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File: 17 KB, 220x304, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11702942 No.11702942 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the best fascist writers/books?

>> No.11702951

If you're fascist, you can't write for shit.

>> No.11702962
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Imperium by Francis Yockey

>> No.11702964
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>> No.11702967

Plato was NazBol

>> No.11702971
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>> No.11702984
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I must say, in all honesty, I can't stop reading his books.

>> No.11702988

So awakening = reading only books that confirm your chosen worldview? So this is the power of /pol/...

>> No.11702992
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Don't do that

>we should side with communists over degenerate american capitalists

unironically based

>> No.11703418

hey yo fascfags, this is you:
>oh please daddy dictator, I need your strong will to rule over my tight butthole, pleeeaase, I don't wanna think or make decisions for myself, oh yes daddy, please

>> No.11703436


What was he then? Always under the impression he was one.

>> No.11703453


>> No.11703536

he was an avantgarde reactionary traditionalist dada artist magician mahasiddha aryan occultist

>> No.11703578

Origins and Doctrine of Fascism
by Giovanni Gentile

This should be your starting point to understand fascism

>> No.11703753

giulio wasn't a fascist

>> No.11704225

Evola, Gentine, Schmitt, Spengler, Carlyle, your mum.

>> No.11704243

Evola is Guenon lite

Shit chart m8

Gentine & Carlyle are hacks. Splengler is just touting heidegger while throwing in some fantasy aspects lmfao.

>> No.11704303
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If you wanna go that way I think they're all spastics that are taken way too seriously on this website. Especially idiots like Evola that amount to basically being a fantasy fiction writer that was pissed off because he couldn't fit into the modern world. I wouldn't get my world view from people that idolize politics above all else and believe that redwood trees are the master race tree being swamped by disgenic trees and so need to be protected and so on. I also wouldn't get my world view from some people that deny reason and logic.

>> No.11704307


>> No.11704453


Culture of Critique by Kevin B. MacDonald
Barbarians by Lauren Southern
Richard Spencer blog entries
True Allegiance by Ben Shapiro
Stefan Molyneux newest book
Stormfront forums
David Duke podcast
Murdoch Murdoch Youtube channel
Donald Trump Twitter account
Jordan Peterson lectures
Million Dollar Extreme sketches

You're welcome.

>> No.11704470

What does writing have to do with one's political leaning? I hate Marxists, but I'm sure they can write efficiently

>> No.11704471

nice troll

>> No.11704501
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I don't mind spastics but the thing is they're not honest nor original spastics. Nothing Evola said [in regards to traditionalism and virility] couldn't have been elucidated in a much better and more comprehensive book. his books on esotericism and buddhism are very good though, I'll have to confess that. revolt against the modern world is just distilling guenon's religious conceptions and adding a baseless military spin on it

also, N. on carlyle here

>> No.11704578

Triggered leftypol chapo trap house patreon

>> No.11704692

How many fags from /leftypol/ have read Codreanu or Evola?

>> No.11704704

How many fags from /pol/ have read Marx?

>> No.11704880

I have read Marx.

>> No.11705750


>> No.11706564

At least in the Republic, though he wasn't all that exceptional as an Athenian who looked up to Spartan models of statecraft. I prefer the carefree, undamaged Plato of the Symposium, and so does everyone else who'd be more at ease with the consciousness of Athens than the mindless regimentation of Sparta. There are in any case, simpler ways to reduce one's brain to a stem, if the weight of cortex is a bummer.

>> No.11707499

Plato. 'The Republic' is a deeply proto-fascist political treatise.

Arthur de Gobineau - 'On the inequality of the human races'. This is the work that started the cult of the 'Aryan race'.

>> No.11707939 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11707951

Please unironically kill yourself

>> No.11708487
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This chart really encapsulates my reasons for hating American stromfags, they shirk all history of fascism outside of their German perceived demigod, what kind of fascist reading list doesn't include fascist classics like The Origins and Doctrines of Fascism the literal textual foundations of fascism, To My Legionaries or anything outside of Germany and America. Fascism is about more then fucking Hitler alright? fascist movements have existed from Chile to Ireland to India, fascism is a philosophy that can be applied to all nations, it's not about white supremacy. They don't understand the basics of fascism, fascism is meant to be organic, every fascist movement in each country is meant to be different, National Social Hitlerism was an ideology for the German race not for American euromutts. If fascism is ever to come to America which I doubt it ever will, due to the retarded larping for non fascists like Rockwell it should be American in philosophy and aesthetics.

>> No.11708504

this should be ban worthy

>> No.11708512

Plato was a Republican it's in the title ffs

>> No.11708514

The Fuhrer is dead (sadly), your not German move on and make something that fits America.

>> No.11708577


The dead ones,

because the only good fascist is a dead fascist

>> No.11708591
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>> No.11708646


People who don't understand irony shouldn't read Plato.

>> No.11708701

What is the appeal of fascism anyway, is being cucked by the state really that poetic?

>> No.11708707
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>> No.11708710

CTH fans are all burgoise. if i was communist, they would get the bullet first. CTH makes huge amount of money, Sargon would make million a month if his fans were so rich and passionate.
and one of the most censored podcasts TDS gets the same amount of listeners as CTH, while they are the most heavily shilled podcasts besides Joe Rogan.

>> No.11708747
File: 16 KB, 225x346, Escape_from_Freedom,_first_edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this.

Basically freedom necessarily entails lots of responsibility and uncertainty so a certain kind of person is always going to seek to avoid this by submitting to a higher authority that can dictate how to think and act to them. It is no coincidence that a site full of anxious, resentful, self-loathing young men is also keyboard fascist HQ.

>> No.11708750
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>*blocks your path*

>> No.11708764

I'm a communist but "dirtbag leftists" make me wince.

Any time I meet one of them they're always meme spouting faggots that love to namedrop Zizek but don't seem to know a thing about his actual philosophy.

>> No.11708831

What piqued my interest was the conflicting opinions on what the contents of MK were. I finally realized that the text was being critiqued by many who had not even read it. My only exposure had been to excerpts of two or three sentences each - with accompanying two or three paragraph explanations to tell me what I should think about what I had just read. My suggestion for anyone on the thread is to actually read the text and decide on the value of it for yourself. Anything less is genuine bigotry.

>> No.11708870

look, i know one guy online, he's a communist, but deep inside he's a good guy. he goes and volunteers at refugee camps and stuff like that.
is he enemy of Evropa? yes. but at least he's principled. 99% of communists are burgoise, anti-white virtue signaling fags.

>> No.11708874
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>it should be American in philosophy and aesthetics
Like what - Jews and Jazz?

>> No.11708892

literally a repressed gay man who believed in magic lol

>> No.11708893

Honestly? Yes.

I imagine an authentically American fascist movement would resemble something like the integralists in Brazil. The idea of German-style blood and soil nationalism in America is utterly retarded given that America isn't white-man's land to begin with, it's Native American land. If it's to have any authentic organic connection with America to the very roots it needs to either be by Native Americans for the expulsion of foreign races including Europeans or embrace Americans as a mixed people and reject ethnic supremacy.

>> No.11708898

>a certain kind of person is always going to seek to avoid this by submitting to a higher authority
How do you respond to people who, late in life, see that their primarily Libertarian individualist principles were getting them nowhere? Your view is narrow minded and your suggested text is, unironically, penned by a Jew. Why should we let them dictate our philosophy to us? Should I assume that the fact that you chose a Jewish text to present was only a coincidence?

>> No.11708904

is that why he thought gay sex had no magical potential in it?

>> No.11708914

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti > your homosexual postmodern faux-fascist ideologues

>> No.11708928

Your argument, if valid, would void the concept of German-style blood and soil nationalism because the Germans also came from elsewhere before settling in what we now call Germany. I find the premise that I should bow to Jews (newcomers), blacks (newcomers), and "native Americans" (also relative newcomers when compared to the races that they superseded) to be laughable. You allow me not a splinter of ground on which to stand.
>isn't white-man's land to begin with
Is the Phoenix, Arizona area Hohokam land? They supplanted earlier settlers. What legitimizes their claim? I do not think you know much about history in this region.

>> No.11708956

>I find the premise that I should bow to Jews (newcomers), blacks (newcomers), and "native Americans" (also relative newcomers when compared to the races that they superseded) to be laughable
And Europeans aren't newcomers?

I'm telling you Americans are Americans and it's nothing short of ironic for white people in America to try and claim it as theirs exclusively when they robbed it to begin with and have to share it with other Americans today. Rejecting ethnic supremacy isn't suggesting that you bow to others, it's to suggest that you cease demanding others bow to you and instead recognize them as fellow Americans. This is why I cite the integralistas as an example of how authentically American fascism could look, as America is basically anglophone Brazil.

>Is the Phoenix, Arizona area Hohokam land? They supplanted earlier settlers. What legitimizes their claim? I do not think you know much about history in this region.
No, as the Hohokam are extinct and clearly it is American land. It just so happens that "American" isn't synonymous with white as Euromutt LARPers would be wise to realise.

>> No.11708984

>How do you respond to people who, late in life, see that their primarily Libertarian individualist principles were getting them nowhere?
Well that's not really their principles fault is it? You can't blame an idea for your personal failings, that's your responsibility as anyone who truly based themselves on primarily libertarian individualist principles ought to understand.

>Should I assume that the fact that you chose a Jewish text to present was only a coincidence?
No, actually.
The fact that Erich Fromm is smart as fuck and writes great books probably has a lot to do with the fact that he's Jewish since it's a scientific fact that they have extremely high verbal IQ's.

>> No.11709011

>when they robbed it to begin with
You are ignoring my primary premise - that everyone alive today has supplanted someone else. To say that everyone else has a place but me is absurd.
>recognize them as fellow Americans
I tried that. They were not very interested.
>And Europeans aren't newcomers?
You missed the point. Everyone is a newcomer. Are you so stuck on your own premise that you cannot understand any outside thought?

>> No.11709018

While he found homosexual relationships to be sexually materialistic, he approved if the bond was Platonic.

>> No.11709022

>Well that's not really their principles fault is it?
Libertarianism was given its chance and it failed miserably.
>You can't blame an idea for your personal failings
What personal failing are you articulating?

>> No.11709035

>To say that everyone else has a place but me is absurd.
When did I say that?
You are American, your place is the United States of America, as is true or every other American. It just so happens that this is an identity that transcends race. If you hate your countrymen so much that you can't tolerate to live in the same nation as them just because they're black you're not an American nationalist.
>I tried that. They were not very interested.
Well that's their problem isn't it?
>You missed the point. Everyone is a newcomer. Are you so stuck on your own premise that you cannot understand any outside thought?
Why are you answering the opening point last as if the following paragraph wasn't the real meat of the argument?

>> No.11709038

>The fact that Erich Fromm is smart as fuck and writes great books probably has a lot to do with the fact that he's Jewish since it's a scientific fact that they have extremely high verbal IQ's.
I am sorry - I forgot this part. Do you disregard the notion that Fromm was born in 1900 in Germany and that he followed the notions of other German Jews of his time such as Marx?

>> No.11709064

>Libertarianism was given its chance and it failed miserably.
No it didn't, this hypothetical libertarian failed miserably. If your life sucks it's not the ideology that you subscribe to's fault and hopping to a different radically different ideology isn't going to change the fundamental personal faults that led you to such a state.

>What personal failing are you articulating?
I don't know, you're the one who posed this hypothetical scenario so you tell me.

>> No.11709068

No, in fact I too follow the notions of German Jews like Karl Marx. And Karl Marx died 17 years before Erich Fromm was born.

>> No.11709114

>When did I say that?
It is an assumption based on the current political context. You are asking me to live side by side with people who are now openly hostile to my presence - many who were not even born here.
>You are American, your place is the United States of America, as is true or every other American.
>It just so happens that this is an identity that transcends race.
Who put you in charge to make that decision? This is a very common view that I remember hearing from outsiders from a very early age. It is utter bullshit.
>If you hate your countrymen so much that you can't tolerate to live in the same nation as them just because they're black you're not an American nationalist.
Count the number of times I have pointed guns at blacks and count the number of times blacks have pointed guns at me and get back to me about who is filled with hate.
>Well that's their problem isn't it?
How so? It is very much my problem.
>Why are you answering the opening point last as if the following paragraph wasn't the real meat of the argument?
My apologies. I thought I could move without it but later reconsidered and tacked it at the end where it was convenient.

>> No.11709123

>No, in fact I too follow the notions of German Jews like Karl Marx.
At least you are being honest.
>And Karl Marx died 17 years before Erich Fromm was born.
In the great scheme of political traditions, do you consider this to be a large gap? I do not.

>> No.11709132

>thinking America is just Jews and Jazz

>> No.11709173

>thinking America is just Jews and Jazz
I never said that - but the respondent did. Note the question mark that I used. If you had responded to anyone with your greentext then it should have been him.

>> No.11709188

>You are asking me to live side by side with people who are now openly hostile to my presence - many who were not even born here.
Some of them are, I'm sure. But is your problem the hostility or the fact that they're brown? Because as you ought to know there's plenty of self-flagellating white Americans that hate the presence of white people in America. Removing all non-whites from the USA would be a totally illogical reaction to this, just as it's completely illogical to hate the presence of whites in the USA. You don't counter madness with madness you counter it with sense.

>Who put you in charge to make that decision? This is a very common view that I remember hearing from outsiders from a very early age. It is utter bullshit.
And who put you in charge of that decision?
I say that American-identity transcends race because clearly racial minorities in the USA, particularly African-Americans and racial Americans have made distinct and inalienable contributions to the greater American culture while also having their own local cultures that are unique to the United States. African-American culture is unique to America, they've been living in America for centuries and at this point are utterly foreign to black Africans. If they're not American then what are they?

>Count the number of times I have pointed guns at blacks and count the number of times blacks have pointed guns at me and get back to me about who is filled with hate.
This is whataboutery. You haven't acknowledged the actual argument this is just a weak-attempt to deflect criticism by pointing out a perceived bigger issue with another community.

Yes, black people pointing guns at you is bad but that's not the topic is it?

>How so? It is very much my problem.
I don't see how it is your problem that other people are ignorant. You can escape that simply by turning around and walking away. Unless you let it get to you in which case it is your problem, because you've taken on the same problems they have.

>> No.11709215

>In the great scheme of political traditions, do you consider this to be a large gap?
17 years? No.

But by the time Karl Marx died he had been living in London for over 30 years and it was the 1930s before Erich Fromm's serious academic career began. I don't think you can really call a philosopher of the mid-19th century and a philosopher of the mid-20th century contemporaries when clearly they lived in very different times.

>> No.11709219
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Okay so this thread sucks. There were many different authors and works revolving around or influential to fascist ideologies.

Georges Sorel - Reflections on Violence
Giovanni Gentile in general
The Manifesto of Futurism (precursor to the Manifesto of Fascism)
Werner Sombart
Carl Schmitt
Martin Heiddeger
Ezra Pound
Ortega y Gasset (sort of)
Gustave Le Bon
Francis Galton
Vilfredo Pareto
Codreanu wrote an autobiography.

I mean these are more or less a decent list of influences on fascism / introductions to fascist writers and philosophers.

>> No.11709232

A lot actually, most well read "Far Rghtists" have read most of Das Kapital, Bookchin, and a little Chomsky in my experience

Then again that's among Americans

>> No.11709250

Germans didn't settle in Germany, the Urnfield, Corded Ware and Bellbeaker cultures are autocthonous to mainland central europe retard. They just got rayped by Aryans and became a more robust race of maniacs than they had already been. The idea Germans are these intrepid conquerors is fallacious and extreme revisionism or ignorance of paleogenetics

>> No.11709481
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Brainlet fucking quote. "Don't try to learn something new, find something sub-par and give up on expanding your knowledge"

>> No.11709501
File: 37 KB, 720x405, Triggered Right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaders and followers at the end of the day. Im currently stuck between far-left and far-right. I feel like everyone should be able to pursue their own lives but, at the same time everyone is a fucking brainlet that should just be a cog for the elites. (kind of how it is today tho just leveraged with the illusion of free will)

>> No.11709559

My bad, nowadays America is just Jews and a """culture"""" shared on the lowest common denominator.

>> No.11709576

Please tell me you are trolling and you are not actually this fucking retarded.

>> No.11709589


>> No.11710209


>> No.11710330

these guys sound interesting, can you recommend me any books?

>> No.11710342

>Count the number of times I have pointed guns at blacks and count the number of times blacks have pointed guns at me and get back to me about who is filled with hate.
those were individual black men, not elect representatives of the black race

this is really basic stuff dude

>> No.11710378

I'm not a national socialist, but this is a bizarre reaction to a chart specifically made for the purpose of detailing Hitlerite literature. It's not implied by the existence of a chart with a certain theme that only reading the contents of the chart are sufficient for acquisition of knowledge.

>> No.11710552

Dear lord, imagine being this fucking brainlet

>> No.11710558

Me irl

>> No.11710762

Ultra Conservative

>> No.11710876

>platonic same sex love
yeah, that's called having a friend.

>> No.11710878

This. His own words.

>> No.11710883

Only Psueds and Indians circle jerk the Guenon meme in Evola threads.

>> No.11710885

Holy shit you REALLY shouldn't be on 4chan if you can't understand a fucking joke.

>> No.11710894

Evola himself loved the guenon meme though

>> No.11710902

And they had many disagreements. The meme is the attitude that Guenon was right about everything/only Guenons work matters and Evola is the poor mans Guenon. It's very pedantic at this point and typically derails threads into some nebulous discussion about hindustani philosophy.

>> No.11711058

Traditionalists in a nut shell desu.

>> No.11711064

Reading comprehension you fucking dumb nigger. Evola's ideas are accessible to complete babby pseuds like yourself and you literally do not have to do any thinking whatsoever, while Guenon actually has some substance to his thought that isn't built on some absolute presupposition.

if youre the same person that the person you're replying to is replying to, you're probs the most illiterate person ive seen on this website and should revolt against the modern world by killing yourself

>> No.11711067


>> No.11711068

I didn't know I had offended you.

>> No.11711078

Found the Indian with internalized feelings of inferiority.

Guenon is for unprincipled people masquerading as intellectuals. He's a reactionary meme that is only trendy here due to insecure faggots scared that Evola=/pol/ and they desperately don't want to be labeled as/associated with /pol/ because you've fallen for dissociation tactics and desperately cling to pseud cred.

>> No.11711086

Do you deny that Evola was just butt hurt because the world changed and did away with the aristocracy he so admired and wanted to be a part of? (and claimed to be a part of without evidence)

>> No.11711094

Have you ever read a single sentence in a Guenon book you faggot holy fuck.

I already said in another post I like Evola's writings on esotericism and Buddhism but his 'traditionalist' trilogy of revolt/ruins/ride the big fucking cat is retard tier, it's not that I don't want to be associated with it it's that the basis of these works are nonsensical.

>Guenon is for unprincipled people masquerading as intellectuals

Guenon actually lived according to the perennial tradition, Evola stayed in a fucking apartment in decaying postwar Europe with a South American bastard child who he didn't give a shit about. Tell me who was unprincipled. Also Evola literally explicitly cites Guenon's works in a lot of his writings, too.
No one wants to be associated with /pol/ because /pol/ is full of drooling retards masquerading as 'warrior priests'.

>> No.11711115

>blah blah blah
You don't even understand what i'm saying. Guenon is just namedropped for pseud cred and to disassociate from Evola's perceived association with /pol/ (you only care about what peers label you as and not what you actually are) Or otherwise by indians who think Guenon=Hinduism so they can feel a little less emasculated by the white man.

>Tell me who was unprincipled
reading comprehension. I was referring to Guenon fanboys like yourself. You don't actually internalize anything Guenon says, it's just masturbatory pseud cred.

>> No.11711402
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>The fact that Erich Fromm is smart as fuck and writes great books probably has a lot to do with the fact that he's Jewish since it's a scientific fact that they have extremely high verbal IQ's.

>> No.11711940

Says the one who hasn't taken the Carlyle pill

>> No.11712322

I think people only try to discourage reading Evola in favor of Guenon because of his passive or defeatist position on the world. Evola wasn't afraid to participate in politics.

>> No.11712340

>clinging this hard to IQ

it’s getting ridiculous. You’re going to have to accept the fact that academia is corrupted, IQ is bullshit, and everything, including the science of genetics, is due for a reality check

>> No.11712390

IQ and genetics are nothing but a representations which obviously can be manipulated. But that doesn't mean that the underlying factors aren't real. Without nepotism and personal interests, science would have remained a self controlling and cleaning process.

>> No.11712644
File: 100 KB, 1032x774, 1444238366411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>da jooz is LYIN to keep da white man down!
This is literally what niggers say about white IQs.

>> No.11712761

Contrary to "niggers", the points of pic related can be shown through actually taking unbiased samples (or even just comparing it to Israels, the jewish Ethnostate, average IQ of 94 despite beeing something around 40% Askenazim, which are the brightest and also most mixed with europeans).

You're only making a foul out of yourself with such amerimutt imagery.

>> No.11712783

Mein Kampf is shit and he didn't even write it

>> No.11712839

>average IQ of 94 despite beeing something around 40% Askenazim
you mean because not despite

>> No.11712918

Jews cheat on IQ tests. E. Micheal Jones already exposed the prep courses they have for Jews only (also SATs) where they steal the tests and study the answers together before they take it.

>> No.11712933

Askenazim are the most mixed with europeans and also those with the highest IQs. So what are you saying, that the more jewish you are, the lower your intelligence is? Otherwise you would need to say that their higehr IQ comes from inbreeding with whites, so far as that modern DNA companies even take certain eastern european markers as specifically jewish.

And even those Askenazims, if taken unbiased have an average IQ similar to europeans, around 100. The "smart" jew is a meme. Otherwise their existance woulnd be based on leeching off the whole west while having their own soil finally.

>> No.11712960

Average IQs are a meme because 100-115 is brainlet tier, and you need a standard deviation of at least 15 points to even see a practical difference between two people. You should only be looking for number of outliers to determine what group is more intelligent. In other words even if 40% of men had an IQ of 80 while 30% had an IQ of 140 ad the rest inbetween while 95% of women had an IQ of 105 men would be considered smarter on the whole even considering diminishing returns.

>> No.11712999

That might all be true, but that doesn't change the fact that IQ is real and matters, even if only in the bigger spectrum. Saying that one need too big difference to even see a real effect is nothing but relativism.

While I would also agree that the average of 100 is retarded from my point of view which is lower mensa tier, this doesn't change the fact that we are massive outliers and that society would function well without us. It is also important to note that even so littel as 10 points less can determine if your society will be savage or civilised. While not relevant to an individual, small in- and decreases certainly have very dramatic outcomes. Therefore ignoring "small" disgenic steps will be our doom.

>> No.11713040

>Saying that one need too big difference to even see a real effect is nothing but relativism.

I'm not saying that, i'm saying the masses don't have an effect. it's only individual outliers, great men in history and diminishing returns. Niggers with 60-85 IQs can't preform basic job tasks, once you reach 115 you can essentially teach the monkey anything, but the monkey still can't think critically or collectively change his environment. You need intelligent outliers to put the systems in place for the gears turning to have any productivity. If the system ever collapsed or outliers were never born, a society of 105IQ would have little practical difference from one with an 80IQ. They would both just be subsistence farming.

Average IQs really are irrelevant because the average is always retard tier.

>> No.11713063
File: 333 KB, 1080x1178, Screenshot_2018-06-22-10-33-48~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11713106
File: 124 KB, 1080x407, Screenshot_2018-07-14-09-39-17~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11713125
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>> No.11714101

If you're leftist, you can't write for shit.

>> No.11714139
File: 1.76 MB, 4032x3024, JPEG_20180814_150931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read these for non-edgy Anglo Fascism and to watch him basically be proven right in multiple key areas

>> No.11714377

Edge boi