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11605188 No.11605188 [Reply] [Original]

You want to live as you want, but you're afraid of Hell. What to read about it?

>> No.11605191

What leads you to believe hell is real and something to be feared?

>> No.11605209

The idea that there is a person's posthumous fate.

>> No.11605219


>> No.11605350

Thank you.

>> No.11605482


Instead of reading, don't.

>> No.11605483

Well, if I'm afraid of hell, I don't _want_ to go there, right? So, that's how I want to live, in the way that makes me avoid hell.

>> No.11605514

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.11605551

then ask what could create existence and condemn X action (not saying Y action isn't bad)

>> No.11605565

The Antichrist by N

>> No.11605865

In this case, the person will have many desires and aspirations that will remain unfulfilled and will torment him all his life.

Supreme Being? The Great Architect of the Universe? In my life there would be no moment when I doubted its existence. Another thing is that I know little about this outside the Abrahamic perspective. Gnosticism? Pantheism? I do not know anything about this. But I have a sense of the presence of some spiritual realities on the other side of the being.

Thanks! Joyce's book most suits my request.

>> No.11605874

By the way, maybe my questions were already answered by Freud. I heard something about the taboo as a kind of neurosis and God as a father figure.

>> No.11606246

>the person will have many desires and aspirations that will remain unfulfilled
And how is this a bad thing? I seriously doubt one's aspirations of say becoming a doctor or an author would be curbed by following Christian morality. The "desires" you are referring to are most likely wicked and immoral ones, even by the standards of some atheists. Not fucking every women you saw will not torment you for the rest of your life. Once you grow up, you will hopefully realize that these were all foolish desires and you were better off not fulfilling them. Society would be a lot better off if we still practiced the idea of Christian self-restraint, rather than leaving it up to the state to do it for us in certain cases.

>> No.11606267

why do you want to be a degenerate in the first place?

>> No.11606270

living against God is hell. what ur saying is "I want to live in a state of hell but am afraid of hell." Completely nonsensical.

>> No.11606300

>You want to live as you want, but you're afraid of Hell. What to read about it?
Critique of Practical Reason

>> No.11606304

>Not fucking every women you saw will not torment you for the rest of your life
Lol. I rather mean the 'normal' bourgeois life of the last few centuries. According to Christianity you must either not have a wife or have only one for whole life and copulate with her only for procreation.

I read Nietzsche - he says the opposite things. Commandments make a person unhealthy and nervous. The result is degeneration.

Maybe. My faith isn't strong enough for me to start living of a saint's life but also my faith isn't weak enough to live the life of a young man carefree.

>> No.11606309

It has nothing to do with the problem, I think.

>> No.11606329

>I rather mean the 'normal' bourgeois life of the last few centuries
Well you didn't really expand on this so I was only guessing you referred to sexual desires. Regardless I still don't really know what you mean. I can't see that much that is *exactly* inherent to modern day middle class life that would be reason for one to get sent to hell. It has more to do with one's individual actions rather than what part of life they come from.

>> No.11606346 [DELETED] 

A Season In Hell by Rimbaud

>> No.11606366

i have nothing to contribute to the thread

>> No.11606378

Plato, specifically Gorgias and Republic

>> No.11606428

Let's just say, life in this society and my desires suggest a kind of moderate hedonism. This is absolutely contrary to the Christian religion. For example, it is impossible to be rich and be a Christian, I think.

Two ways. Expansion and closure. Become stronger, more powerful and freer here, in real life. Or ascetic self-abasement for the sake of the future life.

I read the Republic. It's about curbing the lower part of the soul and about life in accordance with the cosmic order. This is hard for me to accept, or rather to fulfill.

>> No.11606456
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The fact that you don't want to live a just life, one that's pleasing to the gods and divine judgement is the problem. What else is so fucking great that you sacrifice the purity of your soul for it? You're fucking retarded, asshole.

>> No.11606468

And maybe also the most improtant one, literally conserning hell and judgement: Phaedo.

>> No.11606469
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>For example, it is impossible to be rich and be a Christian
I don't think so. Just look at Job or any of the other numerous figures in the OT. I would agree that it is hard in today's world but there have been many upstanding and moral wealthy men throughout history, even those who held political power. I seriously doubt you need the hedonism you refer to in your life, particularly if it's the consumption of illegal drugs.

>> No.11606473

Do you live such a life?

>> No.11606482

Yes. I'm based

>> No.11606509

21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.
22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.
23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.
24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

>> No.11606533

This isn't literal. Perhaps for some autistic/heretical sects it is but you have a poor understanding of theology if you truly believe that you cannot be rich and be a Christian at the same time. It's even poorer to quote a few bible verses as being singularly authoritative on one matter. If one acquires their riches through immoral acts or begins to covet their possessions more than anything, than yes, you will have a hard time entering God's kingdom. Well this is how we Orthodox see it anyway.

>> No.11606553

Name the rich saints of the past several centuries.

>> No.11606560

Where does it say you have to be a literal saint to go to heaven?

>> No.11606574

These are the only people in whose salvation Christians can be sure.

>> No.11606584

If you have to be logically *sure* of something pertaining to religion, especially Christianity, you're never gonna make it. No one in their own life is ever *sure* if they will make it to heaven, even saints themselves. Yet they had faith and lived under God's laws as best as they could. It is for God to judge us after that.

>> No.11606699

Why would you believe in hell? I take it you're not a Christian.

>> No.11606708

Can someone speak for these as to why each individually would educate me about "hell" ?
And why isn't Dante listed

>> No.11606716

I was brought up as a Christian, but I don't pray, I don't keep fasting, I don't go to church, etc..

>> No.11606939

Dante was a Christian.

>> No.11607575


>> No.11607587

even if heaven was real, youre telling me you would want to be somewhere where the only people around are the ones who didn't sin? forever?

fuck that. hell would unironically be more tolerable

>> No.11608041
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>> No.11608069

imagine being between her breast

>> No.11608691

Your stupid, why waste 60 years of your life sinning while knowing that ittl lead to an eternity in hell, ETERNITY imagine drowning in a ocean of fire for 10 years straight just for pleasure why suffer MILLIONS OF UN ENDING YEARS IN FIRE for 60 years of godlessness. You are so stupid op
>Not knowing your saved by faith and not works

>> No.11608797

i want my dick in between her breasts

>> No.11609307


>> No.11609316

Pantheism, occultism, panpyschism.

>> No.11609326

The duration of hell, an esay by Borges

>> No.11609357


>> No.11609683
