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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 8 KB, 250x202, disgusted Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11699731 No.11699731 [Reply] [Original]

>Chatting up a cute barista at the Starbucks in Barnes and Nobles.
>She mentions that she has an MFA and teaches literature part time at the local community college
>Start to talk to her about my favorite authors
>MFW she hasn't read Goethe
>MFW she hasn't read Spinoza
>MFW she hasn't read Proust

>> No.11699744

Does she like the Pynchon meme?

>> No.11699753

Only one of those is worth reading anyway. The other two are jews.

>> No.11699761

Why would she have read Spinoza if literature is her subject? Do you expect her to have read Plato and Wittgenstein too?

>> No.11699776
File: 21 KB, 220x330, 220px-Plato_Silanion_Musei_Capitolini_MC1377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading atleast som Plato is essential as they are great examples of ancient literarure.

>> No.11699779

Seriously though, who reads Proust besides French snobs?

>> No.11699787

well considering you:
>would consider reading Proust in translation as "reading" Proust
>would consider reading Goethe in translation as "reading" Goethe
>would consider reading Spinoza in translation as "reading" Spinoza
>probably can't articulate a single concept from any of those authors that you have "read"
I don't know why you decided to embarrass yourself by making this thread, OP.
Oh, and quit berating women who are interested in literature. You just come off as a whiny little incel.

>> No.11699790

>Hasn't read Plato

Stop embarrassing yourself, anon.

>> No.11699797

>Woman with professional credential isn't well read in her subject area
>That relates back to my sex life somehow


>> No.11699810

Women can't think for themselves. They are hollow receptacles that are told how to Iive and what to do from cosmetic advertisements, life style blogs and soap operas. Male apes are more cognizant than the human female. Their sole purpose is to breed. Their biggest flaw is they don't self destruct upon giving birth. Their second biggest flaw is not having more orifices to stick erect cock into.

>> No.11699817

Based. I too am incel.

>> No.11699818

but goethe isn't a jew

>> No.11699823

kill yourself, desu

>> No.11699822

I forced myself to and was eventually bewitched by him.

>> No.11699826

this but unironically

>> No.11699833

based. i too am hilarious ironyposter

>> No.11699843

Any translation of German regardless of quality or target language is an improvement

>> No.11699846

Based and redpilled

>> No.11699854
File: 280 KB, 646x595, iugasgun8k6z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw meet cute girl in STEM program
>she's like 10/10 and knows how to code C++ which is rare for chicks
>smiles at me and tries to get me to go to grad student meet ups
>ask her if she's heard of Henri Bergson
>in the trash she goes
will i ever find love /lit?

>> No.11699862

This. Not having read Goethe and Proust is unforgivable, but Spinoza is unimportant unless you're a Theologian or a Deleuze scholar.

Stop being an elitist faggot.

>> No.11699864


>> No.11699871

too /lit/ for love desu

>> No.11699875

Spinoza is of interest to anyone studying early modern philosophy. Not sure what the special connection between theology and Spinoza is

>> No.11699877


>> No.11699881

Has she read Joyce, Pynchon and DFW though?

>> No.11699889

not based
not based

>> No.11699910

He paved the way for the proto-anti-Christian kikery his fellow jews picked up and ran with via universalist enlightenment ideology until they were able to implode the church they destroyed Rome with 2000 years ago through their control of pop culture in the 60s and install the updated, godless version they're using to destroy the west with now.

>> No.11699993
File: 86 KB, 640x447, barnes-noble-cafe-sign-d53nnh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a Barnes and Nobles Cafe, not a Starbucks. They happen to serve Starbucks products but they are distinct entities.

>> No.11700000

What an absolute clusterfuck of a sentence. What do you have to back any of that up?

>> No.11700008

you destroyed the giga nigga anon!!!

>> No.11700027

I wouldn't mind buttfucking a catamite right about now

>> No.11700100

It took many years of becoming smarter and more informed than you to be able to summarize in such an advanced fashion.

>> No.11700129

Vague, elitist, and thoroughly autistic. This deserves to be a /lit/ banner.

>> No.11700168

>Do you expect her to have read Plato and Wittgenstein too?
anyone in the humanities has to read these at some point, even if just in excerpts or second-hand

>> No.11700203

just lol at you buddy boyo

>> No.11700255

So you clearly have never been to college.

>> No.11700281


>> No.11700298

It’s absurd to see what people think is constitutes being well read. You just choose particularly obscure or difficult works that you have read and set that as the standard. If your speciality isn’t German Romanticism then why would you need to read Goethe? You can understand the movement without reading him. Same goes for Proust. Being “well-read” is a meme. People don’t respect you bc you sperg out about some book you managed to read, they respect your salary, status and where you went to college. Sorry about the reality check.

>> No.11700580

Everyone at least reads excerpts of the Poetics and The Republic in undergrad humanities

I also read Wittgenstein, Lacan, and Heidegger in undergrad as an English major

That said most English majors don’t even do the assigned readings

>> No.11700605


>> No.11700617

heh yeah people are pretty dumb

>> No.11700648


Gothe is more known for his Sturm-und-Drang and Classicism works.

>> No.11700950

nice digits