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11570475 No.11570475 [Reply] [Original]

what are the best works of journalism?
is there a journalism canon?
I know Hunter Thompson and Tom Wolfe are must reads, but who else?

>> No.11570481 [DELETED] 

Fuck you, this is a terrible thread holy shit.
delete this thread go read a good book like the Aeneid but skip the funeral games book its so bad


>> No.11570492

Journalists that use their job for anything other than money (or derive any joy from it) should be literally crucified

>> No.11570494

Can ntroversy right no?

>> No.11570567
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Pic related is the problem and the reason why the slant gal in OP was hired.

Don't get distracted.

>> No.11570654

DFW's journalism is lowkey amazing, I'd reccomend checking that out

>> No.11570657

shit thread but this

>> No.11570665

>reading anything written by a sexual predator

>> No.11570743

Orwell's Reflection on the English Language, or whatever it's called.

>> No.11570750

I recommend Meth Land. Great book about the death of America’s small towns and meth.

Also Gay Talese is a great writer.

>> No.11571581
File: 730 KB, 893x960, Tweet-supporting-Jeong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're white you have to be retarded not to see the jewish problem.

>> No.11572176

Call me retarded then but I just don't care about the supposed "fight for western civilization" it all just seems so pointless. I can't be bothered to get worked up about literally who's on twitter. God knows /pol/ and crowd aren't actually accomplishing anything.

>> No.11572198

Are you white?

>> No.11572207


I found Consider The Lobster quite good. Unironically.

>> No.11572208

Yeah I guess.

>> No.11572212

Wow thats an ugly woman haha

>> No.11572217

its just ressentiment. if they were really the master race they would be in charge, but they aren't. all the anger is just cope

>> No.11572219

You guess? If you aren't white then nobody cares what you think.

>> No.11572228

"Ressentiment" was a word Nietzsche used specifically to describe jews, the gypsy race that gets booted from everywhere they go, as they're about to be again.

>> No.11572231

Why? I mean I am white but I don't see why it matters. Ideas should stand or fall on their own. Regardless of who says them.

>> No.11572250

Jews are a tribal race from the middle east that is tribally attacking you, your race, and your society. This higher notion of individualism you are expressing is not shared by the tribal people attacking you and you would be wise to try to see the bigger picture by learning about the JQ. Though perhaps you are one of the weak we would be better off losing, I don't know.

>> No.11572263

Okay, fuck it. Redpill me. I have yet to feel any of this supposed attack outside of /pol/ posting about meanies on twitter, but fine. Show me some proof of the jewish attack.

>> No.11572291


Don't open the floodgates of idiocy, anon. He's just going to spit /pol/ rhetoric that means absolutely nothing. If he even recognises this post I am sure he'll ask me how much Jewish cock I have sucked. It's all a scapegoat for capitalism, though.

>> No.11572302

Some of us here have never had anything to do with pol. This shit is as old as time. Read the Culture of Critique, though. It will spell things out very clearly.


>> No.11572310

You done goofed anon

>> No.11572312

>He's just going to spit /pol/ rhetoric
As I just stated, I have literally never posted there.

>> No.11573160

Your image is leaving out the thousands upon thousands of whites, blacks, asians, latinos, and whatevers spouting the exact same shit.
The affluent tend to be sympathetic to these things and Jews tend to be affluent.

>> No.11573184

Jews are the gatekeepers who use their media and financial power to reward self-hating whites and miscellaneous muds for regurgitating their anti-white talking points. It begins with the jew.

>> No.11573240

The media is feeding the big cities (SF, LA, Manhattan, all top customers) exactly what the big cities want. Inevitable feedback loop aside, they're serving the meal that the apartment-bound affluent bugmen are most willing to pay for. Publications and broadcasters are having their lunch eaten by nobodies on Twitter and are cranking up their levels of insanity, just hoping and praying that they can make the headlines controversial enough that they can get big clicks without having to let any of their writers go. It's spiralling out of control but it's rooted in the simple fact that the affluent love feel-good politics, and broadcasters are always going to be going after the affluent.
If you want to attribute the correlation between wealth and liberal thinking to the Jews and the Jews alone, where is your evidence that they have been pulling strings behind every civilization we've seen this dynamic arise in?

>> No.11573250

Yet he recognized ressentiment towards the resentful. It's an order of rank. Certainly whining about da joos is pure REACTION.

>> No.11573264

isn't that him just sperging out over pseuds being pseuds?

>> No.11573267
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Jews are tribal propagandists and you have a fundamental misunderstanding of human nature if you think the jewish media is providing a wanted service and not merely brainwashing swpls et al with viewpoints that benefit jews. Jews own these networks and have a 1000+ year history morally manipulating whites with their fake ideologies.

>> No.11573283

The jews are the main problem here and anyone with half a brain knows that now. The cat isn't going back in the bag, rabbi.

>> No.11573289

These images you keep posting continue to make it seem like these things are 100% Jewish owned, but that clearly isn't the case. The wall of stars looks dramatic and gets the point across, but notice that the figure at the bottom of the NPR box puts NPR's personnel at 20% Jewish. That's still over-represented, sure, but it isn't the monolothic 100% your image implies to anyone taking a glance at it

Question, if Jews have already made their home in all of our top positions and the general public does not have any issue with or awareness of that fact, why jeopardize their positions by starting to wipe whites out? Someone's bound to notice eventually if they actually go down that road. If they're already so comfortable, why not keep things the way they are? Jews are under no serious threat

>> No.11573300

could you try never posting here as well?

>> No.11573308

Sure thing kiddo. Stay in your basement reacting and whining towards the Jews exercising their will to power towards you, while hoping that mystical day of the rope will eventually come to purge all the degenerates after enough years of whining in the basement.

>> No.11573311


Jewish experience compels an identity separate from gentiles. This division, once grafted onto a class hierarchy, may Foster a sense of Judaic superiority over the dumb poor Christians that are too stupid for their own good, and also happened to bully them in their childhoods and so become fetishised as monsters needing to be tamed by the wise frizzy haired neurotics of the Bildeberger crowd.

>> No.11573321

>anons ask for proof of jewish dominance
>just gets rephrased versions of "the jews are in control" as responses
every time

>> No.11573327
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Is Sarah Jeong an Asian Hal?

>> No.11573335

I keep trying to read this but I get a headrush and half of my vision goes black whenever I look at it

>> No.11573338

No one said it's 100% but you. But you don't understand how jews think. They are not rational or reasonable, they are deceptive and hostile middle eastern semites that come from a culture that teaches them that everyone is out to get them along with all types of other sick stuff. Nearly every jewish holiday celebrates their genociding of non-jews. They are sick and conditioned to attack all non-jews through any means. There is no European sense of rational cohabitation with them.

>> No.11573343

is she autistic or something?

>> No.11573352

Your people have been kicked out 359 times. That will happen again soon and you know it, even though you can't learn from it because you think as a jew you have a right to live in other people's countries and rule over them.

>> No.11573361
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There's no shortage of proof.

>> No.11573364

Not Jewish lol. Anyway, forced migrations are not uncommon in history in general. That being said, many of the infographics I've seen of Jewish expulsions have pretty suspicious entries.

>> No.11573365

>No one said it's 100% but you.
True but very few of the corporations detailed in your image show any final percentage to let you know just how much of their crew is Jewish. That's strange, don't you think? That seems like relevant information that you'd absolutely want to include.

Instead however, we're just left with a wall of jews. A flood of them. You didn't say 100% and I doubt you think it is that much, but your image is using tricks to make the viewer draw a conclusion they can not definitively make from that image.

>They are not rational or reasonable, they are deceptive and hostile
How the fuck are they so successful then? According to you, they've infiltrated multiple societies right up to the highest echelons and are now orchestrating a complete genocide to further their power. That takes some fucking smarts and a lot of co-ordination.

>> No.11573370

Seymour Hersh is the greatest journalist alive right now

>> No.11573375

His Tennis essay's are god tier.

>> No.11573379
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This one with 359 is comprehensive. This has happened to jews so many times because they're hostile and dishonest people.

>> No.11573406

All six major media corporations are owned by jews. That used to be all there were. Jews will do fine with 20% if they can hire the extra 80 to do their bidding.

Jews are nepotistic and tribal. 67% of Harvard graduate school students are jewish. That is not based on raw success, it is tribal nepotism. They don't have to coordinate anything, they just do what's best for jews. It's hard for you to understand because you are probably white and whites don't think in tribal terms, which is why when the previous generations allowed these kikes to gain power they began carving us up, pushing us out of our own institutions, and destroying our nations through immigration.

Nothing we can't reverse, but we have to kick them out again first.

>> No.11573438

Let's take one for an example here. 554, Diocese of Clement, France. Source: "The Lie: Exposing the Satanic Plot Behind Anti-semitism". Info on this seems to exist nowhere else. Looking at the book in Google Books (Jewish service from a Jewish corporation, I know!) it's not in the book either.
Seems pretty suspect. Not gonna bother look at any others, lol.

>> No.11573482

and when I say nowhere else I ofc mean not sites that are obvious conspiracy crackpot sites lol.

>> No.11573541

>The media is feeding the big cities
Note that asian Journalism, which has plenty of urban centers, doesn't have this self-genocide orientation.

>> No.11573562

Because their target demographic are middle/upper-middle-class asians who are pretty much the race least friendly towards this racial theory shit. They'd lose a lot of readership if they tried to pull it

>> No.11573575

>jews want to control everything and oppress the cattle goyim
>jews also want communism where it's a stateless and classless society

Explain /pol/tards or are you too american to know about communism beyond your retard propaganda

>> No.11573669

>who are pretty much the race least friendly towards this racial theory shit.
I don't know what you mean by this. Asians are not a PC people, generally. A significant sum are perfectly fine with "racial theory shit".


But the real reason the media in Asia doesn't have this extreme multiculturalism and anti-native fetish sentiment is simply because the journalist class ans elites in Asian countries don't support it.

Unlike the elite class and 4th estate of the West.

>> No.11573920

Is the fix more tribal nepotism that favors your tribe?

>> No.11573936

i am mildly pol and personally i dont think jews have an actual agenda or organize consciously. Theyre just really tribal and sort of fuck over outsiders

jews in contemporary america are basically just interbreeding though so maybe Jewry is on the way out. Depends what happens with Israel i guess

>> No.11574059

It’s a shame that every journalism thread ends up like this, journalism is a pretty /lit/ profession in the right hands and while it’s easy to point out how corrupt most mainstream news publications are right now, i feel like we’re missing out on an actual conversation we could be having about it. It doesn’t have to be a tool for control, if those who were fed up with the current state of journalism actually decided to get into the field and change it from the inside out we might see actual reform for the better but most of the people who complain about it just talk shit and then fuck off

>> No.11574083

journalism has been fucked long before Jews entered the profession, it has always been shit really. it's not /lit/ at all, it's the absolute dregs of the literary world

>> No.11574449

>It's hard for you to understand because you are probably white and whites don't think in tribal terms
That's nonsense man. I'm white-Irish, and I would absolutely promote the interests of catholics over any other group, even though I'm not religious myself. And I have on multiple occasions been granted social opportunities by other people of Irish/catholic extraction (incl. media opportunities). Prots are just mad because they memed themselves into a hyper-individualism that cripples them in relation to every other group.

Seriously though, you people always say that Jews promote the interests of their group as if that's equivalent to them forming a status in statu, when really it's just how every group acts except for hyper-individualistic ango-protestants

>> No.11574464

not to be a dick but Irish are outside the hajnal line. You guys are white the way Russians are white. Even black people are aware of this, they understand that Irish, Sicilians, Russians, etc. will not cuck for them the way inner Hajnal people do

That tribal behavior is normal, the contract-based society of western europeans and Anglos especially is an aberration, as well as the strong outbreeding tendencies

>> No.11574527

I don't think your being a dick at all. Even though I'm not clued in to any of this enough to even know what the hajnal line is, though I've heard it mentioned before, so maybe you're implying something that I'm not aware of.

In any case, my question would be, if that culture is such an abberation from a more functional norm, why defend it? Why not just regard it as a failed experiment and move on?

>> No.11574554

i dont care about it at all, i feel no ties to 'white' people or the Anglos or whatever. And as for moving on, i think it's more just that that kind of behavior long term will tend to lose out to more tribal behavior. But who knows

and i wasnt implying anything like 'the irish are subhuman' just that there is a genuine distinction between irish and english that is much less real than the one between the english and dutch or something. If we are being autistic about IQ Irish people are clearly about the same IQ as Anglos, not that i care that much about the IQ stuff either

>> No.11574606

Man, I really do wish this stuff wasn't associated with the kind of political motives that it's usually associated with, because it really is fascinating and clarifies a lot of intuitions that people have. Especially your mention of the different relation that black people have to Irish, Sicilians, Russians etc. compared to Anglo and middle-european people. I'm not sure I would reduce it to "not cucking for them" (though maybe that's part of it), but there's definitely something important there.

>> No.11574627

>not cucking for them
not the most elegant phrasing, it's pol cancer infecting my mind.It is interesting stuff and the genetics guys are doing lots of work on various related subjects. It's a subject that requires a lot of caution because evolutionary theory is so prone to just-so stories that aren't really backed by anything concrete, as well as genetics just being so insanely complex.

>> No.11574681

Russians are on almost as cucked as Swedes. Hundreds of thousands of Central Asian migrants move to Russia every year and Russian women absolutely love riding BCC (Big Chechen Cock).

>> No.11574695

that's just women though, the Chechen women will cheat on their men as well if theyre not being literally honor killed

and saying Russians are close to Swedes is fucking absurd. Sweden is in contention for most absurd country on earth, Russia is just an oligarchic shithole, par for the course for much of humanity. Their men are way more masculine and violent than Swedes, it;s just that Chechens take those two traits to a literally comedic level

>> No.11574976

>Jews do not care about race or ethnicity
>Anybody can become a Jew (even converts get birthright)
>The much feared Jewish loyalty extends to all ethnic and religious Jews as well as the spouses of Jews and any anybody else who is even slightly affiliated with Judaism
There is no reason to think that Jews are conspiring against non-Jews, as the Jewish community is looking for any excuse to include you in their culture.

>> No.11575125
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>> No.11575137

Charles Fucking Portis

>> No.11575343

>Believing in anything other then the simple fact Jews are capitalizing on the multi billion dollar diversity industry

One of the results may be harmful, and if left unchecked hostile to out existence, but this isn't the Jews goal. The simplest explanation is usually the right one. JEWS as a whole aren't cooperating to thwart western society, they are however putting in maximum effort to make shekels off its destruction. I mean look at Soros, sure he advocates for diversity in our lands which is to our detriment, but he also sold his own out to the Nazis in WWII. Is this a Jewish "supremicist" or a greedy man whom has no moral back bone when a opportunity to make money at others expense arrives?

This is the attitude that most of these Jews have. There is no boogy man just a tribe
whose aspirations are not in out interest and without them we would admittedly, be the better for it. (Back to Israel, not genocide though)

>> No.11575372

This post has an odd affinity with "The Human Stain" by Philip Roth, which I'm just finishing right now. I recommend it to /lit/.

>> No.11575402
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Stephen Crane

>> No.11575421

Definitely Orwell.

If you want to get historical you can read Swift's The Examiner and Defoe's The Review, which were early newspapers / periodical essays.

>> No.11575439

Jews are not idealistic like whites. They don't "believe" in anything other than what happens to be good for jews at point x in time.

>> No.11575454

bullshit, even ultrajews like Harvey Weinstein have weird moral compulsions about like getting the palestinian people's voices heard. it's a diseased Leftist morality, but it's morality.

See also jews like Kissinger, seemingly the face of amoral power grabbing, has to defend himself through bizarre rationalizations about spreading democracy. I guarantee he believes that shit even with how open he is about being a ruthless fuck

have you ever even known any Jews? theyre not an alien species, theyre just more tribal than most

>> No.11575458

>There is no reason to think that Jews are conspiring against non-Jews,
Literally only jews say that. They are simply acting in their group interests. It's built-in evolutionary behavior, they don't have to conspire, they just do what strengthens them and weakens the host.

>> No.11575463

aj liebling

>> No.11575486

>yeah man I'm white why does it matter?
>*gets passed over by colleges and employers in favor of an 85 IQ niggers*
>*accepts violent minorities in his area and is forced to flee*
>*coworkers all become illegal spics who don't speak English*
>*his race becomes a minority, the "minorities" who have been fed anti-white propaganda day and night nonstop for decades start enacting even more brazen discrimination against him (unless he is rich and/or has Jewish connections)*
>*America slowly becomes a third world country due to non-whites*
Why does it matter?

>> No.11575506


>> No.11575514

Here are some good ones;

Jane Mayer - Dark Money

Jeremy Scahill - Blackwater

Rachel Carson - Silent Spring

Woodward and Bernstein - All the President’s Men

Ralph Nader - Unsafe at Any Speed.

Seymour Hersh - Price of Power, The Samson Option

Steve Coll - Ghost Wars

>> No.11575523

They do not, you simply have a weak understanding of the jew. Jews are not idealistic, they don't think in those terms; whites like you do, which is why you are projecting that onto them. The truth to the jew is whatever is good for the jew.

>> No.11575536

i know jews and you are wrong about them man. they are not evil, they are just tribal, and not even all of them. And almost everybody is tribal, NW europeans are almost unique in how weirdly non-tribal they are, and even we have tribalism to a degree, everybody does.

The thing with Jews is that their genetic tribalism mixes with their religion and intelligence and creates a potent combination. I've read all sorts of JQ perspectives, and i find the more pessimistic ones unfounded.

>> No.11575554

You idiot, I am the one saying they are tribal and never used the word 'evil'. You need to better inform yourself on the JQ though. You are making rookie mistakes applying "It's not all" naxalt fallacies to people who underwent the the same genetic programming. You are applying individualistic European ideas to tribal, inbred middle easterners. Tribalism exists on a spectrum and jews are at the farthest end of it, and whites at the other.

>I've read all sorts of JQ perspectives
No, you haven't. You are entry-level and have a clearly infirm grasp of the subject matter.

>> No.11575558

name one journalist that isnt a weirdo loser

>> No.11575568

i've read tanstaafl extensively, so unless you know someone more hardline about the JQ than him, i really have read the gamut of perspectives. Ive also read that book the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and accounts of blood libel.

i stand by what I think about jews, I think those guys have tunnel vision. Read somethign like Spengler or Quigley and then come back and try to attribute to Jews that level of power, it simply doesn't make sense. And from a different perspective if you understand evolutionary biology the idea that AJALT makes even less sense

>> No.11575569

I am so tired of every thread on every board being about the same boring shit with the same identical talking points over and over and over
At least jews and niggers don't ruin /lit/

>> No.11575593

Tan is good, but the holes you seem to have regard the department of biologically that determines *why* jews behave the way they do, how it differs from that of whites, and why it is ultimately all jews because they do not go against each other due to the deep psychological programming and inbred-related tribal identity that pits them vs the Other. Even if some are less tribal or more aligned with white interests, that's not our fucking problem. They have to be dealt with as one.

>> No.11575607

why would a 1 quarter Jew 3 quarter white man exhibit Jewish tribalness on a genetic level? how dominant are these genes exactly and how polygenic is this?

as for dealing with jews, we are not in power we cannot deal with anything. periodically someone in power kicks the jews out becaues they dont like them, but that never changes anything, history goes on

>> No.11575611

A supposedly fun thing is fantastic

>> No.11575629

People have mentioned a lot of his other stuff already but if you're a David Lynch fan his essay on Lost Highway is a must-read, and it also invented the word "Lynchian."

>> No.11575633

Jew here ama

>> No.11575639

Ask Tim Wise. Quarter jews like him exhibit extreme jewish traits and even people in the 10-15% range like Anatoly Karlin.

>that never changes anything,
Kicking a hostile, nation-wrecking tribe out who is wielding inordinate power over the host society and promoting its interests at the expense of them changes/will change/has in the past changed everything.

>> No.11575728

Big Red Son is one of my all time favorites

>> No.11575731
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Did Tao Lin huff and puff on Sarah Jeong's sweety shoes?

>> No.11575784


Wait is Sarah Jeong one of Tao Lin's promotional sock puppets? Is she a character for one of his books?

>> No.11575795

Unironically Manufacturing Consent is the best journalistic work.

>> No.11575810

lel you are paranoid and read too much on either /pol/ or stormfront.


>> No.11575815

Agreed, and I don't even like Infinite Jest. He should have stuck to journalism. He had a real knack for it.

>> No.11575828

This jewish talking point concerning a literal FBI front ceases to be functional outside of redit

>> No.11575833
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1488, brother.

>> No.11575840

t. inbred rat in tel aviv bunker

>> No.11575846
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The mind was designed to trip. Are Psychonauts the most compelling journalists?

>> No.11575859
File: 109 KB, 1021x768, American.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a proud amerimutt but I'm not obsessed with identity politics like you. you're no better than the people on the left you constantly criticize.

You should try taking on some responsibility.

>> No.11575867

Read Are Jews Generic by Sowell and you'll never have to take neo-nazis seriously again.

>> No.11575869


>Heebposting with intent to derail

That's a FEMA camp offense in Trump's America, Rabbi. Hope your papers are in order.

>> No.11575874

All politics in a multicultural society are identity politics. Nonwhites give fuck all about your abstract values. You play or you lose. Get with the program faggot, white stragglers like you are beyond pathetic but maybe you're 14 or low IQ.

>> No.11576592


>> No.11576605

>can't u see u people r zackly the same

>> No.11576926


To be fair, this is true of American politics where the right is far right and the left is far right but a smidge to the left (but still right). Nuke America.

>> No.11576956


Disregard anything this man says about anything
Also, fuck off back to Twitter, you cunt