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11575215 No.11575215 [Reply] [Original]

Is 4chan the post-modern wet dream?

>> No.11575224

We're post ironic that is a cover for genuine beliefs.
Hardly post-modern

>> No.11575233

4chan is feudal actually

>> No.11575235

4chan is avantgarde reactionary self-parody

we're the mussolini of the internet

>> No.11575242


>> No.11575259

all i gotta say is dick suck

>> No.11575299

I turn first to Hume's formulation of the Empiricist program: his dictum "All ideas are derived from impressions." Critique may wan another formulation: "All knowledge is derived from experience." But this is flawed, as Hume's original formulation states all states of mind (including erroneous ones) into which beliefs enter, rather than only knowledge.

4chan, then, is one of the most pernicious sources in modern critique of these formulations. Among other things, it may mean either a concept or a mental image is expressed digitally without empiricism. Hume was perhaps the cleverest man who ever used the idea-terminology, but even he cannot escape the internet's baneful influence. There are places where he quite explicitly identifies ideas with mental images. But the doctrine that all mental images are derived from impressions, whether that is true or false, is not of the faintest interest to the internet, specifically to 4chan. It is a psychological doctrine, not a physical one, and te internet ha nothing whatever to do with Empiricism. Empiricism is a theory about concepts, not about image. An image board struggles with this, and /lit/ in particular cannot define its own conceptualization.
Or, since the word "concept" has a misleadingly subjectivist flavour, let us say instead it is a theory about or consciousness of universals. It holds that every universal which we are aware of has either been abstracted from experienced instances or is wholly definable in terms of universals so abstracted. (Redness would illustrate the one alternative, sea-serpentess the other.) Thus, ironic image-to-text communication that /lit presents is nothing more than a lack of concept.

"Nocturnal emission" would be a concept thrown away through 4chan. It is consumed. The universals mean nothing here.

>> No.11575351

where else can I go to find (cant believe im saying this) intelligent (cant believe im saying this) interesting people to speak with at any time?

Oh yea, reddit and tumblr

>> No.11575352
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Did someone say ... post-modernism

>> No.11575368

>Thus, ironic image-to-text communication that /lit presents is nothing more than a lack of concept.
in other words, the possible pleasure of nonsense, meaninglessness, antithought, nearing entirely aesthetic activity?

>> No.11575371 [DELETED] 

It's interesting how the endless attempts at shock and extremity of 4chan's early years eventually resulted in voting Republican and encouraging others to give God another try

>> No.11575381

>voting Republican and encouraging others to give God another try
are you certain thats a large descriptor of current 4chan? with boards like these:


>> No.11575450

Because this site is counter culture, those boards that promote that stuff do so because it's considered a faux pas.
Common sense is now considered a shock and extreme.

When this site is the one talking about high morals and promoting religion then something is wrong with the world. Anons just want to fix it.

>> No.11575459 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is now the largest board on this website, not /b/, which is mostly just porn. The anime contingent has been in decline for years, by 2011 or so they were openly shunned on the website. Browse /int/ or /r9k/ or /fit/ or /tv/ or /v/ (large boards responsible for a massive chunk of meme production on this website) and you'll see casual conservatism. This new 30 yo boomer meme, virgin vs chad, getting James Gunn fired, the examples are endless--4chan has fully embraced middle class conservative values

>> No.11575460

It's postmodernism you fucking plebs. Did any of you even attend university?

>> No.11575470

>Browse /int/ or /r9k/ or /fit/ or /tv/ or /v/
i would prefer not to

>> No.11575475

>middle class conservative value
nah man it's libertarianism turned fascist. Obviously anonymous uncensored websites attract libertarian types, and if you leave a libertarian alone with reality for too long they become something resembling a fascist

The 4chan conservatism is absolutely not JBP boomerism, it's much more violent than that

>> No.11575496

what were the moods and vibes and 'political philosophical' leanings of those boards from 2009 to 2014?

Just apolitical, 4chan was like just the weird kids in the cafeteria, goths and dweebs and psychopaths? Or predominantly left leaning?

>> No.11575529

4chan is inherently anti-discursive and reactionary by design, it only favors superficial critique, loudness is what gets attention and survives.
I hate to say it, but reddit's system is close to ideal, if it wasn't for the social media gamification that utterly ruins it. Likes, favorites, subscribes, and upvotes ruined the internet. Traditional internet message boards are still a superior format for discussion.

>> No.11575560

But unpopular opinions get buried and deleted and only what the majority agrees with is seen.

>> No.11575570

Define post modern

>> No.11575586
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§(29). Sarcasm a s an expression of transition among historicists. In
an article by Bonaventura Tecchi, "Il Demiurgo di Burzio" (Italia Letteraria,
October 20, 1 9 2 9 ), from which the above cited passage by Burzio is
taken, 1 the element of "irony" is often mentioned as characteristic of this
position. "Irony" is appropriate in literature to indicate the detachment of
the artist from the sentimental content of his creation; but in the case of
historical action, the element of "irony" would be, precisely, excessively
literary (it would suffice to say simply "literary") and would indicate a
form of detachment connected, rather, to a somewhat amateurish skepticism
(caused by disillusion, weariness, or even a "superman" complex).
Instead, the characteristic element in this case (namely, in historicalaction) is "sarcasm" of a certain form, that is "passionate. " In Marx we
find the highest expression, even esthetically, of "passionate sarcasm. " To
be distinguished from other forms, whose content is the opposite to that
of Marx. In the face of popular "illusions" (belief in justice, equality,
fraternity, that is, in the elements of the "religion of humanity"), Marx
expresses himself with a passionately "positive sarcasm; " that is, one
understands that he wants to mock not the most intimate feeling of those
"illusions" but their contingent form whic):l is linked to a particular
"perishable" world, their cadaverous smell, so to speak, that leaks from
behind the painted facade. There is, on the other hand, "right-wing"
sarcasm which is rarely passionate but is always "negative, " purely destructive
not only of the contingent "form " but of the "human " content
of those sentiments. (For the meaning of "human" in this instance, see
Marx himself, especially the Holy Family. )2 Marx tries to give new form
to certain aspirations (hence he even tries to regenerate these aspirations )
not to destroy them : right-wing sarcasm tries, instead, to destroy precisely
the content of these aspirations and, in the end, the attack on their form
is nothing but a "didactic" device.
This note on "sarcasm" should also examine some of its manifestations
: there has been a "mechanical " parrot-like manifestation (or one
that has assumed this character through "abuse") which has even generated
a type of code or jargon and which could give rise to biting observations.
(For example, when the words "civilization" or "civilized" are
always accompanied by the adjective "self-styled, " the doubt could arise
that one may believe in the existence of an abstract, exemplary "civilization,
" or that one may, at any rate, behave as if one believed in it- one
could, that is, obtain a result which is probably the exact opposite of the
one intended. ) One must also analyze its meaning in Marx, as a transitional
expression which seeks to establish a break from the old conceptions

>> No.11575588

while waiting for the new conceptions to gain strength through
historical development and become so dominant as to acquire the force of
"popular convictions. " 3 These new conceptions already exist among those
who use "sarcasm, " but in a phase which is still "polemical"; were they
to be expressed "without sarcasm, " they would be a "utopia" since they
would belong only to individuals or small groups. Besides, historicism
itself cannot conceive them in a manner that can be expressed in this
apodictic or sermonic form; "historicism" creates a new "taste " and a
new language. "Sarcasm" becomes the component of all these needs which
may seem contradictory. But its essential element is always its "passion.
From this point of view, it is necessary to examine Croce's closing
statements about the "witch Alcina" in his 1 9 1 7 preface to Materialismo
Storico. 4 Remember Einaudi's article in La Riforma Sociale5 on this preface by Croce, in order to discuss the cultural importance of Marx in the
resurgence of economic historiography.

>> No.11575591

>ut reddit's system is close to ideal, i
jesus christ this is dumb. 4chan at least makes you defend your point, if you can just be downvoted into oblivion mob rule will win out every time

>> No.11575604 [DELETED] 

>it's libertarianism turned fascist
That's what middle class conservative values are today. Not explicitly, and not in the HuffPo/pol/Jacobin fantasy of gassing Jews and establishing a totalitarian dictatorship, but in the sense of a slightly more regulated economy, united under a strong authority figure, for the expressed purpose of conservative rather than socdem social reform.

Libertarians were through the 90s and 00s and the Obama years the "radical" wing of the Republican party, which essentially sold a softened and war-friendly libertarianism to soccer moms in the suburbs. It was noted by the Jon Stewarts and Stephen Colberts that there was a tinge of racism in those Obama protests and Tea Party marches. You didn't see many black people asking for lower taxes and gun rights. This was mostly ignored though, and if noted, it was only for social points and mockery. Progressives didn't realize that white identity coupled with economic liberalism might become a political force. It seemed that if anything, economic liberalism supported progressive social values.

But as you noted, liberalization tends towards monopoly i.e. consolidation i.e. inequality, which encourages fascism, in the sense that I've defined it as. And coupled with the social failures of liberalization, the instability of hyper-multiculturalism, post-libertarian soft fascism becomes very appealing not just to the mocked and taxed white woman who buys PSLs at Starbucks, but also her disaffected white children, who are learning from the internet that their nice Korean friends and the cool black celebrities might not have their best interest at heart.

This is how you end up white kids posting about throwing communists out of helicopters while supporting a protectionist, immigration-limiting president.

>> No.11575617

racism is not fascism though, almost all of these guys want to be able to vote, that's why theyre so hot on Trump, he makes them feel like their voices were heard.

Fascism is still not full right wing which is stuff like monarchy, but it is a phase change. Your voice does not matter in fascism, you dont vote, you are a part of an organic whole greater than you, and the state decides what is best for you.

>> No.11575653

Democracy and individualism got us to where we are today. I can't say I see much value in them.

>> No.11575927
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>> No.11575934
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Is this picture art?

>> No.11575977

Anything resembling reason gets down-voted into hell on reddit. Even if something isn't isn't particularly contrary to the accepted view, if it contains lots of text and thought it'll probably get down-voted. Throw-away confirmations of accepted views or shitty """jokes""" are what get upvoted. That's not to say your description of 4chan isn't accurate, however.

>> No.11575986
File: 46 KB, 1349x664, 1529857997635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan was predominantly racist lolbertarian

>> No.11575989

the entire point of delegating authority to someone else is that it frees you from the constant battle within the mind that is capitalist democracy. Money, elections, media, all that results in constant 24/7 propaganda from multiple sides. It's like smoking 2 packs a day for your brain to figure out what's real. I don't care if there's a bad material leader as long as my soul is free.

>> No.11576000
File: 323 KB, 480x953, 1494961377242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan was like just the weird kids in the cafeteria, goths and dweebs and psychopaths? Or predominantly left leaning?
Trying to shoehorn the Anons into a classification other than the titular Anonymous is an exercise in futility.
Nevertheless, it originally consisted of a hybrid of SA-2chan posters, and in hindsight if mootykins was anything to go by a lot of them were underaged, pic very much related. And during the mid-to-late Bush years it was the hip and edgy thing to bash on Bush.
But I dont think anyone ever realizes enough how impactful Ron Paul was on the political-minded that posted here. Mind you, he was the natural cultural progression of Bush-hating. His movement, and the way he got shot down, spawned so many anti-establishment libertarians its not even funny. Almost every major /pol/ e-celeb you can name was a Ron Paul libertarian before they went down the ethnonationalist route, primarily because of the economic cost of diversity.

>> No.11576004

I don't know about most people here but I went from communist (the economic focused kind, not cultural) to fascist before leaving materialism entirely. Libertarianism was never part of the picture

>> No.11576024

I think the site still had its "for the lulz" ethos back then. Which is why I think anons disliked Anonymous: they took themselves too seriously. From an outsider's perspective, moot seemed to keep things light, not bogged down with any specific dogma. 4chan was contrarian and apolitical.

>> No.11576032


>> No.11576047
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, Girls und Panzer OVA - Large 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mussolini is too generous, we're like the anime knock-off of Mussolini

>> No.11576054

>>4chan was like just the weird kids in the cafeteria, goths and dweebs and psychopaths? Or predominantly left leaning?
>Trying to shoehorn the Anons into a classification other than the titular Anonymous is an exercise in futility.
>Nevertheless, it originally consisted of a hybrid of SA-2chan posters, and in hindsight if mootykins was anything to go by a lot of them were underaged, pic very much related. And during the mid-to-late Bush years it was the hip and edgy thing to bash on Bush.
>But I dont think anyone ever realizes enough how impactful Ron Paul was on the political-minded that posted here. Mind you, he was the natural cultural progression of Bush-hating. His movement, and the way he got shot down, spawned so many anti-establishment libertarians its not even funny. Almost every major /pol/ e-celeb you can name was a Ron Paul libertarian before they went down the ethnonationalist route, primarily because of the economic cost of diversity.

i dont agree with this post

>> No.11576062
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>Anchovy posting
Now this I can get behind

>> No.11576071
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>> No.11576136

why are there people who think everything is feudal reeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.11576270

no it’s a fucking nightmare

>> No.11576474

Depictions of god became art so this one could be too some day, when art is ready for it

>> No.11576494
File: 46 KB, 600x425, 1532931446179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a parody of postmodernism.

>> No.11576498

Is it just me or is work becoming less varied and more narrow in terms of what skills are actually required? It seems like vast majority requires analytical substitution/memorization + strong communication skills, everything else is done by machines. It feels like we're departing from work that suits the spectrum of human personalities/condition as technology increases, leading to greater anxiety and lower job satisfaction in modern societies. No more craftsmanship, military is completely public and institutionalized so no militias/local practice, etc.

>> No.11576887


>> No.11576896

4chan is history

>> No.11576987
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>people unironically believe this

>> No.11577019

no meme pls

>> No.11577028

People are leaving the castle, M'lord.

>> No.11577035

It's just a West Papuan wood carving mailing list.

>> No.11577037

Is Hiro-sama Shogun? Would that make mods Daimyos and janitors Samurai?

>> No.11577062

and i'm a neko miko :3

>> No.11578335

reddit and tumblr are actual communities with valuable long lasting content and discussion, tumblr has tons of videos and images and beauty and interaction

>> No.11578498

Tumblr is twitter for edgy teenage girls and hipsters. Reddit is filled with power hungry mods and people desperately trying to get internet points. Both have worthwhile stuff, but you have to look real hard for it. I'd much rather come here and ignore the things I don't find worthwhile rather than possibly missing things that I do find worthwhile because they've either been downvoted or I'm not subscribed to a specific blog.

>> No.11578543

It appears you have viewed a few trees, congrats! but there are forests of forests!

>> No.11578549

>I'd much rather come here and ignore the things I don't find worthwhile rather than possibly missing things that I do find worthwhile
exactly, 4chan is for the retard autist rejects who cannot cut it in those places, who are overwhelmed by the quantity (and quality) so just neglect the whole thing instead for simple continuity of familiar comforting and minimal nonsense and shitposts

>> No.11578551

You can get as butthurt as you want, but it won't make your favorite websites any more worthwhile.

>> No.11578558

This is tight

>> No.11578562

Who is Emperor?

>> No.11578565

Interesting insight, did take a photo of this.

>> No.11578572

go through every single thread that is up right now, and find me how many quality posts there are. What percentage of the posts that exist on this board right now are 'quality' (that are not mine)? I would guess 0.0000000000001% or less

>> No.11578580

yea...whereas a single, any single meme page on tumblr (of which there are 10,000s) is 100% quality

>> No.11578581

So you're one of those self hating 4chan users that constantly bitches about the website yet regularly uses it?

>> No.11578602

4chan is Plato´s cave

>> No.11578612 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 400x302, 1533579725400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you aren't? Kill yourself senpai.

Hiro is shit and I miss moot

>> No.11578617

>So you're one of those self hating 4chan users
whats with this so quick to label someone as self hating: it is done with critical jews too: its as if an attempt to tell you what you think and feel about yourself, or is this what is called projection.
People throw around the term self-hating-jew all the time, seemingly under the assumptive guise that the critical jew hates himself. Or what percentage is it assumed that he hates the hes jewish, or that he simply hates what some jews do. If it is the latter, which may be the most common case, it is really quite harsh intriguing language meaning package to use the term self-hating-jew for such a concept.

>> No.11578618

You and me both.

>> No.11578627

I just wish there werent so many low class, low quality, low content, shithead, brainlet, posters, and it always seems like the coalition of these turds are the ones who spew unjustified oversimplified hatred at reddit and tumblr...but dont worry, I know the real reason why

>> No.11578630

Is this pasta?

>> No.11578632

Whats, you can't bitch about 4chan? I bitch about schlotzky's but I keep going there for my lunch break. I like anonymity, but I hate what appear to be its consequences on 4chan. But, I guess I dislike having an ID on a forum even more. I don't like that people search post histories, I don't like the familiarity that builds and causes dumb meta discussions about whatever has happened on the board before. I like posting dumb shit sometimes, and I like posting things I'm not sure of with sincerity to get attacked on so I know what challenges the idea might face. You do the latter on forums and it can just get attached to your username. It gets aggravating.

>> No.11578644

4chan, reddit, and tumblr are the meme trilogy of sites, and 4chan is finnegans wake

>> No.11578654

Maybe I just have the problem where I forget just how many people use this website. I see posts every day about people talking about how Reddit and Tumblr are so much better, yet they are still posting here. You can bitch about 4chan, but it's still the same off topic shit that gets posted about twice an hour. There's a whole board for people who hate 4chan.

>> No.11578666

I read it in 'that' voice

>> No.11578667

>So you're one of those self hating 4chan users that constantly bitches about the website yet regularly uses it?
Can you make a direct statement towards this statement:
>go through every single thread that is up right now, and find me how many quality posts there are. What percentage of the posts that exist on this board right now are 'quality' (that are not mine)? I would guess 0.0000000000001% or less

Is it true? False? Closer to true? Closer to false? If it was closer to true, would that be good, ok, something justifiably to complain about?

>> No.11578675

False. If it were true I would bitch about 4chan but I would be doing it on a different site.

>> No.11578692

>Is this pasta?
Case in point, a semi interesting quality post is immediately thought to be pasta, because they are so rare to be just made

>> No.11578722

Lel, not him, it's just that the post in question was poorly written (that's putting it mildly) and the self-hating jew analogy was superfluous at best, retarded at worst. But yes, it's right in spirit, in that to criticise aspects of a set that you're part of as a unit, does not necessarily mean that you hate yourself.

>> No.11578734

subconciously the only reason I was attracted to lit is to find a writing partner, but also to cure loneliness as to discuss in real time with anyone

>> No.11578739

It's not quality or interesting. It's something that is brought up all the time when someone says "self hating". I just thought it might be pasta because it's so awkwardly written.

>> No.11578743

More like Moots are emperors and FBI the shoguns.

>> No.11578752

The average post of both Reddit and Tumblr are shit. You have to search both pretty hard to find anything quality.

>> No.11578753

I like all of what you posted about 4chan, but how this little convo started, was stating what I think is an inaccuracy, the belief that there is no good, beauty, or value, at reddit and tumblr, and I just don't think a good mind can be knowing and legitimate and hold that view

>> No.11578756

[s4s] would be but it's rude to distribute lewds, so maybe just a nice happy dream, ok? ok.

>> No.11578764

The very first comment in the reply chain?

>> No.11578795

reddit is infinte jest
(or 4chan is infinite jest... or tumblr is infinite jest...)
4chan is finnegans wake (or tumblr is finnegans wake....or reddit is finnegans wake)?
that makes tumblr gravitys rainbow, that doesnt seem right... 4chan is gravitys rainbow....or reddit is...? and they all are ulyssess.. ??

>> No.11578807

Ok, if its false, go initiate my initial request. Go through all the threads and post here some quality posts... I wont ask for all of them, so we really can get a sense of the proportion, but I will ask for a handful... as it is my assumption that will even be a challenge

>> No.11578818

>the self-hating jew analogy was superfluous at best
explain how
>it's just that the post in question was poorly written
No it wasnt, there was maybe one typo, and one grammatical struggle
making your
>(that's putting it mildly)
superfluous at worst and best or whatever intellectually dishonest rhetorical tricks youre attempting

>> No.11578855

If you honestly believe what you're saying and aren't just arguing for fun then why do you even come here? I stopped using Reddit exactly because I could use it for hours and not find a post that I thought was quality. I don't expect academic level discussion from this place, but I've always found that people here have much better taste than most of the other popular websites.

>> No.11578865

This place is a hovel for the lost and the bitter. The fact that I come here so often speaks volumes about me. This place does not cause my woes - my woes are the reason that I come here. Only the unhappy shitpost.

>> No.11578869

Christ, you must be autistic, but I'll play nice and feed your disorder.
Superfluous because the poster (you) could've explained his point employing the exact same line of logic in general terms, or by using the subject in question (ie: self-hating 4chan user). The jew thing was an unnecessary deviation that added no explanatory depth, or information.
>No it wasnt, there was maybe one typo, and one grammatical struggle making your
Your standards for a ~50 word post are clearly lower than mine. Also, your uncertainty about the number of typos and "grammatical struggles" makes me think you're not quite the best authority on what's poorly written and what isn't.

Anyway, I agree with the post. It's just that it's badly written and the self-hating Jew thing, while true, was a superfluous example. Dass all buddeh.

>> No.11578874
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Try and hold a conversation with any sincerity here and you'll quickly be alleviated of those misconceptions. 4chan is very much the cultural subconscious of the internet. It used to be comprised of primarily western unconscious etho's. But now, non-western and purely academic leftist ideas have dribbled in.

The result is pure discord, with little in the way of structural cohesion between individuals. Identity politics have consumed 4chan whole.

>> No.11578882

I wonder what moot would say about the current /lit/ if he was still among the living.

>> No.11578902

I couldn't disagree more. Almost every conversation I have on here is sincere. If I think a thread is shit I just move on to one I think isn't. It's pretty easy to tell which threads are going to be rampant shitposting and trolling. Maybe we just see this website in fundamentally different ways.

>> No.11578914

>If you honestly believe what you're saying and aren't just arguing for fun then why do you even come here?
Sometimes there are more diamonds in the rough than rough, maybe the complement to say something negative is a result of an amount of time of experiencing an overwhelming amount of rough more than usual, a drought of diamonds, or maybe I am just on my period

>> No.11578915

>Almost every conversation I have on here is sincere.
That's not a good thing.

>> No.11578924

>The jew thing was an unnecessary deviation that added no explanatory depth, or information.
It had been on my mind lately and thought it the perfect opportunity to muse, at the same time believing in hardly humoring the interlocutors sentiment by, although one may think faultily, touching upon it with a metaphor

>> No.11578947

I may be wrong but would this be an appropriate metaphor: You're one of those self-hating jews yet you constantly eat matzah?

Or, you're one of those self-hating jews yet you still hang out with jews?

Or, you're one of those self-hating jews yet you still go to temple?

Any of these touch on anything?

It was a statement about his assumption that I hate myself, and not shitty users of this site: as it seems someone who says self hating jew, hates himself, and not shitty jews.

Now I see that I may have been right all along with that last point, and you are the dummy, we shall see how you respond.

>> No.11578951

What do you think, try to guess, did he ever use it in the day?

>> No.11578965

>Almost every conversation I have on here is sincere.
Then you're probably schizophrenic. And I don't say that insultingly.

>> No.11578966

He just wanted all of those insufferable faggots in the literature threads off of boards he actually used.

>> No.11578978

Nigger I agree with your point. I have from the start. It's just that it's not a metaphor you idiot. It's an unnecessary example. You could have just as easily used "self-hating 4chan user" to illustrate the exact point and guess what? You would've spoken directly to the original point. I never disagreed with your point.

>> No.11578995

you are the worst trip on this whole fucking website

every time i see your posts i want to drown myself at my kitchen sink because i can't believe people as retarded and simultaneously pretentious as you exist

please fucking kill yourself so i dont have to

>> No.11579002

oh, you must have missed this post:
>The jew thing was an unnecessary deviation that added no explanatory depth, or information.

>It had been on my mind lately and thought it the perfect opportunity to muse, at the same time believing in hardly humoring the interlocutors sentiment by, although one may think faultily, touching upon it with a metaphor

>> No.11579028
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>> No.11579030

I didn't. That post was hilarious and I keked profusely.

>> No.11579062

Only right answer ITT

>> No.11579427

what part of that post is even boomer to you?

you're such a brainlet you don't even know how to meme, read a book, fuck a girl and hang with some immigrants for once it would serve u right you fuckin psued

>> No.11579473

Some ideas of what 4chan is:
>Kafka's vision of the sublime
>metaphor for Buddhist samsara
>the gnosis sans transcendence of Byron the Bulb in Gravity's Rainbow
>the solar anus of Georges Bataille

Too tired to think of any more.

>> No.11579502

you fucking pretentious idiots

4chan was an anime imageboard overrun by the somethingawful internet myspace culture and then SOMETHING happened after that (probably the new ubiquity of smartphones) and the internet became a place for normies to escape reality and all of a sudden a huge distrust of common narratives by academia and the press fueled by working class wytboi existential rage became /pol/ and trump and since then this retard tier message board whose structure is controversy based (the most popular threads usually start off as baiting bumps) became even more maniacal and incel ish and now you have the shitpot we are in now

>> No.11579623

its just theres no purpose, no aim, no goals, no point, no reason, no rewards, so freedom

its interaction for, fun, distraction, human connection, "learning"

>> No.11579629

i actually agree

>> No.11579634

>doesn’t regularly browse /fit/

>> No.11580607


>> No.11580615

>We are the macemen

>> No.11580631


4chan is the retard's wet dream

this place is and has always been a shithole, and it always will be

>> No.11581020

This is literally a Marxist insight which forms part of why Marx didn't like capitalism. Read Marx, especially early Marx.

>> No.11581057

What're you on about? Each board often has a "majority persona".

>> No.11581138

There is no quality content on reddit. If you're looking for arcane technical/academic knowledge use google scholar. Reddit/4chan/tumblr are for opinions and entertainment, and I'd prefer not to hear the opinions of faggots.

>> No.11581156

>There is no quality content on reddit.
>There is no
Such an absolute declaration only proves your sentiment to be unreliable, as we know it is impossible for you to have perused all the content of reddit.

>> No.11581160


>> No.11581168

If someone posts on reddit they are morally comprimised by faggotry, which as we all know is spread through viewing the posts of faggots, making reddit a prime breeding ground. As I have previously stated, reddit and similar sites are intended for opinion and entertainment. It follows that such opinion, since it is necessarily written by a redditor, would also be written by a faggot. Therefore you would be reading and absorbing the opinions of faggots. It doesn't take a genius to know that the opinions of faggots are inherently not quality opinions. QED there is no quality content on reddit.

>> No.11581302
File: 27 KB, 480x519, wont forget moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11581416

What are some topics you are interested in, subject matter, activities?

>> No.11581438

We're all miserable and lonely, so yes.

>> No.11581458

you're here forever

>> No.11581522


>> No.11581720

Go to sleep, Zizek