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/lit/ - Literature

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11686065 No.11686065 [Reply] [Original]

Which podcasts do /lit/ listen to?

>> No.11686075

before someone mentions 'death is just around the corner' know that its over reaching conspiracy shit thats still stuck on the JFK assasination

>> No.11686076

some gay lowbrow shit, you wouldn't like it

>> No.11686112

Finally someone said it! I thought i was loosing my mind!

>> No.11686137

I listened to a decent one called Wooden Overcoats

>> No.11686156

Chapo Trap House of course

>> No.11686157

The frontline dispatch
In our time
The myth of the 20th Century
History of philosophy without any gaps
Partially examined life
The Age of Napoleon
Revolutions Podcast
War College
Literature and history

>> No.11686204
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>> No.11686380

cumtown (autism)

ain't that swell (god tier anarcho-commie-fascist aussie surf pod)

hodinkee radio (watchtism)

failing upwards (east coast media elite fashion pod)

>> No.11686390

Criterion Creeps

>> No.11686391

my favourite ones are Very Bad Wizards, The Panpsycast, and The Wright Show

>> No.11686396

Sword and Scale
Louder With Crowder
Hardcore History

>> No.11686411
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>> No.11686476

Literature and History is the best podcast I know


It fits /lit/'s autism too, as it actually ''starts with the Mesopotamians.''

The only ones I know that are close to it in quality and depth are History of Philosophy Witout any Gaps and History of Rome by Mike Duncan (yes I like History).

>> No.11686511

Cum Town and Hollywood Handbook

But don’t listen to them, it’ll tick with your sense of humor

>> No.11686560
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Most of the Crooked Media stable, but particularly the Pod Save series.

>> No.11686573
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New York Times Daily
Chapo Trap House
The Partially Examined Life

>> No.11686612

Cum Town
KCRW Bookworm, but this year has been a let down
Whatever podcast does an ep on an interesting writer

>> No.11686652

Whether you agree with his beliefs or not, one must admit that he’s an intelligent conspiracy theorist who thinks occultism is bullshit which is a rare combination indeed.

>> No.11686673

The Liminalist

>> No.11686747

Cum Town
Literature and History

>> No.11686758

Ashes Ashes
Philosophize this
Srsly wrong
The Dollop

>> No.11686759


I like On Being well enough.

Also everyone who listens to cumtown needs to get the fuck off this board

>> No.11686764

what is cum town, I constantly hear of it

>> No.11686769

The Jordan B Peterson Podcast
Waking up by Sam Harris
Joe Rogan Podcast
Rubin Report

>> No.11686771

a podcast for the edgiest middle-schoolers on reddit

>> No.11686774


>> No.11686780

Holy shit are you for real?

>> No.11686787

just dumb fun

>> No.11686800
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>> No.11686808

>The fat one is holding the starving african
Why are amerilards like this

>> No.11686816
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>> No.11686822

comedy podcast with an audience of:

33% commies who went to a private $60,000/yr liberal arts college
33% pol nazis that like it when nick says the n word
33% middle aged opie and anthony fans
1% wall street socialites that enjoy nicks rants on taxes and accounting

>> No.11686830

The myth of the 20th Century

Recently finished Mike Duncan's History of Rome

>> No.11686848
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Good evening Echo

>> No.11686849

>le strawman image for group of people i don't like
i suppose you only listen to Intellectual American Youth Socialist No-Fun Podcast 4 Big Brain Boys w/ special guest gay voice twink faggot

>> No.11686850


Holy shit that's garbage

>> No.11686880

chapo and revolutions

>> No.11686896

I basically only listen to The Last Podcast on the Left

>> No.11686910

Voice of the Report of the Week anyone ?

>> No.11686924
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>> No.11686938


>> No.11686941

Common Filth because I enjoy misery

>> No.11686982

Tom Woods
Contra Krugman
Ron Paul Liberty Report
Joe Rogan
Ben Shapiro
Sam Harris
Michael Malice
Sean Carroll

How do I balance this out?

>> No.11686987

never liked his podcast, but his vine/tumblr stuff is excellent
does he still do his podcast? isn't he mostly reviewing retro videogames now?

>> No.11687014

he dropped both. probably OD'd on blackpills

>> No.11687017

Although I don't care about Kathleen Knight desu

>> No.11687038

>*pronounces literally any foreign word he doesn't know with a Mexican Spanish accent*
>*flagellates self for being a white male
>*references Chapo*
>"this reminds me of my lolsorandumb mental breakdown"
>*spends next 20 minutes bragging about how he attempted suicide and hallucinates*
>"yeah, so, it turns out that THING? It's actually not good. Wow, who could have seen that? Definitely not me, the sarcasm god"

>> No.11687094

hail yourselves bros
I don't really care about Katherine Knight but I'm willing to see where it goes.

>> No.11687097

The Joe. Rogan. Experience.

>> No.11687305


>> No.11687314

Should i bother listening to him or is it all just crazy talk?

>> No.11687502
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Recently started listening to Martyrmade. Absolute Kino!

>> No.11687527

well at least the mods must have finally banned the guy shilling that awful podcast book by those wack dudes

>> No.11687539


>> No.11687573

jesus christ i hope i never stumble upon this image ever again

>> No.11687581

looks great, thanks for the rec

>> No.11687721
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>ageen and ageen and ageen

>> No.11687847

Chapo Trap House
The Blindboy Podcast
The Partially Examined Life
My Favorite Murder

>> No.11687853

Hello Internet
No Dumb Questions

>> No.11687907

Just listen to it, his readings of Gravity's Rainbow and Lot 49 are pretty stellar. He also always discloses when he's telling verifiable information and when he's theorizing.

>> No.11687910


stopped listening after i heard his other podcast and learned what a stupid basic bitch he is with politics that i know about :(

>> No.11687917

im so ashamed in myself for consistently enjoying hello internet, one of the gayest podcasts ever made.

>> No.11687927

It's the comfiest gayest time you can have! ;)

>> No.11687935

i guess comfy is the appeal there, honestly its like hearing an autistic man talk to my dad

>> No.11688262

I'd listen to these selectively, depending on who's being interviewed, but never for the hosts.

>> No.11688280

Heavy Breather. It's two guys stream of consciousness bullshitting, that's /lit/ right?

>> No.11688573


>> No.11688694

Anyone that picks up this podcast should know that the gay songs he does get moved to the end of the podcast at some point fairly early on, as he realised that not everyone wants to hear them.
I recently marathoned that whole podcast up to virgil (I work as a cleaner so I have hours by myself doing menial work to listen to podcasts and audiobooks), I'm taking a break for a while because I burned myself out on it.

>> No.11688729

cum boy reporting for duty

>> No.11688735

Based and redpilled

>> No.11688742
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>Three preppy college 'bros' reiterate the Democratic Party platform ad nauseam, skim the surface of complicated issues, refuse to entertain other positions, all while telling low-grade Trump jokes every 15 seconds.

Why do people enjoy listening to obvious agitprop? What do you take from these podcasts?

>> No.11689516

>myth of the 20th Century
RIP in peace alex ;_;

>> No.11689577

Any episodes of War Collage you can recommend? Or any other military/ military history podcasts?

>> No.11689782


>> No.11689788

based and redpilled

>> No.11689789

It is, without a doubt, GOAT

There is really nothing like it

>> No.11689794

The Downs Syndrome?

>> No.11689835

No idea what it stands for. Tedious, or something

>> No.11689918

The Faily Shoah. So basically the same thing yeah

>> No.11689956

I like the lore podcast. It’s good for inspiration for writing

>> No.11689957

Last Podcast on the Left


Sawbones (though only sporadically. Still a good series if you like medical history and the like)

My Brother My Brother and Me (also sporadically. It's possible to overdose on McElroy after a while, though I do love them all to death)

>> No.11689978
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Very bad Wizards
The partially examined life
Waking up

>> No.11689994

The New Books Network ones. Fuckin' bizarre how people don't mention it on these threads seeing how they're some of the most genuinely academic podcasts in existence, and specifically about books.

>> No.11690043
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Not a podcast, but anyone listened to Chris Morris' Blue Jam? Top tier black comedy.

>> No.11690050

>no info

I wish Thermidor's podcasts hadn't died as well. I'm not a trad Catholic, but they were still fun.

>> No.11690056

never knew of these. thanks for turning me onto them!

>> No.11690108

What happened to Alex? Is he still missing?

>> No.11690228

seems to have ghosted the other hosts. probably a dox scare or something happening irl

>> No.11690255

yes, chris morris is based.


>> No.11690287

zero books

>> No.11690294

I don't.

>> No.11690351 [DELETED] 

I listen to radio 4 shows. I know it is globalist goop but I hate how everything else devolves in to a circle jerk.

>> No.11690733

Listening to him run circles around Opie and Anthony is pretty funny

>> No.11691099

Occasionally Chapo
Cum Town
Always going back through the Ricky Gervais stuff

>> No.11691168

>the Ricky Gervais stuff

>> No.11691203

In Our Time
Part of the Problem
Age of Napoleon
History of Rome
Biggest Problem in the Universe
The Dick Show
The Myth of the 20th Century
Mysterium Fasces
Poz Button

>> No.11691230
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Speaking of podcasts, why is it that they all end up being circlejerks?
Why can't there be, say, something like the Sam Harris podcast with Richard Spencer as a guest?

>> No.11691261

Based Age of Napoleon gang
Great podcast, Id follow nappy into the gates of hell

>> No.11691275

based retard

>> No.11691280

99% invisible
Meet the composer
This American life
The Paris review
A history of the world in 100 objects

>> No.11691554

For some bizarre reason people enjoy interacting with likeminded people more than polar opposites.

>> No.11692447

Dope pick. I recommend Mysterious Universe if you like that. It’s similar but covers general paranormal shit rather than true crime.

>> No.11692465

*drinks onions*

>> No.11692496

Richard Spencer actually had an excellent but brief podcast series with Jonathan Bowden in like 2012 shortly before he died. Even then Spencer was a bit of a sniveling weasel, but he hadn't yet become the megalomaniacal clown he is today

>> No.11693406

I like the show overall but Henry isn't funny

>> No.11693493

Cum town and red scare

>> No.11695110

He remastered episodes 1-8 recently, I think he moved the songs to the end there too, so that should not be an issue if you download the episodes now.

I actually like the songs. My favourites are the one about Agamemnon (ep 27) and the one about Job (ep 20).

>> No.11695278

Bowden was great, RIP in peace

>> No.11696198

Some episodes of War College have terrible clickbait titles so I haven't listen to them
A couple I liked where two on North Korea because the expert they had on seemed to know a lot about the place and correctly predicted how some things about the Trump meeting and so on would go, one on the Chinese military base being constructed in Djibouti because I hadn't heard of the country before that and Chinese Africa is interesting to me, one episode on the current state of Blackwater and their hiring practices and one on the Yellow Sea and how the Chinese are trying to control it

I'm not the original poster and our tastes diverge because I think Revolutions is total fucking dogshit so maybe he can recommend other things to you

>> No.11696200


whoops :)

>> No.11696222

Does anyone else listen to the Brisnet call in show or any of the DRF podcasts?

>> No.11696247

War college is good stuff.

>> No.11696266

Archaeological Fantasies is fantastic. Basically its a bunch of PhDs screaming REEEE at Ancient Aliens and autistically debunking claims. They even have a Kangs episode.

Fifth Column
Reasonable Doubt
The Federalist Radio Hour
WSJ Potomac Watch
NPR Politics
Entitled Opinions
Sam Harris when he speaks absolutely minimally

Are my favorites

>> No.11696271

Sam brought on Charles Murray and it blew up in his face, even though it was good.

>> No.11696289
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sounds like total trash, I....

>33% middle aged opie and anthony fans

*clicks subscribe*

>> No.11696301

>I like On Being well enough.
I thought it took a dip in quality when it changed over from Speaking of Faith.

>> No.11696520

Can you recommend any specific one?
There's a lot of feeds for different fields and they each have a lot of episodes, not sure where to start, if the feeds are all of equal quality and so in
Is it actually different episodes everywhere or is it an In Our Time thing where everything is uploaded to the main podcast and the others just have the same episodes but only the one's relevant to their field?

>> No.11696623

the herd with colin cowherd

>> No.11696711

>colin cowherd

>> No.11696818
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Good Evening

>> No.11696830

why would i listen to people i don't care about discuss things that i could just think about myself?

>> No.11697039

Daily Shoah
Fash The Nation
Third Rail
Rebel Yell

>> No.11697152

Podcasts are for brainlets.

>> No.11697334

it's good rhetoric, and it's words about nothing, or at least nothing of consequence

>> No.11697346


>> No.11697440

he has a funny name

>> No.11698271

thanks lads
starts a bit heavy handed but im enjoying my time over here, good stuff

>> No.11698285


>> No.11698328

i got hooked on podcasts because they helped me fall asleep after night shifts when i got my sleep cycle completely fucked up.
now i listen them purely because of entertainment.
Amen, brother.

>> No.11698632

Why does Joe Rogan insist on having guests no one cares about on so often? Just to fill time?
I can’t imagine very many people are listening to his podcast to hear another fucking comedian talk about being a stand up comedian. It’s repetitive and mundane. He has the ability to get authors, journalists, politicians, athletes, scientists, etc on a whim, yet he invites boring comedians on half of the time

>> No.11698646

for some reason comedians think talking about stand up comedy is the most interesting thing of all fucking time, nothing competes
and Joe considers himself a comedian

>> No.11698657

Because he doesn't care who you want him to talk to, he talks to who he wants to talk to.

>> No.11698662

What’s weird Is i don’t even think he’s particularly funny. Maybe he tries not to joke on purpose? As an interviewer though he might be one of the best ever desu

>> No.11698676

tangentially speaking
Lasertime talk radar cucks
doug stanhope podcast
Hickok 45 podcast
Cum Town
Chapo Trap house
church of whats happenin now
hardcore history
common sense
philosiphize this
partially examined life
2012 liberty Report
cuck rogan experience
ben "I have a neurosciense degree" stiller

>> No.11698681

>Chapo Cuck Shack

>> No.11698692
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i listen to cucks 10 times more miserable than that
a man can only listen to Opie and anthony repeats only so many times

>> No.11698725

The Daily Shoah
Fash The Nation
Third Rail
WSJ What's New

>> No.11699072
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Maybe not lit but they're great

>> No.11699205

Archive seems to be down for now but here's the Blue Jam collection: https://archive.org/details/chrismorris_bluejam

>> No.11699216

I can't believe I share a board with you filth. Podcasts are for plebs

>> No.11699233


>> No.11699246


>> No.11699278

chris morris has the best radio/filmography in comedy

>> No.11699498

Literature and History is a pretty great podcast.

>> No.11699531

*dabs on you*

>> No.11699554

I've been listening to Frank Delaney's Re:Joyce podcast and it's really great for understanding Ulysses

>> No.11699661

Super best friendscast

>> No.11699913

Philosophy bites (I don’t think I’ve seen it mentioned yet)

>> No.11700353
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How can one endure this much right wing "lmao socialism" podcasts.

>> No.11700371
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Philosophize this hosted by this chad.

>> No.11700404

Zero Squared

>> No.11700407
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>> No.11700461
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I burned out on those fuckers, listened to 150 episodes and now I have a hard time finding them funny. I still recommend them to people but I think I lost my appetite for the macabre.

>> No.11700480

America First with Nick Fuentes

>> No.11700482
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>NPR Politics
I fucking hate it, they added the black girl with that awful fucking voice. Also it has turned into four cunts throwing shade at Trump 40 mins at a time. What the fuck is going on at NPR??

Same with 1A, they had an episode showing astrology in a good light. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON??!!

>> No.11700537
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Popularity of podcasts comes from being low effort easy to consume and pandering to very specific tastes people have. Worthwhile things are difficult and require lot of work, opposite of what podcasts are.
You are not going to get where you want to be by listening podcasts unless you've set the bar really low.

>> No.11700549

Paris Review
Selected Shorts
The Moth
Giant Bombcast, Giant Beastscast

to a lesser extent
Airplane Pilot Guy
99% Invisible
Stuff You Should Know

>> No.11700571

What do you do while listening to podcasts? I can't concentrate unless I'm doing some manual work.

>> No.11700579

>not a single mention of Otherppl

>> No.11700598


>> No.11700639


>> No.11701078


>> No.11701117

Ear Hustle
Stories of life inside San Quentin State Prison, shared and produced by those living it.

>> No.11701135

didn't know RA had a podcast, thanks

>> No.11701238

i agree completely , but before the young negro was added they at least tried to do stuff right

>> No.11701252

Try The Daily, that shit is without reproach. God tier journalism.

>> No.11701406

Do they screech about Drumpf all the time though? I’m ok with a liberal slant but if it’s just bitching about Trump every day it gets old really fast

>> No.11701439

Not really, they do cover when he does something crazy. But they just explain shit, it feels educational. Trust me I'm sick of the "hehe DRUMPF is at it AGAIN" bullshit. I hate Trump but I also hate those fags. Trust me the Daily is seriously good.

>> No.11701442

Thanks I’ll give it a listen

>> No.11701445
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Welcome to Night Vale

...it helps me relax.

>> No.11701455

>NPR Politics
you NEED to commit suicide right away.

>> No.11701783

>i surround myself in a bubble

Right wing sources dont even report on democratic primarys unless you are a kid raper, and NPR reports on infighting between progressives and centrist democrats, and their reporting on stuff like Al Franken and shit is fantastic.

The second they get on a Trump rant I just skip forward a bit, if im gonna listen to criticism on trump ill take it from WSJ and the Federalist, who are equally disgusted by his rhetoric and gay trade policies and willingness to hang with dictators, but who at least will give him his due for judicial appointments and deregulation.

>> No.11701805

>transhumanist STEMtard who thinks technology will be man's deliverance
Gonna take a fatty pass my nibba

>> No.11701966

Z-blog Power hour
Tides of History
The Insight

>> No.11702021

>ctrl + f cum
hell yeah dude

>> No.11702077


>> No.11702086


>> No.11702139


The only "podcast" is Dr. WLP, RIP

>> No.11702503

He claims the name "Slothrop" is a reference to Lothrop Stoddard. It's actually a reference to Scythrop of Nightmare Abbey

>> No.11702529

Then why don't you just talk to your father Anon?

>> No.11702672


>> No.11702817

nice bait

>> No.11702918
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>> No.11703262
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>ctrl + f chapo

>> No.11703286

cumtown is real good until they start talking about politics

>> No.11703301

tangentially speaking


>> No.11703317

dark web

>> No.11703325

This. Why do basedboys love taking orders?

>> No.11703552
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>> No.11703919

They all know they're idiots though

makes it more tolerable IMO

>> No.11704102

Consider giving Decline of the West a go. It is hosted by the same guy and very intriguing. I already have like 5 book on my list because of it.

>> No.11704147
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CGP Grey is a closet Landian.

>> No.11704152

ryan seems to become more of an insufferable boomer with each episode though

>> No.11704164
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the GOAT

>> No.11704177

dude everyone I listen to sounds like an annoying faggot for one reason or another after 10 episodes, I think I am just an asshole

>> No.11704187

i often try VBW again but find myself ragequitting because of their liberal intuitions and the things they consider axiomatic.

they consider themselves pretty edgy but even sam harris is edgier than them.

>> No.11704200

in your defense, these are people who actually believe they can just talk out of their ass for an hour and something of value will come out the other side.

>> No.11704259

it works 75% of the time for bill burr

>> No.11704315
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Theo is the embodiment of new sincerity.

>> No.11704324

Well they did joke about fucking children once and it was pretty funny, which can be considered edgy somewhat coming from two regular university professors, but they're not really edgy when it comes to their opinions. It's just that they can talk about things like IQ or the Hypatia controversy without activating the retarded PC/SJW script that basically everyone not considered ""controversial"" seems to do every time a touchy subject comes up.