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11584400 No.11584400[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/ which is more patrician and /lit/ approved coffee and cigarettes or liquor and cigarettes? I personally do liquor and cigarettes while reading every night. Comfiest way to end a night. What does /lit/ like? No DUDE WEED fags.

>> No.11584534

All three are bad for you, and the entire presumption that some combination of them is inherit to any hobby is gross.
How many time did you have to rewrite your post to avoid using "aesthetic"?

>> No.11584563

LSD and coffee.

>> No.11584925
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Straight chilled chartreuse is by far the best option

>> No.11584966

Serious question: What do people get out of tobacco/nicotine? All it ever did for me was give me a headache.

>> No.11584989

Relaxation and stimulation at the same time while also giving a good rewarding feel and being delicious and providing a comforting ritual.

Basically a pack of good boy points in your pocket.

>> No.11585027

I used to romanticise the drunken bohemian life a lot until I really got hooked and then it is pure hell. Would not recommend.

>> No.11585046
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Adderall, or any stimulant really

Only problem is I have to separate my dosing at least 6 hours from when I want to go to sleep

>> No.11585069

>comfiest way
Agreed. I do a gin and lime summer evening's like this one (at least lately) scotch/soda as a general rule. I tend to favor cool drinks (as opposed to warm or cold).

>> No.11585092


our guy says it best

>> No.11585112

weed microdose

>> No.11585121

I hold a gun to my head

>> No.11585128

>tfw its blocked in my country
The UK is living hell

>> No.11585145

i overdosed on ambien one time and ended up at the hospital so i said it was just weed to get out of a 51-50
shouts out to san bernadine hospital they dont do bloodwork!

>> No.11585153
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>two months ago, above the monastery

>> No.11585154

Cocaine, Weed, LSD, Mushrooms, Alcohol, Amphetamines, Ecstasy

>> No.11585157

I read upside down so all the blood rushes to my head

>> No.11585158
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>Alright /lit/ which is more patrician and /lit/ approved coffee and cigarettes or liquor and cigarettes?
End it without coffee, cigarettes or alcohol.

>> No.11585162


all of them?

>> No.11585166
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>> No.11585227

this desu. I went 3 weeks without earlier in the summer. Best I ever felt in years

>> No.11585235

>coffee and cigarettes
>liquor and cigarettes
no thx, in prefer cock and balls.
femanon here btw

>> No.11585432


>> No.11585464

18 year old scotch or decent coffee
and cigarillos lads

>> No.11585476

amphetamine, nicotine salt vape, and gas station coffee. mmmmmmm....

>> No.11585495

I remember my first time taking addy in college. My friend gave me an XR and it was like I was a new person. As if there was a Chad inside of me all along who just needed some vitamin A to come out.

>> No.11586617

Depends on the drink. That said, some of the best cocktails I've had have been chilled drinks without ice.

>> No.11587644

I've never been able to drink anything alcoholic and read at the same time. I can have two drinks of beer and not be able to focus. It's not that I'm lightweight and get drunk immediately, as soon as my blood gets any alcohol in it, I lose any and all forms of intelligence. It's like a switch gets flippled and I turn from intellectual to social.

Booze makes me a normie help

>> No.11588154


>> No.11588191

Red wine to sleep
Coffee to wake up
No cigarettes thank you
Maybe a little reefer if amongst friends who partake but I rarely seek it out on my own
I work night shifts so I’m on the opposite schedule of most normies

>> No.11588200

Coffee and alcohol in reasonable amounts are good for you, actually.
Cigarettes aren't even that bad so long as you're not an addict and take care of your health, but they're never good for you.

>> No.11588210

>unironically wanting to smell like an ashtray

No thanks. Coffee only.

>> No.11588211

For me, it's wine.

>> No.11588279

>mentioning how old the whisky must be regardless of the distillery or style

If you talk like this around anyone who knows anything about whisky you will be found out as a pretentious pleb, anon.

>> No.11589672

>gas station coffee
robusta bean 'shop' coffee, that is indeed the stuff, anon- as opposed to the relatively caffeine-less arabica bean bullshit the coffee shops push.

>> No.11589684

water you fucking degenerate

>> No.11589727

The correct combination is (coffee + a little whisky) + (weed + cigarettes) make sure to get the order of operations right or you will end up with a mess.

>> No.11589746


>> No.11589882

any idea where that is?

>> No.11589899

Giant mental boost, digit span increase and better focus as validated by many studies.
Tobacco itself is an antidepressant.

>> No.11589949

France obviously.

>> No.11589958
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>had a beer two weeks ago
>drank two martinis last night

>> No.11590048

drinking is for films, coffee is for books

>> No.11590201

Coffee and joints

>> No.11590207

coffee and cigarettes are good, alcohol only rarely, for moments of inspiration. Stims often.

>> No.11590243

December is right for once, this is what all the great writers of the 20th century used

>> No.11590325

In the Chartreuse massif, near Grenoble, in the french Alps

>> No.11590413

>all the great 20th c writers flourished only in the last 40 yrs of that century?
Wrong. She's a He, anon.

>> No.11590562

Coffee during the day then about half a fifth of whiskey or vodka and a few cigarettes at night has been my routine the last few months

>> No.11590680
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>gone about a month without nicotine just to see if I can
>urges mostly gone but occasional flare up
>keep telling myself it's okay if I just smoke my pipe
>see posts like this
wew lads I don't know how long I'm going to last

>> No.11590734

Just coffee before I lift.

>> No.11590738

Sorry anon I didn't mean to entice.

>> No.11590820

Are you like made of money or do you just drink garbage?

>> No.11590843

Cocaine, coffee, and cigarettes in the morning. Weed in the afternoon, benzos and alcohol in the evening and heroin at night.

>> No.11591114

no amount of alcohol is good for you.

>> No.11591198
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I've done my share of the three of them, few regrets on the way mostly because of alcohol. Sticking with only coffee (not even that frequently at that) right now..

>> No.11591373

I drink primarily 10 dollar/1.75L gutter swill vodka

>> No.11591855

>nice cigar and cheap beer (usually heineken) in the evening
>cigarillo and black coffee in the morning

>> No.11591864

Not everyone lives in Scandinavia m8

>> No.11591876

To get in the zone I usually drink a big cup of Kava, smoke weed, and then sip on some coffee.

>> No.11591877

Ha, no wonder I don't feel any different!

>> No.11592162

I see you're a man of taste and culture.

>> No.11592350

heroin and styrofoam.