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11655210 No.11655210[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

1. I am 27 and unironically jealous of young people. They are gods among us. Seeing people 9 year younger than me start university is horrific and depressing. The thought of a child being born in 2010 and leaving school in 2028 after taking the internet / social media / the world as it is for granted makes me jealous. When I turn 30, my life will be over.

2. I can't make myself work on anything productive in my large amounts of free time. I want to learn programming, learn more maths, read the important books etc. but everything feels like work. I just procrastinate the rest of my life by browsing the internet and walking around outside. I am not a low IQer but if a 10 year old with a higher IQ can do everything I can do faster and better, then why fucking bother with anything?

I completely lack initiative or motivation. I was good as a cucked student who was told what to do but not as a free range human.

3. Coffee ruins my sleep and makes me weak in the gym. I eat lots of junk food every day. I want to stop because I could be really strong in the gym, stop being fat, and save shitloads of money but I simply can't bear to compromise on anything in the short term to benefit the long term.

4. I feel like I have to read shitloads of boring books or else I am a pleb. I feel like I have to do everything efficiently or else not even bother. I feel bad for not focusing on a few things or doing many things. I am 200 pages in to Gravity's Rainbow, which I find boring as fuck, yet I can't bear to give it up.

I have tastes and preferences but not the balls to act on them.

5. Even the slightest bit of structure in my life makes me feel like I'm in a straitjacket and cucked to the core. I can't set myself life rules, or even suggestions, like "No coffee after 6 pm" because I think they are self-limiting and pathetic crutches. The irony is that I am a slave to habit.

For over 600 times in the past 3 years I had coffee and junk food and told myself it was the last time.

>> No.11655214

lol fag

>> No.11655222

shut up and be productive: write a short story for my thread.

Oh and dummy, you need other thoughts. These dont stand well you know they dont suit you.

>> No.11655224

L-Londonfrog? Is that you?

>> No.11655225

>jealous of young people
anon, i'm ten years older than you. shutup stupid.

apparently what you want does not make you happy. do what makes you happy. or better yet, fuck happiness, do what builds up the kingdom of God. stop eating junk food. exercise, go for walks. it doesn't take much, believe me. go. do this now.

>> No.11655236

32 here. I came to tell you it gets better. I don't really mean or believe it, but I came here to tell you that.

>> No.11655248


Yeah define yourself by your age.
pathetic, all of you.

people shouldnt define themselves with numbers but with works.

>> No.11655262

I'm 21 and I'm already jealous of what I percieve as young people. I know I am young but what does it fucking matter? That's just a pathetic excuse to tell myself there's 'still time' when really I'll still be nothing in 10 years time.

I'm already feeling years pass quicker and noticing people younger than me being more successful.

>> No.11655285

Just stop giving a fuck for fucks sake. Fucking sick of shit like this. Think of that little starving black african kid, you jealous now huh, you jealous you first world worthless piece of shit? Yeah, what you gonna say about that huh? Nothing, because you're a depressed little faggot bathing and rolling about in your own filthy excrement like an overfed retared pig in your pig sty. Get out of your pig sty anon, stop fighting, go with the flow, just do, don't think, thinking is for faggots, listen to music or something, and stop thinking about other people, only cucks think about other people.

Your welcome.

>> No.11655292

wow youre living the wrong state of mind bud

>> No.11655298

anon, if i did that, i would probably be arrested within a day. not op btw. some of us have no choice but to overthink things because we honestly are not good decision makers and would do dumb shit that feels good.

>> No.11655299

27 here too. I know i’m “young,” but I’m always wallowing in the time I wasted: lost loves, books unread, stories unwritten, paths ignored and skill sets neglected. Then recently I realized a problem: I spent all that time thinking instead of being or acting. Too much time in my head as the world walked by. So I started acting. i enrolled in a writers workshop, i joined the gym, i grabbed a notebook and wrote whatever i wanted every night. I started talking to girls when out and about, something i’m not mentally cut out for. Things are getting better, the less I think.
I’ve tried to shut it off anon. viewing my thoughts and my actions as separate. i end up finding myself in situations i easily would’ve thought myself out of, and then i find things in my life are happening and i have a sense of progress toward something i know not what.
so my advice would be: think less

>> No.11655309

This. I just turned fucking 20 and I resent people in the same place I was barely two years ago.

>> No.11655329
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Feeling pretty much the same most of the time, I'm 20 tho. A crippling addiction to Video Games and Porn have pretty much fucked up my brain to the point that everything below their endorphine rush (which is, to be fair, almost everything there is) seems absolutely undesirable. However, these two drugs that have pretty much ruled over everything I did for the past 6-7 years are not exciting in themselves anymore; it just becomes an old stinky habit that you can't get rid of, right?

I think this is the way we really get cucked in life OP. It's not the structures, goals, fixated points that we ought to set for ourselves in order to increase our productivity or discipline. It's the sheer ammount of procrastination that fucking turns us into mindless idiots wasting away their potentials day by day - the internet, porn, games, and other cuck tier shit.

Well, there's two ways how we can deal with this. Therapy will help a great deal, as I found out, but there are still fundamental core principles of discipline that therapy can't teach you - it can only relieve eventual burdens that keep you from kicking those shitty habits.

On the other hand, when you think about it, these acts of procrastination are the only thing that you find somewhat bearable, and this is a problem because even if you move on - and put work and effort into bettering yourself in some way - you will always remember the dull comfort of just wasting away day for day, being inactive on so many levels, and now, as you study, read, exercise more, cut the junk food, you'll see that the rest of the endorphines this world has in store for us have to be actually earned.

I often find myself in the situation that all I fucking desire is going in my cozy cuckcave and just waste away days and weeks playing video games and eating junk food, and cultivating nostalgia, going through pics of past relationships or some shit like that.

Push yourself to do something as good as you can - that is the exact opposite of being cucked. If you can't find will in the first instance, you have to simulate it, until it eventually goes straight into your subconscious and some drive and ambition returns.

Just shared my thoughts on the subject, fellow anons.

>> No.11655335

amazing how even good points can be discredited by retard-tier grammar

>> No.11655339

Your problem is that you don't want to do any of what you say you want to do. You clearly only care about vanity.

>> No.11655344

If it maked you feel any better the next generation is most likely going to suffer an economic collapse, war, natural disaster or some other apocalyptic event when they're in their 50's or so.

>> No.11655347

You need to get some perspective and just calm your mind down. You're ruining your precious peace of mind with:
- misguided nostalgia
- overemphasis on what you think other people would admire in you
- poor personal habits
The good news is that these are all completely under your control and exist within your own mind. You probably made this thread looking to vent, which is fine, but please don't make the mistake of looking at all the other wallowing replies here and take that as a validation of the idea that your problems are impossible to solve.

>> No.11655348

>Feeling pretty much the same most of the time, I'm 20 tho.
Stopped reading there. Just quit talking and go live you literal babby.

>> No.11655349

This. I turn 22 in 2 months and I'm so jealous of 18 year olds. I wish I figured out what I did at the age of 18 instead of being a depressed piece of shit. God I wish I could have done so much differently. I'd do anything to go back.

>> No.11655357

god. im 22 and i wish all of you would stop crying

>> No.11655361

This is me. It's fucking scary. No way out of this mindset. I gathering strength to off my self.

>> No.11655363

>I'm 20 tho
Shut the fuck up, dude. Unless you have a bastard kid or a criminal record, the world is yours at the age of 20.

>> No.11655366

>No way out of this mindset.
Wrong. I am out of that mindset.

>> No.11655368

i would unironically recommend all of you join the Army.

i would whip /lit/ platoon into shape.

>> No.11655369

I'm also a 20yo that has made pretty terrible life choices, but you all need to get a fucking grip. You're moaning about nothing.

>> No.11655373

read atomised. you'll still feel bad, though

>> No.11655375

I feel ya op
*crack* *sip*


>> No.11655379

We really aren't moaning about nothing though. Because one day it won't be nothing. It will be real and there will be no hope left for us. We're just preemptively pointing out what's in store.

>> No.11655382
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Book-shelter-life only last that much. And then what?

>> No.11655388

>the world is yours
Not really. Either I carry on with my current mediocre university course or I get a low-wage job and continue living at home with my parents.

>> No.11655390

>people are starving so you cant be sad

absurd argument usually used by normies to discredit anyones problems. somewhere in the world someone is being skinned alive slowly and tortured to death so I guess those starving africans can go fuck themselves as well since they don't know how good they've got it.

>> No.11655397

Hey londonfrog, I know you won't take this advice but stop reading Gravity's Rainbow and read Confession of Zeno by Italo Svevo instead. I feel like it would really resonate with you, particularly all the stuff about binging and making resolutions and excuses.

Also, if you aren't enjoying GR after 200 pages you probably won't like the rest of it either.

>> No.11655398

I know that it feels very real right now in your mind but please remember that you cannot, in any really way, predict the course of your life. You can't sit here as a 20yo and talk about the inevitable misery of your future and the tragedy of ageing - you have no clue what life will be or how you will about these things in even a single year's time.

>> No.11655415

Everyone always overlooks the third path: posing as a deep thinker and/or artist to seduce a well-off and intelligent but sheltered young woman who will dip into her family's fortune to enable your self-destructive habits

>> No.11655420

>you're young so the world is yours

lol, i'm so sick and tired of this. 18-25 you either:
1. go to university and
a. get a useless degree and debt
b. get a useful degree and debt, and then become a wageslave in a mind numbing job like programming
2. become a minimum wagecuck
3. become a NEET

Usually some combination of the 3 in a varying order. There's nothing worth doing

>> No.11655424

It's not a serious argument u autist.

>> No.11655435


This is the best case scenario, my friend at heart.

>> No.11655441

88 year old here. I wish I'd spent more time committing crimes and making bastards.

>> No.11655443

I'm 23 and I feel like 80 ffs.

>> No.11655444

seems like a literate gentleman has visited our saloon

>> No.11655481

this. i just want to join the military and get an arranged marriage afterward but I'm too much of a pussy so I'm probably gonna be a wage slave alcoholic in a city i hate and die alone

>> No.11655486

I know I don't know, and I don't believe in giving up. But it's not looking good.

>> No.11655516

>he actually wants to be married
>betrothed, legally and financially, to a child grown older
>raising brats who will resent him
>inevitably giving half of all he owns in the divorce
you're welcome to it buddy.

those don't fly anymore. cameras are everywhere these days, old timer.

>> No.11655524

It's not a crime if there are no witnesses

>> No.11655544
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gramps comin' through the door with the steel loaded and drawn i see. brutal.

>> No.11655559

your the perfect 4chan archetype. Leave here for good and never come back. It's toxic here and will destroy you your not strong enough. Just doing that will help you a ton. You also need to find people to connect with in real life. The internet isn't real. Finally read a book called "The motivation hacker it may help you it seems you have severe procrastination and commitment issues. This books systems can reverse that, and I think it will be right down your alley.

>> No.11655624
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Never return.