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11699070 No.11699070 [Reply] [Original]

>that rightwing boomer who thinks he can make thinks he can make valid criticisms of socialist politics because he read Animal Farm (written by a socialist)

>> No.11699083

right wingers are the biggest useless cucks and need to be gassed desu

>> No.11699096 [DELETED] 


Can't wait to cut your tongue out, slice open your belly, tear you entrails out and burn them in front of you before hanging you body on a lampost to die slow.

It's coming so soon.

>> No.11699107

*teleports behind you*

>> No.11699112

If a war actually broke-out between left and right-wingers who do you guys think would win?

>> No.11699114

So what sort of questions would you ask to determine if someone will be gassed

>> No.11699119

>that faggot who thinks he can make thinks he can make an intelligible thread

>> No.11699122

>who thinks he can make thinks he can make valid

>> No.11699125

Us radical centrists with our superior intellect and calm rational demenor.

>> No.11699129

Orwell was actually a Right Winger in his later life. He just continued to pretend to be Left Wing because its easier as an intellectual and so he could rat out his pinko buddies
All his works after Catalonia are over whelmingly anti-socialist in the end

>> No.11699134

its always hilarious that right wingers think they would win in a fight when the vast majority of you are old, and/or fat or generally totally useless first worlders whose biggest exposure to violence is that theyve participated in a bar fight

>> No.11699137

Charlottesville II: ~25 terrified autists hiding behind a barricade while hundreds of leftists in riot gear prepare to bully them

It's an obvious reality.
Most people are Center, Center-left.
Extreme Left is unified with them against the Right and Center-right stays home and watches old Reagan Speeches and drink

>> No.11699140

>Orwell was actually a Right Winger in his later life.
Amurigan education everyone.

>> No.11699146

too broad. im not even a left winger. i recognize leftists are also useless. the right wingers are just much more annoying because they have this retarded ass chauvinism when they have absolutely nothing tough or macho about being a spoiled ass scared first worlder who is statistically very likely to also be obese, ie have man boobs, ie ave feminine physical qualities

>> No.11699149

You should probably learn how to read/write before you start criticizing others.

>> No.11699155


The ones with guns lol

>> No.11699162

Its true. Have you ever even read Orwell? He was redpilled as fuck, casually racist, called out Jews. There's very little in his work which actually suggests he was a Leftist other than the hilarious gullibility of Left Wingers to believe people claiming to be one of their own.
In his low time he knew it was all bullshit and his writing makes that clear

>> No.11699164

Not indicative of the results of an actual war. Right-wingers have too much social capital to lose currently; hence their lower turn-out at these events.

>> No.11699174

In that case, only the cream of the crop; the most physically able and combat ready of each side would be the deciding factor in a hypothetical war. Which side, then, has the creamiest of the crop; left of right?

>> No.11699182


>> No.11699185

This. If you include the center-right majority and serious far-right extremists, you have an exceedingly armed population that would easily overpower the left if directly challenged.

>> No.11699193

School shooters make it pretty conclusive that Leftists stand no chance. They're weak and fear death

>> No.11699195

Are you so myopic that you think all leftists are radical feminist black lives matter activists? Orwell was an open socialist, he just wasn't a tankie

>> No.11699197

The only physically able left wingers, at least in america, are literally black people and lower tier hispanics (aka el salvadorians). They would overpower unarmed right wingers but would be slaughtered in minutes by any organized group

>> No.11699199

obviously the left. the right are statistically more likely to be poorer, older, and fatter.

now if we're talking about guns, sorry to break it to you but as is in literally every city in the world, DC is made up of what to you are leftists. including most if not all of the bureaucrats, assistants, aids, etc. this is manifested in the "deep state's" sabotage of trump's affairs including the russia probe. This extends to the military. meaning that the military would in fact be on the side of the left and all the right would have is a few obese gun collectors in Appalachia

>> No.11699206
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The Right Wing is willing to go further. Their capacity for extremism is what will ensure their bloody and destructive victory.

Like this dude>>11699096
That guy is fucking insane. Being violent is one thing, but being creatively violent is indicative of someone who is willing to go further than what he is up against.

>> No.11699210

Just goes to show that "the left" are mere puppets of the neoliberal globalist world order. The obese guns collectors in Appalachia are the true people's revolution.

>> No.11699212
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I sure hope that Meuller fella's got the scoop! I heard on the evening extra that it's quite a page turna!

>> No.11699215


Sorry dude, but I've NEVER met a tough leftist. Not once.

>> No.11699217

>Are you so myopic that you think all leftists are radical feminist black lives matter activists?

No I think there's also absolute lunatics who think Communism is a good idea. Orwell wasn't one of them

>> No.11699219

Is this a serious question? The U.S. military and police are overwhelmingly republican. Every gun nut in america is a right winger. The left will be slaughtered in minutes.

>> No.11699220

whoever the military/police sided with tbqh senpai

>> No.11699227

>the right are statistically more likely to be poorer, older, and fatter

Objectively incorrect. Most obese and poor in the US are niggers and their ilk. Older maybe but that's no disadvantage when up against Soimales

>> No.11699230

Is that the right or the left?

>> No.11699235

The Right obviously

>> No.11699263

unrionically this. the state co opted the left and the left willingly allowed it. neutralizing any threat to state power.

the problem is that its like pushing down on one side of a water balloon. the water just escapes to the other side. the right (at least a small part of it, on the internet) is sort of the counterculture right now. but its a new kind of "right" that really has nothing to do with the right at all. it was the first to adopt actual postmodern attitudes, which the mainstream and even underground left still struggles with. it's nietzchean ridicule of "moralfags" and acceptance of harsh brutality and violence in media presaged the issues of the next decades. people who have been on 4chan very early on will know what i'm talking about. 4chan actually literally infected the world within 20 years of it becoming a thing. but this postmodern internet right doesnt have anything to do with either hitler, paul ryan, pinochet, reagan. And it has very little to do with say, the poor rural gun holding whites. most of the internet postmodern right are in fact, relatively well of white teenagers to young adults living in the same areas as the sjws they deride

>> No.11699282

it would depend a great deal on a number of factors. Don't buy into delusional thinking on either side. If someone tells you a hypothetical "civil war" between ideological parties would be quickly resolved or one sided they are probably delusional or memeing.

>> No.11699289

Veterans voted 2 to 1 for Trump. Its not even a question where the military sides with. And the police have no sympathy with the left even since the Dems totally caved in to nigger lives matter

>> No.11699291

Fucking kek

>> No.11699299

Thanks for your input.

>> No.11699302

what do you mean by tough?

and what do mean by "leftist"?

i for my part have never met a tough "leftist" or a tough "rightist" simply because if they ever identified with those labels or programs enough for me to think of them like that, they are likely sad incomplete people needing something in their lives.

That being said do you consider 50 cent "tough"? He's taken multiple bullets so i would. He supported occupy wall street and hillary clinton so i would broadly categorize him as a "leftist" so there you go.

again im not really interested in defending leftism. but this idea that the right is somehow macho and tough because, what? they talk tougher and are louder? please. pretty much everyone in america is a giant pussy.

>> No.11699311

>That guy is fucking insane.
He's just another angry virgin indulging in sadistic power fantasies on an anonymous anime forum.

>> No.11699312

>but this idea that the right is somehow macho and tough because, what?

Because they make up the vast majority of those who work tough jobs from farmers to coal miners to police to soldiers to you name it. All the left have are minimum wage burger flippers and thin wristed soi developers
Not to mention objectively more men in general vote right than women

>> No.11699314

Generally right leaning diversity in these occupations is swinging the pendulum a little though. but the far right will obviously be labeled as "terrorists" and leftists "unarmed civilians who dindu nuffin" by the media so it's unlikely many cops/army people will sympathize and will just follow orders and btfo right wingers. There could be a decent amount of defectors tho that can really sabotage shit but the media manipulation is a BIG factor. I say this as someone pretty right leaning. Probably a good 60/40 with favor to the left/liberals.

>> No.11699319

It explains the left's incessant desire to maintain it's label as counter-cultural; there is deep power in that which is counter-cultural. The "dirtbag" left/chaptraphouse phenomenon is a product of this desire; a repackaging of leftist policy in a seemingly edgy exterior. Meanwhile they're being interviewed by Vox and receiving endorsements from the elite celebrity class. They want to have their cake and eat it too.

>> No.11699329

>but the far right will obviously be labeled as "terrorists"

Has never happened in American history and there has been plenty of opportunity to do so.

>> No.11699331

so what? that doesnt mean shit. you tihnk because youre a farmer and you work with your hands you're tough now? lmfao do you have daddy issues or something where anything remotely classified as masculine is to be idolized on a pedestal?

ive actually worked manual labor jobs, my whole life actually. it doesnt mean anything. theres no glory in it. the people working it arent privy to some lost part of masculinity or dignity that burger flippers aren't privy too you fucking zoomer. ive met burger flippers who own guns who would find you and shoot you after their burger flipping shift for accidentally bumping into them, and ive met cops who literally pissed themselves when confronted by a few teenagers without their gun.

>> No.11699332


Damn. You guy's are in for a brutal rude awakening when shit hits the fan.

>> No.11699336

>you tihnk because youre a farmer and you work with your hands you're tough now

Statistically yeah no shit. I don't think you understand how demographics work, as is common for left wingers

>> No.11699339

Sam Harris and Michael L Brown are both currently on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate group members

>> No.11699340


>> No.11699346

>ive met burger flippers who own guns who would find you and shoot you after their burger flipping shift for accidentally bumping into them

They're called niggers

>> No.11699349

Utterly irrelevant.

>> No.11699351

Walk me through just how irrelevant it is

>> No.11699354

Why though?

>> No.11699356

>when shit hits the fan.
ask yourself why this fantasy of "shit hitting the fan" is so important to your fragile identity.

>> No.11699359


>implying such a war would ever occur
no. personal politics and political parties will be a part of the war, but not its cause. a conflict will reach critical mass when both sides are against another.

>> No.11699361

This won't happen in wartime; when there's no establishment to back the left and no social capital for the right to lose.

>> No.11699368

and i'll add another thing. nearly all of my friends and old coworkers still doing construction, pipe laying, working on an oil rig, etc would fucking loooooove to be a "soi developer" . they just can't.

ive never once met a developer or designer or producer or marketer or fucking anything in my field that has ever said they wanted to do what i used to do. ever.

stop glorifying poverty and hard working conditions you idiotic zoomer fuck. no one likes it. it isnt cool. its a burden that people just fucking have to deal with when they have responsibilities but no better choices. its hard enough as it is on those people without fucks like you trying to misrepresent the situation and having people think they are actually totally happy to be breaking their bodies to live.

>> No.11699370


>He thinks the people sticking their head out on the public chopping block right now are the people who will fight in the coming civil war.

You have no idea. No idea what burns inside the worst of us. You cannot fathom the violence we will do unto you, your family, and your loved ones. It will be biblical. You will all be Shirley Ledford.

>> No.11699371

The war happened. The Right lost.

>> No.11699374

Yes, when do you suppose this will happen?

>> No.11699377

For criticizing Islam and some standard LGBT thought in a completely civil and harmless way in their respective books

>> No.11699378

this was in the south and they were white actually. for all the racism a whole lot of white people want to be "niggers"

>> No.11699382

Because they're a literal Social Justice group who have absolutely zero bearings on military policy. The Oregon holdout made it abundantly clear the tolerance and care law enforcement has with Right Wing groups who could easily be labeled terrorists

>> No.11699384

True, yes. Unfortunately the left had to sell its soul to the neoliberal globalist order to do so.

>> No.11699387
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>> No.11699389

Orwell? Now THERE'S a guy.

>> No.11699390



>> No.11699392
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What you want will never happen. Wake up and start working with people, not against them.

>> No.11699394

there is nothing wrong with neoliberal globalism.

>> No.11699396

Save these irrelevant thoughts for your blog faggot

>> No.11699397

During a hypothetical civil war. No idea if/when that will happen however. Leaning towards it not happening however; the left is just too assimilated with the establishment.

>> No.11699407

>t. spiritual desert insectoid man

>> No.11699410

Slavery is a left wing institution the democrats fought to preserve.

>> No.11699411

so essentially the rightwingers are a bunch of scared pussies?

why not risk that social capital and transform society in a glorious revolution if that's what you all care so deeply about? or would you rather just keep fantasizing and posting about it on a anonymous porn forum?

>> No.11699418

there is nothing wrong with bugmen

>> No.11699420

>what is impulse control

Something niggers and left wingers could learn

>> No.11699421

>Wake up and start working with people, not against them.
Sure. I'll work against their bones with a hacksaw before cooking their sweetbreads in the evening stew.

>> No.11699425

i swear to god if i knew you i would cut off all your fucking limbs and straight up just bludgeon your family's heads in with them. you useless stupid fuck. i hope you get eaten by fucking vultures, slowly

>> No.11699427

t. Bugman

>> No.11699435

Keep it to your blog faggot I'm not your therapist

>> No.11699448

Why not wait for the inevitable collapse THEN go on a leftist smashing rampage. Why risk it all now? Also I'm not a right winger you autistic faggot.

>> No.11699453

left wingers dont support hillary clinton sorry

>> No.11699454

so just let me get this straight...
Rightwingers believe the deepstate/jews/globalists are ruining the world and that Trump represents an antidote to leftism/ pc-culture that shackles right wingers and white nationalism.

so now would be the best opportunity for you pathetic fags to "seize control". America is a like a great big pussy staring you right in the face but your limp white dick can't get hard enough to fuck it. You just keep talking shit and getting BTFO in the street and talking about the "silent majority" that will come out during the war that will never happen because none of you have the balls.

I'm not even left wing but objectively you guys are pathetic. You have to admit that much is true.

>> No.11699455

The obvious answer is the Right. Right wingers are extremely organized when it comes to matters of security and with the national security forces being made up of almost all Republican that's probably tired of seeing the bullshit and degeneracy that the Left is pushing into the media, they'll probably go and fuck them up with no total regards to the media. I mean, whatever they do, it'll always be spun by the media, so what do you think they will do when they decide that they're fed up already?

A simple answer: Left people are most likely not to have guns, while Right people are most likely to have guns. Now, can a person with no gun win against a person with a gun? If a lone mass murderer can induce fear and terror to a group alone, then just imagine what a group of organized fed up people with guns can do. The Left likes to think that they've won all the grounds but when the reality kicks in and they see guns pointed at them, all they'll do is scream. Hence why they want to limit gun control ownership.

>> No.11699457

>so essentially the right-wingers are a bunch of scared pussies?
Man, you guys are so self-destructive that it doesn't even stop at your ideology and need to destroy culture. You honestly all want to die in the most masochistic way possible, don't you? Well, congrats. You won't have to wait for long.

>> No.11699461

Real Trumpism™ has never been tried

>> No.11699462

yeah you just keep waiting for the day, pussy.

>> No.11699466

>I'm not even left wing


>> No.11699477

let me know when you want to get off the internet and start getting shit done, claude.

>> No.11699478
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>> No.11699482

not an argument

>> No.11699489

Most gamers are left-wing.

>> No.11699495

if you're not a leftie and not a trumptard then you're probably some cuckservative or, god forbid, a """centrist""" which is by far the gayest shit ever. you must return to reddit. you simply must.

>> No.11699501

Nice try Anita.

>> No.11699502

wrong again brainlet. and still not an argument btw

>> No.11699504
File: 199 KB, 1856x887, e30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pic related the political spectrum we're using in this thread or something?
Because there's people claiming shit like Slavery is Left Wing, Nationalism isn't left wing, and other stupid shit.

>> No.11699507

enlighten me then, cucklord

>> No.11699513

As someone very into gnosticism / mysticism, such pictures deeply annoy me. It completely misses the point of undertaking the inner journey.

>> No.11699514

>he thinks centrism isn't left-wing >he implies conservatism isn't left-wing >he's probably unsure if the Jacobins were even trve left-wing
Absolute cretin

>> No.11699515

I'm more of a gnostic techno luddite turpitudinist.

>> No.11699517

lol Charlottesville II was an FBI honeypot nobody wanted to show up to that gay shit because they knew it was a trap. Your belief that anyone took that event seriously illustrates your naivety.

>> No.11699522

Didn't leftism die out in the last century? I mean, I like the idea of communism too, but it's not gonna happen.
Everyone who's actually doing anything political is rightist or polite-ist (read conservative or liberal (read right wing or a cunt hair to the left of the right wing))

>> No.11699527

Go into photoshop/gimp and edit it to be (by you) correct

Might render this thread less shit

>> No.11699529
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>> No.11699532

nice meme arrows, reddit
get filtered namefag

>> No.11699541

Fukuyama and Strauss and so on thought so.
Dugin thinks it's not Right-Left but Thallassocratic-Tellurocratic and I think that's honestly more sensical and valid.

>> No.11699542

>t. cityfag
Try living in a rural area, buddy. Leftist twinks have never handled a gun in their life I'd take the ex-high school football player who also has been shooting an assortment of firearms since he knew how to talk over sissy faggots who work at starbucks.

>> No.11699546

Yeah it's basically some/no gibs vs all the gibs and some fag shit and niggers. Modern politics are garbage. ACCELERATE NOW

>> No.11699560

That doesn't fly because there's lots of people in Nebraska who are not brown, gay or weak that are left wing.
They generally think of themselves as Teddy Roosevelt Republicans.

Source: life long Nebraska bugeater

>> No.11699561

>that poisoned marxo-cultist lenin-apologist who tries desperately to torture a reading out of animal farm where it isnt a critique of communism

>> No.11699564


>> No.11699567

The point is that there ISN'T a "true political spectrum." Everything we engage with as humans is subject to an infinite network of cause-and-effect. To turn "the Illuminati" or "the Cabal" or hell even "the Capitalists" into "The Enemy" is to shut yourself off from truly grasping the nature of reality.

And I'm not even saying that there aren't horrible things powerful people do. I think a lot of people involved in business and politics are very stupid and very greedy people, who cause a lot of unnecessary suffering. That doesn't mean they're "The Enemy" though, and I will still maintain compassion for them, even if I find it hard to sometimes.

>> No.11699568



>> No.11699580

It doesn't need to be mental gymnastics.
Orwell was into the Kropotkin
And was horrified to see that vision co-opted and exploited by marxist-leninists.
I know you guys think that's "real communism has never been tried" but there is as much a difference between Marx and Kropotkin as between Rothbard and Evola

>> No.11699595

>Every nationalist/right winger/alt-right whatever says don't go to UTR2.
>Nobody goes
"wow we beat the nazis guys, good job!"

You are such a stupid nigger. 12,000 angry nationionalists are marching though Chemnitz because 3 guys got cut up. Germany is one of the most anti-nationalist, anti-right wing countries in Europe and 12,000 people are chanting "Deutschland den Deutschen." you people are fucked haha. Literal nazis are the 3rd biggest party in Greece, Italy planning to ethnically cleanse the cities of gypsies and the Jobbiks in Hungary are going to build labour camps for lazy minorities. But you think you are winning because nobody showed up to a rally in DC? hahaha you're such a dumb cunt.

>> No.11699596

It's a metaphor. The Gnostic Archetypes are embodiments of ideology.
Yes, there's no one group in charge of the conspiracy, there's a multiplicity of conspiracies and cabals.
There is however a kind of Living Consciousness in a practical sense to memes that are organized by Ideology.

There's a kind of multiplicity of currents and the cabals all flow in those currents


>> No.11699601

You sound like you are an actual believer in the teachings of Jesus Christ; "love thy enemy." Bless you.

>> No.11699614

>Orwell was into the Kropotkin

No he wasn't, fucking retard

>> No.11699616

>no gibs vs all the gibs
'No gibs' would be anarchism and 'all the gibs' is a strawman because Commies actually base their idea around working.

>> No.11699618


>> No.11699623

>They generally think of themselves as Teddy Roosevelt Republicans.

So Right Wing

>> No.11699628

Left keeps winning as long as they control universities and media. Overton window is still moving left every day.

>> No.11699630

>if you criticize MY cult you MUST NECESSARILY be in THEIR CULT

Exercise your limited brain for a second and consider that are totally orthogonal forces out there that really can't be squeezed into one of your two baskets.

As I stated elsewhere: there's Thallasocracy and Tellurocracy as one alternate model alone, imagine how many more than that there are and can be?

>> No.11699634

Yeah, then why was Catalonia important to him? Riddle me that, fuckface

>> No.11699636

Yeah that sure worked for Weimar Germany. Academia and media is soft influence which means they have power over people only in so far as people trust and subscribe to them which is being strained to its last fibres. And once that cord snaps it snaps

>> No.11699641

who cares?

>> No.11699648

>then why was Catalonia important to him

It wasn't, it was an experience he had as a jouranlist you fucking retard. An experience he spent time reflecting over and coming towards more sustainable beliefs. You think he stayed in his early thirties forever?

>> No.11699651


>t. William Shatner

>> No.11699656

That's a neat opinion but it relies entirely on your wishes and hopes

>> No.11699662

Its not. I'm not sure if you ever even read him but he was no Communist you pinko fucking retard
Go actually read what he said about the syndicalists

>> No.11699666

I didn't say you must necessarily be in "their cult" I am saying that UTR2 was a failure because nobody on the right was interested in it. Using UTR2 as the measure of the right is dumb and your are a dumb cunt for doing so. If 12,000 Germans in in a city of 246,00 (thats 5% of the cities population in case you need help) can spontaneously hold a rally with no planning or organisation do you really think 25 autists in DC is representative of the right? Of course not. It was a stupid comparison.

The media and universities are moving left sure, but regular people are beginning to hate the media and universities. What is the trust rating for US media, like 12% or something? And college students are a meme for everyone for being such faggots. The west has the appearance of moving left but most of the regular working class people are moving right.

>> No.11699669

It may be noted that Syndicalism was a major influence on Fascism in Italy and Germany.


>> No.11699670

>The west has the appearance of moving left but most of the regular working class people are moving right.
got any data or sources on that besides "how things seem to you"?

>> No.11699671

who cares?

As soon as one nation goes full populist and nationalist there will be revolutions in others. Do you think Hitler would ever have come to power if not for Mussolini

>> No.11699684

Right fascinating

>> No.11699687

yes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ztOV2wrrkY

>> No.11699696
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The media is leans left and 80% of Americans are indifferent at best or antagonistic at worst to media.

Look at how well nationalist parties are doing in polls though. Salvini, Trump, etc would not be elected if the populace were leftists

>> No.11699710

Something being lost there is that Ataturk turned Turkey right the fuck around with modernization and that was the primary inspiration for the German and Italian movements as they too were blown out WWI losers.

The right is having a lukewarm resurgence in Europe and US, but it is repeatedly getting nothing done of any consequence.
It's mainly just breaking shit at this point, and no one is having patience for it.
Brexit, Muslim ban, wall, trade wars, it is absolutely not feeding and clothing and educating the masses. It's not pushing science toward success.
It's outright anti-progress.
It's just breaking what IS instead of building what's not.

Apples and Oranges.

We could fucking really use Ataturk right about now.

We got Franco at best.

>> No.11699718

Ataturk was such a non-entity in the minds of Germans and Italians of that period its not even funny. You have a deluded narrative, undoubtedly being a smelly muslim

>> No.11699719

can you give me a link to where you're getting your statistics and data, friendo?

>> No.11699723

Its a Gallup poll you fucking idiot, its written right there on the image

>> No.11699726

>not pushing science
kek at this entire point of view. Early 20th century was the scientism/progressivism religious boom, it petered out as it faded into dogma, turned sideways into social issues and male benis and is now beginning it's ballistic downfall into the trash-heap of history where all dead ideologies must go

>> No.11699728


>> No.11699733

>That guy is fucking insane. Being violent is one thing, but being creatively violent is indicative of someone who is willing to go further than what he is up against.

i would direct your attention to >>11699107

>> No.11699737

>breaking the technological industrial system
so you'd say teddy would approve?

>> No.11699738

>Hitler was deeply interested in Turkish affairs after 1919. He not only admired but also sought to imitate Atatürk’s radical construction of a new nation from the ashes of defeat in World War I. Hitler and the Nazis watched closely as Atatürk defied the Western powers to seize government, and they modeled the Munich Putsch to a large degree on Atatürk’s rebellion in Ankara. Hitler later remarked that in the political aftermath of the Great War, Atatürk was his master, he and Mussolini his students.

>This was no fading fascination. As the Nazis struggled through the 1920s, Atatürk remained Hitler’s “star in the darkness,” his inspiration for remaking Germany along nationalist, secular, totalitarian, and ethnically exclusive lines. Nor did it escape Hitler’s notice how ruthlessly Turkish governments had dealt with Armenian and Greek minorities, whom influential Nazis directly compared with German Jews. The New Turkey, or at least those aspects of it that the Nazis chose to see, became a model for Hitler’s plans and dreams in the years leading up to the invasion of Poland.


>> No.11699740

>It's outright anti-progress.
>It's just breaking what IS instead of building what's not.
That's the point, friend. The right wants to burn down the degenerate world that has grown like a tumor for the last 80 years. We can build things but not while society and culture are cancerous

>> No.11699742

Teddy was all about manifest destiny you mong

>> No.11699746

Kaczynski you tit

>> No.11699748

shouldn't be to hard for you to link a source that says rightwing numbers are growing then.

>> No.11699749

>I broke it on purpose mom, it's called art

>> No.11699756

>we sewed up your wound but we left the broken glass and dirt and dry blood inside. We can't be undoing progress can we?

>> No.11699764

Maybe in the sense of accelerationism, forcing a crisis so radical change is the only option.

Which is pretty romantic bullshit

>> No.11699771

Maybe but Western nations are too comfortable to change right now. I think we'll need an economic crisis at the very least to see any kind of significant change. Romantic bullshit but its looking more and more likely (not primitivist shit just anti-liberalsim in general)

>> No.11699785

>He was redpilled as fuck, casually racist, called out Jews
Boy, you're in for a mindfuck if you ever bother to read Marx.

>> No.11699791

Poltards think they own the monopoly of antijudaism or something and critizing any Jewish stuff is being right wing

>> No.11699795

True. which is why modern leftism is so hilariously off base.

>> No.11699804

Antisemitism is a political universal. we're just living in an incoherent world that denies it.

>> No.11699805

You realize that you could never, ever say anything like this at a leftist group event right? You'd be shitcanned instantly, and you'd be lucky not to get blacklisted from your job. I used to consider myself a communist, and I'm still leftist economically, but there's no fucking way I'd ever associate with the kind of people who call themselves the left today

>> No.11699809

>I used to consider myself a communist, and I'm still leftist economically, but there's no fucking way I'd ever associate with the kind of people who call themselves the left today
Would you support unironic national bolshevism?

>> No.11699819

I'm a communist and I wouldn't mind if he said that. I mean it's not wrong is it? And even if it was there's nothing wrong with being wrong is there?

>but there's no fucking way I'd ever associate with the kind of people who call themselves the left today
Do you need a safespace from the mean SJW bullies?

>> No.11699831

probably, but I prefer staying out of politics in general

>> No.11699836

That's fair. It just seems that lots of older leftists who don't care for the white guilt and anarchist bullshit seem to be moving toward a more nationalist direction

>> No.11699837

>Do you need a safespace from SJW bullies
yeah, but I already found it. It's called life after college. I almost forgot they exist

>> No.11699839
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You would really enjoy Dugin.
Last War of the World Island and Fourth Political Theory are the most promising anti-liberal works of the current era.

>> No.11699844

>misuses memes
>is leftist

>> No.11699847

They're leaving college too, anon. They'll seep right back into your life one way or another, depending on where you live

>> No.11699851

theyre in HR everywhere. Theyve also converted a few of my friends, people i thought would be innately immune, but i underestimate the appeal of Leftism clearly

>> No.11699869

What horrors have you hapless lefties endured? I'm sure it was dreadful.

>> No.11699870

Big time. They're rampant in finance, tech, and even law firms now too. My uncle's a divorce lawyer and was telling me that all company meetings at his firm now require both pronouns and fucking sexual orientation for some godforsaken reason on all their nametags in all company get-togethers
I feel you on losing people to that. My father is one of the smartest and was one of the most reasonable people I know, and late night comedians totally managed to slowly push him right into the thick of that shit

>> No.11699879
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I've read 4PT and Eurasian Mission not Last War of the World Island though. I like Dugin a lot but he is anti-racist to the point that it is tedious to read when he talks about race. I think that may just be because he already borrowing a lot from national socialism with Heidegger and the traditionalist influence on his views that he tries extra hard to distance himself from nazis, which is probably a smart thing to do in Russia to be fair. If you read the chapter in Eurasian Mission about allies of Eurasianism around the world he says something to the effect of White nationalists in the US and Europe are allies as long as they do not oppose muslims or immigrants which is incoherent. I'm not sure what his true beliefs are regarding race but he seems to be contradicting himself constantly

>> No.11699880

It's not leftist. It's a cult no different from r/The_Donald style Trump cultists.

SJWism is more psychoanalytically rooted.

They don't have any kind of coherent economic policy.

>> No.11699887

these posts are absolute nonsense

>> No.11699893

>company meetings at his firm now require both pronouns and fucking sexual orientation

you are basically a nazi. This is true diversity. Get used to it, bigot

>> No.11699904
File: 31 KB, 333x500, 1fbfe6402a96902fadfa8ac1c5cb21ac-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta read this.
It's short enough, but it really opens up the relationships between radical Islam and Fascism.

They go back as far as WWI.
Max Oppenheim.

It's really eye opening stuff.


>> No.11699905

you guys have to give up on making people use 'leftist' to mean marxist or socialist, that ship has sailed. Everyone uses it to encompass all left wing ideologies, and Rightism is starting to be said more as well for the equivalent
Divorce law was taken over by these people decades ago though. Any man that has read anything about divorce law would never even consider getting married, and even women should be careful if they are wealthier than their husbands, though they have the upper hand in custody issues.

But it's true the Trans name tag really exploded recently

And yeah it brainwashes the shit out of them. Like ive read a bunch of right wing stuff, but i dont even realy care about it, i dont even feel right wing. I feel more and more apolitical honestly, the entire thing is just unpleasant.

It's like theyre using it as a religion, and it's an awful inhuman, broken religion

>> No.11699911

the posts are actually very clear

The left became the establishment a long time ago(inb4 marxists quibbling) but they pretend they are still the cool rebels tearing it down, and not the boring old fucks hysterically condemning any departure from dogma that they actually are

>> No.11699915
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>They don't have any kind of coherent economic policy.
Social Justice used to mean caring for the poor. It was a Christian almsgiving basically. Helping widows, veterans, the disables, orphans etc. "SJW" is just that but on the cultural instead of economic plain. So niggers, trannies, women etc

Wait shit I forgot, wikipedia told me cultural marxism was a conspiracy theory, everything I said must be wrong. I sure wouldn't want to get mistaken for one of those right wing conspiracy theorists!

>> No.11699923

Looks interesting. Whats the authors angle? I'll probably give it a miss if its neocon warmongering bullshit.

>> No.11699927

>Everyone uses it to
Stop right there.

My business is not catering to the filthy stupid masses.
People think stupid shit and that's why shit's fucked.
We're not going to get anywhere using their dumb language and dumb ideas.

>> No.11699935

The author is basically apolitical but can be confused for centrist.
That's immaterial, even hard right people respect his scholarship.

>> No.11699936

>My business is not catering to the filthy stupid masses.
It is if minorities, degenerates, and the mentally ill come to power where you live. You'll be giving gibs till you are as poor as them. Opposing that makes you right wing by the way

>> No.11699940

well im certainly not going to let academia define my terms for me so Ill use the word how i see it being used, and now how Marxists wish it was used.

>> No.11699943

As long as it's not justifying wars in the middle east or US world police bullshit, I'll give it a read. It's just the line "Why it remains a threat to global security in the age of terrorism" sounds like some WMDs in Iraq tier fearmongering

>> No.11699946

Yeah the real rebels are the frogmen rallying in support of the president of the United States.

>> No.11699958

the real rebels are people like the Aryan Brotherhood or the Black Panthers, you know people that are actually targeted by the FBI. Mostly racially based crime syndicates

>> No.11699977

It's a critique of the CIA more than anything else, dude seriously.
Levenda's not a fucking neoconservative or neoliberal

>> No.11699999
File: 315 KB, 448x372, varg OK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contemporary politics is such an absurd dickswinging spectacle that an edgy contrarian like me just can't keep up anymore. It's too hard for my pseud brain to handle, every time I think I've found a position I can fully call my own we come out of nowhere with a completely new bullshit issue. You can't ever get that smug satisfaction of being right because there is no right, no argument you can come up with matters and by the time you've made it no one cares anymore anyway. Trying to play the game is like trying to have a fight with a giant mound of vaseline, every time you strike it just morphs to accommodate your fist.

Fuck this shit, boys. I'm just gonna unlearn English and move to Siberia.

>> No.11700001

>boring old fucks hysterically condemning any departure from dogma that they actually are
>the left


>> No.11700007

Quints, anon. It's a sign. Your destiny is in view

>> No.11700009

they own the media and academia and flip their shit if anything approaching racism or sexism comes near them

idk how you cant see this lol

>> No.11700014

Extremely based and redpilled. Well deserved digits

>> No.11700021

He's gaslighting, its what the left do when they run out of argument they just start uttering obvious untruths and hope they can disable discussion
Best response is to just call them out on it

>> No.11700023

Nice get, and a good post.

My suggestion to you is to strive for hard facts. Seek out facts. Do not buy into the rhetoric about fake news, but do not be quick to buy into any media figure's rhetoric unless it is supported with hard facts. Hone your bullshit detector.

>> No.11700024

whatever he's doing it's ineffectual and embarrassing, it's why any uncensored community becomes right wing, the left can't argue for shit

>> No.11700029

hair splitting semantics to culturally reclaim the "left" label because of the potency read into the sign itself is just the kind of autistic behavior you'd expect from the leftist psychological type whether they be technically socialist or not.
implying the entire entrenched bureaucracy, silicon valley, and most of the management class is not going to tap dance on their heads as soon as practicable for making usa into a joke/irrational actor

>> No.11700032

>The author is basically apolitical but can be confused for centrist. That's immaterial, even hard right people respect his scholarship.
bullshit, he is literally Ancient Aliens, Spear of Destiny-tier

>> No.11700039

i dont really give a shit dude, 'leftist' is a reasonable shorthand for 'left wing ideologies', which Marxist socialism and neoliberalism both fall under

same way Rightism can reasonably encompass things as different as Monarchy, Fascism, or Neocons(that last group is kind of not Rightist, but it's a tossup, democracy itself is leftist in a sense, they are clearly a rightist force of sorts though)

there is no actual center, there's just absolute monarchy on one end and complete anarchy on the other

>> No.11700059

Absolutely cringe.

Levenda may be colorful with his conclusions but his facts have NEVER been questioned.
You can actually check his facts in real time online. As a historian he's unimpeachable.

>> No.11700063

an historian*

>> No.11700475

>the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.11700535

>which Marxist socialism and neoliberalism both fall under
lol you're demented, how can two idologies that are completely opposed to each other be in the same "wing"

>> No.11700545

it "becomes" right wing because stormfags descend on it to spam their shit

>> No.11700562
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>mfw Americans are conflating identity politics with Left and Right
Summer can't end soon enough

>> No.11700563

>You people of the South don't know what you are doing. This country will be drenched in blood, and God only knows how it will end. It is all folly, madness, a crime against civilization! You people speak so lightly of war; you don't know what you're talking about. War is a terrible thing! You mistake, too, the people of the North. They are a peaceable people but an earnest people, and they will fight, too. They are not going to let this country be destroyed without a mighty effort to save it … Besides, where are your men and appliances of war to contend against them? The North can make a steam engine, locomotive, or railway car; hardly a yard of cloth or pair of shoes can you make. You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical, and determined people on Earth — right at your doors. You are bound to fail. Only in your spirit and determination are you prepared for war. In all else you are totally unprepared, with a bad cause to start with. At first you will make headway, but as your limited resources begin to fail, shut out from the markets of Europe as you will be, your cause will begin to wane. If your people will but stop and think, they must see in the end that you will surely fail.

>> No.11700566

No one

>> No.11700593
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>>that rightwing boomer who thinks he can make thinks he can make valid criticisms of socialist politics because he read Animal Farm (written by a socialist)

>> No.11700651

>Orwell was a socialist

He was a social democrat, brainlet

>> No.11700708

lol no

>> No.11700938

Orwell was a big critic of socialism anon,
i mean you would know- if you ever read animal farm

>> No.11701203

Genuine rightism seems to actually be risimg. Genuine leftism seems pretty dead, unless you consider succdemism leftist

>> No.11701207

Orwell criticized socialists though, for not caring about the poor as much as simply hating the rich.

>> No.11701214
File: 81 KB, 1063x696, c31b2e14047662ba833c3dd92613230391b7a888364b6c11c77f1e6edf8853f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it purges the neoliberalism ghosts of Thatcher and Reagan then that would be a win for the Left. It would make socialism palatable to younger generations again

>> No.11701224
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If that how you disqualify someone from being a leftist/socialist, there would be no leftist/socialist around. Orwell himself said the conduct of socialists doesn't undermine the argument or cause for socialism.

>> No.11701227

otto strasser and sorel

>> No.11701267

>socialism = communism
I can smell the american education from here

>> No.11701379

>this thread
>all these lefties getting so butthurt that the Security of the Nation is upkept by right-wingers and that lefties would perish in an ideology war
top tippity kek. kind regards from a Proud Boy, exmil ;)

>> No.11701409
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>the Security of the Nation is upkept by right-wingers
proud warriors of kekistan

>> No.11701418
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>> No.11701458

socialism is the stopgap to communism, your precious Marx said it himself.

>> No.11701466

lel stay delusional pussy

>> No.11701486

lol no ur the pussy I shoot you in the head with my beretta

>> No.11701507

>that 30 yo boomer who forgets what he's typing midway through the sentence and then retypes it

>> No.11701546

If the US had a civil war it would become a world war really fucking quickly.

The answer lies in which side can get the best allies to the cause.

>> No.11701635

Liberals obviously. Are you serious. Right wing stands zero chance.

>> No.11701640


>> No.11701646


>> No.11701753
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>228 posts
Orwell mentioned 12 times, one being the OP

>> No.11702979
