today all culture, all literature and art belong to definite classes and are geared to definite political lines. There is in fact no such thing as art for art's sake, art that stands above classes, art that is detached from or independent of politics. Proletarian literature and art are part of the whole proletarian revolutionary cause; they are, as Lenin said, cogs and wheels in the whole revolutionary machine." - Chairman Mao

On this board, we respect the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism.

>> No.11713263

I think it’s a bit harder to fit Pynchon into a neat political category than you think it is. This is often a problem for people who criticize both sides — they’re misinterpreted by the extremists of both sides as belonging to the other side. An extremist SJW reading Pynchon’s works would probably have similar points to make about how Pynchon is just another stupid old white male who can’t write women and doesn’t write enough about the pressing problems facing minorities and is out of touch and just for other white male college-educated intellectuals etc

Your post says more about you than it says about Pynchon.

>> No.11713268

Is Pynchon Catholic?

>> No.11713413

Pynchon is alt right

>> No.11713440

fantastic post

>> No.11713456

no no no, Pynchon is from New York and has far too many Jewish contacts and influence to be anything but a Zionist

>> No.11713484

>Your post says more about you than it says about Pynchon.

never use this, especially at end of your posts.
was cringe already but you really failed with that detail desu desu desu.

>> No.11714085


>> No.11714202

So this confirms Pynchon's best work was written by a proto-Fascist?


>> No.11714218


>> No.11714251

my guess is that he was a genuine nihilist when younger, which helped give rise to his apathy towards the establishment and status quo, but now he has 'moderated' sincehaving a child and growing up and probably is some sort of pragmatist

>> No.11714361

Your cringing response to the idea that people’s responses to things reveals their own biases more often than it objectively reflects the stimulus reveals more about you than it does about the idea.

Looked at from another angle, Pynchon’s works include instances of chauvinism, political incorrectness, jokes at the expense of minorities, and so on, such that it excludes him from the “SJW” camp. The whole post simply reveals the writer’s own conservative/rightwing biases. “Wow, Pynchon generally seems more leftist. Therefore he’s a proto-SJW and BLM cuck.” His post is very cringed because it shows how much he thinks in black and white. What he views as Pynchon’s “soft liberalism” is really just Pynchon’s compassion for the dispossessed, exiled, excluded, occluded, and oppressed which runs throughout his works as a common motif. It’s also his paranoia and distrust of large corporations, governments, etc., based on his obvious historical research into various conspiracies.

Look how many irrelevant details that poster adds which aren’t at all to be gained from reading Pynchon’s works objectively: “NYT-reading”, “Anglo-Zionist”, “hyper-egalitarian”, “philo-Semitic”, “fetishizes the 60s” (no, he views the hippie revolution then as overly idealistic and inherently doomed, not capable of dealing with the darkness of the world), “has some interest in anarchism”, and “a tacit liberal”. It’s an idiotic and innuendo-filled piece of shit of a post, incapable of bringing up details from his works to support these judgments, incapable of really pinning him down to any ideology, instead using an accumulation of suggestive and sufficiently vague insults and labels to characterize him as some milquetoast castrated hipster. The post more shows the poster’s dislike of such a character than it reveals anything about Pynchon, once again. I’m disappointed so many people are so impressed by it. Read some Pynchon without your stupid biases and actually educate yourselves, you fools.

>> No.11714455

if you chimps put this much imaination i to your writing you may have written something worthwhile by now

>> No.11714685

>Slow Learner
>Pynchon's best work
lol. Slow Learner is pretty bad besides the introduction (written much later) and the last story (still not anywhere near his novels).

>> No.11714896

What was the point of Bleeding Edge?

>> No.11715163

you can stop embarrassing yourselves with your increasingly shitty readings of pynchon any time now chief

>> No.11715281
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>Who fucking cares?
Readers do. Read him and find out what he's trying to say and report back in so we can determine the energy conversion needed for a proper combustion of that crosspawed no gooder's spellbinding, puritanic drivel.

>> No.11715361

They're admiring style, not content. Although since we're on /lit/ they probably don't recognise it.

>> No.11715465

jackson likes videogames

>> No.11716729

Isn't NYT the Newspaper of Record he disparages in BE?

>> No.11716873
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oh yeez, is that what you guys look like?

>> No.11717181

Metal Gear Solid is a good game.

>> No.11717192

Fair enough point, it was a well-written post just in terms of style. I guess that’s what beguiled most people.

No coherent argument in response, I’ll take it you can’t say anything.

>> No.11719014

try again

>> No.11719144

Pynchon is greenpilled

>> No.11719257

He's basically a Gnostic with progressive social views

>> No.11720498

His chin is pretty hot.

>> No.11720512

He's alt right for sure

>> No.11720524


>Patriotic Postmodernist

>> No.11721754

Let's just say he disapproves of those of darker complexion.

>> No.11722459

traditionalist Catholic

>> No.11723331

mmmm is sexy a politcal slant?

>> No.11723384

Pynchon is a WASP

>> No.11723563

He was a Catholic with Catholic parents when younger and went to Mass as a young adult according to reliable reports.

Pynchon’s religious and mystical views is probably a more interesting question than his political views. He’s pretty heavily into the occult and Western esoteric tradition if his books are anything to judge by. >>11719257 may be right.

>> No.11723640

Harold Bloom argues that the "They" of Gravity's Rainbow are essentially archons, and the Byron the Lightbulb segment represents the tragedy of gnosis--Byron exchanges his ability to act for knowledge, and thus is damned to know why there is so much material suffering in the world and to watch others in pain, yet remains forever impotent and incapable of sharing his knowledge that would help them

>> No.11723648

>He fetishizes the 60s, pop music and science, hates the Man, and loves television and marijuana
Uh not really

>> No.11723742

Cringy incel poltard

>> No.11724003

He's not into the occult unironically. The occult is something both Germans of the Nazi period and 1960s normie culture were into. Delillo writes about it in Libra. Celine writes about it in North.

Why are all Pynchon readers so retarded?

>> No.11724048 [DELETED] 

Wow, thanks for telling me something I already knew, giving no new information, and showcasing your huge ego, fuckwipe. Whoa, like, Pynchon is actually into the occult?? Whoaaa I didn’t know that dude.... I was using this as a basis and wanted to go beyond it to more specific speculations, kindly go fuck yourself, you arrogant non-entity.

>> No.11724061

eat shit and die festering piece of shit

you know it's true, pyn is barely any different from any other status quo normie

>> No.11724062

>He's not into the occult unironically.

Unironically kys. No one does the level of research into it and has the level of focus on it shown in M&D, ATD, and GR without being interested in it or becoming interested in it along the way.

>> No.11724066

no it isn't, that guy doesn't know what he's talking about and his mind has become rotted with idpol

>> No.11724074

or maybe he was just a meticulous researcher